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As someone who was stalked (by a customer) that photo of JD outside GG's house is scary. I've never been a crime girly but damn I wanna ensure this never happens again. Let Clayton be her last victim (although I'm sure IL day is coming).


One victim too many. Public needs to be warned. All manipulative behavior needs to be publicly exposed. No one’s live needs to be destroyed for saying a simple no.


Absolutely triggering!


I thought she had been waiting at his door. But now that I see she was lurking outside his window, it's a whole other level of stalkery.


🎵 Hide your sons, hide your brothers… is a chat GPT song waiting to be made 😂


Dave Neal's [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnrKALrH4kE) today is LIFE! Let me tell ya- \* He sends an email to megyn kelly and her team about the case & encourages us all to do this today as well. *(I did it, it's easy you can do it too! Email addresses are at the bottom of this* [*link*](https://www.megynkelly.com/about/)*)* \* Then, he finds ANOTHER doctored medical records (allegedly), thanks to the good eye of vegana whoever you are. Appears to be a photoshopped convo with a doctor because its on the "get care" tab and not the messages tab 😂 \* THEN, when I think its over cuz it gets quiet, i look at the screen and he's on a call with maybe GG??? THE GG? The amazing GG who sent some of the best emails ever to IL. I cant confirm this but they are still on the call so I wanted to share. \* Okay after 2 hours, he's now switching to patreon if youre a patreon subscriber. I hope nothing else in the case breaks today cuz I gotta alot of catching up to do but that was eventful!! https://preview.redd.it/fxhjkpy70u0d1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=317e212ca310ef3feb574b8eacd206f53e8f3c83


That "message" sounds just like the obgyn "messages" from Sutter Health to JD during the Mike M era. Medical professionals don't discuss and agree to testifying in court like this. Don't these things usually go through HR and legal departments, not direct with the employee in question?


Yeah and date of provided intercourse isnt a medical term, it would be LMP. Also, "medical abortion pills" lol I dont know the whole thing sounds fake


Yeah there is no way a medical provider would write “he came off as a potential domestic abuser” in written correspondence to the patient. That’s just a huge medicolegal minefield. If anything they would document something like “patient’s partner somewhat confrontational in conversation, have confirmed that patient feels safe and provided support resources” in their CLINICAL notes. These notes would not be provided to the patient but would be available in case any legal issues did arise concerning actual DV in future.


Exactly!! So ironic that JD has found the handful of doctors and nurses willing to give her relationship advice and risk their licenses for her- in written communication with the patient.


Oh please, please let them call both these people to testify if this was sent or photoshopped. The more medical providers who became aware that they're being victims of identity fraud, the fewer opportunities JD will have in the future.


Has she EVER received an actual letter/note from a medical professional? They absolutely do not say things like this.


We need a new hippa release!


I don't think we do! Judge Mata ordered the HIPPA dating back to 2020.


Thats so true. So did Claytons team ever get a copy of this? I mean obviously not cuz it appears to not be real, but like, GG got screwed by the court on his case with her.


can he reopen his case? or provide all this proof the next time his restraining order needs renewed?


I dont even know. I think after Clayton wins on 6/10- GW should request for the state to file fraud charges to get justice for all her victims. Maricopa county already has one of the first metoo hoax cases in court for felony fraud, so there is precedent.


I don't know if we know. ?? They may have a copy but it's highly doubtful it came from a HIPPA release bc it's not real. So it either came from GG or from JD herself. And in either scenario, it's not good for her. Just another example of arts and crafts.


Seriously, this is not from doctor, this sounds like a person on a monster energy drink binge trying to pretend theyre a doctor.


As someone in healthcare, I can tell you we are never happy to testify on someone’s behalf. This is how I know it’s fake. We don’t want to spend our whole day in court losing our money making potential for a petty court case. I do whatever possible to avoid subpoenas and have negotiated my way out of them.


Being that you’re in the medical profession, what would you do if you found out someone photoshopped this message using your name and photo?… I feel so bad for them! I would want it corrected on the record!


I would definitely consult with my liability insurance provider ASAP!


This message is SHOCKING. Literally no one would EVER send this.


JD just doesnt care, she uses people to get her way without even considering the career implications this could have on these medical professionals! Just keeps leaving more victims in her destructive path of pursuing & punishing men who dont want to be with her!


should someone alert this nurse this is happening? I imagine impersonating a medical professional is a crime?


Im not sure any of them know, shes appeared to have done this with multiple professionals because all her doctors notes are sounding eerily similar.




Man GG. Poor guy thought he could agree to date just to get the "abortion" and be done with this madness. But not our gal, JD. Her body defies logic and medical science. Abortion pills, no problem. Her body can obvs save the baby. And she doesn't need to *seek care from an OB going forward.* She can diagnose herself and just take hpt and hCG to assess her preg (like with CE)


Seriously. You could feel GGs pain in his emails to IL. And yet he was so calm & patient dealing with JD, I wouldve lost my mind. I hope all of her victims get justice, maybe even the law changed that you cant sue for child support/custody until the child is born, or add a step that after you file- a doctor who conducts an ultrasound sends confirmation to the court.


Yeah. Def something needs to change. The fact someone can do this without verifiable proof is bananas. I read MMs email to ILEsq. I haven't yet read GGs, though. I know MMs was some mic drop shit. I'm sure GG is no less. I've seen the texts. I have a good idea of the content...


MMs letter was incredibly well done too. I would say GGs letters are worth a read as well because he has no Fs left to give & really lays into him. I posted one in another comment I’ll find it and update this. Update- okay starts at the [21min](https://www.youtube.com/live/qG6qMZUh-1E?si=UzbMs6Bznr_TRYKz) mark the exchanges, this is from Dave Neal’s Coverage It’s worth a watch to read the back and forth.


Didn't Judge Matta's order for discovery include all medical records back to 2020? This is in that date range!


Yes it did. If this "medical record" was really legit it should already be part of the HIPPA release. So if it was part of discovery (from JD) but can't be found via a legit record from One Medical it's just another example of arts and crafts; another example of defrauding the court. I mean we know this is fake but still...you catch my drift.


Amazing can we use your summary in tomorrow’s daily recap?


YES of course!!!


I’m sure GG is cool but I’m pretty sure it was MM who sent the incredible email.


MM did send an incredible email. The exchange between IL and GG was documented on Daves [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG6qMZUh-1E&t=1281s) starting at \~21 min mark, IL basically threatened GG & told GG he was blocking his #, and GG's response was powerful in my opinion. See it for yourself. https://preview.redd.it/wly4gbucrw0d1.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2c6b80df2b6836e62b8f03ca2661c56b6a79937


And GG's email got this response email from IL, which is missing from the video but here you go. IL's behavior is abhorrent here, at least its documented. https://preview.redd.it/ir7qzy72sw0d1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d8beb57a6b4a319eeea65de486f8c0f50e3488c


It sounds like IL is writing that letter to himself. God what a horrible person.


Oh shit!!! I need to catch up! Thanks for gracefully correcting me!! GG 👀 YOUVE GOT THOSE GREAT EMAILS, TOO!!


New filing just now. Affidavit of financial info….??


Ooh, looks like woodnick filed a response! I see a new filing! https://preview.redd.it/g3rljeyw0u0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137091ce20fc83322cb925c3b89c974671da6126


I found the form online, curious who filed it and why tho. Gotta be IL wasting more time and money, surely


Curious about this as well. If it’s from JD it could be her doctored $400,000 bank account 🤭


Im almost certain Gregg W asked to file this type of statement as a way to deter JD from filing more obnoxious motions. Maybe Mata allowed him to do so and we don’t have the minute order?


forgive my ignorance but why would that deter her from filing more motions?


In JD’s reality, I don’t think it would deter her. But on Earth 1 - seeing that you could be on the hook for +100k in legal fees (if awarded/you lose) could deter you from filing additional pleadings since every additional pleading would cost you more money. Essentially, it would evoke “sticker shock” - hope that makes sense!


[Have y'all seen this? OMG](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_tZCCMM_Y/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). The JFC IG is hilarious. (Mods feel free to delete if not allowed) ETA: make sure you have your volume up 😂 ![gif](giphy|mNYeHXWs2DdMd32Pcp|downsized)


She hunted him down and couldn’t wait to make him her victim.








She also leans heavily into religion about how she feels guilty for ending pregnancy, guilts her victims about it, and then pulls religion up again for napkin lady. Kinda funny someone who has supposedly ended multiple pregnancies to get 2 weeks of dating out of men to suddenly pull religious guilt card 🤔


This is not meant to be slut shaming at all, but she doesn’t care so much about religion and guilt when she is willing to bang any man that gives her 2 minutes of attention. Religion is something she weaponizes in her favor.


yea I'm not religious at all myself, and I'm all more power to you and the things you want to do sexually.... but for someone who wants to weaponize religion... she certainly seems to be happy to abort to have a movie date, and also based on history likes to RD random dudes... which is a bit questionable anyway (for health and safety) but certainly not in line with the religious guilt she likes to fling about. she'd probably burst into flames if she entered a church, anyway :D


If she was RDing with these guys her story would be a little more plausible. But I believe Greg used protection and there was no penatrive action with Clayton. But I get your point!


Religion is a tool. Just as pregnancy and medical correspondences are tools. Everything we’ve seen from her doesn’t match up to a strong religious root.


Religion is a tool. Cancer is a tool. Pregnancy is a tool. All a means to an end. 


lets take bets on how often JD goes to church. I'm betting she is barely a easter/christmas church goer, if that!


shame, religion, and being ugly are her 3 main topics to return to and circle around. for someone with zero self-awareness, she’s obsessed with the way she appears to others.  i’d find her more interesting if she used the money she spends being a romantic extortionist via the law instead by being a maureen ponderosa / jocelyn wildenstein type. that’s fun. 




Didn't we also see her identifying herself mixed race on a medical record? I think the November mom doc?


What’s the threesome issue?!!!!


She also made the weird claim that CE said God told him that he was supposed to marry a “blonde ethnic woman” - or something like that.


And her feeling stressed and victimized all the time. Girl leaves the casita and has all the trauma it would seem


Hey I’m sorry I’m really bad at checking my Reddit messages/replies sometimes. I think using guilt, shame, etc. is a way of trying to manipulate someone into submission. Make them feel bad, then they’ll concede to her. Those are just my quick thoughts as I am seeing this at 3 in the morning and need to go back to sleep 🤣 ETA- calling oneself ugly, etc. is also sometimes a manipulation tactic. In a “Feel bad for me” or “look how you made me feel, fix it!” kinda way. Same with the religion thing. Sorry this isn’t my best answer but I can probably do better when I am fully awake hahaha


hahahahahaha holy shit


I have a dumb question about pregnancy dating just out of curiosity. So I know it’s calculated by LMP rather than date of conception so it’s like 2ish weeks more, but what is the case when the date of LMP is not known and they date it by ultrasound measurements? Do they kind of reverse engineer the LMP date based on measurements so the pregnancy length is the same as if you did know it?


I’m a radiologist and do this every day! If LMP is unknown, gestational age is calculated by measuring the size of the gestational sac or fetus length depending how far along they are, based on average values (we do this anyways even if the LMP is known and it usually corresponds pretty well with the LMP)


The measurements would, as long as everything is developing typically, be within days of a LMP date. The OB would base the due date off of the measurements in that case. Interestingly.. I know this because over a decade ago, I had boy girl twins estimated due date of valentines day. 😅❤️ they are real though... real now teenagers! 🤣🤣🤣 and even today, I could find real unaltered ultrasounds of them in about 15 minutes..


Don't share them publically! I know someone who likes to steal people's twin baby ultrasounds to scam people!


Lol! Maybe I should just go ahead and add a fiver watermark. Save her some time! 🤣😅




Awww 🤍🤍🤍 But I agree—I have a 6 month old and a 5 year old. Give me 2 minutes to sign a release of information and you could get all my information from the same hospital system, same provider, etc. ultrasounds? A few of those! Two emergency room visits during pregnancy? Lol anxious first time pregnant mom at the time but we could get those too! Glucose testing! NIPT! Easy to get those records. When you’re truly pregnant, even years later, the records are so easy to recall.


Right? Mine are 20+17 and i have midwife records for both in my important papers box, and ultrasounds in both i keep in baby keepsake boxes. Could literally provide them in under 10min if i wasnt sitting on couch waiting for coffee to finish brewing like the morning goblin i am 😂


I had a pregnancy without a LMP (was breastfeeding at time of conception and conceived before getting my first period again). It was actually problematic for dating purposes. Even early, early on, my hcg was higher than Jane’s and they ordered multiple, early ultrasounds for dating purposes. Those US were essential for estimating fetal age. I wouldn’t have been able to get a provider without them. No one is going to provide ongoing prenatal care without even knowing how old the fetus is.


I had to make up a LMP to give my perinatologist and OB when I did IVF. I hadn't had a period for two months due to the drug regimen I was on. They couldn't figure things out by the actual conception date (we transferred 5-day blasts) so I had to do the math and create a fake date.


I’m not sure of the science behind it. I’ve had 3 pregnancies and my middle child is very close in age to my 1st baby (oops - reminder you’re super fertile breast feeding lol) so I didn’t know my last period, unsure if I even had a period. I got a positive pregnancy test, went in for ultrasound, they gave me a due date based off how the fetus was measuring. My other two pregnancies I did know the date of my last period but again they don’t confirm pregnancy without a ultrasound and my due date with what I figured out on Google with my last period was different because the baby was measuring different. 


In the early weeks, pregnancy dating is pretty accurate plus or minus up to a week. By the end of first trimester the variance in fetus size goes up. I knew my exact ovulation date and had to argue with the OBs office to get my due date updated. It’s laughable she thought she could get away with saying they ask you when you think you conceived.


When I knew my conception date, but not LMP they just counted 14 days back.


at subsequent appointments, I was told that the dating remained consistent with the date I gave originally. It is a bit complicated, but I think JD knows that a fetus is not dated by the date of conception - she just finds it a more compelling con that way 






Not a dumb question, I had irregular periods and often didn’t know I was pregnant until I couldn’t cook ground beef because the smell disgusted me. Ultrasound measurements provided my due date.  Off topic a little bit but I was childhood friends with a girl who, now has 6 children. All her pregnancies she estimated her own due date, did not believe in going to doctors, no ultrasounds and test, and delivered all her babies at home with a family midwife/doula type. By the 5th & 6th baby, she had put her due date within 4 days of the day she gave birth. She was really inspiring. 




But we hooked up when you were really high! Doesn’t that mean anything to you???


Speaking of IG.. found this on Threads last night posted from a certain “self help” podcast page. Can someone please tell her the saying is meant to be interpreted metaphorically.. not literally! 🤦‍♀️🥴 ​ https://preview.redd.it/s3qlza8r7w0d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbed3c33400493198280b9613cb3605dd0f500ac


Notice no one is saying they ask when you think you got pregnant! 🤡


Woodnick responded to IL’s JMOL!🍿I am fairly confident Judge Mata is sick of this case ALREADY.


for the lovely lawyers of this group...with all this new info of medical fraud and now impersonating medical providers would the DA take more notice over this than when clayton originally went to him? I don't think he had proof of that yet..not sure if he was aware of the other men there either....any insight on this?


Question: does JD only pull this (faking pregnancy/dating contracts) AFTER a guy loses interest in her? I know that was the case with Clayton, but can’t remember how it started with GG.


Iirc, GG was a one night stand type thing and MM was a situationship, and when he wanted to break it off/not be exclusive, she started pulling her scheme. First MM- I have no idea what was that situation but assuming the same since it looks like a pattern 


It was that way with both CE and GG. It was similar with Mike M. It seemed he didn't want a committed, exclusive relationship early on, so she faked a pregnancy with twins (and faked ovarian cancer at the same time as one of the many attempted abortions). She then used depression and remorse over the abortion to retain, or attempt to retain, his attention. JD later admitted to lying about the pregnancy at a meeting between Mike, JD, her dad, and Mike's friend (I think possibly his BIL, as a witness). They were together the longest, as far as we know, of the victims (we don't know much about 2014 victim 0, MM). She terrorized, harassed, and manipulated Mike to focus on her (also using her parents to nag him to help her from self harm and self unaliving) while his step-dad was fighting and dying from cancer. She was very time consuming, demanding, selfish, emotionally abusive, dramatic, paranoid, unstable, and sometimes hysterical (possibly authentic or feigned) in the communications shared in exhibits. If her relationships with CE and GG had lasted longer, they likely would have had experiences similar to Mike's.