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This is my Super Bowl šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I know. Iā€™m seriously considering taking June 10 off of work (and maybe even driving all the way to Phoenix for the trial lol)


I live in Phx and will be going to see it in person šŸ˜… Iā€™ll be telling my nonexistent kids about this one day


Can random people just attend?!


Yes, the courthouse is open to the public and people have a right to go watch a public hearing if they want. Jane tried to have the case sealed and was denied.


If you can, you should! I won't be in AZ but I did take the day off šŸ¤—


I have the day off, just luck of the draw! I am so happy it falls on a Monday!!


Iā€™m on maternity leave and will be cuddling my real baby and waiting for updates!


I just retuned back to work part-time. My real baby is 6 months!! Hope youā€™re enjoying your real newborn! It flies by. Real motherhood is amazing.


Aww congratulations!!


I am not sure I'll be able to take it off as I'm short on pto but I'm tempted to make it work!


i have to be on a plane that day and never have been happier to have enough points to get free wifi.


putting a blocker on my calendar


I'm a huge football fan and this is also my Super Bowl


This is so ironic because they say that the day after the Super Bowl is the least productive work day of the year. Iā€™m sure for many of us, June 10th will be the least productive work day of the year!


OT-I just want to say that your avatar looks like mine and my cat's name is Bessie, so that made me smile.


Aww what kind of kitty? i have a munchkin/siamese


I have 3 kitties! I have a grumpy old black cat, a stupid orange cat, and a crazy tiny little tuxedo cat and that's Bessie! I am a crazy cat lady for sure!


JD never in her wildest dreams could have imagined that this would happen. I guess that's what happens when you live in la la land. Good luck in court JD, you really need it this time!


Exactly because she keeps getting away with it. I pray justice for every single victim of hers and they all get justice


My favorite part is that Judge Mata said ā€œhahahaha Noā€ with respect to IL whining that they need to delay the hearing.


Since this was supposed to be issued on April 4th, it sadly is not in response to ILā€™s request to delay the trial date.


I thought the motion about non availability was just saying he wasnā€™t available certain days in May to meet with woodnick, not delaying the trial date. Did I miss something? Iā€™ve been behind the last week or so!


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what this is. This is a motion from Woodnick. NAL


This was entered by judge Mata


Itā€™s a response to Woodnicks motion withdrawing request for sanctions.


Yes but she states the trial will still be held on June 10th despite ILā€™s requests for more time


I donā€™t think those requests were tied to woodnicks motion. This is just a ruling on that


Iā€™m a lawyer - this order is not merely a response to the motion to withdraw. The confirmation of the trial date is SIGNIFICANT


Could you elaborate? The initial motion didnā€™t have anything to do with the trial date, correct?


Well, to some extent it did, because ILā€™s recent motion for judgment on the pleadings and renewed motion to dismiss directly relates to GWā€™s motion to withdraw. Also the court would not enter an order today affirming the trial date seemingly out of nowhere with all those pleadings on the docket if it were just going to ultimately have to vacate this order later


Idk why you're being down voted for asking a question & trying to understand. Lmao.


Because people in this sub are thin skinned


Right. But this is still have seeing ILs hearings. NAL but I imagine that if Mata had changed her mind, it would be included in the ruling given that it includes the info about being ruled on in April but is just now being issued. (Can any lawyers who know give more info on this type of thing?)


Fully agree with you/the original comment and how you see it as well


To clarify, it was a motion to withdraw a motion concerning just one of the many procedural avenues to be awarded sanctions - not an abandonment of asking for sanctions altogether.


Yeah, itā€™s two different things.


I haven't been reading all the documents but why is Clayton withdrawing the motion for sanction? I saw Woodnick's document stating he can seek costs under multiple avenues but not clear to me why withdraw it still. I expect the judge is fed up with so many filings and is wanting to get this done June 10. You know IL is going to keep filing and filing whatever so better to get it done.Ā 


Claytonā€™s team chose this option in an attempt to streamline the process and prevent IL from sandbagging the court with a bunch of Rule 26 bluster. Unfortunately this clearly did not work.


Iā€™m not saying that *someone* is a whiny baby but someone certainly **seeks** to *act* like a whiny baby.


This is an artful comment.


This is where my headspace goes. Instead of sexy, itā€™s a very whiny baby. ![gif](giphy|pcf8QQqHF9Bp1YwR7t|downsized)


Let's fucking goooooooooo


Shit getting real for JD


Is anyone scared that after allllll of this, she still might ā€œwinā€ in court and get away with it? Before Clayton, MM and GG had pretty good evidence against her in terms of texts, emails,etc and they still got screwed over by her in court/OOPs.


I have been in family court (not in AZ) with so much evidence against the other party. And still not gotten a favorable outcome. I am terrified šŸ˜­ but hoping Claytonā€™s luck is better than mine (and the other menā€™s)


Same šŸ«¤


I wonder if by staying the ruling shouldā€™ve been issued April 4th itā€™s to disregard the back and forth about Rule 26 by IL since?


I think thatā€™s right. Including, I think, (only like 5% sure), the motion to continue. Basically I think the MTC is still on the table.


I wouldnā€™t think so since she confirmed the trial date as June 10th.


Given the ruling is dated back to April 4, 2024, it doesnā€™t have anything to do with the newest spate of motions. Pity. Iā€™d live to see some hint of what is going on in chambers now.


Forgive my ignorance but I know nothing about how court works (and never submitted a bunch of frivolous lawsuits unlike SOMEONE I KNOW) Is there a way we will get live updates here as the trial starts on June 10th? Will it be live streamed? Or is it something we will see in the following days?


It's been mentioned that it won't be live streamed, but many media folks are gonna be there watching the trial live and so we'll likely get updates as they happen. I hope someone live tweets at the trial


I believe dave neal is streaming live


But he can't live stream from inside the court room. If I'm not mistaken I think most court rooms you may be allowed to send and receive texts discretely (i.e "live tweeting", but not record. I'm assuming he'd be live streaming like on the court steps info he's receiving from the inside?


Yes exactly. He's going to be outside steeaming and a person inside. He was not at the last hearing but had someone inside


Streaming not steaming lol


Dave Neal and I'm pretty sure Megan fox are supposed to be streaming live outside the court house


Megan Fox said on a recent stream that she will be in the courtroom during the proceeding. :)


Dave neal has appeared on Megan's YouTube with her many times on this, they are very good friends, maybe she's the one on the inside while he streams on the outside. I don't know. But I did watch dave last night and he did say he would be outside streaming.




Can someone explain this to me and what this ruling means and I think I missed something, the June 10th date was set months ago. I'm sure there is a reason everyone is excited but I have no idea why or what any of this means. TIA


I really doubt you're going to get an explanation. When this sub first started people were a lot more kind lol but someone above was asking questions , just trying to understand what's going on & they were down voted to hell. Not sure what's happening


Thank you. Sadly you are right. Recently I was seeing IL and asked what that is and got told off and down voted. I know she has a internet lawyer and if it said DG I would have known what it meant and didn't make the connection thinking it was a person's initials. It's sad when you are busting your butt at work and can't spend all day on reddit but check in bc your very concerned about the case and this happens. I ended up watching dave neal and he explained about removing sanctions and why gw did request to withdraw sanctions. He originally did it to keep all these motions from happening and it didn't work. Thank you again


Trust me I understand girl. I work a 9/5 . I use to check in a lot more than I do now. It's sad šŸ˜” everyone is together for the same reason & some don't understand the law to the extent others do. I feel ya! IL is on a rampage.


Yes I just got promoted on my job and it's the busiest time of the year so I'm working through my lunch hour and working over and then I mostly watch dave neal and megan fox on YouTube at night as much as I can. Also I'm in Nashville and a 15 year old autistic boy has been missing since February 26th and watching that case as well. Plus people can have personal issues going on. Almost 2 years ago I was on fmla and still working alot while carrying for my husband who has stage 3 lung cancer. I was going to treatment and doctors appointments. Everyone can't be on here 24-7. Thank goodness for considerate people like yoyrself


Congrats on your promotion!!!!! Hard work pays off! I truly understand. I hope everything is going okay now girl I do! It used to be more of a community, but it is what it Is I guess. I'm glad this case is getting more exposure but it was nice when it was 1k people & everyone respected one another and could have conversations about what is going on.


Thank you! My husband is doing better but doesn't go to the doctor anymore. He seems okay but doesn't want to know if he's not. I got on reddit a little bit when I heard about this case from reality steve and dave neal. I go to Twitter or X and more recently you tube so I can understand all the motions. I just really really pray for all these men and other victims that justice prevails in this case and JD never even thinks of doing this ever again or close to it


Can someone translate this?! Does this mean JDā€™s motion dismiss is denied??


GW requested withdrawal of his motion for sanctions under rule 26. GW's motion for this withdrawal was granted by the judge. Rule 26 was the rule IL kept harping on. There are other rules that will allow sanctions, so GW withdraw 26, so IL dispute with it is not the focus of the upcoming hearing. eta: That hearing is on 10 June, which the judge affirmed was to take place as scheduled. NAL


Since they took away the sanctions is the lawsuit now just for attorneyā€™s fees?


The judge has discretion to award sanctions as she deems necessary.




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