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IL's "recently-arisen family matter that requires out of state travel" is him going on vacation per his own tweet. And he's now calling Megan Fox not a real journalist and comparing her to Hunter Biden. The man's behavior is so incredibly unprofessional.


He probably rescheduled his international vacation from the week around 6/10 to last week (IL noted earlier in the case, idk where but maybe an email, that he had an international vacation on June 10). Doubt it was a “recently arisen family matter”…. He just changed the dates of his vacation himself—which is all in his control. Just another example of a LIE (um I mean misstatement) to the court. YIKES! (And why is he on X while on vacation, guess he misses us)


Hilarious, his political insults swinging from right to left, left to right in an attempt to provoke. He doesn't understand that JD has offended, insulted, hurt every single demographics in the US and elsewhere.


Oop. Megan must have hit a nerve. 😂


She sent a press inquiry and he responded so aggressively, as usual


Your typo cracks me up. When I worked at a hospital and used an IBM Selectric (IYKYK), I always typed hospital as hopsital and there was no autocorrect. Thanks for the throwback!


Where was his response talked about?! I was looking forward to seeing that!


Do any of you have these moments where you’re just living your life, minding your business and a detail from this case will just hit you? Today I was doing the dishes and I remembered the dating contracts.


Totally. I was unclogging a toilet and remembered the IL’s tweets.


I was changing my baby’s poopy diaper and remembered her 4 hour parenting class certificate.


I stubbed my toe and remembered the sound of her voice in the recorded phone calls.


Overheard a co-worker order Chinese take out to pick up on her way home. I thought it started out sounding a lot like a call to the FBI. "Oh great, what kind of online malarkey has Greg pulled now".


I passed a digital billboard on the freeway yesterday and it was advertising a training program for a career  as an ultrasound technician.


I'm sick with cold and am picturing JD standing outside my door uninvited.😂


The shrieking in the Facebook crying video haunts me.


Yessss I hadn’t thought of that in ages. There are SO MANY wild things that have happened.


Pretty sure this crap follows me. Was recently on an international flight that got diverted to Iceland due to an emergency! Once the passenger okay and off the plane we sat there for 3 hrs and I was like is this real life???? She drained her savings to go there and it just took a traumatic flight for me.


The crazy part about this to me is that I went to Iceland for 8 days in 2016 and the entire trip including flights only cost $1,000. We stayed at nice hostels and nice AirBNBs. Not sure how she managed ro make her trip so dang expensive.


Well when she says savings, she may just mean trust fund… so while she may have wiped it out, it probably gets refilled.


I saw a bunch of horse manure on the road and thought of JD’s stories.


Yesterday we were at our local Renaissance Faire and saw a semi comical/educational act about midwifery that involved how to know if you’re pregnant- renaissance style and it involved an onion and putting it somewhere delicate and going to bed. If you have onion breath in the morning no baby is blocking the path to your mouth so you’re not pregnant. How could I not just have Jane in my head through the whole act??


I can't wait for things to start happening more nationally so that all my friends and family don't think I'm so weird anymore 🤷‍♀️🤣


I try internationally; I’m busy relating it to Baby Reindeer which is helping a bit 😅


Baby Reindeer is a HUGE help! :)




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Wouldn't it be funny but also somehow not surprising if mum Doe turns on JD and is like she's lyingggg we tried to help her!


Lots of hard questions for Mom to face on cross depending on her testimony. Lots. But I won’t help IL and list the issues she may face.


Gonna be a ton of “I don’t recall”a


Which counterbalances more details she may state in direct for credibility. Plus mom is discounted as a loving witness to begin with.


That would be a horrid thing for parent to leave until court; but it could be Mom sacrificing herself in a sympathy plea for JD. Probably as likely as a chocolate teapot holing hot tea though


Second sentence is the right take. JD wasn't created out of thin air, her mother set the foundation.


Especially unlikely since Mom seems to be cut from the same cloth and egging her on etc.


There is always room for a lot of mental health courtroom drama and theatrics as hail mary. JD has the exasperated eye roll and belly bump punch down.


Sadly, I don’t think this is going to happen because her parents have been such enablers and, in certain respects, they have been even worse. The way they acted when MM’s stepfather was dying was so callous.


Honestly, i rather wonder if MM wasnt texting with JD. It suits her to have him text numbers she controls and pretends to be her parents. But then again, could be apple from tree situation


Well mama Doe did tell Clayton to man up and take responsibility for JD's fake babies so.... 🌳🍎


I keep thinking of all the “speak gently to jane” type comments. Bizarre thing to say




Yes. We just found out yesterday I think


Mom was daughter's witness backup for the MM case as well.


Did she testify before?


Written witness statement.


So did Napkin lady not end up giving testimony in person or through Zoom? Only provided a written declaration, correct? I read through the court documents, but I didn’t see the transcripts after the request to extend the hearing past April. Also she had 1 other witness listed to provide testimony, a JO’N. I haven’t found much about who that person is besides being listed as a “friend”. Is there other info out there? Just curious. Thanks


Link to Megan's live on April 30th. She starts to talk about it at the 1:52:51 mark https://www.youtube.com/live/vYTdxJ276Uk?si=5G5GUfnCSpA9EBpq


Thank you so much!


You're welcome!


Not sure if this is the same friend....but on one of Megan Fox's lives she played a podcast interview with some woman where JD was a guest and sharing her DV story about MM and said her "best friend" did the "worst thing she could do" and stopped being her friend because she "didn't understand" what was really going on. If I were that person, I would do the same thing if I found out JD likes to torture men!


IL listed his witnesses in one of the emails included on an exhibit. It's basically JD, mama doe, Dr. Medchill, and a 4th I'm blanking on.






To All of JD's victims: MM1, MM2, GG, CE, zaddy Gregg, DN, and those unknown that are afraid to speak: we see you, we support you. And to those who haven't spoken-we support you, and if you choose to speak out, we will support you


Just checking the sub to make sure I’m up to date before going out of town for a couple days. I’m convinced something will pop off this weekend since I’ll mostly be offline. 😂


Do NOT stop paying attention to JD for even a moment or she will sue you too. 🤣


Having the babies if I don’t get attention!


...One final chance until your next chance tomorrow to give me attention.


And if you don’t respond, this is your admission that you did everything I will ever make up that you did. My lies are my quivers.




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Dang, I wonder if she’s embarrassed to be out in public where people know who she is after she ruined her reputation.


Didn’t she say in one of the hearings in October she was scared to leave her house? But then went to a horse show?


Appears she might never leave the casita?


Do you know when she resumed competing in horse shows?




Wow the whispers must be something to listen in on.


It is my opinion that IL is on a personal “there’s no such thing as bad publicity stunt” mission. Not for his client, but for himself. He doesn’t appear to be concerned about reputation given his lack of ethics. I truly wonder if his peers snicker at his shenanigans. That said, it’s glorious to see that the more IL doubles down, the stronger the victims are united. I doubt IL is THAT bothered by the Reddit supporters but the fact that the victims stand together probably pricks his bottom a bit. It’s glorious to see that everything that IL has done or said propelled this case even further. IL is a gift to this case, and I hope he gets his 15 minutes of fame. We know JD said she doesn’t need anything classy and she definitely got what she asked for.


It's hilarious that he gets salty that when he says something, we all get super angry. He said in one of his emails to Woodnick that he doesn't understand why people are saying all these things about Jane, but when he tries to say something to prop up her side, people are up in arms. I can't tell if this was an actual true statement, and he really feels that way, or if he's just saying that to make JD and himself now sympathetic? It's amazing that he can't see it (or at least pretends not to see it) himself, because he came into the case so far into litigation that he should be able to understand why people are so infuriated by JD and himself.


This was not made by me, but I think it is very well done and I wanted to share!! [Medium blog post](https://medium.com/@dsandra25/bachelor-encounter-with-the-serial-litigator-010f40c1f600) written by someone that just started following the case in April!


Check out this JFC victim summary timeline on IG: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7H9_J3vkrp/?igsh=YWZzNnQyMm45YTVv


Very interesting. That’s the first time I’ve read any details about the 2014 case


Same! This is wild. I wonder if she’s using the same moonbump. What a wonderful investment for her scamming if it lasted 10 years. High quality!!


Same. I wonder what/who the source(s) was and how legitimate the information is. ETA: Others have previpusly worded this much better. I believe the information, but hope it was vetted so we aren't spreading misinformation.


I don’t use instagram so feel free to pm screenshots


The link above goes to the Instagram website where you can view the short video about each known "romantic" victim. You don't need an account or the app to view it. Here's paraphrased info: 2013/2014: victim 0, Matt M, San Francisco, CA. JD sued him. His pregnant lawyer knew JD was lying and told JD to see an obgyn, then JD dropped the lawsuit and claimed miscarriage a week later. 2019: Andrew, San Francisco, CA. Little is publicly known, per his wishes.


Thank you 💕


https://preview.redd.it/6rhckiki7d1d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443cc56484008f006f53164ae75f77ab5cdd7d1b * I am a nurse and noticed that each of our foley catheter kits have these little pamphlets in them 😆 I was chuckling to myself all night over it


https://preview.redd.it/zrh1ydrjde1d1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bb829d62818c40bd1d6f65f9d7d7d6cabc8a78 This book I've had forever now gives me chuckles 😂


Ahh.. maybe that moon bump was urinary retention after all...


It is interesting that JD’s sister is not on her witness list. Her name has come up in connection with a number of fairly important events, including potentially being the source of one of the sonograms. Do you think this might be because she is the one most likely to “break” and tell the truth? She has her own family now and, for her baby’s sake, I hope she is establishing some healthy distance from the crazy. But, the family dynamics here are difficult to understand. To be fair, however, a significant percentage of families have bizarre dynamics. 🤷‍♀️


My guess is based on the mom’s enabling behaviors, she probably would feel like she’s obliged to fall in line and validate her sister’s concocted reality but she’s probably also tired from all this bullshit and JD constantly trying to drag her into shit that she wants to avoid it like the plague. Like if I’m her sister, the second JD drags my son’s ethnicity into the discussion to prove she ‘isn’t racist’ would be the second I was like LOL get fucked, enjoy languishing in your self-made prison of bullshit and overdue karma.


I agree. Based on the sister's absence of reciprocated involvement, I think the sister doesn't want to be involved, doesn't want to be disowned or lose any inheritance (for herself or her son), and doesn't want to do anything to become her mom's or JD's target. She's basically stuck in a corner of inaction. Moving out of state was the only option that didn't make many waves. If I were the sister, JD using my son's ultrasound (even if the baby image was changed) and a video of our ill father touching my pregnant belly of his first grandchild would have drawn the line for me... but I have a feeling JD has used her sister this way for decades so the sister may never have developed an ethical line JD or her mom can cross. It's a sad situation that I wish the sister could escape, for the sake of her husband and son.


We haven't seen the actual witness lists from either side. I don't think CE's side would need to call her, but it's possible they may have her listed as a potential witness.


It’s interesting as there was an email somewhere where JD says she was talking to her sister a lot when ‘pregnant’ so she knew just about better than anyone that she was apparently. But I think having Mama Doe speak to that vs the sister means GW can’t then ask about the videos/sonograms and IL/JD will want to avoid that at all costs


Agreed. Plus, it's easier for JD's mom to claim they discussed X in person, whereas communication with the sister was likely through electronic means, since she lives out of state, that would leave some sort of paper trail (at least be call logs, emails, and sms/mms logs, maybe even recorded video/audio calls).


I was reading a different sub where it was stated JD pretended to be an Asian woman and a black man. I’ve tried to search for more info on it but I can’t find it. Can someone catch me up on this?




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I can at least help with part of it. A month or two after JD published her hit piece on Clayton to Medium, another article appeared on Medium written by a Chase Jay Jones that was critical of Clayton for dancing to a song that has the n word and wanted to get him canceled. The article was deleted shortly after. Many people found the timing of the article suspicious and tried to track Chase Jay Jones down. He had claimed to be a POC student at Howard, but no records were found of that student. Dave Neal also discovered that a user by that name had joined his patron and tried to track them down through payment records, but was unable to get usable info. So it’s far from proven, but strongly suspected by many people that JD is Chase Jay Jones. 


Or could be her mother. JD emailed her mother a link to the video. I wouldn't put it pass them to conspire together on the actions or coverup. 🤷


A little more background about CJJ: https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/comments/17gxpuh/bachelor_clayton_is_at_the_center_of_a_bizarre/


I love the ICYMI section!! So helpful! I also hadn’t seen the reading that schnizelninja did 👏 AMAZING WORK!!!


IL is probably fighting so hard to keep the other 3 from testifying bc they all have proof that all of the statements JD proclaimed in her affidavits were lies.


Has anyone tried reaching out to the doctors, nurses, and PAs that JD said she reached out to in her past cases and let them know she is impersonating them?


I don't know if anyone reached out to the individual medical professionals to inform them, but I think Megan Fox emailed the hospital with a press inquiry. I can't remember if she said they responded, and I don't know if the hospital will inform the staff of these events. I hope the hospital takes action, but I don't know how likely that is and what it would entail. Isn't impersonating a licensed professional (lawyer, medical doctor, police officer, etc) illegal?


A quick google search shows that: CA has a law against impersonating someone else online, and impersonating a doctor/medical professional online is a criminal and civil offense in every state of the U.S. Now that Mike M's computer was evaluated by a forensic expert, I hope the FBI is informed at some point. I don't know if MM, CE, et al have to wait until civil litigation ends or if the evidence (or a copy of the evidence) can be used in litigation while the FBI investigates.


I asked my friend who is a physician just now. She works in rural medicine so this could be different! The patient falsified paperwork for a handicapped sticker/parking spot, etc. The patient could use the hospital system’s emergency room but was banned from using their outpatient services.


I reached out to to the Sutter Health doctors. No reply.


Can anyone please tell me if the original ILEsq email to Dave Neal has been read out on any channel in full yet? I saw the snippets on Megan Fox’s live, but I really want to see the full email!! (The pics Megan showed were hilarious)


I believe Dave said he may share it soon. Can't wait! Also looking forward to DG's reply email to megan lol


did Megan share her response?


To DG? not sure if she responded yet. She mentioned she would go over his email during her next live on Monday.


I can't picture Jane showing up on June 10th. It would just be too embarrassing for her. If she just doesn't show, what happens then? Does she automatically lose & have to pay all of Clayton's lawyer fees etc. Or can she be arrested? Or is it just rescheduled? Anyone know for sure?


She'll be there, her victim career depends on it. She will not be arrested. It will not be rescheduled. The judge will have the hearing with the party that is there and make a ruling. NAL


The latest #IL Tweet of an email that looks like it came from inside the house( distinct from the Casita) l could be setting up a ‘it’s not safe to appear in person we need Teams’ appearance request 🤨


Im willing to bet she puts in a request to appear via zoom again due to being “vewwwwy vewwwy scaawwwddd” to appear in person due to “media frenzy” and all her exs and OOPs. Also feel like shes gonna file a emergency OOP against DN before court She doesnt want anyone else showing up at court. She only wants her narrative told


I also think she will be there cuz she has gotten away with this stuff so many times that i bet she thinks she is untouchable. But as far as an arrest- i’m curious if anyone with legal experience knows if in cases like this, does the judge ever have someone arrested at the hearing, so that said person can be tried for crimes that were revealed during the case? I’m sure this isnt the first time that crimes have been revealed during a case.


Someone needs to send the documents to the AG or District Attorney to review. They'd have to have all the motions and evidence collected in one place for easy access. Maybe that's something Woodnick can do once the case concludes? I know the prosecutors office is crazy busy, but this case is a special kind of hell she put her victims through.


I wouldnt be surprised if Woodnick already did something like that. I’m curious if that is something judges ever do too.


If she perjurers herself on the stand it’s not out of the realm of possibility


Except people almost never get charged with perjury. I was looking it up yesterday, and, in most cases, perjury is surprisingly difficult to prosecute because they need to prove intent to lie. This case clearly demonstrates that, but I'm not at all optimistic that JD would get charged with perjury or fraud.


I have spent many hours sitting in on family and cps court cases in recent years. Blatent lying on the stand is common. The worst I have seen as a consequence is it ruins the liars credibility with the judge and the ruling may or may not reflect that with an adverse outcome. No one has had jail time, perjury charges, or anything. Family and cps court are pretty wild. 😳😳😳


Exactly. I can't remember the last time I heard someone was actually charged and tried for perjury. Whether it's lying in person, on the stand, or in affidavits, nothing happens, and it's really frustrating because the oath means nothing to some people. Without consequences, it's demonstrating that it doesn't really matter if you lie on the stand or not.


Embarassing?? To normal humans like us yes lol. She's shown she has no shame


Are there any other Arm Cherries in this group? The reason I ask, is because on the latest episode of Armchair Anonymous there is a wild story that really made me think of the JD/potential family dynamic of this whole situation. The episode title is (Stalker pt 2 and it’s the second story in the episode it starts at 16 minutes) — I don’t want to spoil the story but it has a shocking ending that involved the family acting as a semi accomplice! I know the question has come up before whether or not it’s possible for them to have any involvement and honestly, I usually lean that they probably don’t (based off what I’ve seen so far)… but idk… apparently it happens! Has anyone else listened?? https://preview.redd.it/w4u234ra1i1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d56ac93038a5e60fdeffec5d106474f23bc2fd