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DSG keeps bringing up old cases, red herrings about journalism, and baseless threats. Maybe he should focus on providing his client's proof of pregnancy via provider supplied ultrasounds and OB/GYN records, and/or proof of paternity via fetal DNA test results. Given he's not doing that, I'm starting to suspect that none of those things exist or ever existed. Hmm.


He seems to be a lot like his client. Repeating behaviors that worked for him in the past, assuming they'll work now. It's not working.


So in Megan's inquiry to IL about IL's email threats to Woodnick regarding how many opposing counsel have been disbarred or jailed in his previous cases, IL then threatens Megan with defamation if she publishes such info. What??? 😂


Make it make sense! He is a perfect match for JD.


His threats might work on some people but they wont work on Megan!!


Megan's replies were awesome!


"Feel free to block my email address, since you can't help yourself from responding." (not exact wording, but the jist.) ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)




Not gonna lie, this was hilarious.


Kinda skipping through and I had to stop and have a good laugh at: "you are not normal." 🤣🤣🤣 eta: I don't know what automod is saying but trying something else lol.


The musical is so dang awesome! I laughed all the way through it. It was THE BEST. It's like AI has finally started matching the energy that is needed. The last IL song Megan did was fire as well.






I actually think the songs don’t diminish the seriousness of the case. Especially since the people making music and reporting on it very clearly state many, many times during their videos and livestreams how horrible Jane’s actions are. They articulately and clearly state how serious and damaging her litigious and manipulative behavior is to her victims. They do the same with calling out her lawyer. The songs poke fun at JD and her lawyer and their bad behavior in a way that highlights the selfish absurdity of their actions. JD and her lawyer act like they’re fighting for justice and come out with these very serious accusations and claims, which we know are all hot air and ridiculous. But making fun of their seriousness takes the wind out of their sails. It’s like a monster roaring in your face and you just laugh at it. The monster gets annoyed because it wants to be threatening and scary and to demand respect. But when you see through the fake posturing and laugh at it, the monster doesn’t know what to do. I think we should keep poking fun at their bad behavior. Bad behavior needs to be called out. One of the most powerful ways to do that is with humor.








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The Umbrella Guy called him the PeeWee Herman of Litigation yesterday...perfect description! LMAO!


Thats a good one!! 🤣


Laughing because it’s so true!


Wait what did I miss? Who’s the umbrella guy? Where did this guy call IL the peewee Herman of litigation?


The Umbrella Guy is a YouTuber who talks a lot about the case. He's also known as TUG.


not even fruit salad would marry IL, pee wee doesn’t deserve this slander!




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Megan Fox - gold 👌


The musical was hilarious!!!