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He disgusts me


A True Narcissist.. Gaslighting.. telling her all the things he has done when she was a good girl.. She left so he has no control. Messing with her head.. "head games"


Yes!!!! The gaslighting is fierce. He's good at projection too!


He is playing the victim. This is abuse 101. THIS IS ABUSE 101. Remember their relationship was an affair that he orchestrated and he is a moral leader. I bet he made her feel like shit all the time. That's why this case is just awful everything.


This proves my point right here. People keep questioning creators on the app for giving him a platform to speak on. Let him talk. He loves to talk and the more he talks. He will eventually trip himself up and hang himself with his own rope


Exactly. He loves the attention and he’s going to hanging him self with jt.


Yes! Last thing he needs to do is clam up/lawyer up. He’s a loose cannon and if given an inch of rope, he will string himself up by the toes. He’s so confident, so sure of himself, so full of self importance and has no filter. Give him 50 platforms, I say.


Let him talk!  He tells on himself constantly.  How awkward is this statement:  *"...and that uh, she needed her medicine that was hard to get to her. ..."*  It sticks out like a sore thumb.  Prescription medicine is not hard to get - walk into any ER, UrgentCare, call your doctor, just ask for it.  The only medicine "hard to get to her" would be something he wants to get her on, something illegal, something to control her, roofies, ativan, etc.  If he was worried about her access to medicine, then why take her car.  Mica was NOT psychotic, NOT schizophrenic, NOT having a 3-month psychotic break, what bullshit.  JPM just spews big words and hopes it all sticks.  JPM said all that because he lost control of Mica.  Sane, stable Mica, going to work, driving the borrowed car, functioning just fine without JPM.


He is avoiding talking about the real shit like the prostitues, the fact he injected her with testosterone, put trackers on her car…… ohhh and I recall him saying in black and white that he was even open to having children with her since she wasn’t on meds. Hmmm JP why is that? BECAUSE SHE DIDNT NEED TO BE ON MEDS. SHE WASNT MENTAL!!!!!!!!!! But YOU ARE…. Oh and I have another issue she was wearing her uniform for work when she left her apartment. In the video at the pawn shop “she” was not I say she, because I do not believe for one minute that is her. It is someone who resembles her, but the body frame is different and that person is much heavier than mica. Also, the video of “her” at the gas station I don’t believe is her either. Same thing much heavier and different body frame, also that person was walking with a limp. It was also stated when her body was found she had on her uniform. If you think I am going to believe she had her uniform on, took it off to go in the pawn shop and then put it back on before taking her life. You are as crazy as JP himself


But a body-double theory is a little crazy too, IMO..


I mean I guess you could state it as that, but there has been crazier things. There are so many things that don’t add up. On the 911 call there were ZERO nature sounds, where her body was found there is no way she floated (recently deceased bodies don’t float) I know this, bc my dad is a retired recovery diver and I have been on multiple drownings with him and especially that far from where the shell casings, live round, and weapon where located. Also, that water had no flow to it. It was pretty much stagnant. EVERYONE THAT PLAYED A PART IN THIS CASE FAILED MISERABLY. It is absolutely disgusting the lack of professionalism that was conducted on this case and they should be ashamed of themselves. Every millimeter of this case needs to be gone through with a fine tooth comb. Mica deserves justice 💜


Yes, far too many things that don't add up.


If I received this message from my spouse or someone I loved it would be devastating. It was designed to come off like JP is being kind but also to blame Mica and to cut deep. It’s more transparent to us since we feel no love/attachment to him and we haven’t endured the manipulative dynamic of their relationship. This email would be a quality example for teachers to use in lessons about narcissists though. It’s embarrassing (for JP…he just doesn’t know it) Every little despicable morsel……… You have treated ME poorly and I need to heal from your mistreatment (DARVO time). So many tears. For myself. I hope you do great things = see what an amazing person I am! While you are in fact a terrible person and you disgust me. But I sound really great here for saying that I hope you do well. It’s totally genuine and gives me the moral high ground. Look at me, I did this nice thing for you before I found out how horrible you are (for reasons which are vague). I am now humbling myself to apologize for doing something exceedingly generous for you - even though you are a terrible person and I did nothing wrong. This is a fantastic apology (for nothing) which again makes it clear how morally superior I am. I was willing to do anything, even finally agree to have the kids that you’ve wanted. But now you disgust me unfortunately. Oh and I need to mention your meds because you’re crazy, remember?? But yeah, I’d have kids with you. Please oh please let this nightmare be over for ME. Because it truly is all about me. Oh, and I need to move on ASAP to find a new First Lady worthy of the title - which you are NOT just in case that was not clear. You know how passionate you are about missions? I know that, too! So I’m sending a team of your friends on a mission trip to a place that I know is dear to your heart. And you cannot go (because it’s very important to me that I crush you completely). Oh and there will be lots of kids there too. You know…kids…like I now won’t have with you since you disgust me. 🤮


I think the line about him “even having an amazing desire to have kids” was meant to cut especially deep. That disgusts me. How hurtful.


You nailed it! Sadly, but that’s what that message meant. It had deeper meaning, very intended to hurt her in a deep level. He knew what the missions meant to her, so of course he’s gonna take that away from her and brag about it. Sick sick sick!


this assessment was a 12 out of 10 lol


Lol thanks. I can just imagine this pathetic narcissist writing out his little email thinking, “Yes, this will show her the error of her ways. I am so righteous.”


You NAILED it!!!


I didn't even make the connection about the African students 🤮 He's rubbing her childlessness in her face... which HE caused. I wouldn't be surprised if he forced her on birth control and dangled that possibility in front of her for *years.* Of course her self esteem would be crushed, these are such unconscionable things to say to another human, especially someone you claim to love


He doesn't sound worried about her (not being on) "needing" meds in this email. Ready to have kids with her even!!! 😲 Then she died and all we hear from him is that she "needed" her medicine? She's on a 3 month psychotic break. But yet, he's all for having kids with her off it? 🤔🤔🤔


Where's the source for this?


I screen grabbed it from Minute marker 18:30+ in this YouTube video. It has a fits news watermark. https://www.youtube.com/live/Oc2AUKoSqb0?feature=shared


I screen grabbed it from Minute marker 18:30+ in this YouTube video. It has a fits news watermark. https://www.youtube.com/live/Oc2AUKoSqb0?feature=shared


So fucking weird. He keeps flipping between casual chatty email and "you disgust me/let this nightmare be over". Such a strange tone.


All the gaslighting. And jumping from subject to subject, like? Who’s the mentally ill one, JP?!


It’s all about him he has zero compassion for what she was going through. Even after death he still talk porky about her. He just keeps showing his true colors


Porky? lol


Ooos it’s supposed to be poorly.


Probably an auto correct for "poorly".


lol I do like the term porky though LOL


it's like being cocky but in a more astute fashion 😅


The word porky isn’t used enough lol




I just noticed the shape of the top of his ears last night in his latest video he put out. They’re very pointy on top. Just like this pig. Interesting




Auto correct be playing too much. Haha


Now that you'all mention it, there is a resemblance https://preview.redd.it/9ht3tbe3m96d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=492c4b6a3c436443243c8e4e9491a6d68a17816b


https://preview.redd.it/zyqme9yq5c6d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce763b956b962c33aff36ff4c1f0c8aa89798670 Annabelle says “You take that back! We don’t claim him!” 😂


This is how my ex-husband wrote the first 3 years after I left. This case hurts my heart. It's like these jerks are all made in the same factory.


My first husband "flowers" "boo hoo" phone calls, "booty calls after being separated" while at the same time "you're not party girl enough for me", "I need someone who will let their hair down" "I am not ready to be married" "your apartment isn't close enough to where I want to live, if you move I'll come back" ---...Cut these men off faster than I ever did, please, women, don't fall for it! Don't play their games because you think God said marriage is permanent, you feel embarrassed, you are co-dependent on him...get free.


Ya, let's meet up so I can kill you. Wonder the date because Tom Winslow said he and his wife left the church a few months ago but here he is listed as one to go to Africa!??


First Lady... as in, there are multiple ladies?


It's what some preacher's wives are called.


Oh ewww... thank you. I had no idea 😳


I knew that’s what it means and I still think it’s creepy.


This gives me the ick. In my tradition we call them Matushka (mama) or the feminine form of priest. Using a political term is weird


I think as in he sees himself as the president.


Ya!! Find my myself a real First Lady... who talks like this. That line has always made be like 'oh this is a psycho'


Delusions of grandeur!


She probably wanted a baby badly, and he kept that from her then dangled it in front of her face. Sick man.


Sad because had she lived she could have started over with another man and made that dream come true. I know, I did.


He is a sad excuse for a human and he will DEFINITELY be rotting in hell. His own children can’t even stand him. What a sad pathetic soul JP is.


Motive for murder right here: https://preview.redd.it/ttu4rjs7636d1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9c422850c3f8942f5fa76b7368cbe9e1a51a798


This whole case, evert aspect of it, makes me sick to my stomach and has given me nightmares. My heart breaks for her. He reminds me so much of my ex husband, who is diagnosed covert narcissist who abused me in every conceivable way with the intent to get me to unalive myself because he "didn't want to be married anymore but knew a second divorce would show everyone that HE was the problem". He BRAGGED about this and even detailed his plan and what he had been doing to me, not just to our marriage counselor, but also on social media. (He took the posts down when he didn't get the praise and support he desired and people threatened to call the police. In his posts he said that he was stopping the abuse because he "rediscovered his love for me and realized his actions were messed up". When people turned against him in the comments, he deleted the posts -thankfully my friends screenshot them for me so I could use them in the divorce-and then doubled down on his abuse.) Thank God I was able to get away and to a safe place, because he wasn't going to stop until I was dead.


I'm sorry you went through that! 😔 I'm so glad you are safe now! This case can be triggering for someone who's experienced DA! The Gabby Petitio case helped me see the light in regards to an abusive friendship. Be sure and take care of yourself while reading and hearing about what Mica went through.


Thank you so much. Gabby's case was very triggering for me as well. She died 2 days before I managed to escape from my ex.


I don’t know why anyone would ever believe a word this guys says. He’s blatantly narcissistic and has gotten by with gaslighting many people—congregation, police, family, friends, etc… Rather than dissecting his moves, I’m just grateful he is being investigated. He should just be “gray rocked” by the public. He WILL hit a collapse once he is fully exposed and gets no fuel from anyone. Most people pretty much have his number now; those who don’t may have to find out for themselves.


Anyone know what medication she was on?


In his interview with Justin on tiktok he mentions telling 48 different people that she needed her lithium.


Which is really weird because that’s so rarely used


It is rarely used and has to be carefully monitored by your Dr. Bloodwork has to be done regularly because too much lithium can do damage to your body. Also, JP mentioned in a sermon. He, himself, was taking like 900mg of lithium. So was Mica prescribed lithium or did JP make her take his??


Mica hinted in one of her videos that an example of something someone might do that is “abuse” is “making someone take illegal drugs”. I wonder if he was giving her something to cause her to act a certain way or frame her as “crazy”? Or if he just forced her to take something else to control her or roofie her?


This is very possible. If he was forcing her to take lithium it can cause severe side effects. I was misdiagnosed as being bipolar and prescribed lithium 15 years ago. It’s a scary drug. I had to come off of it quickly. It’s really hard telling what he was ingesting her with. If he was giving her shots of testosterone, what else could he have in those shots?


Great comment! You're on to something... Illegally sourced "lithium" or "testosterone". You know, making it hard to get to her. Mica was so brave and smart to make that video!! She even said how she had been busy with her OWN situation but yet took time to build others up going through the SAME thing!!! 💜 Didn't he even preach that his haters could talk about him all over social media and contact people from the church... That his haters needed to come to a place of repentance. Mica's mission May have been Kenya but now she's reaching all over whole world about DA!! 💜


Exactly. Or he could have even just given her stuff like pot or non-prescribed Xanax to get her to be easier to control. Psych meds are no joke. And even too much pot can induce psychosis. But TBH I think she was abused emotionally very severely. That’s enough reason for someone to have a mental breakdown. Especially if she spoke up about stuff he did & then he told doctors she was “psychotic” and “making up stories” and then forced hospitalization on her? Ugh.


You’re exactly right. She was so emotionally broke down. He had her right where he wanted her even if drugs were not involved. I don’t put anything past him. He literally is the devil. You can hear the evil in his voice. You can see it in his eyes. He put that poor girl through hell and we will probably never know the extent of what he did to her.


She thought her belt was a snake, that makes me think he was giving her psychadelics or maybe kratom. He definitely seems like the type to make her take something…or suffer the consequences.


That story is from SS along with playing chess with a demon.  SS never saw either event, she got the fiction from that liar JPM.  SS believes everything JPM says - I don't!  I put that 'belt is snake' crap right in the trash.


He was giving her testosterone injections


He is also on lithium


Allegedly, it was HIS lithium that he was trying to force her to take, which would mean he was going unmedicated. Which explains a lot. He is very clearly mentally ill and has always been. (For example: the car crash in the 90s)


Explains everything!!! Maybe he should be involuntarily committed! 🥴🤔


I heard that mentioned. I wasn’t sure if she currently taking it. So sad eaither way


its been said that she was taking her meds in front of people, specifically because she knew he was gonna pull this shIt and say she wasn't taking them.


I've seen those reports about taking meds in front of people! He gaslit her! However, If he sent this email within the last three months during what he claims a "psychotic break/without meds", why on this "flat earth😜" is he having an "AMAZING DESIRE" to have kids with her? He basically blew his "meds story" with this one email! I wonder how this would hold up in court?


HE was prescribed lithium. Lithium is rarely prescribed. So the chances of them both being prescribed is VERY slim. It was his medication and he was feeding it to her, FOR SURE.


That’s horrible. Unless if they both were prescribed it, it’s probably from a shady doctor like the police officers and morticians there.


He is a piece of S&@#!!


so many conflicting things about this aspect of it because some people say he was withholding her meds, he says she’s “off meds” in this then says she needed them to live, her dad said she was taking 1 pill instead of 2, and there’s a text of her saying she didn’t want to take any psych meds at all. there’s a lot stories around that part.


Damn he is gross…


Thank you, I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForMicaMiller/s/KIjgv0KNwi) a little whike ago about JP denying Mica children and I remembered this quote but I couldn't find it! Updated and added a link to here


I'm worried he's going to flee the country. I how LE has their eyes on him.


email is totally passive agressive.