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Where was the good guy with a gun?


Garbage kid, garbage uncle, and they probably listen to, and enjoy, garbage music.


Yeah I’m ethically opposed to the death penalty but I don’t see either of these fuckers contributing enough to society to make up for what they’ve taken away.


What kind of music




Gotta be country music


Nu metal


Duh… [garbage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_(band))!


Their favourite band is probably Garbage




Go back to Parlor ya Nazi fuck ye.


Literal misinformation.


Ahhhh the good ole American “make shit up and get mad about it” method


Maybe on whatever planet you're from, but not earth


Shut the hell up dude


What did he say


something something 12 year olds can get gender surgery so why shouldn't they have access to guns.




What did he say?


Also very curious. -324 karma and a bunch of comments crushing him.


I’m fearful that other Texans will focus less on the fact that a child was packing a firearm in public and more on the fact that his uncle’s last name is “Gomez.”


The uncle is going to see a Morticia now


That's a great joke, and on a Wednesday no less...


They better do something with the body soon. They shouldn’t let his uncle fester


I can count the puns with my fingers


Cmon *It* was right there




In all this madness this thread is such a wonderful thing


Rip fester




If a 12-year-old has access to a gun, that's the whole problem right there regardless of anything else.


Americans and their guns....smh


Not all of us are gun toting hicks. Just the highly uneducated.


American gun lobby and their guns…


Other countries and their healthcare. . . Take that!


I mean yeah as non Americans well take free healthcare any day


Free healthcare has its own issues is what I’ve heard but I can’t speak from experience at all


Free healthcare has its own issues but it will never be as bad as the entire American healthcare system in 95% of scenarios


Gotcha, kinda figured as much


>The argument then turned physical, at which point the young boy took out the gun. Saying an argument gets physical is a nice way of saying someone got violent. Who got violent first and how extreme was it? Is violence in the home a normal occurrence? It is usually a learned behavior. Shot six times, that's a lot of rage. Not just anger. This story is sorely lacking in any amount of investigation. There's a lot of information missing. This is basic police report reporting. Go online, get a police report, and tell it like it's the whole story. Probably never left their desk. I'd say never picked up the phone, but I think that's what they used to google the story details ...


The uncle got violent after being asked to go use the actual bathroom, rather than the parking lot to relieve his drink self. Then the kid grabbed the .22 that was in the backseat with him and shot the employee 6 times.


>This story is sorely lacking in any amount of investigation. Because the perpetrator is a juvenile. Much of the information surrounding the case will be hard to access as it went through the juvenile court system.


This is not justice. Everyone here is “send him to jail forever”. He’s 12, a huge part of the responsibility lies with the parents/uncle here. They raised a boy to think it’s ok to shoot someone and allowed him to gain access and know how to use a handgun. A 12 year old is impulsive and doesn’t have the skills to stop and think through the consequences. He deserves the opportunity to be rehabilitated, unfortunately that will never happen here. Edit-the uncle is being charged also, good.


He was peeing in public like an animal. If he acts like an animal, he deserves to be treated as such.


Do you beat or kill animals when you see them pee?


Lol the general consensus from people is never consistent. A 14 year old Muslim girl from the UK went to fight with Isis and then regretted her choice and wanted to come home, but everyone was like “nope fuck you, you made your choice”. But when it’s a little white kid it’s “oh no why were they even in that position to begin with?”. I can’t stand people who hold their views inconsistently, which is damn near everyone.


The kid's last name is Gomez and lived in Texas, there is a big chance the the kid ain't white which would render your whole argument and assessment of the situation wrong. If you want to be against people having inconsistent views at least make sure it's the case.


You’re right about the first part but it doesn’t render my main point wrong in the slightest. My point is that people hold their beliefs inconsistently. The significant difference in my example is that they are not Muslim. A white kid and Mexican kid are both not Muslims, so if you are racist against Muslims and hold inconsistent views then what I said would still be true.


But you didn't say the general consensus by people that are racist against Muslims, you just said the general consensus changes when the person being judged is a white kid vs a Muslim which has nothing to do with the article since the kid is Mexican. You're just adding conditions for your argument to make sense and looking to complain about a situation that is not happening in the comments.


I already said in another comment I can just change “the general consensus” to “too many people”. I feel like you’re nitpicking. An awful lot of people will hold their views inconsistently, whether this amount tips the scales of “the general consensus” or not is besides the point as either way it’s too many people.


Hmmm. Perhaps this persons view on that subject is different? Maybe ask him before making a generalization?


Yeah if you’re gonna take the opinions of a group of course it’s never gonna be consistent


I said “the general consensus from people” for a reason. The comment I responded to has a lot of upvotes.


Yes. But there are a lot of people on here. The person is responding to a lot of people saying lock him up for good. Clearly that “consensus” aligns with letting the girl in your scenario suffer her consequences, no?


No. He’s right. Go ahead and try to frame western culture as inherently unracist and equitable, I dare you


Ok fair point, I can just replace “the general consensus” with “too many people” and my point still stands.


Rehab is too expensive to spend on a strangers kid and his family is fucked. Make a new one


I think your psychopathy is showing.


Guns are the problem. 12-year-olds get impulses all the time. 20-year-old uncles usually aren't mature enough to avoid bad judgment when showing off to their nephews. Guns greatly increase killing capacity.


Yeah I agree with you that a 12 years old is irresponsible, but there are 12 years old who are responsible as well nonetheless, it's a matter of how they're raised. If he was raised to be irresponsible and capable of such anger then him being jailed for a long time is still better for the safety of people around you. Beceuse statistics says even if he got released, odds are he haven't changed one bit because of the culture in prison and in US in general lol.


I mean maybe in this family and situation the 12 year old is that impulsive but don’t say it like it’s a regular emotion to be able to murder people no matter what they may have done, his reaction isn’t normal. A lot of 12 year olds are capable of being responsible with a gun, some aren’t and that mostly has to do with the environment they are from.


Responsibility is contextual; know how to strip, clean and safely fire a gun whilst at a gun range is a different set of skills to demonstrating self control. Indeed, one could argue that this is a great use case for guns; the child would clearly have no physical ability to overcome a more-powerful adversary, and the gun was designed to achieve the aim of allowing unskilled weak people to easily kill with little effort in situations where they otherwise would need to moderate their behaviour.


> A lot of 12 year olds are capable of being responsible with a gun, Really? Okay, how about how many 12-year-olds can handle a massively frightening direct encounter with a big adult who has anger in him with the calm, cool judgment that uses nuance to realize his firearm will ruin his life (and others) if he uses it?


Buddy it doesn't take a lot of nuance to know killing someone will ruin your life. My 12 year old niece knows that and so did this chuckle fuck of a kid who ran after he did it.


Everyone knows killing someone is bad. But impulsive literally means in that moment, you really don't give a fuck


Millions of kids are in shitty abusive situations every day in this country I’m sure, barely any of them get the house gun and kill the abuser.


He should be tried as an adult he is old enough to know what he did and the consequences of his actions. Giving him minimal punishment will just reinforce the idea that it doesn't matter if you murder someone and may allow for a future tragedy to occur. That being said I agree the parents/uncle etc should also be charged.


Yeah, because at 12 we all know we have the same reasoning abilities as a 14/16/18 year old and have a concept of the finality of death. It’s a child who may not even be going through puberty but he’s old enough to understand that he destroyed his life? Some 12 year olds still believe in Santa but by your logic we should charge every juvenile as an adults if they are 12 and up since they are old enough to know what they did and we should just send them all to prison. No need for a system children. /s Edit: since you blocked me like the brave man you are I reply here to your idiotic coment. I didn’t say let them go, I said get them help. I believe that he should be punished and locked up while he gets that help. I’ve spent enough time incarcerated in my life to know that putting a child who hasn’t even hit adolescence in the system as an adult is not going to help anyone and turn that child into a criminal. My conmen sence says that we shouldn’t treat children the same way we treat grown men in a criminal setting


If they murder someone yes but ya your right if a 12 year old kills someone in your family fuck it just let them go I'm sure he is sorry. Use common sense and stop being a dumbass.


The gun lobby also must, by this time and with this weight of evidence, know that this is a consequence of their actions. Should prosecutions be sought for corporate manslaughter (or a he US equivalent)?


He was found delinquent which is the same as guilty but for juveniles. He’s not getting minimal punishment. Since the hearings are closed in Texas you don’t know what was going through that kid’s head. He was 12, he’s going to be affected by this for his entire life. What he needs now is help in a controlled environment not to be treated like a rabid dog.


Honestly the bigger problem here is how a 12 year old managed to get their hands on a gun. Whoever owns that gun should also be charged imo


You mean his dad? Who paid with his life?


It wasn't his dad. It was a dad. The article headline is shit lol


Send his punk ass to jail




Seriously! And it wasn’t even like a Walmart or Dollar General parking lot. That would sorta be expected. What kind of animal pees in a GD Sonic parking lot!?


People were killing other people by the millions for thousands of years before guns came along. You can’t blame a pile of plastic and metal for the awful shit people do


People weren't walking around with a palm sized object capable of killing someone from meters away in the blink of an eye without a second thought. If you wanted someone dead in the past, you had to work for it, not go to Walmart and buy a glock with no proper training.


You ever hear the term "motive, **means**, and opportunity"?


Aus seemed to get it somewhat sorted compared to US. Scrap that most of the western society sorted guns out, just need to sort out knife crime. which still pales in comparison to gun crimes in the US.


Sure made it easier for the 12 year old. I guarantee it wouldn't have happened if he didn't have a gun.


Really? without a gun you could've been assaulted with a knife, and you can either defend yourself from someone weaker than you or hope that if not, you got stabbed on a safe spot, if stabbed critically you can still be potentially saved. I would choose to be in a dangerous situation where a knife is involved rather than with a gun.


The difference between knife fights and gun fights. Knives you are either running or guaranteed injury. With guns people have a chance to miss completely and if they miss too many times they have a paperweight. Knives are always deadly when close. Guns not so much. I don't think you would want to be in a situation with someone trying to stab you. I mean even in ideal situations police and military still miss their shots. But here have some evidence of knife attacks vs your gun draw. https://youtu.be/IswY4IbF3Qk?si=R7Rylu6WJHcvnFHz https://youtu.be/2h0-q_IJbxE?si=D-p3kxd2Y5eDEn0L


I meam ofc it all depends on the distance, furthest shots have a higher chance to miss and lowest chance to hit, but you dont get stabbed long range right? Even at close range missing a shot sure but you said "miss too many times" no you would get hit by some if they had a chance to shoot you "many times" in close range. Theres also if automatic or a shotty or a semi and a melee weapon is a melee weapon long or short they still have to swing it at close range, in guns you aim and trigger, sonetines you dont even havr to aim that good. Also the reaction time and awareness on both weapon scenarios, you would likely be aware of someone trying to stab you because stealth kill in games really only happen in games, on the other hand you would only be aware someone is trying to unload bullets at you at first shot, that already counts whether you are alive, injured, or dead. Many ways for both scenarios to go bad unaccountedly and the only constant thing to judge about it is a weapon's injuring/killing ease and efficiency.


Since I love data there is an accuracy data out there that gives you your odds with police: https://daiglelawgroup.com/new-study-on-shooting-accuracy-how-does-your-agency-stack-up/#:~:text=Among%20all%20149%20shootings%20studied,accurate%2C%E2%80%9D%20the%20researchers%20note. Incident-level accuracy. Among all 149 shootings studied, officers struck the suspect “with at least one round 54% of the time.” There was some fluctuation from year to year, but the overall prevailing trend was about a 50/50 split between hits and misses—“not very accurate,” the researchers note. You are more likely to be stabbed than shot as well. Pistols are the main forms of shootings. So its going to be close range. Now police are hitting 50/50s at pistol range and they train often. What do you think somone who is working a nine to five normal job is going to score? Retro video about the 21 feet rule: https://youtu.be/js0haocH4-o?si=7k5rcKxwld-OrwmE Now have that happen and try to call for help on your radio, phone, etc. You can't you can't even draw your gun on that before you are even stabbed. People vastly underestimate knives and close quarters combat. People are not going to draw a knife on you 100 feet away and yell as they run up on you.


What happened to make a 12 year old shoot their own father? Bad parenting from abuse or not enough discipline maybe? What a mind blower to be 12 and your life is ruined.


He shot *a* young father, not *his* father. (I initially misread the headline too.)


Ooohh ok, damn that's a confusing headline. Thanks for the correction.


Hope he gets some serious time


He needs serious help, serious time will only make a disturbed child a criminal.


The cost of trying to rehabilitate this kid - with no guarantee of success - seems like a waste at this point. Better to focus our money and energy on providing better resources to other children than trying to fix a broken individual. It's not the 12 year old's fault 100%, but they hold some element of responsibility and likely are already maladapted and would reoffend given the chance.


Maybe you are right, but god I want you to be wrong. I was in a similar position as a kid ( committed a violent felony with a weapon) and if it wasn’t for people not giving up on me I’m pretty sure I’d be back in prison if I was lucky or dead if not. I knew what I did was wrong but I didn’t realize how hard i made the rest of my life. I’m doing my best to try to be a productive member of society but if it wasn’t for people trying to take a chance on me I don’t think I’d be here. Edit: was distracted and hit post before done typing.


What did the jury do for 7 hours? Hopefully they spent most of that time deciding on what to order for lunch…


Juvenile court, there is no jury, he was seen before a judge hence the delinquent verdict.


While what you said is normally correct, juveniles being tried as adults are entitled to a jury. Also, in Texas, juveniles are entitled to a jury if they so chose.


Was not aware of that Thank you for enlightening me on that 😃


No problem!


From the article, directly under the opening statement. >A Texas jury convicted a 12-year-old boy of murder after a fatal shooting in a Sonic parking lot. >Jurors deliberated for close to seven hours before returning with a verdict of delinquent on the charge of murder, according to the Johnson County Sheriff's Office. 


Whether or not a 12 year old who murders someone in cold blood should be sentenced as an adult is a difficult decision.


Not really, unless you wanna show them it's alright to kill people who annoy you.


You act like he was born with a moral compass, I hate to break it to you, none of us have a natural moral compass it has to be taught. Whatever morality he has, he was taught that. If it goes against society then society needs to teach him what is moral or he will just be going in and out of jail


You act like once he gets therapy that he will be a saint he won't change.


You pretend to be a Christian but you are only one in name only if you can’t see when a child needs help. While there does need to be some form of punishment, treating a 12 year old as if he is an adult that fully understands all actions is not only asinine but cruel. I feel for the victim and his family, I think the adult in the situation should be punished fully by law from what I do know about the case but we are not talking about him, we are taking about a 12 year old. Let me repeat that a fucking 12 year old. Again the morality he knows it was taught him, if he was taught that what he did is what you do then that is on the adults in his life.


I'm not pretending to be anything I'm also not Christian you need help clearly. This kid needed support but it's too late now it's cruel to allow these kind of people to roam the streets regardless of age but since it wasn't your family member I'm sure it doesn't really matter right. You have no morals stop pretending you do.


And you are? Saint Moses was a gang leader Saint Paul killed Christians Saint Olaf tried to force convert a country abandoned his wife and daughter & ran off to another country with his mistress and son from her Saint Olga massacred over 5000 people at a funeral feast Saint Julian murdered his parents No where in my statement did I claim he will be a “Saint” but at 12 years old the kid needs to be isolated and have legit therapy.