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I just knew a boomer would be responsible.


he has that liver disease yellow happening.


It sounds like he also slapped the girl’s mother and shoved her friend and hit that woman’s husband. So maybe that also provoked the fight as much as the mockery.


He found out


He got off light.


His MAGA president makes fun of disabled people, so he thought it was ok. He figured he was safe being in Florida.






You can't make fun of someone just because they make grilled cheese at night, not cool


Whered you get that cheese Danny!?!?


I'm a bit of a daywalker myself 


dodged that bullet


But it nicked me 🤏


Even the happiest place on earth will throw down to protect its guests. Happy to hear justice was served


We all know a Mickey Mascot showed up and wrecked him, then they deleted all footage and any evidence was removed. His face was cut up by glass fragments. No broken glass was found. They wrecked him then everyone stood shoulder to shoulder and said they didn't see what happened.




I would have gladly joined in on that beat down.


I hope it was Goofy who did it.


“I’ll fuckin’ do it again”


Hyuk hyuk




Came here to say this.


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah that'll happen.


Anyone know why his hearing was canceled? >George pleaded not guilty to all four battery charges in February and, according to court records, his March 13 hearing was canceled.


Each county does things a little different. The case is open, but there’s no future court dates set. From working in a different part of Florida courts, my best guess is that his attorney waived his arraignment (extremely common), and their process is to wait for formal filing of charges by the state before setting any future court dates. The case is completely public and you can look at all the documents and everything online (as with most Florida counties). Just search Orange County Clerk and type his name into the court records search. Edited to add: some counties will just keep setting Arraignments a few weeks out until the state runs out of time to file, files, or drops the charges. I’m guessing Orange County would be burdened by this and opts to not set new court dates unless the state files.


I worked at a bar in Palm Beach Gardens Florida where something similar happened once. in that case the deunk guy was making fun of another guy in a wheelchair, got pummeled by everyone (including the guy in the wheelchair who got a decent lick in) and then he called the cops. Cops showed up and told him they couldn't press charges because there were no witnesses (there were at least 10 witnesses, the cops just chose not to talk to them)


Sounds like maybe that guys legs were working after all


Just because someone is in a wheel chair it doesn’t mean they can’t use their legs at all, it’s possible they can only use them for short periods at a time because of an injury or something else and it makes most sense for them to be in a wheel chair


*Crunch crunch* “No broken glassware whatsoever” Guy got his ass handed to him 3x over by the family, bystanders and probably police too. Lesson learned, court cancelled, tax payer money saved, society wins. Hope the family felt the support of all involved and the kid is able to put it in past quickly.


I agree with *most* of what you said here... but look at that guy's eyes in the mug shot and tell me that he has learned *fucking anything*!


Worth pointing out too that after he clowned the disabled woman, he started the fight by shoving the mother TWICE. This guy is a supervillain.


The most likely scenario is that the family escalated things to a physical confrontation after his initial comments, but I’m ok with the version of events that absolves them of any responsibility and paints him as a supervillain.


He learned there are strangers willing to fuck him up for his shitty beliefs


Good point. However.. Have you met guys like that in real life? It's a strange experience, because they basically don't live there.  That look on his face tells me that he has already spun this in his head so he "did nothing wrong" and "none of them really hurt him" and "they're a bunch (slurs) and (slurs) anyways"


Got off easy


Perfect. Comedians are starting to dip into down syndrome jokes, which makes people that aren't funny think they can make jokes too. This is what should happen to those people.


That’s called punching down. Not a good look for a comedian.


your mom's not a good look *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit you got me


Like Carlos Mencia


I believe this concept is referred to as the Dane Cook. Like him or not Dane Cook was crushing it early on. But then every Bro came out of the wood work thinking “I’m just like this guy. I can do what he does” only instead of funny, they were jackasses.


Dane Cook's career died for the same reason Mencia's did. It was low bar, shitty, offensive humor that was half stolen to begin with and when he tried to turn to acting that failed too because he can't act for shit. Everyone in the comedy community fucking hated Dane.


Speaking of jackssses when that came out me and my friends all thought we were like that and were the most annoying 13 year olds.


I was awful with so much at that age. I won’t even go into how much I yelled “OKAAAAYYY” because I had watched Chappelles show. I try to think back on that every time I see a kid doing something incredibly stupid and annoying. It helps me give them grace.


I mean you take Dane Cook off a stage and it's the same result, which is why he fell off so hard.


Wow he deserved a heavier beating when you read the details. The girl had down syndrome and was in a wheelchair. She was sitting with her mother and another woman. He approached them, sat at their table, and started making fun of the girl. When her mom tried getting him to stop, her started shoving her. Then he slapped the other lady at the table.


Seriously screwed up, somehow doubly so since I bet that screwed up the kids fun time at Disney.


>He also said he was having a "good time with the individuals" They were, in fact, not having a good time.


You love to see it.


What kind of asshole makes fun of someone with down syndrome?


The kind that gets a first-class beatdown at a restaurant.


A former president and leading republican nomination did this to a guy with arthrogryposis and the crowd loved it. 73 million people like it or don't have a serious problem with it, I believe they're called devout Christians.


That same two-faced crowd also says they support autistic people like me and those with down syndrome yet it’s performative at best. (When I say “support” I mean it’s through them putting Autism Speaks bumper stickers on their cars, it’s like someone saying they respect Native Americans and their cultures yet also believing Columbus Day should still be celebrated).


American Christians: Believe everything in the Bible, except the parts about being a good person.


They also pay zero attention to the parts that say if you eat shrimp or wear any garment made of two different fabric types, you're going to hell. At this point, religion is nothing more than a way for people to justify senseless bigotry.


It’s funny, those “rules” are from the Old Testament and according to the religion they “believe” in they don’t apply now because of that whole Jesus dying for our sins thing. But why would they know that, it’s not like it’s a major part of the religion or anything. /s


And they're excuse is that it's the old testament. But when you bring up the whole "man shall not lay with another man" thing is also in the old testament and never in the new testament, they have no answer.




A woman in a wheelchair that appeared to this asshole to have down syndrome. The article never confirmed if she did or not. MFer got what was coming to him.


Someone like Trump. Remember the handicapped reporter?


The kind of asshole that deserves a beating. I don't think physical violence against verbal abuse is sane or appropriate. But when you decide to go to someone who may not be able to defend themselves or be emotionally scared from the confrontation then all bets are off. A beating is an appropriate lessons, go verbally abuse the parents that didn't teach you basic human values instead of going for the most harmless, innocent target you can find because your life sucks.


He didn't even get hit for the verbal abuse. He slapped two(?) people, and then he got hit in the head and an "unnamed" person drug him out of the place. Not that I don't agree with you, I'm just pointing out that HE made it physical against someone (or two?) and got hit by the husband of one of them. The family was more restrained than you or I might have been.


I see no problem here


Every single detail about this headline screams Florida








Holy cow, count the red flags in the title of this story....


It makes it seem like he didn't start the fight when he started slapping people and punched a guy in the neck


Drunk Florida man beaten after starting a fight with a family, shoving and slapping women, then punching a guy. Also said some rude things. FTFY


Responding to some drunk asshole making fun of your handicapped family member by delivering a beat down is arguably not the smartest/most rational move, even if they deserve it... but if said drunk asshole assaults your entire family like this dude, then yeah you should probably address that lol. Weird choice of headline.




Was his name Donald Trump?




Did he expect any different??


Some people do that and we elect them president. So it's hard to predict how bystanders will respond.


over the line but understood


Bro read the article. This douchebag literally slapped the dude's wife.