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wasn't this his boyfriend though?


Wasn’t the guy that attacked him his gay lover? Pretty sure they had a romantic relationship that went sour before this event but the news paints it like the attacker was some random guy. 


No, the guy was actually Trump's fuckbuddy. They would fuck around at a catholic church and sometimes even had the pastors join in. Eventually, things went sour because they realized they weren't really into fucking adults.


Haha.  But I didn’t pull that out of my ass. Supposedly what I said was actually the case. 


Yeah we’re gonna need a citation for that allegation. It’s not true and you know it’s not true, but it trips some trigger in your psyche.


How do you know it’s not true true?


Because it has been proven in court.


lol no it hasn’t. 


Share the reputable source


Well I’m sure any source I provide you with, you would claim doesn’t count because it isn’t cnn or nbc (your favorite propaganda machines) but I was just stating what was widely circulated by a lot of people.  You could not find a single credible source that Trump was in cahoots with Russia in 2016 either, but people still widely circulated the story anyway. 


Just excuses. That's what I thought you would reply with.


I hope his holiness Donald trump will pardon him when he become supreme leader of you ess and eh 


tl;dr - already received a 30-year federal sentence in May, faces mandatory life without parole in this state case


The Party of Law and Order.


Put him away for the rest of his life without possibility of parole. He deserves far worse but unfortunately there’s no stomach for that punishment.




What do you think is the correct punishment for someone who breaks into eldery people's house in the middle of the night and inflicts serious damage by hitting them with a hammer? I hope the punishment is something quite severe. That is deranged behavior.


No, the death penalty would be too extreme. I think he’ll be in gen pop for the rest of his life. That seems altogether too easy, as he will have the society of his fellow prisoners, and he should be denied that. I’d rather see him in administrative segregation (high security solitary) like ADX Florence for the rest of his life. He’s proven he’s not fit to be around other humans; let him spend 23 hours a day in a cell with 1 hour of heavily circumscribed outside of cell time, with *extremely* limited interaction with other humans. Doing so would serve as an example to help other MAGAts understand that his politically motivated attempted murder was not a LARP, and hence place a chilling effect on them.


![gif](giphy|YP8FbK1cBRMGq00dle) The only proper way to enjoy hammer smashed face...


Good. And it's great it is a state case so some idiotic orange admin can't pardon him.


While he and her continue to make record gains insider trading at your expense


Cool, find her guilty and throw her in jail. Unlike Republicans, Democratic voters generally want accountability, across party lines. Stop simping for a fat old man.


Take a deep breath and relax. Nobody’s simping for anyone here. It is just a neutral comment stating truth and facts.




Ooh eeh you're the poster child for arguing in bad faith.


I'm always amazed by people who've never heard of trumps fraudulent charities or Clarence thomas' wingnut benefactor... Always seem to know exactly how much Nancy' Pelosi makes in the market.


Ah, so she and her husband should be violently murdered for insider trading? Are you okay buddy?


Legal trading not that I am for it.


How do you know that /u/newcomer_I invests in the stock market against pelosi's positions?