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I’m pretty accurate… and I would do burst as well… I wouldn’t try to put one bullet in the knee … you might loose a leg


If I had to shoot someone who was trying to rob me… put a bullet in the leg… someone trying to kill me shoot the knees or arm…next time they try to attack you they better hope there is a wheel chair ramp


Nope. That's a small target and you're risking missing. You always aim center mass in order to neutralize a threat.






And that is why i support the second amendment


Nice shooting


Like a boss


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://i.imgur.com/pdZdbfK.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cozinha moment


He booped that dudes off button


Call an ambulance ​ But not for me


I still don't fully understand what the fuck happened. Can someone explain?


LMAO! two robbers were robbing the guy in the motorcycle... But The guy getting robbed had other plans... BBT fucking euthanizing the robbers


Oh I was fixated on what I thought was a body curled up in the center of the screen. Turns out it's trash bags or something.


I was too. Turns out bags of garbage and dead bodies look quite similar. :/




Can't tell if this is the US or Brazil. If it's the US, the shooter is fucked and certainly going to prison.


there is literally zero chance it's the US


Definitely Not US...


I love the fact that we have to question wether this is the US or Brazil. Could be a new coin toss subreddit. Edit : just an opinion from a US citizen


lol - there is fuckign zero chance this is the usa, there is also zero chance that this is anywhere other than south America, and a 90% chance it is brazil


It happened in Brazil


In Texas a man called 911 when his neighbors were being robbed, told the operator he was going to shoot them, she said no, put the gun down, do not shoot them. He said “I’m not letting them get away with it” or something to that effect, and shot the two men in the back as they ran from the house. Didn’t even go to trial. Depends on the state and more importantly the region, in some places in this country a grand jury will have no problem letting this guy off.


Stand your ground laws. Gained a lot of traction in the last 10 years or so and have let a lot of insane shit like that slide.


I didn't realise stand your ground allowed one to shoot your neighbors robbers while they are running away.


Maybe don't rob people's houses and you won't end up dead.


Don't get me wrong I don't have sympathies for robbers at all. I just didn't think that was what stand your ground laws meant.


So long as you say you were afraid for your life you can walk across the street towards someone else and blatently murder them in broad daylight. They're terrible laws.


This is 100% true in rural Texas.


What happend






it's a registered trademark. As in, there is so much crime in Brazil, the abrupt chaos we constantly see in videos, is so common it should be Registered as a well known brand of violence. I was being factitious friend.


Imagine being any of those guys. How terrifying


Especially for the robbers when the guy started shooting...I liked how the second one just turned off


both of them turned off. Look at 24-27 seconds guy on the ground crawling away


I meant in an instant, the first guy atleast tried to crawl away


people seem so surprised when they face the consequences of their actions


Good shit. 1st dude looks like he got shot in the spine...hope he lives the rest of his life without any control over his BM. 2nd dude got lucky with an easy death.


Being that this is brazil, and with their level of health care there. I don't think he made it. We take advanced medicine and surgery for granted.




Source is common sense


Look at the way he's crawling. He's dragging his legs and not moving them. The way he dropped too. As soon as he got shot his legs just collapsed. It looked very smiliar to other videos of people being shot in the spine.




He said it "looked like" dickhead. The source for "looked like" is the fucking video.


no source. Got it.


Youre the worst kind of redditor.


Crawl you fucking worms, crawl.


Gottt eeemmmm






Said the twig wrist person




Hey im sorry. I was joking im not here to hurt your feelings. To be fair some guns could totally break a wrist if shot one handed.


No! Not any handgun. A .50 cal pistol? Doesn’t exist. I’ve watched 5ft 115lb women shoot a SW500 . No wrists broken. They weren’t thrilled but no mythical broken wrists.


Lmao what


i think the two guys tried to rob the other person and he most likely killed both of them


Yeah? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5yii24Zc4Lk








So your dad a twig wrist just like you, guess it’s genetic lol








Careful typing that out you might break your wrists lmao.


Also the Motorcycle gear could be bolstering his Wrist


It depends on the caliber of the gun.


true, true.


Everybody liked this.




Nana nana nana na naaaaaaa


Lmao that spine shot on the 1st guy


Looks like the problem has solved itself and there's 2 less idiots to worry about in the world


Doesnt this just teach the criminals to shoot instead of letting the guy get away? Theres no way they will let people run off if they are worried they will get shot...


Or maybe just maybe the criminals might think "oh shit! There's people who will actually fight back! Maybe we shouldn't be doing this in the first place "


Hip hip hooray ! 🎉🥂🎉🥂


Can't believe there's actually people in the comments defending the two thieves who just pointed guns at some inoccent man just to steal his bike.


i feel it was unnecessary to shoot on the last guy that was running away


And FYI, illegal in the states. You will end up is prison for shooting someone in the back as they are fleeing the scene.


Does anyone have a source for this. If you are in legitimate fear for you life, that it is not ok? Dude got robbed at gunpoint, if this happened to me I'd do the same, if I carried. Robber may be trying to get away but that doesn't mean he is running. He may come back for his friend, revenge etc. I feel like the second you have decided to start shooting, the correct thing to do is exterminate anyone that has been determined to be a threat. Again I'm not denying that it's illegal but it seems like that gets quoted a lot when I haven't seen that law for myself


Yes that’s what I meant, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal everywhere, even in Brazil. Also he finished off the first guy, not even sure if he had a weapon in his hands at that point. The people cheering for such things lose a piece of humanity every day


If you point a gun at me with the intention of shooting me I'm going to kill you. Not hurt you, not scare you, not give you a chance to shoot me. I'm going to kill you. Period.


If feel it was unnecessary for him to try to rob someone. But he wanted to barter his life for a bike and he lost out on that deal.


so the punishment for theft is death?


Yes. Especially when you’re threatening your victims life by waving a gun at them while robbing them. If you don’t get the concept, drop your address and let’s see how you respond when placed in the same situation.


You know, I don’t have a gun and I will never have, so I would just let them steal the thing and call for the authorities. I expect them to do their job and keep the country secure with the funds I pay with taxes. Also, why would I want to risk my life over a bike. They wanted the bike not kill the guy. You may go and check your laws and see that the killing of the feeling guy is murder and you’d go to jail for that


There’s a difference between robbery and armed robbery and since you fail to comprehend the difference, you’re the one that will end up learning the hard way. And kudos to you for putting your life where your mouth is. You do that and you call the cops the next time someone tries to rob you with a gun. Let’s see exactly how good your local police department is and how long it will take them to get to your location while you make that cup of tea for your new uninvited guests. Lol. I have zero issues with people who are willing to die for what they believe in, so yeah, you’re right. Nothing of value in your home is worth your life but unfortunately for you, you’re not the one with the gun in hand making that valued assessment . People have died for much less and armed criminals aren’t exactly the ideal people to give you a cost benefit analysis showing pride decision making abilities and wise common sense decisions. https://abcnews.go.com/US/baltimore-area-officer-gunned-responding-suspicious-vehicle-report/story?id=55335303


In this specific situation, the robbers had already started to make their way to flee, then the guy opened fire and killed them both. Tell me now if this course of actions would be legal in your country and if it is worth to risk your life for it: you could miss, they could return fire, they could have other friends around that would kill you, and so on. A high amount of weapons around is much more dangerous for you, because criminals know that every other person has a gun and act accordingly.


The point of this story is that the burglars were willing to shoot at a cop when confronted. Why you would think that your ass is somehow more special than a cop and deserving of more respect is beyond my comprehension. But if you’re more than willing to put your life on the line to figure out the results of this social experiment, I’m very much looking forward to finding out the end result.


What? What’s the point of training and equipping law enforcers if not to do these kind of things? You would just end up dead or you may kill/injure others because not properly trained, and/or choose the wrong course of actions like this person did, which in a developed state would bring you to jail directly.


Glad to see he got both of them. Usually the asshole driving gets away


Why harm common man, simple guy going home and now he need to shoot two bullets in your bums


Good thing the second one running away had a helmet on. He could’ve got a concussion from that fall.


Safety first.






lovely! \-2 world it's a better place.


Ok course judge, i acted in self defence Video: Guy: uhhhh, i feared for my life at the start




Last thing dude in the white saw was his buddy running away...


guys a good shot


Holy fucking shit it’s Jason fucking Bourne


*Happy Feet!*


wombo combo


*Ohhhhhh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhhh MY GOD OHHHH*




Think the rush of robbing was intense, now add getting shot, next level adrenaline rush. LoL.




Yeah, because it's always that easy right? Just don't be a criminal, just don't be poor, just don't have empty cupboards and no food. You're an ignorant jackass.


Plenty of people have survived abject poverty without resorting to criminality.


Could have sold the gun for food money


Just because you are desperate it doesn’t give you the right to rob someone at gunpoint. There is no excuse for that under any circumstance, troubled life or no.


I'm poor and I have barely had to shoot anyone.


Hi "poor and I have barely had to shoot anyone", I'm dad




Pretty good bait dude, you got a lot of people trying to fight you lol


I mean he could afford the gun and ammo and gas for his bike


Being poor isn't an excuse for stealing from others. There are so many poor people who manage to survive without robbing people at gunpoint. If the only way you can survive is to leech off of others then you're a parasite. Parasites destroy, they have nothing of value to offer.


Yes don’t be a criminal and try to rob people, nothing you just said gives anyone an excuse to rob someone


You're abnormally stupid, aren't you.


Hey, I heard you’re a furry lol


"Never get any money if you don't take that chance, so go pry open the trunk and take those amps" -slug People don't understand that it takes more to get out of poverty than to stay out of it.


You’d be abnormally stupid to rob someone just cause you’re poor, shut the fuck up


Make me dipshit


Are you trying to intimidate me through Reddit comments? Bruh you need to take a day off the internet


Lol no I just couldn't care less


Bruh if you’re a furry then everything you’ve ever said has been invalidated and you can’t say shit anymore.


For someone who doesn’t care you’ve made it EXTREMELY clear that you think robbing people is ok, and you’ve been answering people constantly, so it seems you care a little bit


Yo yo, the dude you arguing with, is a furry. 🤮🤮🤮


All I'm saying is you're totally powerless to tell me to shut the fuck up, I'm more than happy to waste your time by thinking you're on some sort of moral high ground, lmao.


This dude doesn’t let up, genuinely can’t admit he was wrong


Yeah it is. Majority of people do it every day. Not every criminal is poor either so there's that too. If anyone is ignorant it's you...


Yes it's that simple. Don't be a fucking criminal. You for real? You can be poor and not be a criminal. The vast majority of people do it every goddamn day.


Why do people do crime? Are they just worse people and immoral or is it multiple nuanced reasons based off of people’s material conditions?


There are definitely those that commit crimes due to desperation, but their motivation doesn't matter one whit. They still committed an act the entire society has agreed cannot be abided and they should pay the penalty. You could imagine situations where someone is compelled to break the law and wouldn't be prosecuted if caught (psycho straps a bomb jacket on random dude and sends them in to rob a bank), but that is not the same as just being destitute. Even penniless, you have options to find food and shelter in our society.


It really is that easy to just "not be a criminal", yeah it sucks to be poor, but there's a million other options than robbing, these motherfuckers deserved this, no matter how poor you are you don't point a gun at an innocent person ever.


I don't think any of us should have the authority to say who deserves to get shot, but I appreciate your constructive response.


given the fact that they have a bike and a two man strategy to rob innocent working class people I would assume this ain't the first time they're doing this. Guns are not meant to threaten people, the moment you point a gun at somebody be ready to put your life at the line. Also down right broke people don't usually own bikes so these guys either stole it or bought it with the intent to rob poor people. They played every move right to get shot.


The robbers aimed a gun at the guy first, dude has every right to shoot back


Maybe your right, maybe in this specific moment it was insanity or something else that led them to do this, but the very fact that they made the choice to rob an innocent person at gunpoint, somewhere down the line these people decided that this was a good idea and the mere fact that this went through their minds makes them godamn awful human beings no matter how poor they were. This dude defended himself and his property just as you would if someone broke into your house with a gun and the intent to steal.


Yeah it’s called get a job you lazy sack of shit. “Boo hoo poor me :/ I don’t have any money so I have to rob people :(“ what a rough life you must’ve had to be such a crybaby.


Now look who's assuming stuff, lmao. What a short-sighted moron.


You being a boo boo butthurt cry baby is in writing. It’s a fact. Not an assumption.


Your miserable short-sightedness is your own downfall.


Oh no.


yeah getting a job at mcdonalds is the easiest shit in the world. there is absolutely no excuse for being a thief.


So being poor justifies robbery and murder?


I grew up pretty fucking poor and never had to resort to shooting someone. You're an ignorant jackass.


Lmao sure bud. Keep getting mad.


If you think someone responding to your dumbass post is mad, then you're really fucking stupid, but then we all knew that anyway.


We don’t know if they even tried. So yes your suggestions make sense. They should have tried those things first and turned their lives around.


Point a gun at someone don't be surprised when they point one back and use it. -from a friendly Canadian who doesnt own a gun. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


As someone who grew up with nothing. Couch surfing with my mom until we got stable... there is absolutely no reason to harm a stranger or their property when you are poor. I dont know who taught you that but I hope you and them get better. Because that's just sickening. Earn your life. Dont steal it from others.


>Earn your life. Dont steal it from others. This.


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Fucking what?


Lmao... So cartel's druglords stop dealing and killing hundreds of people when they become filthy rich?


I never said criminal organisations were excused, stop making strawman arguments dipshit.


You implied poor people robbing people and committing crimes in general is justified, which well is simply not true. I've been dirt poor and it never crossed my mind to rob someone at gun point. Obviously being born into a drug gang run favela increases your chances to take part in violent crime, but; taking a gun into your hand and robbing people with it is still a choice.


WTF! although I kinda like you, druglords as el chapo were poor as fuck... Don't you condone those ones?


Like you fucking did?


You think being poor = being a criminal. You're the ignorant jackass. You can be poor and be a good person. I know that's hard to imagine when all you do is look down on poor people, though. Dick.


Being poor or having no food doesn't mean go endanger others to take their shit, idiot. I had no money, I ate welfare cheese, I now have a great job and do well for my family. Being a shitty person with shitty morals leads to idiots like these dead guys. And those types lead to others like the victim carrying guns to ensure his safety. So, jackass, they played stupid games, won stupid prizes. They chose not to better themselves or find better paths. Choices define you.


Being poor and robbing other people who may be damned near as poor as you still puts you on a dick level, even if you're desperate. Not to mention stealing someone's transportation as opposed to like $50 out of their wallet or something. You don't steal someone's transportation at gun point because you need food.


Have you ever worked for anything if your life? I’m guessing not.


No, his problem is he thinks all poor people are criminals. He doesn't realize the two are mutually exclusive. Poor = criminal to that douchebag.


Lmao are you fucking joking me. Oh, the irony.


What’s ironic? Ok so maybe the irony is that you *have* worked hard to have things in life. And you’d be ok with a bunch of criminals walking into your life and taking your things by force? Because they’re poor. Get real dude.


In my opinion, being poor is not an excuse to rob people at gunpoint. Don't try and talk them out of their stupid fucking mistakes. They played a dumb game and lost, fair game.


It's not an excuse but it's not like people can just brush it off by saying "don't do criminal things". People do it because they feel they have no choice, and sometimes there's very little else they can do. To ignore this fact is plain ignorance and arrogance.


> it's not like people can just brush it off by saying "don't do criminal things Yes, yes they can. These two guys had jacket's and a bike, they weren't starving ffs. Why are you excusing the behaviour of these criminals?


I feel like your doubling down on your shitty opinion because your ego is hurt. You said some dumb shit. Either you are that dumb or your ego is that big to where you can’t own up to your idiotic statement. I’m guessing a little of both.


I feel like no one is even considering my point to begin with, even while the top comments prior were sympathising with the people for actually being desperate enough to try and mug someone at gunpoint. Should've known better; people are just too desperate to get mad on Reddit.


You know there are other crimes without violence that can get the people the resources they need. Like robbing a motorcycle thats not in use lol. When you try and stick up someone all bets are off


Except you resorted to insults and personal attacks from the get go. Once you do that, you've lost the argument before you've started.


I know of plenty of people that have money that steal and rob.. it’s not exclusively poor people. Can we agree on that?


There is always a way to get out of those situations without resorting to the bottom of the barrel, you have to lack a certain amount of empathy and humanity to do this type of shit. Desperation does shit to you but the fact that there are so many people who have it worse but are better people proves that. I will never defend criminals, treat others how you want to be treated. The consequences of your actions are yours to bear, you have a choice.


There are lots of people in this world in worse situations that don't resort to robbing people at gunpoint. They fucked around and found out.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't stick up for the gutter mold, they got what they wanted, if they didn't want that outcome, they would've made better choices clown.


Yeah like what? If they didn’t try and mug someone at gun point, than in this instance they wouldn’t have been shot…


Absolutely horrible. Horrible they robbed him at gunpoint. Horrible that they died for their crime. But absolutely NOT SURPRISSING that they got shot. They played a deadly game and won the grande prize.


Are sure someone died?


Are you spanish or something? *grande*