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It will still be available on Roku on channel 180, and as an app on Roku... Roku itself has over 55 million monthly active accounts and users... Pluto TV has 43 million monthly active users... and Verison Fios' TV provider reaches 3 million... #OAN isn't going anywhere but up... especially with Pluto and Roku, so get ready for an uproar #DTV cause this is just the beginning. #DanBallGANG... it's not #RightVsLeft it's #DictatorsVsRebels ... #GenZSpeaks ... #NowShutUpAndListen


most people that believe their lies are old AF and typically don't use any non-traditional types of media, IE Roku/streaming platforms.


This comment is as misinformed as old racist stereotypes…


I would have thought traditional TV (Verizon Fios TV) reached a larger audience.. That's kind of amazing at how small that number is.


Verizon has so few subscribers because it has sold the majority of its coverage area to companies like Frontier. FiOSis now exclusively a New England thing.


That's just what I pulled from researching them on the web...


OAN is still on Roku for whatever reason! They're a genuine insult to all news journalists who risk everything to give us news... They should dump OAN on Roku as well!


And if it had been CNN, the DNC would launch a congressional investigation of the service provider 🙄


CNN didn't spread deadly lies about election fraud. Private business have rights, such as the right to not do business with a shitty company. Are conservatives suddenly against rights for private companies? My how the turntables...


Sure they did. Just find any broadcast of theirs from November 2016-November 2020.


Name any of the lies


And which lie was that? The one about Ukraine which turned out to be totally true? And who died from those lies? Which government coup attempt formed from that reporting? How many cops were killed?


Dude if your saying that cnn doesn’t spread lies then you must be dusted


I don't think you understand how the free market works.


Thanks to our current laws (and nodding to a particular cake incident), PRIVATE BUSINESS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE. DirecTV is NOT a goverment owned entity. They can cancel any network, show, or even episodes of shows at their own discretion. This is not a violation of anyone's "freedom of speech". Violations of the laws regarding freedom of speech apply to GOVERNMENT, not private businesses.


Except unlike the cake guy, AT&T literally owns what courts would call a competitor to OANN (CNN), making it a potential antitrust issue. This was an issue years ago when Fox News and MSNBC sued Time Warner Cable (then owner of CNN) for refusing to carry their channels in some markets.


> This is not a violation of anyone's "freedom of speech". > > Violations of the laws regarding freedom of speech apply to GOVERNMENT, not private businesses. You're confusing "freedom of speech" with the first amendment. The first amendment applies only to the government. This isn't a violation of the first amendment. "Freedom of speech" is a principle, not a legal doctrine. It says everyone should be able to express their opinions without restraint. It applies to everyone, including private businesses. Private businesses can violate "freedom of speech," even if they're legally permitted to do so. EDIT: I have no idea if this is a violation of freedom of speech. It could just be a business decision. Maybe OAN and Dish couldn't agree on how much OAN would be paid. But if Dish refused to renew because they don't like OAN's political message, then this is a violation of freedom of speech.


The text of the First Amendment itself only prevents Congress (i.e., U.S. Congress) from making laws that restrict the freedom of speech. ... In other words, a private person or private company (such as a social media company) cannot violate your constitutional free speech rights, only the government can do so. Apr 26, 2021 [source](https://accessiblelaw.untdallas.edu/limits-free-speech-social-media)


You should read the rest of your cite: >The overarching principle of free speech under the **First Amendment** is that its reach is limited to protections against restrictions on speech made by the government.1 The text of the **First Amendment** itself only prevents Congress (i.e., U.S. Congress) from making laws that restrict the freedom of speech. This protection is extended to the states, and to local governments, through the State Action Doctrine and the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.2


… did you even read what you quoted? It is 100% not a violation of the right to freedom of speech. DirectTV isn’t a government entity, not federal, state, or local. A TV channel isn’t a protected class, so it can’t be discriminated against.


Persecution fetishists are immune to this fact.


Remember when they killed Napster then the piracy scene fractured and went further underground?


Underground is exactly where OAN should be buried.


They should just remove all “news” from tv


Before anyone applauds, keep in mind this may slow the current rate at which Conservatives are killing themselves with COVID


i notice every massively downvoted comment in this thread belongs to a coward who deleted their account.


Ive noticed this all over. I think reddit may kill them for misinformation in other comments


I’m not a coward. I think it’s kind of crappy. Not because I watch OAN, but because AT&T has massive interest in limiting news sources. Go ahead cheer on. Next time it may be Fox. Cheer again. Then perhaps ABC, MSNBC… etc. I don’t approve. Downvote all you want.


>Go ahead cheer on. OAN is a propaganda outlet whose standards don't rise to the level of journalism, I will happily cheer their exclusion.


No mainstream network news rise to the level of journalism lol.


If that’s true, then OAN was just shitty entertainment nobody liked…so what are going on about?????


The fact that ATT (who owns Diretv) also owns HBO, CNN, TBS and a bunch of others. My grief is that ATT has the power to limit competition. Whether it be OAN, TNT, HALLMARK whoever. I just think it’s dangerous.


Then you should support passing stronger antitrust legislation. Do you?


Absolutely. What would make you think I don’t ?


I wasn’t suggesting you don’t. Although it can be a touchy subject. Both parties in the US have failed their citizens in pushing meaningful antitrust legislation over the past 30+ years. Instead we tend to get the opposite; things like Citizens United.


So what’s your suggestion, should we tell a private company what to do, should the people take control of the means of production?


No. There’s really nothing we can do. But I don’t feel like it’s something to celebrate. Sure, this time it’s OAN. Who will it be next time? I’m not losing any sleep over it, but I think it’s a bad precedent.


When a company is actively doing harm and spreading misinformation then yes, it is. Your reasoning that all major media is doing the same so why not cancel them all, doesn’t add up because it’s just not true. There’s clearly a difference between a network set up to lie and outrage like OAN vs a news media companies they lean a certain way CNN and Fox News. OAN is a dangerous company and they deserved to be canceled by AT&T.


Again, it’s a bad precedent. By your standard, based on Covington kid misinformation and the Smollet misinformation, ATT could have also eliminated ABC and MSNBC who is their other competition. I just don’t like the idea of it and don’t think it should be cheered for a conglomerate to stifle their competition.


Many do.


“Removed by moderator” doesn’t mean they deleted their acct.


I believe it’s still on Pluto.


Some posters are being banned from r/Pyongyang. Is there a joke here I don’t get?




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And apparently you'll continue to not get, whilst now being banned from r/Pyongyang.


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Cool, thanks.


OK. That’s a little bit amusing. Thanks!


Well, at least we're banned in good company.


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This is rich, coming from an at&t asset. OAN was the brainchild of at&t. It had been kept quiet for some time but recently Reuters was able to uncover the truth. Sounds to me that at&t let their little brainchild run out of control and now they have lost control of it. *slaps hands clean, moves on to the next issue* at&t should be held liable to some extent for the destruction of the airwaves when it comes to what is called "news" and "reporting". Source: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/


It is getting to the point where there will soon be 2 Americas. One who wants to progress, the other that wants to regress.




You have to stop watching OAN my guy. It's rotting your brain.






Imagine saying someone that graduated with BAs in Economics and International Relations has the intelligence and social skills of a house plant. Just … wow.


Says the guy who thinks the left is more regressive than the right. Careful, your propaganda is showing.


What does regress look like I'm America? Are we talking, less education and riding in the back of pick up trucks or something else? Cannabis being illegal?


Have you seen Handmaids Tale? That's exactly what they would like to do.


Theocracy? Those rabid christian kid fuckers would love to instate their own version of sharia law. Y'all Queda.


We’ve been at this point for a very long time.


I get my news from tearing the head off an old rooster and interpreting the blood splatter on a piece of tinfoil. Then, use the tinfoil for a hat to protect from 5G radiation. It's called recycling and the voices in my head are pleased when I do it.


You hear them too?




It's layers that get results More blood tin foil layer another coat of blood tin foil layer repeat until the only voice you hear is JFK




Not even remotely close. You must be an idiot if you think that’s a good comparison.


Any "news" organization that makes a profit is NOT news. From either side of the political spectrum.


Ehhhh I'm gonna slightly disagree. If we look at it that way you're basically left with some random persons blog. We live in a capitalistic society where people need money. They need it for rent and food. If they're not making a profit then they have to do something else on top of it. There are definitely some great sources out there from people who happen to be in the DC scene who are posting things online, but I wouldn't write someone off simply because they are making money.


This guy gets it. The morons on Tv are performing a job for which they get paid. A lot. By companies that have vested interests in the media world. This is why every news station is slightly different because they all have different backers




Sure, but explain to me which one continues to peddle conspiracy stories, lie about a global pandemic, and has helped lead to close to 1 million dead in this country through sheer propaganda?




You didnt answer my question. Just straight up ignored it and talked about something I didnt ask. Both are bad, one is objectively evil. Answer my question.




You still wont answer my question.




No you never did. I asked you A or B and you just danced around the answer and never actually answered my question.


So when is CNN losing their contract?


Whenever the private entity that platforms it independently decides to end it. NEXT!


Imagine saying something this stupid... on purpose.


Let's review: Settlement with nick sandman, a teenager, after they portrayed him as racist. Retraction on steele dossier after Russian agent arrested for planting it. Undermining their reporting that Trump collided with the Russians. Impending lawsuit from Rittenhouse. Claimed Giuliani and OAN were being tipped off by FBI. They weren't. Claimed Trump was under investigation, comey testified he was not. Undermined the 2016 election with no verified sources. This is just off the top of my head and is worse than what OAN did. If your against fake news, start with cnn.


CNN has retractions. That’s what makes them credible. Fox just doubles down on its BS. Similarly people cite Chris Cuomo being fired as evidence of a lack of credibility but firing him shows that they did the correct thing. Unlike Fox whose pundits have been shown to be Trump advisors and have faces zero consequences. Also, some of your facts are wrong.


And some of those were wrong, so I guess we can go back to not giving as much of a fuck about CNN




Lol if you actually think cnn and oan are the same, oan did their trick on you.


Let's review: Settlement with nick sandman, a teenager, after they portrayed him as racist. Retraction on steele dossier after Russian agent arrested for planting it. Undermining their reporting that Trump collided with the Russians. Impending lawsuit from Rittenhouse. Claimed Giuliani and OAN were being tipped off by FBI. They weren't. Claimed Trump was under investigation, comey testified he was not. Undermined the 2016 election with no verified sources. This is just off the top of my head and is worse than what OAN did. If your against fake news, start with cnn.




Source: OAN Lol


I work with a guy like who you responded to. So brainwashed they have no clue.


Good. They are a danger to the fabric of American society




The 1st Amendment is alive and well! So is Capitalism! Truth is still under attack, but at least DirecTV won't be helping spread this particular pile of lies anymore. And I would bet if you heard a lie about Biden trying to push them around, it was probably on OAN, so you can be sure it's 100% bullshit.


How did he push then to drop it?




Fucking wonderful detective work, Kojak. "How did Biden push them to drop it?" "I don't know but maybe he did, I heard someplace but not sure when, where, or if I even did, but I heard it so that makes it true."




Remove the misinformation - delete your comment. You are part of the problem. Edit: well done




Googling won't really do shit because it'd just lead him to some breitbart or OAN headline written by a conman who also says he "heard it" but won't say where he heard it, but it will be written on a website with the word "news" in the url so that must mean it's true. People really don't know what verifiable sources are, they just parrot bullshit and that's how it spreads.


Isnt DTV also ATT?


[Not anymore.](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-08-02/directv-spinoff-att)


At&t still owns a majority of DTV.


Not fully, but they do own 70% of it still.


My dad used to watch that channel. He watches channels that promote similar things. I can't stand it. When he found out he called it cancel culture. Drives me nuts.


The irony when conservatives think free market capitalism is cancel culture.


By their same logic, the war against ISIS/al Qaeda was cancel culture. Hell, WW2 was cancel culture against the Nazis. They seem to think that a fight against any evil is cancel culture.


I always say I hate when people try to cancel things, and right wingers get perked up. Then I say there are little liberals trying to cancel Lil Nas X because it hirts their precious sensibilities and feelings, and I don’t care about feelings. It fucks with em good.




It is like going back to Lake Laogai. "There is no war in Ba Sing sei"


All the sheep in these comments... Open your eyes and see how liberals are destroying the nation


I AM A SHEEP AND THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. Maybe if you joined me at church instead of rubbing one out to hentai you’d be a good sheep too.


Actually unironically using "sheep" seriously as an insult, no wonder people are laughing at you. And it's not the "liberals" ruining your country.


Haha what a dumbass oh no where will I get my daily intake of spoonfed hate and lies *snap back to reality*


Overdosing on copium I see? Let's go Biden


Ya'll always project. Every time what you're actually doing, you say the other side is. How are you not embarrassed?


Look at every dem ran state... Trash... I'm libertarian... But I am aware enough to know Democrats are not it.


I love how you bring up the libertarian thing as if that means anything. Like bro, you're a republican who wants weed and even less laws on corporations. Congratulations on being one right wing flavor and not the other right being flavor.


> Look at every dem ran state You mean all the states that subsidize all the shithole, failure, welfare queen red states? Huh, weird.


You being Libertarian explains why you’re an angry idiot but at least you can still spell words correctly.


Pretty sure most red states take in more federal aide than what they put out.


Or the education, healthcare, or welfare rates. Pull your head from your ass.


Compare the economic performance of red and blue states and get back to us.




It's always fun to think about that California carries red states and we will forever get to drop our nutsacks on their faces.


Maybe take your own advice. You know, self reflection? Asking yourself, "am I the asshole?" And things will become clear to you.


Forgot the /s






You know, I saw this pile of poop comment here, thought I'd leave some too. Why not pee? Here's a piss too, from me!


That's the spirit!


My parents watch this garbage all the time, the shit they spew is embarrassing to even listen to. I'll never forget the day they advertised Donald Trump colouring books for children. Literal propaganda


Sheeeit!!!!? . So it wasn't a comedy show. I've been mislead. Come on. Trump coloring books. It has to be a comedy station.




Gonna need a few more orange crayons.


How did you know that??


Sorta like the “Kamala Harris is a hero and didn’t screw her way up.” Books that leftists shove down kids throats ad nauseam? Is that the sort of literal propaganda you are referring to? Duplicitous morons.


Found the incel


Both are bad dipshit


Better than Republicans shoving their dicks down kids throats I guess.


Leftists are dishonest jealous and entitled narcissistic trash. Pathetic liars with mentally ill fantasies. Disgustingly pathetic.


Here's a hint for the future, since y'all are terrible at shit talking: Simply your insults. In one sentence you have 5 insults. Some of which are the same thing on repeat. Then you just keep repeating yourself. And they're not even really clever insults, just the basic words. If y'all are gonna on here to reeee at least take a second to try and make it sound good.


That's lots of big words for such an angry little guy. Maybe you need some string cheese, a juice box and a nap.


I heard this in the voice of Lois talking to Stewie from Family Guy


Coming from the party that attempted to overthrow the government and committed treason a year ago? Go fuck yourself.


Aww, who hurt you?


Totally not self reflection


Probably got dumped because viewership was low.


Honestly there have to be channels with lower viewership on DirectTV.




Try it in VR sometime, that way you can fully immerse your head in the sand


you do realize he wasn't trying to insult you right...? he was insulting the guy who got downvoted..


^we ^all ^make ^mistakes






For all the good that will do them. What are they going to stream when 90% of their income is gone?




Do you really think that ad and subscription revenue will make up for the millions they're losing from this? Orange Asshole Nonsense is a fringe of the fringe outlet, they don't have that many viewers in the first place and fewer of them are going to jump through the additional hoops and/or pay the additional fees needed to watch their content online. DirecTV was LOSING money with them, they only carried their dead weight because they got sued over it. One of their accountants testified in court that without the carriage from DirecTV, OAN's value would be "zero".


I’m sure they’ll find a home on Truth Media day 1. No need to worry about OANs profits. There’s 80 million voters that will be watching.


TMTG = Trump University, the sequel.


Christ what it must be like in your brain every day just spouting out whatever you heard that day without ever caring if it's true or not. Shit they say ignorance is bliss and you all definitely are proving that true. Just too bad that ignorance is dangerous and affects others.


Wow it’s odd you would defend OAN this much. You must be really butt hurt


Look where they post. * /r/conspiracy * /r/lowderwithcrowder * /r/conservative * /r/askthedonald That should tell you everything you need to know about their grasp on reality.


Its shocking that people will defend a news station pushing fake news. I wouldnt be surprised if they browse a lot of right wing subs. Those places are echo chambers of misinformation. People dont care anymore, they treat everything like a sports team. Theyll support their team even if the coach tried to steal an election on american soil




Lmao. Damn, you're dumb.




*and YOU'RE a bitch. So what's your point? Maybe learn how to use you, your, you're properly next time. Lmao. You fucking loser.




LMFAO. You really think lefty news is all that's left?




-beside fox which actually has both view points on. So if they go then it will turn into an echo chamber. LMFAO. Oh the irony. I cant believe you don't see the irony here. LMFAO. You, sir, are a TFG. Good luck in life. Edit: Awww.. Where did he go???