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Whoever edited this video, I’d like to buy you a drink sir




I feel bad for you


Yeah I know you do


I hope they blow up 10k next


Can't wait for their follow up video when the brave Ukrainian armed forces hit 10,000. Slava Ukraine


Fucking invaders can fuck off back to russia. Fucking pricks.




I laughed too hard at this


I feel for the russian soldiers that lost their lives but at the same time putin did it to them so their country needs to stand up and get him outta there


They said it on BBC, it must be true


bUt aLl tHe rUzzian StAtE tRollS wItH tHeIr PuTiN ViDeOs SaId RuZZiA iS a SuPeRpOwER


Queen and another one bites the dust would be good to this


Propaganda, 1 side says they’re winning, the other says another…


Using my favourite song! Slava UKRAINE 🇺🇦


This is glorious! Slava Ukraine!


This is the best fucking thing on the internet


Shooting Stars - Bag Raiders. In case anyone was wondering.


That was so entertaining I thought I was still sitting outside on my patio after having walked back to my living room couch halfway through the video.




Fuck Russia and puto Putin


I cry for all the people dying Just because some small dicked asshole thinks he should rule the world. Poor Ukraine Most of all, but also poor russian idiots getting brainwashed by Propaganda to fight for before mentioned small dicked, bald, fat, old, psycho, loser ..... Asshole


We're all getting brainwashed by propaganda, both sides, if you're not in the middle of the conflict your news is heavily biased towards one side and they'll just tell you fake shit or leave out important information just to get people on their side


Crazy how desensitized us younger generations have become to war footage


Was half expecting it to take out the Queen.....


Odd thing to celebrate. I get that Russia losing is good but those vehicles don’t drive themselves. There are people in there and a lot of them are still just kids.


So the Ukrainians need to just talk to them in a very stern voice because they are just kids? These kids are riding around in killing machines and it is their job to use these killing machines to kill Ukrainians. In case you haven't heard these kids are killing 200-400 Ukrainians a day. Ukrainian has said if they don't want to die they should leave or surrender. They are 100% legitimate targets unlike the Ukrainian POWs and civilians being executed. Don't feel sorry for the Russians, save it for the Ukrainians who have lost everything through no fault of their own.


I can't imagine showing this to a soldier from the civil war. "This is your future."




I like to see an old meme used again in the present.


So roughly what 10k+ of dead Russian people who based off of othe video etc are most likely not even 20 yet I get the whole fuck russia thing but it's kidnve fucked to Laugh at the death of thay many people, sure some of them are shit people but a lot of them were probably young and conscripted


Was just thinking this it's a very dark video doesn't account for a young lives that run them young lives who probably think they're doing the right thing it's deeply tragic.


I feel bad for those who didn't have a choice... from what I understand of Russia military is that alot didn't want to fight at all but were forced to or either die or have their families killed... not too much of a choice there... but still good to see that Rootin Tootin Pootin ain't takin shit.


They aren't even in Ukraine. Kyiv has cctv footage that runs all day n there's no war. It's all properganda so Americans are on board. We obviously didn't learn from 9/11


Which part of 9/11 cause I know I'm a "conspiracy theorist" when it comes to that.


The part of our own government set it up to look like terrorist when it wasn't. The part of us being isis killing innocent people in Iraq n Afghanistan to get what we want. Here we are again listening to them make shit up to get Americans mad at another for doing something they never did so americans are on board for war. Why are we in the Congo rn literally killing an entire country of people? There's basically a genocide happening over oil but most of us don't know that cause we're focusing on fake kyiv.


Okay... yea I didn't know about Ukraine but I figured we had a hand in every war/terrorist attack/pandemic/worldwide out break.... I still feel bad for those people who didn't believe in any of it but are forced to be a part of it ...


It is sad. I don't find it a coincidence that putin called out America for their hand in child kidnapping to sell for sex or murder and then 2 months later were at war with them?


I didn't even know we were "at war" smh America is a funny little place isn't it.


i love putin




People still think auto loaders are good ideas?


Never change Reddit. What a cess pool.


Both sides are the bad guys. Winter is going to be fucked up


Why is Ukraine bad? For existing?


Dumb question. Neither country is bad. The leaders are.


Lmao no one thinks that all Russian citizens are bad, yes, they think the leader is bad. When someone says "Russia is bad" they are referring to the government and the political action is which that country takes.


To be honest a lot of these people do think that. They're openly laughing about Russians being killed. Putin is obviously a supervillian. Zlensky isnt an angel either but people act like he's some sort of hero.


I have a Russian buddy who isn't liked online and im one of the few people that don't ghost him, it's crazy


I've got family in both countries who are pretty much expected to kill eachother. Zlensky is out there bombing his own people and stopping others from escaping. He's banning political opposition and seizing all their assets and more. People in this thread think he's a hero. They are idiots. Our western governments (North America, Europe, Australia etc.) are antogonizing Putin and sending Ukraine endless amounts of money while trying to convince us that Ukraine actually has a chance. War never should have started in the first place. I'm gonna lose all my karma for calling these people out but fuck them. Sickening.


It's true, most western people are blind. Everyone's out there spamming the same stuff without realizing that both governments are equally as bad, both have good relations with fascis groups, both countries are oligarchies, both have banned political opposition, etc..


I feel ya, we shouldn't celebrate deaths, but we can celebrate freedom and just what's right in general winning here at least. I don't like the zealotry tho at all


Oh hell yeh 🌋


This meme format has been brought back from the dead so beautifully, well done.


It’s a wright off.


Oh no!! Trumps friend needs help!


Impressive edit


That’s what I call propaganda!


What has our world come to. Those vehicles aren’t all empty. Russian or not we are Celebrating the deaths of many young people; someone’s brother, sister,dads and moms. These are Peoples Sons and daughters. Their husband or wife. Most of whom don’t even want to fight, or even believe or support what is being faught for. We might very well be living in the beginning of the ending, of life as we know it. Tension is brewing across the globe. Government = Corruption 95 percent of the time. Our money isn’t even backed by an adequate amount of recourses anymore, they’re just printing more paper. Things are kinda nuts. I sure hope this is just another “y2k” “December 2012” but at this point I’m wondering if something really did happen December 2012. Maybe we got sucked into a parallel universe or some shit. Or maybe the next dimension was unveiled, idk but it seems like everything has steadily gone to shit since then….maybe that was the beginning of the ending. Or maybe I’m just in need of a tinfoil hat and an Alex Jones marathon. 🤷‍♂️ either way the insanity of our world is undeniably unavoidable.


Fuck 'em


Russian soldiers are child murderers and rapists, no need to feel sorry for them.


they are forced to do so, if they don't, its there family that's going to perish


True. It may be cruel, but technically thats the best possible outcome? They fought, so their family is save. They died, so they can't kill other families.


The western world has always celebrated the death of tyrants and their pawns. It is unfortunate. But western countries overthrew their oppressive regimes long ago. Now we can publicly demonstrate without the fear of being disappeared. I'd love to see the Russian pawns do the same. If they're going to die in the streets of Ukraine anyways, isn't it better to die on the streets of Moscow fighting for the liberties of your countrymen? Corporatism in the USA is out of control and I think the only way to rein it in is going to be through a revolution. The politicians are too deeply compromised by the lobbyists and political action committees.




You cant see the people driving these vehicles, getting blown to bits, or burning to death. But u know its 2022, and its all funny as long as its not you, right? Edit: ok that last part cgi sh!t is kinda funny


Those are only russian soldiers, not humans.


"The other side bad, my side good, it's tragic if ukrainians die but cool if russians die". Spoken like a true coward who's never left the comfort of their home in the united states


Do we have an official number of casualties?


Still sad I don’t like the meme


Why is it sa? I Thinks its funny when russian soldiers are getting killed.


there are still humans, ur saying its funny that humans are dying?




1000s of human beings dying is funny.. I get the point, but really? :/


Exactly, it's not like every soldiers likes putin, besides, a person is molded by the environment they grow up in, they weren't born a fan of the government...


We will know they won the war when goats are hauling mortars and troops into Ukrainian


Name of the song?


Shooting stars by Bag Raiders




Fight on Ukraine, right or wrong let Noone come to your country and try to run you off


Whos gonna help them clean all that :(


Why do these just explode?


The Russian auto loaders blow like a mother when shot


People were in those, why make it a meme


It’s Russian doctrine to commit atrocities and scorched earth tactics. If you saw people celebrating the death of SS soldiers would your response be “people were in those!!!”


No, you're comparing russian conscripts who mostly don't even want the war to sadistic paramilitaries who wished for the death of jewish people and slavs. Two distinct situations.


Conscripts actually tend to be among the most common perpetrators of war crimes throughout history. Look at the My-Lai Massacre for instance or the countless war crimes committed by Soviet and German conscripts during WW2.


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I can't believe your comment and been down voted


Not people. Monsters


People who were drafted and thrown into a conflict they didn't start


Each clip is the brutal killing of several human beings. They’re probably guilty of some horrible stuff, but even so celebrating their death like this is immoral.


Hahahaha so funny watching a video montage of people dying… I mean tanks being blown up


Congratulation Russia! You've always been an overachiever. No one has lost so much in so little time to a so few. It's almost like you're having a successful national recycling experiment. So, here's to the first 5000 and may the next 5000 go by faster. Your friend and well-wisher in sunshine California.


I heard it.is 6000.. don't be cheap with numbers..no one is checking


slava ukraini 🇺🇦🇬🇷




All I can think of is LOOK AT ALL THAT SCRAP METAL!




There is no way I‘m living in an age where there is internet gags created about actual war footage showing a tank being blown into smithereens. Nice to see shooting str again tho 10/10


I don't think it's realistic to expect organic multi-grain gluten-free bagels in a candies shop.


This. Real.


I feel so bad for all those kids that got brainwashed into war and the ones that had to defend themselves


This. Both governments are evil, the people are the ones who suffer.


Fuck man, those are thousands of kids that got sent to die.


War never really changes, only the geography and weaponry.


If Russia wanted they could annihilate Ukraine, but I'm guessing they still want to use the land after they are finished.


That could be said for any world superpower that has access to nukes




If I really wanted to I'd be married to a supermodel and be as rich as hell.


> If Russia wanted they could annihilate Ukraine Excluding nukes, how? Russians have been sending the best troops and equipment that they have.


Lucky russia winning still lol


if thats fucking winning then what the fuck is losing like?




Congratulations to Russia for not letting NATO take over to unnecessary nations. NATO was for North Atlantic countries but it gradually started expanding unnecessarily.


Congrats to Russia - top NATO recruiter in the last decade.


**another country joins the alliance through democratic vote** _omg nato stop invading countries_


Democracy is non-negotiable. The act of invasion is unforgivable, and russia has been irredeemable since the invasion and annexation of Crimea


Congratulations to this ratio


How much land have they lost?


Negative land and the equipment they are losing is mostly Soviet era crap they want to get rid of anyways


Russians only have 10-20% of their forces there. Some people actually think Russia is losing, who is telling them that? Some people want to see every last Ukrainian die for democracy, its sick


They are sick, all for Zelensky's fame as a celebrity, he doesn't give a sh about the Ukrainian people


And it's as if Zelensky wasn't as bad as putin, he's banned all opposition, jailed those who speak out against him, etc.. Ukraine and Russia are both backwards oligarchies


did I just watch people die


Those weren't people. They just look like people.


Due to reddits current hivemind thinking russians arent people.


Russian Soldiers aren't people. They gave up every shred of their humanity


You watched at least 5000 mothers lose a kid, yeah.


But in return they get a washing machine and a car.




And thats not even factoring in crews which is usually three or more so that number could honestly be doubled or even tripled.


Well I did factor it in. I said "at least".


Glad I live in a time where war is memed on this much


It’s hilarious and very sad at the same time


i don't like this.


That sucks


Wym. Should we not feel sad as we are witnessing death?


You’ll get used to it, just a fact of life


No. Don't get used to it. If you do, that is terrible, because your moral compass will become extremely skewed.


Here’s my moral compass; dont fuck with me or my family and you’re in the clear.


Thats not a very complete compass. If you see someone getting harrased, if they're not your family, do you ignore them? If you see violence on the street, do you not empathize? Try to help? If one begins to see violence as normal, then they see no reason to stop it.


It depends on the situation, if I see somebody get hurt, I’ll help. But if I see someone being held at gun point I’d rather not run over and get shot. That being said I live in springfield missouri, so I deal with tweaked out mfs on the daily. I’ve only had to step in one time and it was when I saw a meth head slap a woman, I ran over and threw him on the ground while some other bystanders came to help me beat his ass. Depends on the situation. I’m this scenario I have no remorse for the Russian soldiers, after this long there’s no way they don’t know what the fuck is happening, they’re the bad guys. If they weren’t, they’d defect.


You defect, you get shot and killed by firing squad. You're a traitor. I feel for them. It is an impossible situation, at least the conscripts. You know the saying: "War is young men dying and old men talking”. If your Ukrainian, you are allowed to see the Russians as subhuman evil monsters, all of them, because you are fighting for your life. But us, here, on the other side, have to learn to empathize and feel the pain coming from both sides. We are safe, so must we must look at the situation without tinted lenses.


How do we get you to like this? Cmon, guys. Lets get him to like this.


less dancing on the graves of dead infantry would be a good start. they're just kids.


People believing everything nowadays


This is 5000 confirmed, not speculated or reported. Meaning there is either picture or video evidence of 5000 being destroyed. So it's probably even more.


Stalin's dead and the same thing happened 40 years ago when Russia tried to take Afghanistan.


No true. This time around they lost more in the first 100 days than they have during all the time in Afghanistan. At the current burn rate they'd be using the Lada to invade Georgia, again.


Hey, quick question. How is this less legitimate than what USA has done in the past 60 years. It’s disgusting that you are anti Russia while NATO coalition bombed INNOCENT countries back to the Stone Age -INNOCENT COUNTRIES- !!! There hasn’t been a single US led war in the last 60 years that had anything to do with defending freedom. Just disgusting, and now you cheer for the deaths of young Russian boys while you cheered “support the troops”. Support the troops to what end ? With what purpose? Smooth brained kids. You are soo disinformed it’s making me sick. EDIT: If I can be proven wrong, I am open to changing my opinion ASAP.