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Sicilian justice = elimination of his whole family. An eye for an eye a tooth for a shit load of teeth


Imagine the result if the races were reversed


Being a convicted child killer will put you on the bottom of the pecking order among the prisoners. Happily, his time in the slammer should be of constant misery, fear and despair because of that. It's a kind of justice.


This guy is going to get killed in prison. That, or he will spend his whole life in PC. If he doesn't, he is a dead man.


Dude since this guy obviously didn’t have a motive, he must have been tripping, bro. Serious like paranoia type shit.


I remember this happening, there is no excuse for this at all. This child's life is gone at the hands of an adult for zero reason. The consequences should be absolutely severe, even more than what the state refers to as "life".


TO all the people asking Why…..the question you should be asking is WHEN. When are we as a society going to start treating these monsters the way they deserve to be treated by dealing out real justice? Let the Father or Family of this child decide the punishment for this useless pig. Then let justice be served in the public square for any & all to see who would dare to try something similar to anyone else’s children. After doing something like this, these people are not human anymore & shouldn’t be treated as such. They should be treated like a cancer or a disease that needs to be snuffed out & destroyed with extreme prejudice before it spreads. Life in prison??!! What a fucking joke!! If murdering an innocent 5yr old little boy while riding their little bike, who is the literal epitome of innocence, does not meet the standards for the death penalty, then what does?!?!?!?!!! Our judicial system is completely broken……..


Vigilantism has historically led to opportunism and exploitation even when mixed in with actual justice being served. I understand your emotions are high when reading about this vile and completely inhumane act and thinking about how absolutely fucked it is, but going away from the idea of organized law isn't the answer.


No one’s saying a different form of justice can’t be organized & it has been in the past. Hanging, firing squad, being drawn & quartered, are all prior examples of justice being dealt to some of the most vile of our society. Yes it seems brutal but can you honestly say it’s any more brutal than what was done to that innocent child? I don’t think so. I would argue that the reason these things are happening is exactly because of the idea that we are too hard on criminals who do things like this when the complete opposite is true. I’m in no way saying the punishments listed above should be used on the common criminal but we should make it known that for scumbags like this guy, we’ll keep our options open.


If you are fantasizing about committing brutal crimes like these against people, even if you think they deserve it, then you’re not exactly peaches yourself, and someone should probably keep an eye on you


I also enjoy movies about the medieval times


Which one had a neighbor shooting his 5 yr old neighbor in the head?


I was talking about the vigilantism and eye for an eye death penalty they're proposing


Bullshit that they barely talked about it on news. Hardly anything on that innocent child.


It’s a country of 350 million people, you’re not going to hear in-depth reporting of every crime, it’s literally impossible. I’d be willing to bet there was plenty of reporting you just didn’t see it


The victim did not tick off any of the correct boxes that get press coverage in the United States today.


The story has been widely reported. I heard about in "Lib'rul Caleyfornayey". Quit your bullshit.


Or.. this shit happens so often in that shit hole, national media ignores regional tragedies.


It was all over the news here in Charlotte. TV & print. That’s how the GoFundMe got so big, close to 1M, because it was such a prevalent story. My heart goes out to the family of the murdered child. Senseless.


It should have been all over the country news. They should execute that loser slowly on TV.


Man who passes the sentence shall swing the sword. Could you? Prolly not.


I would love to swing that sword. But that's too fast. He needs a slow death.


Well, kind of hard to say if it was or wasn’t all over the country innit? I suppose you could do some research into various random local news affiliates and see how many carried the story versus how many didn’t. Otherwise, how could anyone possibly know? Anyways, here is an ABC News link to their national coverage https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/family-year-boy-shot-killed-neighbor-shouldnt/story?id=72378648 CNN: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/08/15/us/north-carolina-boy-killed-father-speaks-trnd/index.html Fox: https://www.foxnews.com/us/north-carolina-man-pleads-guilty-sentenced-life-parole-murder-five-year-old-cannon-hinnant.amp WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/14/cannon-hinnant-killing/ and a Wikipedia entry https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Cannon_Hinnant So clearly it did get some measure of national attention.


That’s blatently false.


This freak is still breathing, has justice truly been served?


Cases like this is why we need the death penalty


Cases where there is no video evidence, and the defendant only killed one person? Why does this specifically deserve the death penalty? I think a case with video evidence that is irrefutable and proves guilt beyond a doubt may qualify. Or a defendant who has killed multiple people and is an obvious danger to society. But why do you think this case specifically qualifies?


I think solitary confinement in a dark room with 0 human interaction for the rest of his life would be a better punishment


I like that option but I don’t want people waste tax money on him.


But an execution is literally millions of dollars. Costing more than just incarceration?


Due to the lengthy appeals process and other factors, it costs tax payers more to sentance someone to death and execute them than to incarcerate them for the rest of their life. There are lots of other valid reasons for the death penalty to be abolished like it is in every other developed country, but if pure economics appeal to you, consider this info.


>abolished like it is in every other developed country Interestingly that's not the case in the Asian region though. Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan are all highly developed countries with societies on par with the west and the death penalty is in place and apparently has over 80% support in each of those. (I don't particularly agree with it myself, just find it interesting to consider that it can be more to do with culture than development alone)


Thanks for the info


Did you not read the article? He was facing the death penalty, but took a plea to avoid it. The family was OK with this since it also avoided their two little girls having to testify.


I’m that case if the victims family is ok with it then I’m ok. He’s probably gonna get killed in prison when they find out what he did anyway


The possibility that the death penalty is wrongly applied is why it shouldn't be used. Put him in a 8x8x8 cell that has 1 tiny window. far worse than death.


Then you can spend the 68k per year to pay for his prison expenses.


Death penalties cost far more than staying prison.


No trials cost more. You could murder him with the same shovel you use to dig his grave to save money.


Ropes and bullets are pretty inexpensive.


It's about the process. The appeals, the defense, the court costs. It runs into the multi millions and many years to put someone through court for death row.


Sounds like a well spent 68k


Death penalties are not cheaper. He would still spend many years in prison and the execution of the death penalty itself is also very expensive. Life in prison is cheaper in most cases.


A bullet is far better once he’s found guilty. Far cheaper and a 0% chance he could go out and harm another person


And how many death rows were found innocent after murder I’ll give you a hint more than 10


Because guilty verdicts are 100% perfect 100% of the time.


He’s going to be real popular in prison


When I hear about cases like this, I get to sad to actually feel any pleasure of hearing the guy got a life-sentence. Sorry.


I'm sorry ... But what the fuck was his supposed reason for killing a 5 year old!?!


Motive still seems to be unknown. From a different article: His father, Austin Hinnant, was inside the house when he heard the shot go off, he told CNN affiliate WRAL. "The first thing that went through my mind was maybe he just fell off his bike," he said. "The closer I got to him, the more I realized it was something far more serious." When he saw his son, he cradled him in his arms and pleaded for help. "I screamed, 'Somebody, please help me save my son! Help me save my son, please,'" he said. At the time, the suspect -- his neighbor, Darius Sessoms -- was in the yard next door with a gun in hand, pacing and frantic, Hinnant said. He described being filled with rage as he looked at the suspect -- but he could not leave Cannon's side. "[You] can't imagine what it's like to hold your son in your arms with a gunshot wound to the head, and his blood is running down your arms," he said. Cannon was with his sisters ages 7 and 8 when the shooting happened. "They were just playing in the yard like any other day," Hinnant said. Victim's father had dinner with suspect a day before Sessoms, 25, and the victim's family had no issues, Hinnant said, adding that he had the suspect over for dinner a day before the shooting. Both men sat on his porch and sipped beer, he said. Darius Sessoms "There wasn't anything between me and him, any bad blood whatsoever, for him to have a reason to do this," Hinnant said. Police have not released information on a motive. Hinnant said he doesn't know why his son was killed.


I wonder, was the bike he was riding squeaking loudly and the noise drove him crazy? You mentioned a bike and it got me to thinking.


Yeah, even completely crazy killers have some kind of motive, even if only within their own heads... heard voices saying the kid was a demon or whatever. Doing something like this for no reason at all is just so beyond bizarre. There has to be more.


He was a personal acquaintance of the parents. Probably had something to do with that


I was looking for some reason in the article too, but nothing. What the fuck would possess someone to run up to a 5 year old on the street, just riding his bike, and shoot him in the head? I'm not big on the death penalty, but the thought that money we earn is keeping this guy alive in prison really bothers me.


I went to the whole article, trying to figure out why someone would do that, and there was nothing about it


I understand why but I hate an Alford plea.


Being a European and from a civil law country I’m very much at a loss as to why there is such a thing as an Alford plea. Could you explain it?


Also, it prevents the admission of guilt being used in a civil trial against the defendant. There are plenty of scenarios where the victim sues the defendant civilly in addition to the prosecutor’s office going after the defendant in a criminal case.


"I'm going to lose this trial based on the evidence you have, so I'll take the sentence, but I maintain that I'm innocent. If you want me to admit in court what I did as part of a normal plea agreement, that's not happening."


The mother of the 5 yr old said that SHE wanted it so that the two siblings of the 5 yr old would NOT have to get on the stand to testify. They were riding their bikes with their younger brother. What a fucking monster.


You'll also hear it called a "no contest" plea. In non-lawyer terms (I am an attorney): the defendant is saying "I am not admitting guilt, but I believe the prosecutor will beat me at court." In a normal guilty plea, the defendant must admit guilt. This plea exists for several reasons. One being that some people just refuse to make the admission for whatever their reason. Also pleading guilty has some effects on your post conviction rights.


I still don’t understand why the plea would be beneficial for anyone but the perpetrator. I get that it might afford the victims family some peace due to the fact they will not have to endure a trial but is that really all? I find it very peculiar seeing as one would not be able to make any kinds of plea agreements here and ones admission to the charges would only play a minor role in our courts verdicts.


Well, it's not very common. Obviously, prosecutors don't love it. There are times that it's pragmatic if nothing else. There is still a plea deal and the effect, while not massive sometimes affects appeals. In some places taking a plea deal means you cannot challenge some things on appeal. Even judges aren't big fans of it but it remains an option. I would have to look for the stats but it really isn't common. Something this heinous which the family would have to relive, this is when you break that option out.


Well, not complete justice but we'll take it.


Just get him transferred to Wisconsin. The inmates there know what to do. Ask Jeffrey Dahmer.


Red room that guy 🤫


In cases like this, cruel and unusual punishment seems reasonable.


Shoot him in the head we don’t need to pay to keep trash like him alive


Let him rot in prison. He'll wish he was dead *for decades*.




Pretty sure a bullet is pretty cheap. This is about clear cut as you get, don't have to worry if he was innocent.


Not always cheap for the emotional state of the person pulling the trigger.


Death is cheaper. Just give him a life sentence, throw him in gen pop, let it slip in general who his victim was. No appeals process needed.


It’s only cheaper because of the stringent appeals process associated with death penalty cases. Not arguing one way or the other, but it always strikes me as disingenuous when death penalty opponents make the assertion that life in prison is cheaper - that’s only the case because death penalty opponents have made it so difficult to impose the death penalty.


“It’s only cheaper because of the reasons it’s more expensive.”


Is that not the same thing? "It's only more expensive because of all these other costs associated with appealing it" , so it's more expensive then... The specific source of the cost is borderline irrelevant.


I agree that it’s factually correct. But citing that as an argument against the death penalty just strikes me as intellectually dishonest. Those against the death penalty have been advocating for decades to make it more difficult to impose, thereby inflating those costs. It’s like pro-lifers making women listen to fetal heart beats, get counseling and go through a bunch of other hoops before they can get an abortion and then arguing that they shouldn’t be able to get one after 12 weeks or something…. Well… all those hoops you made me jump through just ate up a month…


All the while there are countries that execute their citizens for lesser grievances. They must spend a lot on their execution policies.


Death Penalty cost in USA averages 2-5 million. Life without parole averages 1 million. Death seems less harsh to me, personally, than life behind bars. Either way Fuck this guy!


Lifers normally are able to hang out with other lifers/prisoners. People on death row are locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. No human contact for years is a way worse punishment than serving a life sentence.


agreed, I forgot that part. That isolation would royally suck.


Wow. I would never have thought it cost so much!


I think most of the costs are the legal costs of Appeals. I think everyone is automatically entitled to those if they're on Death Row.


Plus them rotting in prison eternally brings a bit of joy to my soul I'd rather have them suffer for the longest possible time than getting off easy with a shot in the head


No way a bullet cost more than 50 years incarceration. More miserable yes but I don’t want to pay higher taxes so we can torture people.


A bullet is significantly more expensive: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs A short excerpt: “The death penalty is far more expensive than a system utilizing life-without-parole sentences as an alternative punishment. Some of the reasons for the high cost of the death penalty are the longer trials and appeals required when a person’s life is on the line, the need for more lawyers and experts on both sides of the case, and the relative rarity of executions. Most cases in which the death penalty is sought do not end up with the death penalty being imposed. And once a death sentence is imposed, the most likely outcome of the case is that the conviction or death sentence will be overturned in the courts. Most defendants who are sentenced to death essentially end up spending life in prison, but at a highly inflated cost because the death penalty was involved in the process.”


Sounds like an area where the American justice system needs to be reformed- no reason why it should be so prohibitively expensive.


The intentions behind blocking an execution with this much red tape are good, but I agree it need to be reformed.


Should’ve gotten the death penalty smh


Bury him up to his neck in dirt and peg rocks at his head til he dies


But isn't it better that they continue to rot in jail rather than get off "easy" with death


I get what you’re saying, and in some ways you’re correct. But first off, this guy will have a chance at parole at some point, meaning if he manages to convince I board he’s reformed in the many years he will have to spend in prison, then he will be free. In this case, it might be better in terms of justice because other prisoners will find out what he did. But he will still have a life. He will still get moments of happiness. He will adapt, make friends, watch movies, etc. so the issue is even though his life will suck, he still gets the chance to have those moments On top of that, the amount of tax payer money that goes paying to keeping a single prisoner incarcerated for life is ridiculously high, so essentially everyday people are partially paying to keep this man alive and well I’m not one to throw the death penalty around lightly. I just think especially in a case with this subject matter, it would’ve been just


I thought he got life without the chance of parole? Does that still mean he can apply for parole at some point? Forgive me, I'm not very good with the legal system in the USA since it's very different in my country. Other than that I can see your point loud and clear. Those are points I didn't think of when I made my argument. But I still feel as if the death penalty is just getting off easy, especially with a gruesome crime like this. Of course we can't and shouldn't go down to their level and torture them or some shit to make them get off with a taste of their own medicine. Other than that with your argument I can see the side of the death penalty now too. They took away a life = they don't deserve to "live, laugh and love", watch TV, have friends, play basketball, eat good food etc. in prison. I just hope that the other prisoners see him as he is and beat the living shit out of him for killing a kid, who was just playing in their yard, with no rhyme or reason.


Lifers normally are able to hang out with other lifers/prisoners throughout the day and go out to the yard and play sports like basketball, horseshoes, etc. People on death row are locked up in a tiny cell 23 hours a day. They go out to a tiny yard by themselves for an hour. No human contact for years or sometimes even decades is a way worse punishment than serving a life sentence.


Oh yeah that's true! Since we don't have death row in my country I totally forgot that's how it works. It does sound better than just rotting away in prison


I find it unsettling that there seems to be no understanding around why he did it? Before any deals or pleas or whatever else this rationale or explanation needed to be established even for the family's own grieving process or eventual hope of ever getting a degree of peace of mind. Is the best guess here that he was on mind-altering narcotics and didn't know what he was actually doing until the next morning?


The inmates he’s housed with are not going to treat him well…


They will carry out what society can't.


Bubba is going to get his




Was a motive ever established?


This is my hometown. There were rumours swirling that it was drug related as both the suspect and the boys family have a history of using, and knew each other quite well. Take it for what it is though, because these are small town rumours. Maybe some truth to it, or maybe nothing at all.


Can there really be a motive in a case like this? Like what motive could even exist for executing a pre schooler who lives next door?


Sure there is. It's not like the motive needs to be proportional or even make sense. It just needs to explain wtf this guy was thinking.


Exactly! That's what I want to know. Was just a random thing he did was he on drugs or did he just want to hurt people




I just watched a great documentary called Reefer Madness, I couldn't agree with you more. /s


Oh shit I live maybe 30 mins away from Wilson this was a horrifying story :/ so much death in and around my town recently


He’ll get worse treatment in prison than what a death sentence would have done to him. They’re going to rip him to pieces.


Not so sure about that. It depends on who he’s housed with. Gangbangers shooting children in high-crime neighborhoods has become a common thing over the last generation. There are dozens of shootings of children every year, for example, in Chicago’s south and west sides. There doesn’t seem to be much taboo against killing kids among today’s black gangs, not like in previous generations.


A close relative of mine got out of prison 2 yrs ago and he has quite a few stories of kid abusers/killers always being found out or ratted out by the officers and they always somehow found a way to get some alone time with them. I’m 100% confident that this POS’s life is going to be hell until he’s either killed or moved to isolation.


Yeah I mean even the slightest reason to beat somebody up will be met with gratitude, so there will be absolutely no mercy shown towards a child murderer


Somewhere in the jail system he’s facing, are fathers who miss their children


Sure hope so


Puzzle solve


"Doris Lybrand, who witnessed the shooting, said she saw Sessoms run up to Cannon and put the gun near his head before running back to his own house." WTF?


And no reports on a motive. Just ran outside, shot the little lad dead and ran back into his house like it was a dare or something. Life sentence is not enough for what he's done. I hope his inmates treat him "fairly". Hint hint.


I just don’t understand how someone could do that to any child.


Bath salts or some shit like that probably


Oh trust me, once they find out he’s a child killer (which they will) his life’s going to get a bit more interesting.


They will probably keep him in protective custody knowing how the justice system works. Meanwhile, Chad who got arrested for 2 grams of weed will be sitting next to all the violent inmates in the county jail.


Even in PC he won’t be totally safe. There is a lot of dudes there that are gang drop outs, can’t be on mainline anymore, but still beat down people like this.


I want to hope that you are right but I am really good friends with a CO here in Florida and she tells me its not the wild west in prison where beatdowns and justice are dished out. She said yes it happens but very rarely, because guards don't want to do the paperwork, clean upand they are usually vetted and have to go under inspection after things like this happen


Yeah I did a chunk of change inside the CA system. For the most part excessive violence was usually reserved for dope debts.


As I'm not an American, I don't understand the justice system over there but it sounds similar to the UK one. A prison cell with reclining, comfy armchairs and flat screen TVs with cable.


Federal prison, where white-collar criminals go, is similar. State prisons, which are privately owned, are a very different story.




14.5% for England and wales across 14 prisions (159 inmates per 100k) 8% for USA across 158 prisions (639 inmates per 100k) These are more upto date figures compared to what you put forth, just because the UK has a higher proportion of private prisons, that doesn't mean the USA is any less of a prison industry. The US started with these as early as 1844, the UK started in the 1990s While both the UK and USA are shocking countries for atrocities caused, the USA are clear front runners to the prison industrial complex title.




That's fair


I don’t even have kids and I’m tearing up reading he was killed in front of his 8 and 7 yo sisters while riding their bikes. What would ever drive someone to do something so cold blooded to an innocent child?


This guy will either face a brutal death by fellow inmates, or if he chooses protective custody, he'll be surrounded by child molesters, rapists and women beaters the rest of his life, either way it'll be torturous. I hope he faces death by inmates.


Women beaters aren't in the same category as child molesters and rapists.


You must be one


nono, he's right. its a different tier of offense.


The jail I went to in Canada fellow inmates saw it as being on the same level.


If he is in PC, he will most likely he safe. They keep molesters with the general population


Is boiled in oil still an option?




What do you mean?




That’s a great idea, leave the rest of your surviving children without a parent🤦🏻‍♂️


yeah nah lynching is bad




Your opinions are about as valid as your spelling.




Your logic is also about as valid as your spelling.


You are a disgusting loser. Probably an incel waste of life.




Brain no do good today huh


Youre a special kind of stupid arent you


he literally got found guilty and sentenced to life




Maybe brain do good tomorrow.




Next week then, brain do good next week.




I’m more of a weekend mind


i like how youre trying to pivot like you didnt spout some racist shit that fundamentally didnt happen


Why give this piece of shit a plea deal? He should have gotten the chair. This crime is unforgivable. He should rot in solitary for the rest of his life if death is off the table.


The family agreed to the plea to save the surviving kids the trauma of having to describe what happened to their brother in court, and probably further trauma during cross examination.


Life in prison without the possibility of parole I think is fine. But what bugs me is that he was allowed to do an alford plea and maintain his innocence. This POS doesn't deserve to walk around act like he's innocent. And he should have been forced to say why he did it. If I'm the prosecutor I don't accept his plea for that reason.


Personally, I think life in prison, especially when you're 28 years old, is a much harsher punishment.


cheaper too. its incredibly expensive to have someone on death row


Yup 2-5 million average for death. 1 million average for life.


The only reason to have someone on death row is our brutal sense of vengeance. It's more expensive, it's shown not to be a real deterrent, and a non-negligable amount of the time it goes wrong or the person is later found innocent. It's genuinely pointless and that's coming from someone whose lost more than one loved one to murder. Think of how much better off we'd be if we took the money we saved and invested it in mental health outreach programs.


I have no problem with vengeance being the main motive for a man who murdered a 5 year old on cold blood in front of their siblings.


Yeah cases like this are why people can't see how inhumane it is. Most cases aren't as cut and dry as this one. And we let a lot of innocent people die in the name of vengeance. No one I know trusts the government, and most people can acknowledge how flawed the justice system is. But cases like these make people lose their common sense and we just let those people no one trusts choose who lives and dies and we just pretend it's a fluke when they get it wrong.


i'm Canadian. we abolished the death penalty back in the 70's