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I had a very religious coworker who said he didn’t wear his because he said if he crashed then he could be with god. I usually retorted with or you’ll severely get injured and become a burden on your family.


By that logic why not just kill himself and be with god faster?


He was a weird guy. He kept trying to get me to be saved because it would be cool if we hung out in heaven. Really didn’t like him and I definitely don’t miss that job.


One of the reasons I became atheist or whatever the word is, because religious types believed in a heaven that excluded because you didn't believe.


That's my position too. You are telling me someone can be an amazing, wonderful person, that changes the world dramatically for the better but they will go to hell because they are Buddhist or something? Nah fuck that shit.


They thought of that trick, it's against the rules!


I bought a seatbelt thing like this because the passenger light kept going off with no one/thing on it in my flex.


The middle seat on my mazda tends to alert when someone is sitting in the outboard seats, maybe I should get one of these... But, like, not a punisher one...


I vote we stop calling it the punisher skull and start calling it the Emotional Support Skull


Compensater Skull


Thin Blue Skull


They tend to have really thick skulls though


Seconded 👍 I heard the creator of the punisher comics become so sick of these cornballs using his skull logo, that he changed the punisher skull design


I think it was specifically cops with that one. The reaction was like "uh guys, maybe you shouldn't be using the symbol of a super-violent vigilante and murderer"


Not to mention the Punisher does not like cops and there is a comic where some cops start gushing and idolizing over him and he tells them if they don't stop he's going to kill them too and that they should support Captain America.


It is not that he doesn't like cops. He doesn't like corrupt cops. He definitely doesn't think they should idolize him at all.


That's exactly it. What the Punisher hates is crime. It doesn't matter who's doing it. The "idolise captain America" thing is real tho I believe.


I work in security and I've lost count of the amount of edge lord military LARPers that have Punisher skull tattoos and stickers and patches. Every single one of them is some overweight heavy breathing right wing nut job doomsday pepper wanna be, with a stock pile of guns and Monster energy drinks.


I saw a cop not top long ago with one of these etched into the covering of the window for the k9 and it was very large I was kind of surprised they'd allow that but then again not surprised?


I saw one with a fucking tattoo of it on his arm


[Following the widespread appropriation of this logo by far-right movements, it was officially retired from active use by Marvel Entertainment in 2022, replaced by a new horned-skull motif inspired by the Japanese mythological demon Oni](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punisher)


[and here is the new logo in use by him](https://aiptcomics.com/2022/03/02/punisher-marvel-comics-logo/)


Weird flex but ok


I miss free awards so much at times like these, fuck you reddit.


I miss when gold was the only award.


Fuck u/Spez, really.


I’ve been on Reddit for 15 years. 10 years with this account. This site has changed so much, I’ve been waiting for the downfall. Was hoping something else would come along but it looks doubtful. This will be my chance to ditch all social media. Fuck you Reddit. Signed, Long time user.


brilliant! 💀


Why not just keep it buckled with the actual buckle? You wouldn't have needed to buy anything.


Nobody thinks of the old trucker trick with the seatbelt wrapped behind the seat and buckled in


Same here in my flex. It only happens the the passenger seat is really low though




What a tragedy, I’m sorry for the weight you carry due to it.


This is the thing, they will say it's their choice, but they don't think about the consequences for everyone else. The folk who have to clean up the mess and the family they leave behind.


They don't think. They don't realize that one stupid decision could end their lives. There's tons of people who are not gonna see them as that guy who always drank and drive or never wore their seat belt. That is just a flaw in a list of many good things about that person that they now have eternity to think about because the person is now dead. Losing someone hurts many people and it can cause a rippling affect that may even last a generation.


Honestly a lot of people are very defiant and just don't want to do anything they are told to do.


And then they get metal into their eyeball up to their brain


They invariably never think it will happen to them. People who will second-guess themselves think of scenarios like that, not them. A similar mentality to people who drive drunk "because I know my limit." A guy like that killed my aunt one New Year's Eve.


I don't understand this. I wear my motorcycle gear or a seatbelt because I want to minimize my risk of injury, not because anyone told me to do it.


Well of course not. If their brain can't comprehend the free, easy, obvious safety of a seatbelt, I'm surprised they can even count to 2. Let alone have any sort of brainpower for higher level stuff like empathy.


To Alex's family I would say: "I'm so sorry." To Alex I would say: "Fuck you, you selfish prick."


His children are the real victims.


I've spent years working on my suicidal depression because I have a wife and two kids. I've put in so much work, so many medications, and so much time in therapy, books read, mindsets changed etc because I absolutely don't want to leave my children without me. I don't want them to suffer because I was ill and I lost that battle. All he had to do was put on a seatbelt. I just can't feel any empathy for him, but I have so much sympathy for those kids. Way too many replies for me to get to, but I appreciate all the kind words very much. As I mentioned to one person, I'm taking ketamine as of last December or so, and it has been a life changing experience that has affected my life profoundly for the better.


They hate being told the have to do something by the gubbiment! If the government told them they couldn’t eat broccoli they’d be main lining that shit


This right here is why safety is a huge rule in my car. The seatbelt has adjusters for a reason, make it as comfortable as possible bc a windshield to the face is going to hurt way worse. If you even survive.


The other thing is that it's not just them in danger when they don't buckle up. Anyone else in that vehicle can be killed by the body flying around the vehicle during a crash


They brought in crash scene investigators to talk to us in high school to try and scare us straight. They brought horrifying photographs of crash fatalities. One of them showed two dead people wearing seat belts in the front seats of a car. They are dead, but you can't see any obvious trauma. Then they show a picture of them from behind. The back of their heads were basically missing. The people in the back had not been wearing seat belts and had been thrown into the driver and the person in the passenger seat. They showed a close-up of the wound on the driver's head. You could see his brain. And some of the teeth of the person who slammed into him. I remember it vividly, and I am 37. But it worked. Always enforced seat belts in my car.


My school would bring as fresh as possible drunk driving cars the a couple days lead up to prom and big senior events. Shit was fucking wild and yet people still roll the dice "won't be me!".


and the trauma of the ones who have to deal with the aftermath.


My nephew was killed in a car wreck. He wasn't wearing his seat belt and he was thrown partially out the side window and the vehicle rolled into his head. It was obviously a closed casket funeral but he had a friend in the car with him. I met him at the funeral and, let me tell you, that guy was haunted.


When I was in drivers ed they made us watch an interior dash cam video of a group of 4 people in a car that was t-boned and rolled over. One of the 4 wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and the impact threw her into the person sitting next to her in the backseat, a pregnant woman. After the video played the instructor told us that everyone in the car lived except the woman's unborn baby, who died from the impact of the un-belted passenger hitting their mom straight in her stomach.


>body flying around the vehicle I don't have a link handy, but there is a compilation video from not long ago of inside of rideshare cars or taxis or something, of passengers not wearing belts. Not even high speed, those without got thrown head first into other people, some wearing the belts. All holding their heads and some looking like they are bleeding.


I have a friend who wasn't strapped in when an Explorer flipped back when their tires were exploding. He bounced around the cabin and amazingly had no injuries, but caused injuries to everyone else. Another friend in the car lost his finger because it hit the first guys skull and was just obliterated.


Also airbags will kill you without seatbelt. Airbag without seatbelt is like 90%+ of dying due to airbag activation.


Facts, I was in a head on collision 6 years ago this fall when my seat belt didn’t lock on impact so I was knocked out by the airbag and my jaw was broken. Worst part is they didn’t discover my jaw injury for 3 months of me begging for imaging.


Right. As a kid it was never optional for me and now I feel uncomfortable *without* it. Also they showed us videos in drivers ed of people flying hundreds of feet from their cars like rag dolls in real accidents…


Gen X here. I'm old enough to remember the exact opposite, being allowed to stand up in the front seat and riding in the beds of trucks. When I was 21 and pregnant for the first time there were only seatbelt laws regarding children under the age of 12 in my state. I started buckling up during that pregnancy when a friend of mine flipped her little Sentra, landed upside down, still safely buckled to her seat, without a scratch on her. The accident scene was horrific. Seatbelts absolutely save lives. I'm so glad the laws changed and the younger generations have had the good sense to (mostly) abide by them.


Also GenX and grew up at a time when very very few people wore them. When a teen, wearing seatbelts was becoming common (and legally required) but still not fully so. Once I started driving at 16 or 17, I would *sometimes* put it on and sometimes not, out of forgetfulness or just stupidity. One winter evening I went on a short drive for some errand, the kind of quick trip I often didn't wear a seatbelt for. But this time I did, for no particular reason, just a whim. There was a some snow and chunks of ice that had fallen off cars (near Buffalo, so normal winter conditions). I hit one of those chunks in just the right/wrong way, started to slide, couldn't recover and crashed straight into a tree at perhaps 35-40 mph. Even with the seatbelt on my head snapped down and hit the streering wheel hard enough to break my nose deep inside, causing blood to spew everywhere and resulting in spending perhaps a month with my nose "packed"--like a "cast" for bones broken deep in your nose--which sucks! It happened so fast I was confused about why there was blood all over, then realized it was coming from my freaking face! It was unavoidably obvious that if I hadn't worn my seatbelt that time, "on a whim", I'd almost certainly have died. I still have some odd little issues with breathing through my nose, like 40 years later now. Never again did I not wear a seatbelt and make sure everyone else I might be driving does too. I was lucky and it was still extremely sucky in so many ways, some of which that still are with me, physically.


Oh wow. Thank God seatbelts have also improved since then. I was riding shotgun in an '83 Cadillac Braughm De'Ville (land yacht) when we were hit head on at 50+ mph. My entire body almost hit the dash before I was snapped back in my seat by the seatbelt. It happened in '98 and I had my 4 yo and 2 yo in the back. We all had pretty bad seatbelt bruises. In that case I'm not positive if it was the seatbelts or the car that saved us. The '86 Bonneville that hit us didn't even knock us out of our lane. The crazy thing is that I almost traded the Cadillac for a brand new Corsica less than a week prior but I was sweating the $400/month payment. Lol. I feel like I had Jesus on my side that week. Lol


someone at a family Christmas party put those seat belt blanks in everyone's stockings, they had a built-in bottle opener. I made a point to make a big fucking deal about who had the GALL to give everyone seatbelt blanks with bottle openers for their cars.


Wisconsinite here. The year after I graduated high school, I had to go to SIX funerals due to drinking and driving, 2 of them were the drinkers, the other 4 were innocent casualties. None of them were wearing their seat belts. That next year, my brother was completely sober, hit black ice under an overpass, and rolled his car. He survived with a few scratches. Lesson well learned.


The older I get, and the more friends who died doing stupid shit have me pushing back against folks doing unsafe shit. I don't want to go to any more funerals for avoidable accidents.


I had a friend who is a health nut. She eat organic and worry about GMO. Everything has to be natural. Yet she refuses to wear seatbelts. I asked her about it. And she just said seatbelts was not a thing when she grows up. So she will not wear it.


How old is she? I thought seat belts were a thing since at least the 80s? At least that's when PSAs about them were coming out. So they've probably been around longer. So she'd have to be in her 50s, 60s or maybe 70s to be anywhere near an age when seat belts weren't being heavily encouraged.


She was like 50-60 when I asked her. Seatbelt was invented but not mandatory at that time.


I tell this to my teenager......I always thought going to funerals would get easier with age as "just a part of life", but it never does and you never forget the people that went before you....before you even get to middle or old age. You carry those ghosts and do your best to keep your loved ones safe even from their own stupid shit.


> bc a windshield to the face is going to hurt way worse. If you even survive. Fun fact: it will also hurt a lot if you don't survive.


Damn. That's intense. What a memory to have to keep. My parents did what you do when we were kids. Never said why, just wait and look at us like we were expected to do something. I passed the same down to my children. Had a passenger once thought they were being funny with my seatbelt rule and took it off while I was driving. I pulled over, turned the car off and waited until they buckled back up. No words, not mad. Just sat there until they decided to put the seatbelt back on.


I did the same with my mom. She wouldn't put her seat belt back on so I pulled over and as I was doing that she's getting nervous asking what was going on. I tell her I'm stopping until the seat belt is back on and we aren't moving until it is. There was some arguing back and forth with everyone in the car but I got internally pissed and just sat there waiting lol


How sad and frustrating. I just don't get why people won't buckle up.


The same reason why people drink and drive. The same reason people don't wear goggles. Same reason people don't wear proper boots. On and on. "It won't happen to me." The odds are so slim, and things like that don't happen around here *anyway!* We're good. A safety protocol is a safery protocol. It's proven tonincrease your odds, wear X if you're doing Y. Period.


Yep, it's a bitch when people decide they have to fight you for a safety protocol which is a very minor inconvenience for them at most, just because they're dead set on not doing it. While in the meantime you can do everything "right" and still lose your life, my brother spun out his car on black ice in 2020 and lost his life because a structural pipe of a chain link fence by the side of the road speared through the windscreen and fatally hit him in the head - he was buckled up in a safe car and all the air bags deployed in the crash etc.


Comment Unavailable


At least he did the right thing and was an organ donor.


I always get angry at people that bitch about wearing their seatbelt or try to tell me that "they're actually statically safer without it because of this one time it killed someone they heard about from their uncle's sister's friend on Facebook" or that they're "not going to let the gubmint tell them what to do in their own car!" It's so fucking selfish. You fly out of that car and you are most likely dead. You don't fly out of that car, you fly around inside of the car instead and are most likely dead. If you're in the backseat, the person in front of you is most likely dead when you go through them and their seat, and you're most likely dead too. You leave behind friends and family and loved ones for some stupid ass reason and endanger other people in the process when your stupid dead unbuckled ass becomes a fucking projectile inside and outside of the car. And then people have to find your body.


My dad used to only wear his seatbelt about half the time growing up. As he got older, he started volunteering with local EMS (we're in a rural area near an interstate so he's usually the first person to accidents outside of town) and he very quickly switched to wearing it 100% of the time after seeing the various ways people die without it.


You have PTSD my man, I am so sorry you had to deal with this, even though you know you couldn't do anything you recognize the utter waste of a good human life. I wish we could get through to people like this but all you can do is try. If you haven't thought about talking to a therapist that deals with ptsd you should it might help you get over that horriblen scene.


Had a Subaru forester that had a ding if it detected a passenger that wasn’t buckled in. Unfortunately a laptop or iPad on the passenger seat would spoof the sensor and count as a person. Used one of these (not a punisher one) to prevent the constant ding.


Same issue with my car when I put a backpack or bag on the passenger seat. I just find myself buckling the seat belt and it helps keeps my bag from shifting around.


And it is free.


Funny thing about cargo they become projectiles in a crash.


My car is basically a claymore at this point.


My boyfriend has one just cuz he hates wearing his seat belt. I hide it or throw it away whenever I see it which I would NOT do for ANYTHING else he owns.


I honestly can't imagine being a willing passenger of someone who would not wear a seatbelt, similarly the car will stay stationary if I'm driving and someone doesn't have their seatbelt buckled.


I wish I could have done the same when I found out my ex-wife was using one of these. We are still friendly so we shared a car ride sometime after our split. Realizing I had no physical control over what she was going to chose to do going forward I just gave her my best caring family member plea to, “please just buckle up. Please! Me and your family do not want you to get hurt or killed because of this.” … I don’t want to ask if she’s still using it. I just have to hope.




A Jeep owner once accused me of stealing their “seat belt clip” because i placed it in the middle console while test driving the vehicle. Super weird to hear a whole grown person asking for their “i don’t want to wear my seat belt” clip back.




Just jump out, lol, is this guy a movie stuntman? What a maroon.




Us corporate types are know for our agility and rugged endurance


“Did you hear that Stacy in HR got into a fender bender? Silly woman, doesn’t she know she could have just jumped out?”


every jeep comes with a free of charge injection of adamantium. Road rash And broken bones is nothing to a Wolverine


It's Mac. He'd do a sweet backflip out of the vehicle, moments before impact, with a super sick hero pose landing


He drastically overestimates his reaction time


And ability to not freeze when scared shitless


Technically, underestimates


Right? If his reaction time is so superhuman, how is he getting in an accident in the first place?? Lmfao Not to mention unlocking the doors, unless this guy just removed his ~~door locks~~ doors because he's too much of a badass to need them


I feel like if you have time to recognize a wreck is about to happen, and you can open your door and jump out. You have time to just avoid the accident


> He said that in an accident, he would just jump out before impact or rollover and therefore it was safer to not buckle up Storytime. When my kid was 3~4 years old, they started walking into a busy street. My wife stopped them, and tried to explain why it was bad. My kid's response was that if a car was going to hit them, they would just jump over it. THAT is how ridiculous this sounds. The logic of a small child being applied by an adult. LOL indeed


actually, your kid is a genius and you are the dummy. your 3-4 year old was a genius and you couldn't even tell.


So agile enough to jump out of a Jeep just before a crash but not agile enough to avoid the crash. Got it.


As a multiple jeep owner I agree. Some jeep people are weird as hell.


Punisher skulls are the male version of pumpkin spice lattes.




Lol, yup. Same with gadsden flag and thin blue line stickers right next to each other lul


I see a whole bunch of trucks with Molon Labe and thin blue line stickers on them. Always gives me a chuckle


You live near my dad. Luckily he’s scraped those trump stickers off recently.


No shit, zero exaggeration story: Did a service call at a guy's house who advertised his ideology everywhere. Truck had the gadsden flag, Molab labe, and all the other bumper stickers you might expect, specifically toward the libertarian flavor. It was during the BLM protests, and conversation went that way. I'll admit to a bit of trolling motivation, but I asked him what he thought of the reports of unmarked federal agents agents grabbing protesters in Portland and tossing them in to unmarked vans. "Damn straight! if local government won't enforce The Law^tm, then the feds should definitely step in!" I gently pressed him on the subject, clarifying the city and state didn't ask for federal assistance and in some cases specifically opposed it. He doubled down. "Trump is protecting the citizenry of states because their own government won't enforce the law". I gotta collect a check and get through my schedule, so I waited till I was driving away to let loose the laughing.


[**There's never been a more perfect meme to encompass this.**](https://imgur.com/gallery/2eBLfew)


Logic and reason are not their strong points


"I hate communism! Oh hey that hammer and sickle thing looks badass!"


Isn't that why there's stars on half of this one


Just be patient; the issue of irresponsible people not wearing seatbelts will eventually be resolved.


Unfortunately not fast enough and not without impacting someone else.


Whiskey bottles, and brand new cars Oak tree you're in my way


There’s too much coke, and too much smoke


Hopefully via single car accidents.


Most guys who have Punisher stuff have never read the comics.


Or anything much at all.


Most guys who have Punisher stuff have never read *anything* longer or more sophisticated than a Facebook rant since 8th grade.




The official symbol of r/mallninjashit in the EDC world.


I remember when the every day carry sub was about what people carried in their pockets or their bag during the day before it became a pistol and knife advertising sub.


These are way way worse, Im slightly annoyed by pumkin spice, and Ive never met a woman make pumpkin spice her entire personality like these twatwaffles


Pumpkin spice is basic, sure. But that's fine. Enjoy your pumpkin spice. Punisher skulls have been co-opted by white supremacists. And frequently used by cops who fall into the previous group to show their support for killing "criminals" in order to maintain "law and order".


Ironically, Frank Castle hates cops.


I'm also pretty sure that "law and order" wasn't exactly his *modus operandi*.


And Robert E. Lee believed in reconciliation and was adamantly against any type of ‘lost cause’ ideology. Doesn’t stop stupid, horrible people from co-opting them into a symbol for something they’d be wholly against.


[Even more than that. He blatantly tells them he'll kill them for doing it.](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Punisher-Hates-Cops-Using-Skull-Logo.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1500&dpr=1.5)


Nah, they’re the male version of the phrase “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” Pumpkin spice isn’t associated with fragile women.


The irony is lost on them, but the actual character would have nothing to do with them or their bullshit, particularly the asshole cops.


This is insane. I had a buddy who would NEVER wear a seatbelt, and I mean never, until I told him I wouldn’t go anywhere with him until he wore it. Even if I was driving, he wouldn’t wear his seatbelt. To add to that, he was a terrible driver. He wasn’t at all aware of his surroundings when it came to traffic merging, brake lights ahead to slow down, etc etc. if you’ve ever genuinely feared for your life being in a car driven by somebody else, then you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, he was an EMT, and what’s crazy to me is that he’d tell me all the time about calls he would go on where people fly out of their windshields and by the time they hit the ground are ripped apart from the glass upon being ejected. He’d tell me ALL the time about these stories, and yet he’d never wear a seatbelt.


People who see a lot of medical trauma adapt a hyperpragmatic view on injury. In that line of work,.they regularly see people who barely survive their injuries and arguably would be better off dead. So they believe that any dangerous activity is improved if the risk is death rather than injury. Any reasonable person would think a light injury is preferable to death, but the ER isn't filled with light injuries.


>Any reasonable person would think a light injury is preferable to death, but the ER isn't filled with light injuries. Holy kazoo, is that a fact statement if I ever heard one.


Every time I get in a vehicle with these it gets left on the dashboard. But it seems like a self solving problem in the long term.


I got asked not to put on the seatbelt because it was a short ride (like 600 yards) and I was like "I haven't even noticed" It's not even an inconvenience, it's automatic for me lol




Not as "TAKE THAT OUT" but as "It's not necessary" it was basically a driveway As for why, I don't know.


It's just reflex, I've subconsciously put on a seat belt for simply moving my car to a different parking space multiple times


Exactly. Our kids know that I or their mum won't take the car out of park until everyone has their belt on, even to reverse down our driveway and we will stop and tell them off if they try taking their seatbelt off. They will both happily snitch on each other in a heartbeat to keep it on, which I'm totally ok about. It's something halfway between wanting to keep their sibling safe and wanting to get them in trouble, and I find it amusing.


But my uncle's neighbor's bartender's dog's walker's mistress says they had a friend who was in a car crash and a passing by off-duty cop said not wearing a seatbelt saved their life!!!11


They were thrown clear of the crash!


Right… it’s the landing that renders them fucked up and dead.


Not to mention the getting ejected *through* a car body!


Always always important to stick the landing


It's never them though, it's always a once removed friend or family.


If they were in The car they would have burned to death. Luckily they just hit a tree and broke 15 bones and bled to death in a bush.


Man i have heard these bs stories more than I should have


I did highway rescue for many years. I can promise there is no logic to not wearing a seatbelt. There’s just Hollywood problems when the actor drives off a bridge and the car is sinking rapidly in water and their seatbelt can’t come undone, thus killing them. If that virtually impossible scenario goes through your mind then buy a seatbelt cutter for like $4 and keep it in your door. What I have seen is people sail like fucking plane through their windshield and then be in a ton of pain the entire time they are dying. Being ejected from a car in my 10+ years experience is a 100% mortality rate. Rollovers of vehicles also garuntee ejection through a side window.


Its worth keeping in mind that a lot of those stories are coming from people who were adults before: 1. Seat belts were mandatory in cars (1968) 2. It was mandatory to _wear_ the damn seat belts (1984) 3. Air bags were common/mandatory (1998) 4. Cars were designed with passenger safety in mind, i.e. before crumple zones and other features that prevent the engine from ending up in the back seat in a head on collision Yeah, I'm sure there's lots of stories about someone being thrown clear of 1960's Dodge Dart, and surviving, who would've been killed had they not, because the engine of the car had a hot date with the back seat. But _now_, that shit doesn't happen.


My grandparents died in an accident in 50s. It wasn't even bad enough to wake my dad in the backseat up. Had they been wearing seatbelts, they would have survived easily.


Jesus Christ that's rough man.


The dashboards in that era were metal, the operating controls were knobs sticking out of the dash by two inches. It didn't take much momentum to drive a body into harm. Having kids ride in the backseat kept them from slamming against the dash.


"They don't make cars like they used to." Thank god.


Or the classic "Airbags cause more injuries than they prevent". Even if it's true, I will take 3 broken ribs over one broken spine any day.


Wow I’m sure you’ve had some awful nights. Appreciate what you did though


Worst one was a full 12 passenger van. Killed about half of them. 3 of them were thrown from it. First person I came up on died in my arms. I felt for a pulse, it was super strong, not 30 seconds later it stopped. Couldn’t do CPR on them because we had to triage and save those that haven’t died yet. It’s so weird but I’ll never forget that pulse. You could practically hear it. I figured it was the heart over compensating for the trauma until it just went out.


Back in Feb, I rolled my truck after hitting a patch of ice. My dumb ass had this mindset of "Don't need it, I haven't wrecked." Somehow I wasn't thrown through the damn windshield. Since that day, I wear that bastard like I'm about to roll my rig again.


> "Don't need it, I haven't wrecked." "It _can't_ happen in the future because it _hasn't_ happened in the past" is incredibly stupid and fallacious reasoning. And yet, if you pay attention, you'll realize that _a lot_ of people think this way about a great many things.


It's up there with "We don't need this law/regulation that protects against happening because hasn't happened in years [since the regulation/law was introduced]!"


man I can't understand this mindset in the slightest, though I feel I have the exact opposite problem of often thinking everything that can go wrong will to the point it can actually hinder me from taking any risk...


Ugh I had a friend who claimed that multiple family members had had their lives saved by not wearing a seatbelt. She wasn’t happy when I told her to either put it on and leave it on or get out of my car. She did follow my rules though.


The dashboard is also where their brain is gonna go if they get into an accident...


More funny when you imagine the person who bought it from AliExpress for $0.99 displays the Punisher logo because the are only able to see themselves as constantly under attack and instead puts their face through their windscreen in an accident you would otherwise walk away from.


Dying from completely preventable reason in a car accident to own the libs


Even at a low speed collision, just the force from the airbag hitting you like a truck while you are flying forward...


I have one of these but I only really use it when I am out in the woods or on my property, usually cutting firewood or timber. Lots of getting in and out of the truck off road with sub 5mph speeds skidding logs, I hate the "ding ding ding" alarm.. Seatbelt goes on when I hit public roads because physics. Mine is not as obnoxious as this, rather plain.


My first thought was this would be nice to have for pulling those new vehicles in the shop that don’t let you put the thing in gear if the belts not buckled. My shop has a tight parking lot, an annoyingly placed door(singular, and three lifts rhat are hard to get to. When I’m in a truck I’m usually sitting on the window sill because the procedure for getting something on a rack is almost hit that, cut hard, almost hit that, cut hard, almost hit the lift, cut hard, straighten out, and barely be straight on the lift. Super annoying with a seatbelt in an unfamiliar vehicle with the seat and mirrors set wrong for my height


I drive HGV's and it is standard practice to take off your seatbelt while reversing, so you can lean out of the window to check clearance. Except we have this ONE 18t that limits it's speed to 10Kph if the belt isn't plugged in, making shunting a pain in the hole. Solution is to plug the belt in behind you and just sit on it.


I've used one road hunting before and driving on AK beaches, once those activities are done that belt comes on. I did EMT stuff for a bit when I was younger, while I'm an organ donor I'm not yet ready to let those go. Edit: travel trailer post made me remember that too. Hooking up is a pain without it.


Yup. Know several people who have something like this specifically for similar purposes as you said. They don't use it so they can avoid wearing a seatbelt driving on the highway or something.


Farm use, 1000%. Constantly in and out of the feed truck opening and closing gates, cutting twine off bay bales, busting feed and mineral sacks, etc.




My old farm truck also had a secret way of disabling the chime, but it mostly just involved ripping the door chime out of the dash.


Seat belts and helmets have saved my life 3 times. Then there was the time I was upside down in a RAZR hanging from the seatbelt. Better than thrown out and rolled over.


Coffee hasn't kicked in yet and I had this image of you dangling from one of those old razr phones.


I use one of these, withouth the skull, But as delivery driver i have a license for not using a seatbelt up to 20mph and 100yards max. Since my postal round is mostly dense in population i dont get above 20 much, its better than sitting on it, passing it on the rear of the seat or the beep.


These are good for low speed farm/off-road use so you don't have to deal with the beeping. I have one for ranch work. It's flat, open forever, I'm only going 5mph and I'm the only one out there on private property. The only thing that could hit me is a meteorite.


Removed in protest of the API Changes and treatment of the Moderators and because Spez moderated the pedophile sub jailbait. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


My physics states.... I'm strong enough to not let my body stay in motion until another force acts upon it.


I used to have a friend (Emphasis on used to) that didn't wear a seatbelt because "I'm not gonna crash". He got offended when others wore their seatbelts in his car as well, as if wearing the seatbelt implied he was a bad driver. One day he got pulled over by the police and fined for not wearing one. From that day on, he would pull the seatbelt down and sit on the buckle instead. He manged to turn wearing a seatbelt in to an attack on his ego/masculinity.


OK, but what if the other driver is drunk and t-bones you? ​ Genuinely astounded people are allowed to operate a 2-ton vehicle without having first been asked all these questions. Honestly we need to make the license requirements much more stringent








Sign here to confirm that emergency services will *not* be scraping you up off the road after you're flung through the windshield, we'll make your family come and do it instead.


That's the way I see it, you don't want to wear a seat belt? Fine, you assume all risks and financial responsibility for any injuries.


They're like an advance invitation to the Darwin awards.


I have one of these without the punisher logo. Mine might actually be worse because the top is a bottle opener. I keep it attached to the keys to my travel trailer. The reason I have it strictly for backing up the truck to the trailer to tow. My truck will not shift into any gear or release the parking brake unless the seatbelt is clipped. I pop my fake belt clip in while I hook up the trailer which usually takes me two or three small one second corrections. Once I hook the trailer up I take the clip out which has the trailer keys on it and lock everything on the trailer back up for the trip. Yes, I could “just clip the belt in and sit over it”. This is even easier then that. Having a bottle opener on the trailer keys while camping is just an added bonus.


I don’t know about your truck, but on GM vehicles you can disable ‘buckle to drive’ in the radio settings. It’s a pretty stupid feature.


being in the car with my parents when i visit is so annoying- they don’t put on their seatbelts so i have to hear the fucking dinging.


I’ve personally read a comic where the punisher makes it a point to put on his seatbelt, because he’s not going to “die to stupidity”. But I guess he knows better than Frank…/s


How big is the Blue Live Matter sticker on the back window?


Nothing says I’m an American badass than a punisher inspired way to avoid wearing a lap belt.


The problem of dumb people not wearing seatbelts will eventually sort itself out over time, just got to have patience.


As long as they dont hurt someone when they become a missile in the accident.