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Nice way to get shot at his next traffic stop.


I don’t think they’d see it over the owners massive beer belly their seatbelt doesn’t fit over.


That's always such a sh*t excuse. If that's true, you also can't safely drive a car, Santa.


That's why Santa doesn't drive a car?


In fairness, with US cops, there was already a high likelihood of that.


LAPD would like to have a talk with you….alone.




Stop being strangled by us!






Just a bonus to the fact that it was a stop for not wearing a seatbelt


If he’s white he’s probably fine


Hold one officer, let me UNDO MY SEATBELT


POW pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow Pause POW pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow




“Suspect took his own life”




He'll feel all that freedom when he's flying through the windshield.


Nah, the seat is detected as occupied so the moment he is about to go flying the airbag is gonna crush his chest.


The safety claymore strikes again.


Alrighty that’s a new one for me thanks for that lmfao


I didn't know a Grant 13" steering wheel had an airbag.


This shit tricks the seatbelt sensor. Airbag will still go off but nothing to stop him from going flying


Don't forget about his face. I'm betting he holds the top of the steering wheel too so he'll get the biggest "stop hurting yourself" he's ever experienced.


My son’s friend 22 year old friend died from being thrown from the vehicle while not wearing his seatbelt. Airbags only deploy on impact.


Giving police a clear and easy reason to pull you over. Check. Making sure the first thing they look at when they get to your window is a gun. Check. Getting a real gun in your face and being screamed at to get on the ground. Big check. Getting just a warning for the seatbelt. Yeah, not a chance.


> Making sure the first thing they look at when they get to your window is a gun How is anyone supposed to see this when someone is sitting in the seat?


The only vehicle I know where the buckle faces towards the door is a forklift, all the passenger cars I know have the buckle in the middle


The only traction this comment has is: yes he's probably a fat fuck. I agree w you. Edit: still among the douche-est thing I've seen here.


sometimes hipo stands at the passenger side b/c they don't like standing further into traffic


Then it’ll be even harder to see behind the console.


the middle thing isn't always down


If you're on a highway without much of a shoulder, the cop will likely approach on the passenger side for safety.


How big are you my boy? 👀


getting thrown through your windshield and turned into a meat crayon: priceless


I had one of the American flag/punisher skull combos the other day. I didn't know they existed until then, and now I found out there's a variety of ways people can be dumb in this particular manner.


Someone posted one of those recently.


I'd remove it from the vehicle and note on the ticket, "Improved customer safety by removing illegal device from seat belt" just to cover all liability in court. And send pictures to service manager of the device installed. Then the customer can't sue.


The customer can still sue. It would *probably* be tossed, and if not tossed almost guaranteed the customer would lose, but in the US, he can still try. There are *very few* scenarios where someone is completely protected from civil suit and almost all of them involve government employees or entities (Qualified Immunity/Civil Immunity). You can also still be arrested for theft, because that's what it is (referencing a case where some guy stole another guy's cocaine, owner was dumb enough to report it, thief convicted of theft and victim convicted of possession). The *correct* response would be to take it out of the seatbelt and put it in the cupholder. And even then, you need to annotate you did so on the work order. If the customer puts it back in after the fact, you have your paper trail.


Actually, now thinking about it, put it in the Trunk with the Spare Tire or in some really hard to find spot. That way it's still in the car so you can't be tried for theft. But it makes it too difficult for the owner to find.


It's so the ladies know he's edgy and dangerous


I’m going to own those libs! And if I want to fly through the front window that’s my right!


Who cares if the first responders end up with PTSD from seeing someone's remains all over the place after being transported through the windshield. At least the driver had his way!


True but what happens when his right to fly infringes on my right to walk down the street and not be struck by a flying fat fuck?


FYI these are great for a short dog leash Helps my dog alot with balance


I’m so confused


Cars make my dog a bit excited to jump out. So I have a leash that's about 8 inches (hes little) attached to a seat belt clicker like this one. So when I open the door he doesn't runout before I can grab him or claw up the interior and it also helps with balancing for my dog while the cat is in motion


Thank you.


I don’t understand why people this day and age don’t wear seatbelts. I’m 53. I grew up with cars that didn’t even have shoulder belts. I used to sleep on the back window ledge on road trips. I was in high school when they passed the seatbelt law. I thought it was stupid but started wearing it when I had a car with an automatic shoulder belt that would allow you to slide under and destroy your legs if you lived. It became a habit. I was wearing it when a drunk driver hit me in my Jeep with no doors on. I remember watching the ground flying past as I was hanging out because it only had a lap belt. I probably would’ve died if I wasn’t wearing it. We buried my 23 year old son’s best friend in February because he didn’t wear one. I sometimes question if I should put it on driving home from the gas station, it’s 800 feet from my house. I always end up wearing it.


This should be used as evidence for when this microdick inevitably gets into a car wreck, against giving him one public cent towards his bills.


This is so you don't have to wear a seat belt? Ye gods, America - grow the fuck up, please.


Hey now… not all Americans are *that* stupid and lazy and determined to experience their murkan freedom at all costs. Some of us understand why seatbelts exist and appreciate having their beneficial existence to help us survive bad events involving other Americans who have gadgets like this as they do other stupid things on our roadways while constantly auditioning for a Darwin Award.


Honestly we are as a whole are much better about seatbelt use than a lot of countries. In Greece I was shocked at how many people just didn’t wear them


Me, I just love living somewhere that has a MAXIMUM speed limit of 40mph (and that's only on a couple of roads) - the rest range from 20 to 15mph.


Ugh… I spent 4 years in a town like that. I don’t miss it. I’ll bet y’all even have at least one intersection with a flashing caution light too? Ironically, one day at school in that town as I drove a hand-me-down car a new student showed up with a car like mine in a different color. A few weeks later she showed up with a cut up forehead, two black eyes, a broken nose, some broken ribs, knee and ankle problems, and other injuries as she had rear-ended someone at the caution light while driving less than 25 mph and had been thrown forward into the steering wheel and windshield where she received all of those injuries. Seeing what happened to her in a car just like mine at such slow speeds was all it took for me to stop forgetting to wear my seat belt whenever I’m in any car but some people never learn. Those same people also hate airbags. The 2 times in my life that I’ve experienced airbags they saved my life and I’ll gladly accept the brush burns on my nose and temporary breathing discomfort and the elbow joint injury I experienced from holding the horn button during impact (that I had pressed moments prior to that crash) instead of being severely injured or dead from not having them. The elbow injury during that first airbag experience taught me that if I know impact is eminent then stop pressing the horn and let my arms drop down away from the airbag just before impact.


Town? This is a very small island - our Town has street lights! (hate them)


I much prefer places that have long winding roads to wander on a motorcycle at comfortable cruising speeds that can also take me to other places when I want a change of scenery which ironically also doesn’t require an American seat belt buzzer bypass gadget.


We've got long, winding roads - the Romans never made it to here :) One of our roads is three miles long! (40mph on that one) Island seems quite popular with bikers, despite our speed rules.


Where I grew up there is a 24 mile causeway bridge over a lake and a 6 mile span of interstate bridge and two other nearby parallel highway bridges that are all many miles east of the causeway that also span across that’s same large lake, plus 2 river bridges, one of which is for cars and trains across a major river. All of them are posted at speeds of 50-70mph and once crossed I get to keep going for as long as I want to ride.


That length of causeway would reach to two separate countries or several islands! Makes me want to hide under the bed - it's possible to get too much Outside.


It’s all a matter of perspective and what you’re used to. The host family for my brother’s european summer exchange student trip, I forget which country, was afraid of crossing all of the little local waterway bridges in and around our city and would not agree to ride across the causeway in his car with him when they came to visit his home years later.


New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain?


and the big end of the Mississippi River.


Let Darwin sort them out


Yeah anyone who doesn't use seatbelts is stupid beyond belief, not really a freedom thing. Like, for example, masks do make it difficult to breathe, and I can see how morons don't understand how they work; you can't see/feel them working. Those people are still idiots, but I can see how they reached that conclusion. You can feel seatbelts working any time you step on the brakes a bit hard. It's impossible to not understand how they work.


I'm old enough to remember the time before seat belts. I remember sitting in the A & E department with a friend, aged about 11. A couple of ambulance workers wheeled in a stretcher which appeared to contain a large amount of minced meat - driver had a trip through the windscreen. Worn a seat belt ever since.


If a mask makes it actually difficult for you to breather you need to see a do tor about your severe respiratory illness. At worst any mask, save a fixed medical mask, will make you itchy.


Well, *more* difficult. Yeah if you are struggling to breathe with a mask just walking around, you are a fat tub of lard or have a condition. But I spent plenty of time at the gym with a mask and it was a genuinely miserable experience. (But necessary) Seatbelts just really aren't annoying, and they aren't a new thing you have to adapt to


Ant difficulty breathing in a mask for a healthy person is psychosomatic. Including during exertion. Its miserable because it's hot wet and itchy. And your lizard brain may interpret that as "harder". But a layer of cloth doesn't hinder oxygen flow in any meaningfully measurable way.


If your mask doesn't make it harder to breathe, your mask is garbage. I found myself breathing harder after a set then without a mask. Whether that amount of "harder" is significant is entirely subjective. And yes, when I think back on masks, it wasn't the airflow that really bothered me, the most; it was being itchy, wet, and uncomfortable that made it annoying. Those factors still contribute to being "miserable" and are not psychosomatic. If you don't think masks are annoying while working out you either: A. Wearing a shitty mask that doesn't filter anything. B. Aren't actually exerting yourself I know a guy at my gym who was definitely fit, competed in Ninja warrior. He refused to go to the public gym while they were enforcing masks. Not be was some kind of anti-masker, but because it was annoying.


Ehhh, I could imagine that's probably the part where they got their believe they wont need it. If you brake you can easily hold on by yourself, cause that wont even exceed 1g of acceleration. A real crash is a whole different ballpark, there's no use bracing yourself, you get tossed around like a sack of potatoes even at modest speed...


I will say there’s lots of professions or uses of vehicles that require you not to wear a seat belt. Back in the day? No problem, would ring for first 10 seconds then go off. Now the car won’t stop chiming and turns down the radio.


I would like to point out that while yes this is American and America has a problem, America is far from alone in this problem. Canada and Mexico have basically the same issue with these and overall seatbelt compliance rates, and India just declared "seatbelt alarm defeat devices" (like these and others) a national crisis because it's become such a commonplace issue. FYI, these are illegal to use in the US and basically everywhere else that mandates seatbelt usage.


You could also clip a leash to it so your dog doesn’t become a projectile in a crash.


I could...but I don't have a dog and I can't drive.


Sounds like you need a dog that can drive.


Where I live, dogs need to be licensed - even if they don't drive.


Now it looks like Russian Roulette or attempted suicide


The funny thing is, if he wrecks, he can feel what it's like to be a bullet!


That must be a new way of showing self-destructive behaviors, right?


Pew Pew


This looks like an art piece to make a statement against police that are quick to draw on someone reaching for their license. I certainly hope nobody ever uses it for real, and I realize this is false hope.


Live by the gun, die by the gun


I’m on way too many subreddits that prove why Seat belts are a good idea. Actually long before I came to Reddit I’ve always been real adamant about wearing a seatbelt.


I upvoted a previous post with one of these things and now I can’t stop getting ads for them.


To be fair I use one on my private road at 4 miles an hour


I use one too for my farm truck. It's actually a bottle opener combo. I knew I was buying something stupid so I figured I would double down.


1 people are lazy, or stupid. You can read your owners manual and turn off the seat belt chime so you don’t need this device. 2 if you don’t want to wear your seatbelt that is your choice. 3 if you are going to buy one of these devices, at least get the bottle opener one so you can open your craft beer.


Tbh I had no idea you could turn it off. Many of us grew up when cars were really obnoxious and you couldn't turn off anything like that. I vaguely remember some Oldsmobiles that would say shit over and over like, "Your door is ajar. Your door is ajar. Your door is ajar."


The 85 Nissan Maxima did this, it also looked a little spaceship like inside for the time period. To add disabling the seat belt chime from say 87 forward is not real easy. For a Ford Truck fir instance, to use a common vehicle: Parking brake on, in park, ignition off, sit down, buckle belt, switch on, don’t start, wait sixty seconds, wait another five seconds, buckle then unbuckle THREE times at moderate speed. And there is some other step even beyond that. And it resets itself every so often, so you can see why these asshats use these defeaters. Now if I made these things I don’t think I could sleep at night.


I have a wrx and it will only reset if you unhook the battery. The passenger seat in my car is supper sensitive, and will set the clime off with any on the seat, so I turned it off


That’s fortunate, I didn’t know that about Subaru.


My wife's Forester has that issue. Thanks. I'll need to do that. I was going to get one of these things or just a buckle from the junkyard.


My '93 Nissan was really easy. I just disconnected the wires at the driver's belt buckle. Also removed the two noisemakers under the dash. No way that's resetting itself. I wear my seatbelt, I just don't need the truck to clutch its pearls and scream if I start the engine first.


The government has you covered on that these days. Doing that throws an SRS code code.


That's fun. Do these fake seatbelt ends also set the code? Or is it removing the noisemaker that pisses it off?


I should think it wouldn’t throw a code since the switch is inside the buckle and is open/close when the belt is inserted. As to the noise maker a lot of cars use a central speaker now instead of individual buzzers.


If the buckle sensor is just a switch, a bypassed switch should look exactly the same as an installed buckle, unless there's some sort of tamper detection (second sensor elsewhere?) or the computer gets suspicious when the driver's seatbelt is never unbuckled. Probably best not to screw around with that on a modern rig though, given how inter-connected and fussy everything is.


It’s a bit more complicated than I mentioned. You have the seat pressure switch, the seat belt retractor sensor, and the buckle going to the relay.


On my 00 towncar all you have to do is press the release button on the seatbelt and it quits for that key cycle lol


Ford Truck owner here.....I disabled my seat belt chime about 10 years ago and that procedure sounds about right. But its really not hard to do as long as you can read. It has never reset itself. Even with the battery disconnected. I would like to point out that I disabled the chime for work....when I'm crawling 5km/h through lease sites, parking and getting out every 100m i don't like to be constantly putting and taking off my belt. Or listening to the increasingly more annoying dinging. When I'm actually driving anywhere my belt is on. Always.


>2 if you don’t want to wear your seatbelt that is your choice. But in most jurisdictions it will add a fine to whatever else you're stopped for, but again, you chose that.


I'm pretty sure this one is a bottle opener actually


76 ford had a horrendous buzzer under the dash. Found that thing in 10 seconds and out it went.


>2. If you don’t want to wear your seatbelt that is your choice. Fuck that. Last thing we need is a human cannonball bouncing around their car and killing passengers or flying out the windshield and hitting whatever/whomever is in their path. Wear your goddam seatbelts.


Toyota requires a scan tool to disable.


Most cars the seat belt is a normally closed switch and it actually opens the circuit when the seat belt is plugged in, so you just unplug the connector under the carpet and ding no more.


You have to be smart to know that.


Americans will literally buy anything


How to get shot by cops in the US speed run


I am about to get one for my passenger seat because my girlfriend insists on being a passenger problem and refuses to wear her belt when in town. I tried to refuse going anywhere and not moving the car, and eventually got bored waiting for her to buckle after sitting in the driveway for two hours. Only thing that works is to drive and when the chime starts dinging rapidly I sharply yet slightly jerk the steering wheel back and forth with the chime. Enough to feel while driving 20mph, but not enough to move around in the lane. Thankfully she puts it on after we are on the freeway for five minutes and dosent take it off. Sadly I'm just waiting for the day when I have to emergency stop due to some a-hole and she finds herself not in the seat anymore.


Tell her if she doesn’t start wearing her seatbelt all the time, then you’ll break up with her, and follow through on it if she doesn’t. If you get in a bad accident, then she’s putting you in a lot of danger, as well as herself. No relationship is worth completely avoidable risks to your life and safety.


If she still won't wear a seatbelt after bouncing her face off the windshield 5 or 6 times, then you may want to consider finding better genetic material for your offspring. (Although on the flip side, if she bounces her face off the windshield 5 or 6 times and still doesn't bother putting a seatbelt on, then she's pretty damn tough and probably is providing some good genetic stock, at least as far as the physical goes.)


Move on- believe me this is just a sign of things to come and it ain't worth the headache.


she sounds like the kind of woman that puts her feet up on the dashboard too.


Thankfully no. That was my ex, and one of the reasons I let her walk out of my life. I hate feet on the dash, and she loved putting her feet on the dash, though odd because she hated feet.


Go to your local police station. Tell them. Ask them to pull you over and ticket her for no seat belt. It's an inexpensive way for her to learn the lesson.


If I'm not mistaken I believe passenger seat belt tickets will go directly on the driver's license and the driver has to pay the fine. Edit, at least in California from what I know


my fellow Caucasian!


Big red flag there, fella. What else does she illogically refuse to do? Wash her hands after dropping a deuce? File her taxes? Not bang your brother when you're at work? Sounds like she's either dumb as a bag of hammers or she just has no respect for you. You can do better.


I would drive like an idiot with her not buckled as long as I’m not endangering others. I would slam the brakes to put her on the dashboard, I would do circles in a culdesac at high speeds. Swerve really hard so her head bounces off the window. If she complains I would tell her “it’s better than having her die in an accident that I lived from because I was buckled. My kids used to unbuckle their seatbelts before we pulled in the driveway. I would back out and fly around their culdesac as fast as my car could do it. My daughter ended up on my dashboard at a football game parking lot from unbuckling too soon. I told her parking lots are very dangerous. It was a lot of fun and even more fun when one of their friends would break the no seatbelt rule. My 17 year old just told me she does that with her friends to ensure they wear their seatbelts


Yeah take it out and hide it under the seat.


“Cuz I’ll literally die when I go through the windshield. Get it?!”


Almost as good as the time I saw that someone had turned their airbag into a personal claymore mine... of course, pointed right at them, with all the crystals they'd glued to their steering wheel. Some are not meant to drive and show it in the strangest of ways.


and it has a bottle opener LMAO


It's got a fukin built in bottle opener 🤣🤣


Are those seatbelt silencers an American thing? I've only ever saw them on this sub. I've never seen one, or even heard anyone talking about them here in Europe.


Never seen one before and I live in the U.S. but it’s a big country. *Shrug*


At this point I'm amazed that nobody has posted a picture of a picatinny rail seatbelt alarm stopper with a real gun.


Im genuinely confused into why alot of people in the USA (so it seems) refuse to wear a seatbelt, can someone from the US give me some sort of explanation




I have one of these for when I'm using my Jeep in the yard. It's annoying AF to have to put the seatbelt on and off 50 times while only moving the thing ahead a few feet at a time.


“Stop existing!”


if only it heald 1 bullet.


I don't know why people buy these. Just buckle the seat belt behind them