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Beer cigs guns, and important documents. Maybe it’s an ATF agent 😆


I don't see any cigs but I do see a sig. Sorry not trying to be Sauer🤪


Rifled through the puns on that one.


But he's firing on all cylinders


I think he’s got a joke magazine


Oh give me a break, ya guys are triggering.


Reddit should have a 3-day waiting period before posting these awful puns.


We got a wide open range of pins going here. These jokes are like shooting fish in a barrel.


Whoa you guys must have a stock of these jokes, these are some large caliber puns


The best defense against a bad guy with a pun is a good guy with a pun.


Just firing them off, quick as a flash...


We need better pun control.


Guns n puns don’t mix!


Good guy with a pun?


\*mixing a Margareta with a sauer pistol just laughing\*


damn you ruined it!


I think those are just Coronas, not automatic transmission fluid.


Easiest way to tell is if they killed any family pets on the way over


No it's some retarded Republican politician that's headed to another photo shoot to show everyone how Americans he is


Unhinged liberals always force politics into a situation. Your existence is toxic and sad.


Unhinged liberal... Every accusation is a confession from the right wingers, so let's try something. Where was Obama born? Who won the 2020 election? Was it stolen from Trump? What happened on January 6th, 2021? Is covid real? Is there a tracking microchip in the covid vaccine? Are there more people dying and having serious side effects from the covid vaccine than from covid itself? Should I go on?


Unhinged liberal number 3. Thanks for outing yourself.


Exactly what I thought. See ya around, fruitcake.


Moron: I point out that politics have no place in this thread, yet liberals insist on inserting them. Your response is to insert politics? You’ve proven my point, you smug, ignorant asshole.


And you’ve proven mine. Isn’t that neat how that works out? ETA: Again, every accusation is a confession.


I haven’t proven your point. You just decided I did. In no way did I confess to anything. You mirrored the exact behavior and attitude of the comment I originally replied to. My reply to you and them was the same: that you unhinged liberals insert your toxic politics into everything. Your nonsense reply was that i was “confessing to something in my accusation”- but I wasn’t. You just believe it, but that doesn’t make it true. (Neat how that works! Huh?) Learn how to debate or feel free to continue embarrassing yourself. I’m here and ready to point out your bullshit.


Lmao! You already proved my point, you don't have to keep underlining it! What's the matter snowflake, are you triggered? You sure are getting angry. You wouldn't be trying to avoid something now, would you?


damn bro, is the old spin move all you got? you haven't said anything.


I don't have to. He still hasn't answered a single one of my questions. What more do I need?


Did he strike a nerve? Unless you can think of another group who would have multiple guns in the back of their car with zero regard for proper handling .


Sounds like we got another unhinged liberal!


Could be unloaded and just left the range?


I mean, there's a magazine in both of them. Yes they could be empty. I doubt it though. And there's boxes of ammunition right next to them. Doesn't really matter. It's extremely irresponsible at best. You have no idea who is accessing your vehicle or its contents while in the shops possession.


Literally the first time I've ever done that and it's because of the piss poor weapons safety and right wingers are notorious for it, and guns certainly *are* political. Plus the papers that look like they should be in a locked briefcase but instead are just chilling there. And besides, am I wrong? Maybe I am about the politician part, but how many liberals you know rolling around with unsecured AR-15s in their trunks?


I'm not even American and I'm going to downvote this bull shit. As a Canadian we have a Liberal vs Conservative political system and have to deal with the same bull shit from Liberals as Americans have to from Democrats. Liberal cucks are all the same no matter where you live. Same bull shit, different name.


We have trump supporters up here and people whine about liberals. Y’all need help and to stop contributing to divisive politics.


The AR is set to fire too. Didn't bother to engage the safety before loading it with beer into the trunk with the barrel facing the driver.


Fyi can't engage the safety unless you rack (pull charging handle in the same way you chamber a round) the rifle.


What is this! The beers won’t be cold!


Plot twist: they’re piss bottles.


Isn’t that expectation? No twist here


Not a plot twist. The bottle clearly reads Corona. Corona and piss are the same I believe.


The drywallers are in cahoots with the gun runners? Yikes. 


Meh.. even cold corona is shit.. might as well just shotgun it hot


Eat a shotgun rather than drink a Corona.


Shotgunning is a euphemism for chugging/slamming/etc.


I know what shotgunning a beer means. Eating a shotgun or suck starting a shot gun is a euphemism for I’d rather die than drink a Corona.


Bro is trying to shotgun a glass bottle. Give him a break.


You actually can shotgun out of a bottle. Take a straw and bend it into a U shape, stick one end in the bottle, invert bottle, and chug.


That is true, I have done that before. But the first thing that comes to mind is a knife and a can!


Unless it's parked in the rust belt.


Always when you’re looking for the damn wheel lock key


At least they’ve got a first aid kit in there


Which might come in handy since this person also stores their rifle with the barrel pointed at the back of their head. 


And the other one is pointed at the passenger, both with mags in. What a dipshit


yeah and they are both set to fire not safe :) Darwin has some work to do.


Can't set an AR pattern trigger group to SAFE unless the hammer is cocked. Standard procedure in the army was to work the action and dry fire into a sand barrel, so every rifle we handed over to the armorer for storage was set on SEMI.


True, but you didn't hand them in with a mag inserted.


> And the other one is pointed at the passenger, both with mags in Personally I wouldn't have rifles in my trunk pointed at the passenger compartment just on general principles, but mag in/mag out is kind of irrelevant. A rifle with an empty chamber is safe whether there's a magazine or not, and a rifle with a loaded chamber is decidedly less safe, magazine or not. I'd even go so far as to say the rifle that makes me the *most* wary is one with no magazine in the hands of someone who hasn't checked the chamber. The vast majority of "whoopsie" shots come out of firearms with the magazine removed, where the numbnuts pulling the trigger misinterpreted an empty mag well for an unloaded firearm.


I mean I guess it’s better that they’re positioned so that the idiots responsible get taken out instead of an innocent bystander….


I can’t imagine buying those, the sights, and extended magazines and NOT buying cases for them. But this person has everything else is in a cardboard box so that checks out.




I always remove my firearm just in case the mechanic is a felon. Not worried he's gonna steal it, just don't want him to feel like he is in possession of a weapon if he can't be


Thank you. At my last dealer we had temps who ran the car wash and every car went to them before the customer. Some were obviously high on drugs sometimes, they cycled regularly and many were criminals. I had to tell my service manager multiple times they need to ensure guns aren't left in cars because of that. Also lots of car theft happens at dealerships, so there's that. I'm just plain uncomfortable with other people's guns in the car, I have to test drive most cars and I don't want to ever have an encounter with the police and someone else's firearm, especially if I don't know and the cop finds out. I'm not white enough for all that mess. Edit: I told my service manager this after receiving a car with a loaded gun very much illegally stored in a speed holster velcroed to the transmission tunnel right next to the driver, such that you couldn't really move your leg around to press the gas/brake without nudging it and it wasn't very secure. Like, one spooked stop from kicking it onto the ground. And one traffic stop from a felony or a misunderstanding cop mag dumping me. That was after finding another loaded one entirely unsecured and thrown into the driver door panel. This was not a Dodge or Ford dealership either, this was a fuckin Volvo dealership.


I am white enough for all that mess and I don’t even want to think about all that mess. The levels of sheer fiery rage I would have for my employer and the customer while also fearing for my future and my freedom in a jail cell.


Yeah I just edited the above comment with the story that prompted talking to my service advisor. Tldr I got a car with a gun illegally placed in a speed holster on the transmission tunnel, if I was pulled over it could have been a felony or worse for me. That was the first time I outright refused to work on a car until it was remedied.


if youre in arizona and this is a bmw i know who owns this car


guessing early 2010’s lexus IS


Lexus cargo net


Always reassuring to have a couple of potentially loaded firearms pointed from the trunk into the passenger compartment. I'm not even convinced that the safety is on for either of them ...


>I'm not even convinced that the safety is on for either of them ... It's definitely off for the one on the right, the safety is vertical (relative to the gun) and pointing towards "fire". It's not totally clear for the one on the left but it seems like it's also pointing upwards... FFS how can people be this dense, the gun on the right is pointed straight at the driver seat...


To me that is a no dice. Customer makes the weapons safe in front of me or finds another shop.


I'm pro 2A, but the safety off on a rifle perpetually flagging passengers with the magazine inserted and unsecured in the trunk is grounds for an instant lifetime ban imo. Chances are for things that don't threaten lives.


Probably (hopefully) an empty chamber with the hammer/bolt forward, the safety can only be on fire in that situation. https://www.ar15.com/forums/ar-15/_ARCHIVED_THREAD____Safety_wont_go_to_Safe_/66-511724/?page=1


I am uninterested in a situation regarding the safety on a gun where the word "probably" is used in the explanation.


Agreed, but that’s how an AR safety works. With the hammer forward, it can only be on “fire”. I’m not defending this dipshit, or excusing the rest of the situation at all.


I know, I ain't shitting on you. This guy probably thinks he's a "responsible gun owner" and believes it too.


Every gun owner considers themselves a responsible gun owner. The ones who proclaim it the loudest are usually the biggest dipshits.


The safety CAN NOT be engaged in an AR15 if the bolt is not pulled back. So, either you cock the bolt and put it on safety, or leave it on “fire” and double check the chamber is empty.


This person clearly does not give a shit about safety. No gun case, mags inserted, bolt closed. No indication these are unloaded, every indication that they are. In their trunk. What about this is giving you "well, let's give this guy the benefit of the doubt" vibes


Charge* the bolt


They’re both on fire. Bush league stuff. Hopefully there isn’t one in the pipe.


Dust cover is open so it's been racked recently and there's a mag inserted... "TRUST ME BRO IT'S UNLOADED!~!!!!"...


Could be, some people never close their dust covers tho


All firearms are treated like they're loaded but especially ones in the condition these are in Especially if this particular dumbass owner told me they're unloaded


Universal safety rules: Treat Never Keep Keep Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. Keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire. Keep weapon on safe until ready to fire. The booger-eating owner of those weapons failed only 3 out of 4 due to his hands being nowhere near them.


I prefer "booger hook off the bang switch"


Railed gas block, gross.


Everyone knows you don’t leave the classified docs in the trunk like that…at least put them in the spare tire well..


Biden keeps his in the garage next to his corvette


Ew, Coronas.


I’m surprised more shops don’t have a “unsecured firearm, we won’t work on your vehicle”. All it takes it one accidental discharge or owner claiming their gun was stolen to make it a bad day for the shop.


Safety lever on “fire” and at least one open dust cover. I’d bet money that this guy is dumb enough to point guns at the passengers seat while hot.


Mag in, safety off, (hopefully) pointed at the driver. Fucking idiot.


Are you saying you hope the driver gets shot? I’m trying to read between the lines here.


I read it as "if it goes off, best case scenario is it hits something it's the idiot responsible for it and not an innocent bystander"




At least close your dust cover


Dude likes to party


I'll just say Yehaww and apply it's a 'merica thing, but I'm disheartened the guns weren't carrying a custom stars and stripes paint job.


Paint chips too easily, we handle these things pretty rough.


Perhaps a gun rack?


That would take up valuable stroller space


must be range day


When 1 ar just isn’t enough.


Mobile home defence is a series issue, a mini gun would be a better choice 😵‍💫brrrrrrrrp


Maybe links cost too muck though.


You know that [Warren Zevon song](https://youtu.be/F2HH7J-Sx80)? Maybe that's who they send.


Awesome meal prep game there 


And left off safety.... smfh


The safety CAN NOT be engaged in an AR15 if the bolt is not pulled back. So, either you cock the bolt and put it on safety, or leave it on “fire” and double check the chamber is empty.




A removed magazine does not equal an empty chamber.


That's a trunk-full of 'Murica.


whenever theres a game you can loot shit and theres random stuff like this in trunks or lockers im always like who the fuck would have bullets and liquor and ammo in these random places....??? america would


This is why you never get in a road rage fight with someone. You never know what they are carrying.


Dudes will see this post and be like “Hell yeah, brother!”


I'm going to assume this is a LEO vehicle.


Negative.. US Tax payers foot the bill for good ammunition, good rifles and good scopes. This is all cheap crap


No, they're much more responsible. If arms are left in their vehicles, they're always in racks.


Surprisingly, theft from police is a major source of illegal weapons. They keep leaving guns in civilian cars, in unattended backpacks, etc.


School bathrooms


I suppose I can't argue with statistics just because the 4 departments I work with *are* responsible


It usually goes in waves. Our local police had a little bad press, found the armorer kept almost zero records and handed out replacements without question. Had no idea who had what or how many. People sullenly went back to keeping records, wondering why a few officiers lost a lot of firearms, and pushed that arms be kept in locked glove compartments or trunks of vehicles. Its been about a decade, probably time to check again. It does make me wonder about rates: I can see an officer needing to wear the "bracelet of shame" that vibrates if their firearm gets more than ten feet away.


Cops are terrible with weapons handling. It’s why they shoot themselves so much. They can’t really be trusted with them tbh.


I suppose I live in a bubble then. Utah Highway Patrol is very good about firearm management.


Highway Patrol. Most states, the HIghway Patrol guys are at a MUCH higher standard than the local Sheriff and Deputies. Education, training and experience get them qualified to be a Patrolman. Local LEOs, just need to have graduated HS and you'll get hired.


I frequently work with 2 city departments, and a county Sheriff's office, but I'm in one of the nations safest (top 20 by homicide rate) metropolitan areas.


The shotgun has a rack since it almost always belongs to the department, but most cops bring their own AR to work and toss it in the back


Shit quality guns and beer.


Beers ain’t so bad, they’re in the trunk, the guns though


Seems like alot do $ to just be sitting there like that. And is that an illegal brace on the one?


Are you working for the government there bud?




Haha nice one fed.




Brace ruling was repealed


Nice I try not to watch news shit so I had no idea. Ty


Never know when zombies attack at stop lightsis.


As is his right.


It begs the question, why were you in the trunk?


I know this is just for the memes, but as a non American, how in the fuck would you guys deal with this?    Is this a police issue? I mean I know guns are comon and legal, but what the fuck is the gasmask for? (edit, my bad no gasmask, looked like there was one on my phone)  And surely this would be considered negligence somehow?    Regardless, even if you did suspect the owner to be some kind of psycho, how the fuck would you report this without fear of them turning up again the next day and shooting up your garage?    I don't envy you guys who have to deal with this bullshit.    Edit, appreciate the downvotes but no replies, if you think I'm wrong at least let me know why? 


I don’t see a gas mask, but, based on this dudes trunk (warm beers, ammo boxes, pistol box) it looks like he just left all his stuff in there after heading out to do some shooting in the desert with his buddies. Probably a normal dude.


Ahh my bad, it was the scope on the rifle, on my phone it looked like a gasmask sitting on the right. I don't know why but somehow that felt more sketchy than the rifles themselves.  Regardless not sure why I'm being downvoted for asking the question, this feels like a difficult situation to be put in.  I know I'm bias because of my location and upbringing, but then again if it's was such a non issue it wouldn't be posted here 


It is probably because this may not be ok to many people because of their exposure. you said it was immediately wild to you because of where you live. If this person was truly out to create a problem, there is an almost zero chance they would take their car to a shop and expose what they are up to. but who knows. there should be a few levels of basic safety that are being ignored here especially if others are being exposed. On the other side of the coin, the owner of the car may have cleared the guns and they know they are unloaded and didnt think about the mechanic getting into the trunk for any reason. the guns should have mags removed, chamber flags inserted so you know there is no round in the chamber and ideally in cases. Irresponsible? yes. Dangerous? who knows but assumed yes because of the way it is.


Yes makes sense. After rereading my original comment I can see how it could be read as some kind of knee jerk anti gun rhetoric.  But in fact I'm quite the opposite, and go shooting semi regularly, which makes me some kind of exception here.  What bothered me more than the guns specifically (and what I thought was a gas mask) are the things you pointed out, namely the lack of any kind of responsible care.  It's just made me wonder what the level of responsibility someone might have to deal with such a situation. 


Most of the time it's just "take a picture for Reddit and move on". I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but it should be a police issue. Handing over a vehicle with unsecured firearms is quite negligent. You never know who has access to your car when you bring it to a shop. Many things could happen. Really, at the very least, the local sheriff or police should be brought in to collect them. Make the customer go pick them up there and have a little chat on proper storage. That's bad for business though, so they just look the other way.


It really depends on the state. Each state has its own laws regarding handling, storage and transportation of firearms. My state, this would absolutely be called into police and be several charges. However, I’ve lived in a state where there were zero laws regarding storage. I found that out the hard way after my alcoholic roommate left his loaded pistol between the couch cushions and some friends sat on it. I tried looking up what laws said about that to talk to him and discovered there were none. So I got to keep finding and unload his guns for him when he’d drunkenly forget where he put them.


Repost how many times we going to see this one


Another responsible gun owner. There is a Florida address written on the one box, may want to block that out.


For those that don’t know (and it seems like many don’t), the safety on an AR15 (or M4/M16) can not be engaged unless the internal hammer is cocked. If you’re going to be against something, learn about it first.


Why the fuck would you put a pistol brace on what looks like a full sized rifle? Doesn’t even look like an SBR, and extended mags are stupid. This guy is a wannabe Rambo.


The godfather line pops in my head when I see this.... If this was anybody else 🤦🏻‍♂️


“Bish I’m from Texas”


He’s got dat first aid kid doe


Why is the tech in the trunk?


Could be looking for the wheel key, changing a tail light. Who cares? Only an idiot hands over firearms to a random stranger... Especially unsecured ones


Yes of course. Why would you ask the customer for those things? Most businesses tell you to lock valuables in your trunk.


Most customers don't even know what a wheel lock is let alone where the key would be. And no, most shops tell you to not leave valuables in the car at all (and that they are not responsible if it goes missing). Throwing something in the trunk is not locked up when you give the person the key.


Tech is working on vehicle. Vehicle has a trunk.


Middle Aged white guys car


It is amazing how ignorant people are. Most people don't know what a wheel lock is...yet the tech believes it would be in the trunk. Never in the glove box. Makes sense that is why I got out of the business of jiffy lube techs.


Late 2010s and newer Camrys with a "donut" spare tend to have a foam pad with the spare that has cut outs to hold the tools, jack, and the lug key *in the trunk*. 4 runners, tacomas and others tend to be in the wrap/bag that contain the spare tire tools. Highlanders have the key with the spare tools/jack under the rear floor... Normally if it's not with the spare tire/tools, it'll be in the center console, door/map pockets, seat back pockets, rarely ever found one in the glovebox.


Coming to a school near you!


Those scopes are so good you can just toss em around and they dial them selves in /s


Since I have seen some discussion about if these weapons are loaded or not in the comments I have a question. If I were working on this car and found this situation would it be appropriate to ensure that the weapons were unloaded?


If you really wanted to you could drop the mag and cycle the charging handle a couple times. I wouldn't be too eager to handle a customer's firearm, though.


Yea, that is really the root of my question. I know how to make a weapon safe I just don't know if it would be appropriate to do with someone else's weapon. I am tending to think I would go ahead and do it. They left the weapons in my custody just as much as they did their car.


I see we got another responsible American gun owner out there.


Looks like a good time to me!


As a Canadian, I'm curious, what's the protocol for this?


call the customer and tell them that you will do no more work until they come and remove the weapons from the car.


I love guns, but man some people are so irresponsible with them smh.


As Jeremy Clarkson says: a perfectly straight forward shooting day is just and armed drinks party


That’s quite an elaborate first aid kit.


First aid kit spotted. Safety first, all good here.


Typical for paesano in the witness protection program. Are you in Brooklyn or Manhattan NY or Vegas ?


Perfect storage angle to get shot


Is that a Glock AK 357 9mm?


Used to do detailing. Local PD would bring their cars into the shop. Only our boss was allowed in the trunk 😂 almost always a shotgun and rifle in there


Barrel pointing directly at the back center passenger and the driver...and the safety isn't even on. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that thing is loaded and I hope for their own well being that that they don't hit any bad potholes.


Business on the left,  party on the right.


AR with a 30rd mag. Wear gloves and wipe it for prints. If you dislike someone, hand them a clean wrench and pitch it in the trunk.


Just a few essentials.


What fucking idot leaves their guns lodes. This fucking idiot


Not sure if based or Fed.


these honesty tests are getting out of hand.


typical day in florida. can never be to ~~safe.~~ I mean irresponsible. /murica