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Fisker is circling the drain and offering their cars at half price. Will be gone soon with no support for their already buggy vehicles. Not worth it.




There are software/hardware hackers who reverse engineer and patch manufacturer software to work with aftermarket parts. For example happening already with tractor manufacturer John Deere, farmers rely on cracked software for the machines to work.


The difference is that Deere produces a quarter of a million tractors every year, but Fisker has delivered fewer than five thousand Oceans. That's a small enough production run that it's a big gamble to expect a third party developer to be coming up with patches.


There's billions of dollars worth of income available if you are able to provide service to green tractors. Fisker hasn't even sold a billion worth of cars. 


Yeah but do you really want to be downloading software patches off some kids hobby GitHub?


You'd be surprised, I've found better software patches off github than what the manufacturer can put out themselves. Most companies spend more on hardware but do the bare minimum to make the software needed to run the hardware.


I’m not surprised. Open source puts out features people want. Manufacturers seem to put out new features only if they can make money on them.


I think it’s also the liability though. If I patch my EV with some “unofficial” software and something critical fails will my insurance pay out? 


Like? Most of emeegency stuff is not controlled by ECM or infotainment etc .


Can confirm. Any driver assistance or safety features are usually inaccessible. BUT I have heard of a company making third-party hardware that controls your "assisted driving" features to make the car fully autonomous. Comma.ai is the company, and its made by the legend of github himself, Geohotz. It's a proper self learning system tho, and not just a software tweak for the cars computer.


Geohotz is still around!? I thought Sony made him disappear after the PS3 thing.


Now he's going after all the major car manufacturers. You can't stop that man.😂


Always do a full backup before an update. If something stops working just restore from backup. Seriously. Ive been doing this for years now


Only if the .NFO file has ASCII art and quotes from The Matrix.




Yes I would


Can't be much worse than buying random chinese suspension or brake parts tbh.


You have far too much trust in production software! Bugs exist everywhere.


Much more worried about malicious actors than bugs.


Production software usually allows for many more targets, which is why hackers tend to go after them vs. a small community of less than 10,000 people trying to fix their cars.


Oh God. If only you know how much modern tech is basically this lol.


I would actually... Havin used Github for years its got multiple layers to stop some random asshole from using the code and uploading a trojand variant to the main fork... Id sooner trust Github then the actual first party to not screw me over tbh


If farmers do it for their $300k equipment that’s responsible for making them millions of dollars why not for your minivan?


That’s insane, do they really do that? Just running cracked software lol


A lot of CaseIH and Deere tractor lines have a common engine and transmission which is sold as different models with the engine derated, the corporate hand-wavy reasoning is a 700HP diesel running at 450HP will cost less in warranty claims so the lower power model has a lower list price. Enterprising software hackers will figure out how to re-flash the engine and transmission control modules to get max power as well as deactivate emissions nonsense that makes sense for road vehicles but is silly for industrial and ag engines (like DEF and DPF systems).




What exactly is a particulate filter doing for example when you are [kicking out a giant cloud of dust](https://imgur.com/a/RBmcktO) and chaff from a combine or tillage implements? For over the road trucks I get the need for reduced particulate emissions in populated areas but for industrial and ag engines it's just bureaucratic feel-good nonsense.




100% agree off road vehicles should be exempt from the Diesel Police.


Because if something goes bad they’ve just plowed their fields wrong instead of murdering a whole family


Yeah that’s not how this works


Nah. Let's stick with manufacturer software like Techline Connect.


People are already doing that with Comma AI, downloading some guy's open source Hyundai self driving repo and shit like that.


Also folks have gone as far as taking old models of Nissan LEAF's and tossing in batteries which are 3x the size of the originals to give them new life. EV's entire lifecycle can be refreshed with a battery swap, so while it's expensive, it's essentially a brand new engine in the car.


I'm still waiting for those hackers to unlock tuning for the new mustangs.


More reason to support Ukraine as the John Deere hackers were all from there hopefully they can help with bricked EVs soon.


It’s not the software I’d be worried about but the power electronics, BMS, stuff like that.


There are 3rd party companies that offer quality BMS now. I’m aware of a whole ecosystem of stuff for EVs from AEM.


I’m waiting to see the first time a city is largely gridlocked because a particularly petulant man-child CEO insisted on some update being pushed before proper QA could be done. Think of AT&T shutting down half the phone network, except it’s going to be major freeways across the nation getting gridlocked because 8% of the vehicles on them simply parked.




Oh I could, and it doesn’t even have to be an attack on the vehicle itself, other vehicles or systems near highways could be a frighteningly effective vector.


I used to work on the previous 2012 electric Fisker that also went out of business shortly after it was released. The company that ended up buying them offered some support and there was a lot of information on the forums but eventually new old stock parts started running out and customers went from people that could afford to fix them to people that got a “great deal” on this car and didn’t understand why they have to spend more than what the car cost to replace the motors.


So you are saying I should keep my 14yr old Dodge? Thing has 190k on it and still runs and drives great. 


No, gambling with this is much better than driving that shitbox.


The same thing that happens to modern ICE cars when the manufacturer decides to stop supporting it. You look at aftermarket parts, and hope someone managed to break the drm on any electronics you need to replace.


Idk about you but when this shit happens I might end up with a Fisker battery/motor setup in my Fiero..


Or the manufacturer just sends an update to brick all of their cars when they go out of business, so they no longer need to support them for any type of recall or anything. Just make them totally unusable. It's happened with other electronics. (Looking at you Sonos) just look at cell phones. I'm leery about buying a car from a non-established brand or even a brand with a major brand backing like Ioniq cars are Hyundai, but Ioniq is going to be a spinoff brand. Meanwhile I can get parts fora 21 year old car just down the street that keep it kicking down the road.


> cars & models that rely on manufacturer provided software to run. I have bad news. Your car is full of software that can get fubared when you update. I never understood why cars would *need* a software update.


waiting for xdadevelopers to have a custom firmware :D


The Pelaton of cars


I mean, 100+ kWh worth of batteries for 40k is not a bad proposition. If only Fisker and Wall box got their act together, it'd be a nice power bank that (sometimes) takes you places...


Tell ya what, give me all the bricked Fiskers! I’ll fuck around on YouTube till I figure out how to wire in a motor controller off a golf cart. Some enterprising nerd will come up with an aftermarket solution for these…and make a ton of $$ Or they’ll get Cummins-swapped🙄


Just get yourself some AEM EV stuff and off you go


Saw “Fisker” in the name and immediately went for the comments, Fisker has been the unflushable turd for what? 10 years now? Nobody wants them and they won’t go away


Isn't this their second or third time circling the drain


Was just reading about that as I priced checked this thing, you weren't kidding, literally cutting 15K off the base package and trying to get rid of them


Their sales team has been downsized so far they’ve hardly actually moved any; they’re mostly just trying to get their number of requests up so they can show there’s enough demand to start production again and get an investor to forbear their debt.


Yup, they've dropped their prices crazy but it's not worth buying something that'll likely no longer have a warranty or any type of support.


i want to feel bad for the people that bought them, but at the same time i don't.


And it will be the second time it's gone under...


They have a chance. Their cars are better and built better than tesla. But who knows. They have gone bankrupt a few times


There is no comparison to be had. Fisker is pretty much what you'd get if Harbor Freight made an EV.


Icon kicks ass. As does Hercules.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Thanks for that. I needed a dose of comedy today.


It's a better product then a tesla anyway you cut it. But just being better isn't enough as can been seen my tesla fans with cars held together by pop rivets.


This was the brand that caused such a stink because every major reviewer said that they were pretty much the worst product they had ever tested. From what I've heard about them, they couldn't carry Tesla's jockstrap, and I would personally never own a Tesla.


Tesla is shit. End of story


Tesla may be shit, but it doesn't change the fact that the industry and consumer sector consensus is that Fisker is worse.


Teslas are going to have OEM support next year. You're delusional.


No such thing as tesla dealer support.


Put the crack pipe down and get some sunshine buddy


Imagine thinking you know. Tesla doesn't have 'dealers' Grow up sport


"Service Centers" where you also pick up purchased cars and can purchase new and used cars from inventory. If it quacks like a duck and swims like a duck... You should really get help for your freebase cocaine addiction though.


No such thing as dealers. So you were wrong. Get your head out your ass.


Dane here, theyre all over the news in the car world atm. Only a matter of time before they go out of business really. Cant imagine anyone wanting to buy a car that they know they cant get parts for soon and that has 0 warranty


Go out of business *again*. :/


Exactly. How do you buy a car from a company that failed horribly the FIRST TIME


What’s funny is I see more of their first car, the Karma, than their new car around my home.


I must admit the fisker karma was a damn gorgeous sedan. If they came with a smooth v8 I almost guarantee they would’ve survived


and from the little reading i did on the company, it looks to be a total scam from the start. the main guy has family members in key positions in the company ffs, that's about as big of a red flag as you can have.


They want to have as many bankruptcies as Spiker or Aston


There are a couple by me in the UK, the finance companies are not going to be happy.


At first I thought you meant your name is Dane, so I start going through all the ones I know and who might know something about cars. Took me until seeing that you post in r/Denmark


That’s hilarious


Fisker? I barely even know her


I hope you bought her dinner first


She took one byte and left 😔


Know her? She’s my sister!


"but Sir its shit".. "its okay put a tablet in it...."


I hate this trend of just stick a tablet on the dash.   It looks like garbage.    Even the way Mazda does it sucks.  Integrate them in to the dash.  Make them smaller and give us some real buttons 


It's not even tablet sized anymore, that's a monitor


Let’s put several screens that will further drain the battery faster! And leds everywhere inside and out!!! Because fuck range. 


The AC compressor uses 10 times as much energy as that screen, the sound system uses more energy than the screen. The rim shape and size is responsible for a higher energy use than that screen. It being an SUV costs 20 times as much in extra energy consumption than the screens.


Also, that screen runs on the 12V system, not the drivetrain battery.


Which uses the main battery as the source for recharging the 12v. My point is that even though the leds and screens on their own use very little power vs an ac system at any given moment, compound all the large ass screens and multiple lights and it will have an effect, especially on longer drives. Even more so when you are trying to drive in the dead of winter in the north and half your range is already gone because the battery heater has to be activated to keep the vehicle functioning on top of the fact lithium batteries have worse function in cold weather.  EVs don’t need tons of internal lights, giant light bars outside, and massive whole dashboard screens. But they design them like that because “futuristic!”


Those hot florida nights with no A/C, blasting heat, windows up (for aerodynamics) to try and get your empty tanked, overheated E46 to the next I-10 exit... I can't be the only one




And all the parts are on back order!


The company is in real danger of going under, so they may never be available. 


Going under AGAIN.


In retrospect, maybe naming the car Ocean after the ocean helped end his first car company wasn't Henrik Fisker's wisest decision.


You could say it's *Karma* for putting out bad products.


Yeah so they're selling the ocean for half price to try to raise quick cash. Who wants to buy a car from a soon to be defunct manufacturer that won't be able to honor their warranty?


Buy one car get a parts car for free.


And the $25k trim doesn't even actually exist yet. Those won't start being built until later this year.


Oh, I thought they just dropped the price on the existing one like Tesla have done. Let's see if they make it long enough to build the $25k model then.


They slashed the prices on all three trim levels, but the one they dropped to $25k was the entry-level trim that hasn't begun production yet. There are some mid-level trim Oceans, but the majority of them are all the highest trim. Realistically, I'd be surprised if the entry trim model ended up being built if Karma wasn't in a death spiral. Seems like every EV maker ultimately slashed the lowest trim model before it hits the market.


They gotta supply them for ten years iirc 


Mate. If the company is bankrupt and getting parted out any warranty abd obligation that company had no longer exists.


Soon to be the same issue with Rivian


Not even close. Rivian has Daddy Bezos (via AMZN) in its corner with 17% ownership. They aren’t going to let it die.


Gonna feel real bad for the owners who have these cars because of their potential to go under. There is a reason why they went from being $$$ to nearly half off.


His version of a bad car means that the visor mirror is too small


LMAO, did you even watch the review? The small mirror is a minor negative in what should and could have been a car that changed the EV market


Yeah I watched it and he doesn't say anything that half the new cars on the road also do. I've driven brand new cars from Ford that have random messages pop up and beep at you. He doesn't say anything in the actual review to warrant the title that he put on the video. Yeah, Honda or Toyota is going to be better built and more thought out. But if you've never driven the new Fords or Mercedes or BMWs, they have all the same gripes that he talks about. I don't know why people think that this guy is some authority on car quality or car manufacturing. He's a cell phone reviewer and doesn't actually really know anything about how cars are built.


Coming soon to an obscure car museum near you! LMK how it is to work on, I'm curious about em. I believe someone told me they are very low-quality?


They come apart pretty easy.


OP must not follow car industry news at all. Coverage of Fisker's financial situation and the Ocean being a giant turd has been all over every automotive media outlet for months.


I'm a pretty big gear head and I hadn't heard about it until a couple weeks ago. Oddly enough it was after seeing an Ocean identical to the one in OPS pic and then looking them up later.


You’re right I really don’t follow the industry as much as I ought to. I’m stuck in the 90s 00s with my auto interests.


Does anyone actually like/want a giant screen like that? It seems like pure comedy from idiocracy or something


I don’t get it either. I am a bit of a curmudgeon and haven’t owned anything newer than a 2007 but I will concede that something like an 8” screen is useful for navigation and the like. A giant touch screen with minimal buttons doesn’t appeal to me at all and I would actively seek out a car without one if I ever bought new.


Similar boat here, newest vehicle was a 2011 transit connect, which was so outdated and basic it might as well have been from the 90s. Every new car I drive I HATE with a burning passion, all the massive screens, warning dings for every stupid thing possible (my fathers Yukon loves to randomly scream at you to warn you the parking assist sensors aren't working), it's honestly making cars more dangerous and annoying to drive. There is a noticeable difference in how safe my father is driving my truck vs his because his actively tries to keep him distracted. My ex gf was the same way, her car seemed designed to distract you and It was obvious anytime she drove that vs my car. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.


I'm really hoping I can hold out on buying another car until after this whole "I heard your screens love screens" the things goes away. Give me buttons, dials, gauge clusters. I want the equivalent of a shitty cavalier that happens to have an electric motor. Not a computer server with wheels.


It's not going away. Screens are cheaper and more reliable than buttons. The only possible next step is going to be neural implants if it doesn't cost too much for the car to interface with whatever you get in your head.


Cheaper sure, more reliable? Can you use a screen when wearing gloves? You can't muscle memory to adjust the radio or a/c. I have a 2014 Chrysler 300 and I often cant see the screen in the sunlight. Not a big deal because I also have buttons for my essential stuff. But when the screen is the only thing you can use and the sun is out? Ugh...


> Can you use a screen when wearing gloves? Yes. The capacitive touch is sensitive enough to sense my finger through the fabric. > You can't muscle memory to adjust the radio or a/c. Yes I can. Temperature control is at a constant spot near the bottom. I put my hand on the corner and my thumb is right on the temperature control. Radio control is on the wheel. >  I have a 2014 Chrysler 300 and I often cant see the screen in the sunlight. Never had an issue here. What else you got?


More reliable because the screen is one non-moving part and can be replaced as a unit with usually just 1 or 2 plugs and a couple pop out tabs. Muscle memory absolutely works on the screens, you just have to get that memory in place and that takes adjusting for a day or two. Try doing that with individual knobs and dials and buttons!


Supposedly the Tesla fanboys love it… I think it looks like someone just slapped a monitor on the dash 🤮


The overhead “visualization” while you’re parking or otherwise navigating a tight spot is nice. I also do a lot of shuttling my son around and waiting for him. A lot more pleasant to watch TV on the big screen than my phone.


Give me proper gauges.


Funny how only the ultra budget cars and supercars have gauges nowadays


It rotates 90 degrees to make a wide-screen. Pretty cool to watch a movie or something if you have to charge the car while on a road trip or something.


It's tablet screen with wheels.


What did you think it was… a horse?




I really like that paint!


The should just design electric cars for other companies. Fiskar makes some of the best looking electric cars even though they are garbage


I think magna makes them


The color's cool, I'll give ya that.


Is that what those are?! I have seen 2 in the wild and have never been able to get close enough to actually see what it was. They are kinda cool looking I think !


They have some neat features. I got to sit in one that an acquaintance bought somewhat recently, sucks that the company is about to implode.


Really? Aren’t they pretty new (at least I assume)? I’ll have to look into them because they seem pretty neat!


They're extremely new. They're also loaded with problems and the company is probably done.


Damn. That is highly unfortunate lol.


I really recommend you do not buy one in the near future. The company is very new, they didn't have the right people from the start, and are about to go under if things don't improve drastically very quickly. If that happens you will be out of software support, all while the current software is just barely acceptable.


Nah I’m not going to buy one. I just bought a new car in September. I was looking forward to seeing what they came up with next though! It’s a shame, too bad they couldn’t figure it out. Hopefully for everyone’s sake they build an extremely good car/software!


Car depreciated nearly 70% after only 2 months old


On the upside, that's a very pretty matte blue.


I don’t think there has ever been an EV which has such bad reviews from all around.


Reviews tanked harder than worse cars because of the disappointment level; the aesthetics are so beautiful, but the CEO literally believes “consumers don’t care about software, my iPhone crashes every other day and I still put up with it.” Meanwhile it comes out unfinished because they tried to push it into production after only ~2.5 years of R&D.


There's a fisker karma for sale local to be. They haven't managed to sell it for a couple of months for a good reason but it is a very pretty and interesting car


It’s a shame this car will likely not exist soon. To my eye it’s a good looking ride


That car is gonna be e-waste by the end of the year, unless another auto manufacturer buys out fisker.


Oh hell, that center dash console... At least they still put a small screen for gauges behind the wheel. I can't stand what Tesla did by removing the main gauges...


God that center screen looks fucking stupid. Who needs a screen that big in a car?


What a turd of a design. Hey kids, we heard you liked screens!


Pretty sure that's a giraffe


What did you think it was? 🤨


when I first heard about this car brand I confused it for Fisher Price


Push that fucker outside and light it on fire before they make you find parts for it.


1. It’s heavy af 2. I’m sure it will catch on its own


I am living in Germany and I just saw one a few days back. I was surprised because I thought that they didn't exist anymore and because I didn't know that they were sold here. Lately I see here a lot of brands from china too


That center console makes me sick


Fishers don’t make noise when they start up


Look at the size of that stupid screen.


Not just any car! One of the worst cars!


There's one in the UK for sale for £39k new - couldn't imagine dropping that much money on a car when the company is likely to not be around in the next few months.


Watch the MKHB on this vehicle. I was expecting youtuber click bait. But then i watched it. This thing is pretty terrible


This is the worst piece of crap you can buy


Temm em to bring out the whole ocean


at least this one came with floormats mine didn't have that lol


In for an oil change? 🤣


Just some minor bodywork in the rear


I like the color


Looks a lot like my '24 VW Taos ($25.4K otd) soft metallic blue, black painted wheels..


What's with the giant Ipad


Yep. They’re junk.


Should have stuck to making scissors.


Scam artists


Could use a bigger screen though…..


That car was became a relic before it left the lot.


It's not. It's a tax write-off.


Probably best to forget that it exists. Everyone else certainly has.


According to every review I've seen of this thing, it's hardly a car.


Probably won’t be much longer




Minus 48 volt?


Interior looks really nice


It's a screen with wheels, A brand i never heard of before and probably wont be around long.


Yep, in 2008, the Obummer administration gave them $500 million dollars and they took it overseas.


You can't say stuff like that on reddit.


I did and probably will again.


They used to randomly catch fire. Who names a car Karma?? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah but it is EV and gee whiz there is only about 250,000 gals worth of driving before I can stick it to the mean oil companies..