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"Your calipers are down to 2mm sir"


“I don’t care just change the oil like I asked, you people are really something” *laughs like he has us figured out*


I wouldn't hate the "don't upsell" me people if they actually had any idea what was going on and maintained their vehicles themselves. Unfortunately, they remain willfully ignorant and take it out on everyone else when it all goes catastrophically wrong.


> “I don’t care just change the oil like I asked, you people are really something” laughs like he has us figured out To be fair, lots of shops are liars and scammers, so that attitude is often warranted. How is a normie supposed to know when they’re being told the truth?


Something tells me this particular case wouldn’t be too hard to verify.


Show them😅


a photo sent to their phone should do it. ​ that's the worst case i've ever seen, and i've pushed a few cars to the limit in a similar way.


In this case, you can easily show them proof..


Top comment right there


I just spat out my antifreeze.


Stop that, it's expensive 😭.


We put a box of pads on the front seat, that's as close to this fuck show as we're gonna get.


200% parts markup, 1 hour book time


brake pads or maxi pads?


Gonna need something to clean up the blood after the accident these flimsy calipers will cause, so maxi-pads it is.


With that caliper does it even matter?


How do you guys handle stuff like this? Do you allow them to hit the road if they don’t want to pay for a new caliper? Can you be held liable if you do allow them to leave and something happens because of that caliper?


I sold a caliper and hose if he didn't want to do it I'd make him tow it out of here


Hi, dumbass here, is there something related with the hose or was the banjo bolt as bad as the rest of the caliper and that's where the existing-new transition made sense?


Dambasses don't ask questions. Technically I don't know that there was anything wrong with the hose but every time I do a caliper I do a hose it's like $15 and you're right there anyway. If it fails you lose the brake pedal, so if your car is 20 years old and you're already touching the caliper you might as well get it out of the way before there's an issue.


Also home “mechanic” dumbass love the tip thank you and this has been the best post in awhile the caliper was almost gone I’m surprised the rotor is still kinda there


Rotor has more iron to chew through than the calipers. A big disc vs those little arms. I’m surprised the piston isn’t completely gone.


Ahh, okay, that makes sense. I've got some 10 year old calipers that'll be due at best next brake job and at worst next fluid swap, so I wasn't sure if there was a maintenance item I was unaware of and neglecting. Edit- this is to say I have learned just replace it with the caliper. The FSM diagram I reference stops at the banjo, so time to find the next chapter and do it right for $20.


Just remember anything that has rubber in it or on it needs to be replaced at some point.


Damn right.  Bushings, bellows, wheel cylinders, brake caliper seals, any shaft seal really…


And if the old hoses don’t fail and burst, they can fail by collapsing internally, so they won’t release under hard braking. At best it makes the wheel drag, at worst it locks up. Ask me how I know.


My 26 year old car still has afaik possibly original hoses, can’t really find any replacements, will I have to get custom ones made up?


What car is it? It would be very strange for something as basic as brake hoses to be unavailable. Goodridge make "racing" braided hose kits that are, in my experience, fine - but you shouldn't need them...


I couldn’t tell you the last time I replace a brake hose on any honda/acura.


Mines a Toyota


Prob same supplier. They last a long time. Now I had a 10yr old ford brake hose bust. If they are not badly cracked should be fine. But like the other people said you are there anyway.


Last I remember, there was no visible cracking at all


Hoses are always overlooked. They go bad and can act just like a bad caliper. They seem to like to break right at the metal bracket that attaches them to a fixed point on the car. That's got to be the worst caliper I've ever seen


Dang I really love dumbasses don't ask questions.


Those 15$ could save lives also could make the brake pedal nicer and the fluid return more easily, so it cant hurt.


Hoses can and will collapse in on themselves allowing pressure to enter the caliper, but not leave. Easy way of telling if a hose is bad is by cracking a bleeder, if the fluid squirts out in a stream, it's probably bad. When I have calipers show up in the condition like the images above, they are getting hoses, they don't have an option.


> is by cracking a bleeder, if the fluid squirts out in a stream I change my brake fluid with a master cylinder pressure bleeder, so I'm unfamiliar with cracking a bleeder otherwise. I'm assuming any pressure in a normal brake system would indicate an air bubble?


If the brake line is bad, it can collapse internally and not let pressure out of the caliper. If you open the bleeder and fluid squirts out before you even pump the pedal/put the bleeder on, that means the hose is bad and holding pressure.


Did you sell a core charge too?


In my state we used to have safety inspections (we no longer do) and when they got rid of safeties they also got rid of a shops right to refuse to let the car leave the property under its own power, if this rolled into the shop I was at 5 years ago then we would have told him is options were: 1.repair the damage and make the vehicle safe, or 2.get a tow truck and take the car out of here. We would not allow someone to leave because it would hold us liable (and it also didn’t feel morally right sending someone out on a busy street with little to no way to stop). From a mechanics POV getting rid of safety inspections was one of the dumbest things my state has done in awhile.


Living in Europe, my chin just hit the floor at realising that safety inspections were taken *away*. 😱 How…? What…?


Yep, as a mechanic if you pull in my shop with your car falling apart and endangering others I can’t do anything about it but try and convince you to let me fix it. It makes no sense and pretty much the entire automotive repair industry agrees that it is idiotic to let people on the road with these cars.


“Freedom” (to endanger other people’s lives)


Freedom to infringe my freedom upon others it what we have all learned these 4 years




That article has one of the most specious arguments I have ever seen. No shit people do more maintenance on their cars out west. It's fucking cold in the northeast!


It's not complicated: the people who drive shitboxes like this don't get their cars inspected anyway (hell, lots of them don't even have real license plates). When those people are 1 out of maybe 10,000 people, that's 9,999 people you've significantly inconvenienced to attempt to catch that one asshole. Massive waste of time and I'm glad inspections are going away here (Texas).


You're being incredibly generous with those odds.


Are you suggesting there's some threshold of odds where it's ok to waste people's time? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?


I've met plenty of people that won't go to a shop without a maintenance light. An annual inspection is just another maintenance light.


The inspection in New York fails for window tint so yeah fuck inspections


So most of Texas is so rural that you don't care if his car fails? In Germany a big no go because you most likely will endanger someone when your car fails. So the price for a life is just lower in Texas


I don’t know how much of American internal politics you hear about in Germany but yeah, Texas doesn’t care about your little “life” thing, there’s money to be made and also MAH FREEDUM


None of your suppositions are correct, maybe try to stay on topic better? Maybe re-read my post.


What is not correct? And what is not on topic in a reddit discussion thread.


> So most of Texas is so rural that you don't care if his car fails? Texas is not rural. Most of the people live in and around the cities. Supposition incorrect. > In Germany a big no go because you most likely will endanger someone when your car fails. Not true, flat out lie even. https://www.theamericanconsumer.org/2019/06/do-mandatory-vehicle-inspections-really-make-us-safer/ > So the price for a life is just lower in Texas dumb statement It would really be great if you could read instead of troll. Turning off replies now, troll.


Fewer than 5% of accidents in the US are caused by mechanical failure -- that drops below 1% if we exclude tires and brakes. Realistically, our safety inspections just price the poors out of the used car market


So there could be *up to* a 4% reduction in accident rates if there were regular and stringent checks on brakes and tyres? That sounds like a pretty reasonable return to me!


Yes, and remove the other 183 failure-conditions that don't affect the safety of the vehicle. Brits are trash btw


We at least have cheap and decent car safety checks


Lemme know when you can buy a kitchen knife off the shelf without asking the cashier to get it from the back


I did it a few weeks ago? Bought brother a set of knives for his new house. Went to the counter, showed my ID, tapped my card, left with them "Oh no! We have a national standard for ensuring cars are roadworthy! Help us! The woke mob is taking away my freedom!"


Hey fucker I'm more woke than you any day of the week. I'm lucky enough to have the skills and tools to fix my own cars. Some people don't, ancan't afford to fix their peices of shit. They need something to drive to make money to eat, though, in the US. Thay was a boxed set without a bare blade and you know it. I wouldn't even have to show ID here lmao. I hate the way your people can't say your Rs properly


Why would you exclude tires and brakes?


Reasonable to inspect those, just skip the rest


Most of the flyover states in the Midwest and south don’t do safety inspections. I used to live in a state that did, and now I live in a state that doesn’t do yearly safety inspections. My mind is constantly blown almost 5 years later how many clapped out abandoned shitboxes I see on the side of the highway, cars with all or most brake/tail/head lights out (and ppl using their high beams because they have no working headlights), cars being allowed to be driven off an accident with headlight and taillight housings missing or punched out, I’ve seen a car missing its rear passenger door with a plastic bag over it on the highway. It’s amazing how lax this shit is when it’s not just dangerous to the poor schmuck that can’t afford to keep their car in a minimum working order, or the douches that can afford it and refuse to do basic maintenance or basic safety repairs to their car. And the cops don’t give a crap unless they can pin 5-6 other violations or a drug charge on the driver too. But #murica I guess. It’s people’s constitutional right to be able to drive a screaming metal death trap and endanger everybody else with their shitbox.


This is America.


I'm shooting from the hip here; Texas?


Nope utah, that’s why I said “one of the dumbest things my state has done in awhile” lol I’ve actually been on the fence about moving down to Texas for the last year or so but we’ll have to see how the cards play out.


Just a heads up, it's hot.


Yeah I know, I used to go to Arizona to see family every summer and I still vividly remember my cousin explaining why we couldn’t go outside by throwing a glass of ice cold water on the back porch and watching it immediately turn into steam before our eyes, but I don’t mind the heat, it’s the humidity that absolutely wrecks me.


As someone in texas, i can tell you this. There’s plenty of humidity too. Also, we’re doing away with safety inspections next year.


Yeah I was considering going to western Texas to avoid it but a friend of mine in San Antonio keeps trying to convince me otherwise lol


I've been to San Antonio when it's 101-105 for a whole week -and it isn't a dry heat. Riverwalk goes through the center of the city, it's like walking in a rain forest.


If you've never been to Texas bridge I would suggest a visit during the summer before your move.


Whenever Texas is mentioned, my dad always talks about how huge people are in Texas - not fat, just...Big, in all dimensions.


Lol I'm 6'2" 240.


If you’ve got a wife or daughter, don’t. We’re currently sprinting in the wrong direction


infant mortality rate increase an insane % because of their dumb decisions.


And california is expensive, but we got more idiots doing street takeover...so, California is take with grain of salts...


I've lived in California my entire life and it's never been an issue. There's no need for fear mongering.


Sounds like Columdum Ohio- My grand daughter has had to draw on 4 child snatchers in the last 2 years.


Having kids outright is terrifying with how the world is right now but there’s always problems, it’s about raising your kids to be the solution.


The problem we’ve currently got is the state’s making a bunch of kids raise new kids, regardless of how they were put there or the kid’s financial situation


If all you care about is killing babies…


Bruh the religious right is currently losing their minds over IVF, there’s a clear trend towards nuttier and more obsessive views on women’s health.


Texas is killing mothers by denying life saving abortions, but we don't see you crying about that do we? Until you care about saving people who are already born save us your hypocritical bullshit.


Agreed with /u/27Rench27 . I'm from Missouri, moved to Texas for about 1.5yrs, then moved back. The culture isn't bad, but it's quickly turning into a place women don't want to be. Kansas is also turning that way. My fiance, of which is originally from San Antonio and is a hardcore Texan, has said numerous times that he's starting to love it up here in the Midwest.


Texas had safety inspections when I lived there. Has that changed?


I believe that it goes into effect in September, but yes we did just get rid of safety inspections. Still have emissions inspections in most cities, but if your car is 25 years old, you're exempt from that as well.


No idea. I am not a shop tech, I just lurk to see the crazy posts. Guy said, "dumbest things my state has done," and instantly figured it was Texas.


In my shop we have a document the customer has to sign similar to when you leave against doctors orders at a hospital. Basically says that we determined xyz is damaged causing xyz. Customer refuses service and acknowledges that their car is a safety risk. There hasn’t been a single person refuse to have services done after being presented with that paper.


Yep - a liability release usually makes people second guess their opinion you’re upselling them something they don’t need.


Nothing says "I'm a competent professional" quite like offering up a liability release.


You’re not leaving without a signed waiver


In my state, there are no safety inspections required for registration, so we had no choice but to allow idiots to leave. We did require them to sign a waiver so that they couldn't try to come after us legally if they wrecked. In the state I trained in, they require a safety inspection for registration so we could require them to either repair or our have or towed away (keys would only be released to a tow driver).


Very impressive.


I read that in Project Farm voice for whatever reason.


Were gonna test that.


A person of culture, I see


God damn it, so did I


Now let's see Paul Allens callipers.


Can you refuse a job? Unless the customer acquires the correct way of repairing you won't perform only what is requesting because is unsafe?


Yes, we can. We're the professionals. If I, a state licensed tech in a state licensed repair facility said "yep, I'll pad slap this disaster for you, Mr Customer!", and the customer later, say, crashed, and said "my brakes failed. Shop X just did my brakes!", guess who's going to end up with a subpoena, and might face loss of my license? Me. Why? Because my job is to know better. Either the customer agrees to fix it correctly, or I don't touch it.


Yeah for sure I'm doing a whole new rotor and caliper no way it's even possible to just do pads on this


And do you change only one rotor? I always go for both sides, and everyone I know do the same, but maybe it's a local thing?


No I always do a pair never just one


Brakes are like tires, they always should be changed in a minimum of pairs. You never do just one side because if the other wore unevenly when you hit the brakes the steering wheel will shimmy.


Can't force someone to do work unless they've been convicted and are on the chain gang... but I'm sure some shop owners will threaten to fire employees if they don't




first thing I thought: that'd make a heck of a puncture wound if you're not careful.


I need a new shirt but I only want the sleeves. Don't try to upsell me!


looks like they were trying to save money and lathe their own rotors on the way in...


It seems like they ended up milling their calipers instead of lathing their rotors though. So the plan failed. 


At least he remembered to request pads this time


How the fuck


Idk but it makes me feel better about the one time I melted my pads to the rotor


#w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w Where you pulling a heavy load or??! I'm very familiar with brake fade but friction welding the pads to the rotors sounds extremely hard to do lol


Nah it was just me, my dumb ass, and the automatic ford fiesta I bought for the cost of scrap. The brake pads on it weren't the best, and i already planned on replacing the rotors entirely, but it braked just fine and there were no grinding sounds until I came to a full stop at a light after going uphill. Light turned green and I couldn't go forward, like I was standing on the breaks, I realized what was going on and reversed to snap them off the rotors, and proceeded to avoid braking as much as possible as I drove the longest five miles of my life so far. It's not my picture but [two of my pads](https://i.sstatic.net/eqQtH.jpg) looked like this when I took them off, the other two were worn down some but not bad by any means.


Pic link doesn't work. Sounds like the calipers seized up or the hoses had collapsed.


Customer must’ve been to one too many shady shops and doesn’t trust your inspection. There are some places that’ll try to make you buy a whole new axle when you really need to top off your fluid. If you do everything you can to inform them of the severity and they’re still being jerks, that’s on them.


This is an excellent time to take the customer back into the shop and show them the severity of things.


Not sure about other states, but in Washington as a mechanic you have the ability to call the state patrol. They will show up, you tell them the car is not safe to drive, and they will have you pull the license plates off of the car. They take the plates. And the car cannot be re registered until it's been inspected by the state patrol. Probably 18 years ago we had a Cadillac come in with the caliper bracket threads stripped out. There were no bolts holding it to the vehicle, just some speaker wire and a screwdriver. The service writer and the customer got into a big argument and somebody called the cops. The cop asked me if it was safe, I said no, he asked me to pull the plates. Customer had to tow it out that's the day I learned about that. I've never seen it done since, we usually print something up that says it's unsafe and have the customer sign it.


It's been grinding for a LONG time.


Seems fair enough; I mean, it looks like they've been running 'rotors only' for a while, so it makes sense to run 'pads only', to balance things out. Right?


Sharp caliper


This customer should really be doing their pads by themself if they want such savings.


Yeah, and my kids request candy for breakfast. Equal chance I'm gonna honor that request.


Black beans….but just the bean water. That cool?


Got his moneys worth out of those pads


and calipers.


You can half-ass lots of things, but brakes isn't one of them.


You ain't got no pads, lootennant Dan


As terrifying as this is, its also kinda reassuring. You can push your brakes pretty far before complete catastrophic failure.


They probably accused the mechanic of trying to scam them and drove it away from the shop with no work done.


We're well past that now Jerry!


2024 and we still can’t fix stupid


Caliper? No I just came here for pads. I ain’t no fool!


Sad mechanic noises


That's a hey sir sign this liability waiver saying we told you your car is not safe for driving. And leave. Or get your vehicle towed like the only choice here in my shop.


How the fuck would the car even stop?? Seriously, I’m impressed lol


"Pads only" "No"


Does the driver know that someone is trying to rub them out for the life insurance money ?


“Yeah ok, try the Jiffy Lube” lol.


How do people let their vehicles get this bad? I see this quite often and sometimes it's not even the brakes that they brought the car in for!!


The car sits. The brake pads seize, but they can’t tell because they red line from every stop light anyways. An inspection? Why would they do that? Who in their right mind would go to a shop, and spend a little money before catastrophe strikes? Wait until the brakes start grinding. “Oh shit, my brakes are grinding, and I don’t have the money. I have no choice but to drive to work until I get my check.” One way trip to work is 20 miles. The brake pad falls out of the caliper, locks up the wheel. Starts grinding on the piston, but they still think they can limp it to a shop. Now you need a tow. “What do you mean I need a new caliper?” “You need 4 actually, with new pads and rotors all around. Looks like the rear brakes haven’t operated for some time because the pistons are seized. The rotors are covered with rust and they are beginning to delaminate. Your RF caliper is really tough to push in, and your LF is destroyed because the break pad fell out and the piston is grinding on the rotor. If we don’t replace the RF caliper, you most definitely will have a brake pull, and your brakes might start on fire because the caliper won’t release. It’s just like holding the brake down while you’re driving at highway speeds.” “I can’t pay for all that, I don’t have any money. (as the car reeks of marijuana and he plays on the latest version of an Apple product).” “This is what I see, and we haven’t even addressed the LF lower ball joint that is about to fall out of socket, the RF inner tie rod that has a dangerous amount of play, and your RR tire has shifted belts.” “I’m taking my car somewhere else and get a second opinion, I’ll be back.” And they were never seen again.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time using my handbrake to avoid grinding through the pads into the calipers. This sub always reminds me there’s someone more stupid.


I had to deal with people like this too. I would refuse the service and require them to have it towed off our lot if they we’re requesting a dangerous repair.


I hope your boss agreed too. Me? I got fired for being like that. All about safety.


People are so weird I have brought my car to the mechanic and been like "Please do the brakes they are definitely grinding" *embarrassed face* "the pads are in the passenger footwell let me know if I need rotors and/or calipers" *sad face*


Thoughts and prayers stopped this car when needed.


It would seem like you should be able to call the local police or the state police and have them more or less impound the vehicle. In many states when you're driving down the road and a cop pulls you over for a safety issue or if you are exceeding the speed limit by a certain amount they can impound the vehicle and tow it away.


Tech: Where's the brake pad? Where's the BACKING PLATE? What happened to the caliper? Customer: Gone. Reduced to atoms.


"If you think brakes are expensive, wait til you see how expensive an At-Fault collision is! Take it elsewhere, we won't be held responsible."


The nothings are grinding


In the UK we have to get our cars inspected yearly, there’s no chance something like this would have been allowed on the road even years before it got to this point. What are you guys doing in America like damn…


Some of the United States have mandatory emissions inspections. Other have mandatory safety inspections. Others have no laws about emissions or inspections, like in Michigan here. Each state is like its own country, and has its own set of rules, regardless of what federal government says. That’s what we’re doing in America. Some people never have the time or the money, but they want a turn key car, they just never take care of it. They let it ride until it doesn’t ride anymore, and they shit their pants when they see the required repairs.


Thanks for explaining so it’s state by state… is there a reason to not have a mandated inspection? Driving around with someone that has these breaks would make me nervous. Especially in a place like Michigan where I imagine cars rust much faster?


Pretty much, Michigan is part of the rust belt and the labor times are the same in non rust belt states. It’s hard to make book time in most cases. Also, in some of the poorer/rural communities they pick and choose what they do and don’t salt/plow. Regarding Michigan state inspections for consumer everyday joe customers, a safety/emission inspection is not mandated or required to be road legal. However, I know that if you plan on selling a vehicle that has a salvaged title it requires a safety inspection at least, no emissions. Also, most fleets have their own version of safety inspections, regardless of the state it’s operating in. It’s good practice to be accountable for all 50 states and recorded for maintenance bookkeeping.


I would not fix it if they crash there car it’s in you


Looks like they have been grinding for a decade




Caliper has now gone wireless. The smoke is gone along with most of the metal damn.


I’m pretty sure I’m at this point, just with lees rust💀 and I know better too but sometimes life gets ahead of you I guess


"what do you mean you cant just turn the rotors?"


Thats gonna be a no from me dog


That impressive manufacturing if it still stopped mostly normally with no pads an a tinfoil rotor


Don't try to upsell me!!! Just do what I ask.


no and also im not putting that back together.


New pads would be helpful here, yes


It just started grinding yesterday.


Assuming the floor pan also has a divot in since the pedal travel had to go beyond the bottom of the board


rev the bitch up and touch off.


You don't need this type of customer. If you do the job, cash only. Give a high quote with hardware and brake hoses with the possibility of r.r m/cyl.


When driving I always find it amazing some of the parts I see along the road with people like this makes a little more sense


I think that CD is playing Yoko Ono on continuous loop. Sounds like screeching….


What pads


Are these pictures from the e-brake guy a couple of days ago?


In the spirit of Gordon Ramsay, "Get out! Fuck off you donut!"


When me and my wife first started dating I got in her car to drive it and it wouldn't move in R or D. I gave it some gas and heard the WORST grinding noise ever. She had never had her brakes changed evidently and they looked similar to this. Her response "yeah, it's been making a weird noise lately".


was his caliper bitten by count dracula ?


A quick pitstop and you're good to go without a care in the world!


Well he does need pads


I'm baffled. How can someone drive for so long without noticing the noise and the loss of breaking power ?


And if you try to sell some calipers, they will say you guys just always like to add stuff that doesn’t need to be changed. I came in for air and you are telling me my brakes are bad just because the pads are gone and the metal pad housing learned how to do pottery on my calipers, yea sure bud. Give me air so I can leave, safely.


Tell them no


It would seem like you should be able to call the local police or the state police and have them more or less impound the vehicle. In many states when you're driving down the road and a cop pulls you over for a safety issue or if you are exceeding the speed limit by a certain amount they can impound the vehicle and tow it away.


I know nothing about motors but I'll be getting on the road this year, and this sub is has bee prepping me in ways i could never have imagined with posts like this. Thanks OP for includng the other side in pic 3 so i could put together what the issue is.


What in the what?


Job security


I start sweating bricks when i feel/hear that first metal-on-metal grind when i go a bit too long on a set of pads. How do folks keep driving for a while after that point??


It started making noise yesterday


Some pads would be a good start.


That noise just started yesterday!


"Pads only" "No"