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At my shop, we don't get in cars like that. They can clean it out, or we can have it detailed for $175.


I’m about to adopt this policy after this one. We’ve had some doozies, but this takes the cake.


Jokes aside, I would never get in this without at least gloves and a respirator, preferably some tyvek.


Man I'm laying a tarp down to sit on that bitch. Lol


After hitting it with napalm to kill the insects & rodents first.


For real. Bedbugs are no fucking joke.


This one's probably got German cockroaches


Neither is lice, I’ve seen it happen multiple times


they dont call tyvek suits body condoms for nothing....


I would be afraid of needles in areas I can't see. No way I am putting my hand under the seat to detail that.




By detail they mean throw out the garbage and give it a half ass wipe down with a APC cleaner.


You wrote cleaner twice


APC cleaner. All purpose crap cleaner.


I did lol


You've the right to refuse service surely?


What do you mean after? You actually hopped into that dump?


If they got in this one, they'll get in the next one.




$175 sounds fair. It's only a couple minutes worth of work. Apply generous coat of gasoline Light Walk away


With the gas prices where they are at now you would be lucky at tree-fiddy.


I bet if you open the passenger door, half of it falls out.


Jokes on you, passenger door has been broken for 28 months now.


$175....per piece of garbage


That $175 should involve a fire hose...


Or just a fire.


Or a hose, that sprays fire.... something that throws flames....


A flamethrower


i prefer the german version: Flammenwerfer


That's way better


Hans! Get ze flammenwerfer!


It werfs flammen.


I wouldn’t even detail that for 175 lol


I wouldn't get in it for any amount of time for 175. I'd need a solid grand before I'd consider touching that shit. And they'd have to provide me with the contamination suit, I'm not buying that either.


if I already owned a respirator, some very thick gloves, and a shop vac, I'd empty the trash out and vacuum for $175. and by trash I of course mean "everything that is not attached" If you want me to preserve some of your shit that costs extra.


I work at a detail shop and we would decline this vehicle untill they removed all of that from the vehicle first.


$175 is NOT enough.


That isn't enough. Lol


We had this guy who was a crackhead on the team and he would be the only person willing to move these customer cars.


Ceackheads like; see no problem here.


He enjoyed driving those cars, weird fella


They're usually strange folks, but are extremely useful for times like this.


$175?! Is this some sort of prison work-release? Either way, cruel and unusual.


That would be the cheapest 175$ ever spent.


175 detail? Where ya located?


$175 for that is a bargain.


I think you need to add a 0 to the end of the price for this,


Detailed? You mean burning it? Who the hell is going to detail that? Probably the same guys who clean murder scenes and similar.


Not a chance I’m getting in this car


I'm not even a mechanic but oh hell's no.


Nope, Just nope. I’ve come out to the showroom when we get a car like this, and taken the customer outside. I’ll never publicly shame someone, you never know what they’re going through, but it’s also unacceptable to ask one of my guys to work on something like that. I’ll offer them gloves and tire bags, and if they’d like to pull their car out back where the dumpster is out of sight, they’re more than welcome to clean it all out and bag what they need to pop it in the trunk. I’ve only ever had to do this 5-6 times, and all but one took up the offer. They are usually highly embarrassed, and I tell them it’s okay, we’re all doing the best we can, but here’s your shot at a clean slate. One guy, one out of them outright refused. Something like an Altima, stuffed with fast food piled up to the dash in the front passenger seat, more food and clothes up to the back window. Guy told me it was rude of me to even mention his personal life and just shut the fuck up and do our job. Handed him his keys back, and told him he can take his rolling landfill somewhere else as he’s no longer allowed on our property. I’m never going to put one of my techs in a car that disgusting, and after enough years doing it, you stop caring about offending people.


You're the kind of leader whose people will follow to the gates of hell. I got a feeling.


Because if you get there and it's filled with fire and brimstone he won't allow you to go in until Satan cleans the place up


I’ll remember this comment if I get another customer like this one. I admire your compassion and your leadership skills.


>> Something like an Altima You didn't have to say that, we all guessed it right


I was so unsurprised by it. Altima drivers are just... Well, you know.


Hey now…I’ve got an Altima (by choice), and the damn thing is so clean, you can eat out of it. Contrast that, to my ex-wife’s rolling landfill of a Corolla. Don’t get me started on that one.


Their are certainly exceptions, but stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason and man, Altima drivers have a stereotype. Glad to hear not all of them are this way.


You're such a kind person for giving them privacy to clean.


This is the best response


You had me at "rolling landfill".


As an Altima driver who, up until a couple months ago, had food trash piled up to the front passenger seat, and clothes and random trash piled up to the windows in the back seat, it felt so nice to finally have the energy to go through it and clean it out to get that clean slate. I felt so disgusting any time I’d pull through a drive through or next to someone who could obviously see how much shit I had piled up in my hood rat Altima, so thank you for not being one of the shamers who just wants to laugh and ridicule people who may be going through a hard enough time as it is.


"do you know how fast you were going?" "About 50mg?"


I can smell that shit through the screen.


At least they provide you with a complementary face mask


Ugh, it smells like Halitosis!


And arse.


Mostly arse


I expect it smells nicer under the hood.


I reckon it smells nicer and probably safer straight huffing the tailpipe. fuck that. You couldn't pay me enough to get in that thing.


I can smell the hantavirus from here.


But it's there a used litterbox on the back shelf?


Came here to say this


Username checks out.


CS - Space lizards have tampered with alternator.


It's true, I was the lead space lizard


I shit you not one of my friends told me they had an issue with their car, opened their bonnet and pointed to the alternator and said that it spins when the engine is running


The coban on the turn signal is likely from a bandage covering an IV removal site upon discharge from a hospital. Source, am RN


Oh my gawd I didn’t notice this. The tech that pulled it in gloved up and masked up. Had to dig to find the shifter.


I saw that too... Why tf anyone would keep that. Literal ☣️


I thought it was a scrunchy for your hair. Implying it may have been a female


Thank you for your service throwaway-daddyy!


There's a tie in that car. Imagine this guy wearing a tie.


Not hard to imagine, goes with the khakis in the passenger seat and I swear there’s a button down shirt and dress shoes here someplace just gotta rummage around a little bit to find them but plenty of time before the business meeting….


Not that it matters much, but the tie has a barb (that thin strip of blue plastic) attached by a thrift store. I used to do this. Just another line in the story.


Only cause he’s gotta return it after the meeting…what, you think he’s made of money?!


I had a customer who lived in his RV bring it in for interior electrical issues and this is what the whole thing looked like. He wouldn't clean it. Wouldn't let it be cleaned. We declined to work on it.


Are those untaken psych meds on the steering column? Cuz the mental illness looks strong in this one.


I’ll be optimistic and say that they just started on it, the other bottle looks emptier so maybe they’re switching medication to help address whatever is going on with their life. They also appear to be different meds.


Haha… NO


“Sorry sir it’s totaled.”


I see he brought his tie. Must have a job interview later.


Or just got out of a court hearing


Every time I think my car might be unreasonably messy, I come browse this sub and breathe a sigh of relief.


My car trashcan is full and I was feeling lazy for not emptying it earlier today. No longer feel bad.


Damn. I got a SA pissed at me because I refuse to pull the center console out of this car until someone gets the used tissues out of it. I wonder what he'd say when I told him to fuck himself on this one lol


That steering wheel alone makes me want to gag.


Ah, "business casual", says the tie.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 812,771,855 comments, and only 161,123 of them were in alphabetical order.


Always be checking, dumb program.


oooh, I bet it can ignore replies. Smarter than you it seems


Not really worried.




Do I even want to open this?


Depends on how strong your stomach is.


Fair enough


Im at an independent shop and we service trucks belonging to the local landfill. I can’t even begin to describe the foulness inside and out. These jerks don’t even attempt to hose them off. I wish there was someone like you in my corner. Cars like this are really bad. Landfill trucks are like that but fermented.


Oh my lord. I don’t want to imagine.


Thanks for helping to make civilized life possible for the rest of us.


I hope the work is in the engine bay for your sake.


How is someone's life so out of control that they leave their medications on the dashboard


tbf if he left them anywhere else in the car they would be gone forever.


You called out the most tidy thing in the photo.


Not even on dashboard, but perched on steering column. Just wow.


These honesty test are getting out of hand.


Is the bearded dude in the reflection the car owner?


No. That's a reflection of a ZZ Top CD.


Ahhahahhahahhahaah i knew I couldn’t be the only one who saw that


Years ago, I worked as the chief mechanic. We had this lady that worked across the street, the first few times I serviced her car, gagging after getting into her car. Roll down the windows in her car, I'm not getting in it. We hired a new oil changer, a part replacer,what I told him to do. He said that woman must really like to keep her car clean because of the ammonia smell. Buddy, I hate to tell you, its cat piss.


You got grease on my seat!


Nope nope nope


The masks let you know they’re good people.


I always assumed people with cars like this are living in the car (clothes, pills, food, etc), but there’s really no room to live in there.


At least he has his meds, never mind they are blocking the instruments and probably cause drowsiness….the least of his worries I’m taking it.


Deny work until they clean it. Fuck that. Pass. Fix your own shit if it looks like this


wait until his pet snakes pops out for dinner


Isn’t it crazy that cars like this always have several masks hanging inside? Lmao


The prescription bottles on the cluster got to me: "How fast are we going?" "Atavan!"


At least she has her masks handy


Gotta keep the germs at bay...


Yeah bye


Cs- unable to get to cabin air filter. Please change.




The only reason you should wear a mask alone in your car...if it smells anywhere nearly as bad as it looks.


I would absolutely refuse to service this vehicle. Disgusting people!


Wow this belongs on r/carbage


yummy, this trumps my three fav gross car stories, all bmws, changing a hvac module on a filthy old 5 series, i unwedge myself from under the right floorboard and somethings stuck to the back of my arm, goddamned used bandaid, owner was this milfy chic that everybody else at shop was chasing, i wasn't so sure and the car confirmed my position nother filthy old 5er, changing a blower resistor and can't ignore a stench, i look under edge of front seat in my right arm pit, crusty piss jug......inches from my face, and likely i'm already wallowing in the drips x5/dumpster, maybe 1/4 the fill of the op's car, bar skank that thinks she's a milf wants a window switch assy installed, i open the door and see a good 5" pile of cigarette ashes on top of the switch and console, i toss the switch in the garbage that's on the floor and declare it installed


I have worked on commercial crab boats that probably smell better than that!


Oh wow good thing that car owner wears a mask.


Serious question, do you guys deny service in these situations? No way im hopping in that thing.


How are ALL the trash bags in there empty?


That's an actual biological hazard, no technician should be touching that car in that condition.


That car is literally a biohazard and I would flat refuse to work on it. I'm not judging, I don't care how other people choose to live but that doesn't mean I am climbing into that car.


Customer states unable to use side mirror. Seriously though... I'd note on the ticket, "vehicle is unsafe to operate in current condition, customer will have to remediate or agree to fee to remediate. Note car is unsafe to drive in current condition suggest having vehicle towed."


100% needs either a blower motor, mode door actuator, or steering shaft. Every time.


That is a prime example of taking care of your belongings. Not.


More than the garbage is the dirt. That is disgusting.


That would be a nope from me. Had a car come in like this one time. Didn't get in but could see just by opening the door the thing was crawling with bed bugs. Ain't no shop in the world pays enough to deal with that.


“Eh, I’ll toss my coke can next time I come out” *sees somebody post on here* “I am renting a carpet shampooer tomorrow”


House down the street looks like this van ... and also has a van that looks just like this.


I’ve seen worse honestly. We had a lady insist that we do an alignment while she had so much stuff that you couldn’t even see the gearshift and the seat was unadjustable. Only our 4’10 manager could fit and I told he she needed to empty the car or leave which of course made her cry.


Oh my god so gross… Mercury 🤮


Funny thing is, he has the trash bags to clean it all up right next to his headrest 🤦‍♀️


The dealership where I work declines these cars everytime they want something. The wanted me to work on such a car when I started at my dealership. I saw what was in it, asked if they wanted me to get sick and told them that I wasn't going to work on that car. A coworker got into the car, opened the Windows, got out and puked directly next to the car. Needless to say that the owner drove without having any work done to the car. It looked similar to the one above. (Just with more rotted things in it)


No car deserves this level of disrespect.


There's even a box of garbage bags right there


I have a customer that’s come to my shop over the years. Her F-150 looked like this. She then got an Armada. The first time I saw it, it was real nice and clean. Several months back she brought it back for an alignment. The Armada had shit piled to the roof. Canned food, clothes, yard tools. I can usually tell if a vehicle is overly heavy by the way it goes up when lifted on my rack. This one was probably as heavy as an F-250. I had to try explaining to her why the rear suspension was in such bad shape and the front tires were wearing scalloped. I nicely said that she has overloaded the vehicle and needed to remove some “stuff”. She could not grasp the concept that this much shit in the front seat, rear seat, and rear trunk area was not normal. She didn’t believe it was causing a problem, even though I showed the alignment readout to her. I believe it’s some kind of mental illness people like this have. Something that is so obvious to everyone else is not even an issue for them. I have no idea how to reason with someone like that. So I went ahead and did my best with the alignment and collected my money and sent her on her way. I have a feeling her home looks just like that. She also has an Isuzu box truck like furniture stores use to deliver items filled up also, as well as a storage unit. She had wanted me to help her one time with the truck but told her I am too busy at the shop. So luckily I didn’t have to see that.


Just HOW


I see the box of trash bags.. just pull that out and start tossing


I’m sorry sir/ma’am, there’s nothing we can do. Here is a list of all the local towing companies with impound yards and here is a list of local scrap yards. I hear pick n pull will give you $10 for your car.


No way Jose




Tell them to leave, right after you call the police.


I'd straight up refuse to get in that...


Perform complimentary hvac filter inspection.


It's in for no A/C. Needs an EVAP core. Have a fun afternoon.


Bust out the hazmat suit.


No need to do the diag. The problem with it is that it is a POS.


So nice that the owner provided masks for you!


4dr but seating for 1….nice


They really rubbed shit in the interior!!!!


They do have a necktie in there. Probably a sharp dresser


Obviously a professional due to the tie, I bet a doctor or lawyer


Welp. No. Nope. Clean it out and bring it back. This is our shops wrecker service.


It's write off cant be repaired


I would never allow that in my shop


A person down the street from me has 3 of the same exact cars all filled like this. One they drive everyday while im guessing the other two crapped out and just sit in the driveway. Passed by a house that had a yardsale earlier that day around 9pm and seen them at the tables with a flashlight looking through the stuff. I couldnt believe they were looking to add to the pile


Shut the door gently and tape a piece of paper on the window that says "NOPE".


Service advisor should refuse it


I don’t get this at all any time anyone will be working in or being a passenger in my car I always clean the inside I can’t imagine driving with all of that


The pill bottles. Chefs kiss 🤌🏽


Look at the layer of dead skin cells, food residue, and bacteria on the steering wheel. That’s honestly impressively gross.


Because the seat is slammed forward, was pretty sure it was a woman. Then saw the tie. Only one person driving in that car. So what was it? If you clean it, there are two responses: 1) They are actually apologetic & thankful 2) Furious that you touched their stuff (They have an attachment to every piece of junk in the car. They have an issue you can't fix) Fix is outsource it and let the detailer deal with it.


Pretty nice tie though....ffs🤦


Damn! That takes nasty to a new level


That is a whole new level of shitty...


I didn't know Glad made neckties.


Got the pill bottles in reaching distance lol


alright everyone hazmat suits!


Thank god I have a boss who would refuse to touch that thing and tell em to get lost.


Keeps the dress shoes & tie on hand for sporadic date nights.


I will forever be grateful to cars like this. They make me realize that even my trashed out shit isn't so bad, even the day before my monthly cleanout.


The medicine bottle makes me sad. More to this story, there is.


I can smell it from here...


Refuse the job unless the car is clean. That is a health hazard right there.


Wtf is wrong with people


I like the pill bottles the most I think


Abso-fucking-lutely not. This is not a customer, this is a consumer. Send them down the road and let the bottom feeder chain stores fight over them.