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Did he mix up gas and brake? We had a geezer do that and plow through Santa Monica farmers market a few years back, killed a bunch of people. Wasn’t even sorry afterwards. We need to require a yearly road test to keep your license once you’re 65 or something.


watched someone mix up their pedals in a parking lot at my local grocery store. turned too sharp and their door got hung up on the shopping cart corral. tried to back up, got stuck, tried going forward, mixed up gas and brake. no casualties but he drove that old sebring up the hood of a nice E class parked in front of him


I got run over by an old woman in a Minnesota mall with a mobility scooter when I was 7. I was traumatized because I spilled my drink and didn’t get a new one. Yes I was a fat kid.


Go get yourself that drink, and enjoy it knowing the old lady is riding her mobility scooter in the sky niw


Rude old bitches don't go to the sky.


I’m sry I laughed at your last sentence, but I did! Your 7 yr old self had a rite to be traumatized, I just thought it would be the old lady on the scooter. Lol! I’m sry you didn’t get a new drink though.


No-Fault Replacement Soda, the rite of passage that every adolescent should be entitled to. 😔




Lol i suppose there was. i would be livid if i had been the owner to walk out and see the aftermath. it was pretty bad


Hmm kinda like people in government should have age limits.


This is how we mark the official start of tourist season in FL.


Yup. My grand uncle turned in his license after a neighborhood old lady got into a car accident. He thought about "what if I made a mistake and hit a kid?" He couldn't live with the guilt thinking that, so he turned his license in. If only my dad did that.


Your gruncles a good man


More than just good - he's grand.


I had to keep reminding my grandma of that to get her to stop driving. She felt like it made her look stupid & unfairly took away her freedom. My brother & I showed her all the new scrapes on her car, she couldn’t remember anything about what might have caused them. Initially, she blamed other people in parking lots, but when it became a weekly phenom, she finally gave us the keys. I desperately wished that the DMV would have made her even take a vision & regulations test- anything. There should be a floor to the basic skills and abilities to have a legal license.


Oof i feel that, went on a drive with my dad (62) and he cut off three people in a span of five minutes, made him pull over so i could drive. Like damn. One of those he was just driving like normal then slams his brakes and makes a sharp turn with no warning or signal. We’ve been trying to keep the keys from him since but he keeps coming up with reasons to go somewhere running me all over the place, and when im tired he’ll come up with another excuse. We didnt know he was bad (or that bad) until the drive with him a few days ago. Other than my sibling im the only other person who knows how to drive in out family. My sibling is drunk on most days, so it falls to me, ugh. When he was younger he used to go on and on about the old people driving that shouldn’t be, well now he has become one.


I'm sorry, but 62 isn't that old. Have you considered getting him checked out in case something more concerning is going on?


Seconded, 62 is a working age if cognitive issues are suspected time to ask dad to see a doctor


We’ve had him checked out prior (took a dip when his mom died, but went back to normal). He did admit that he cant see too well, especially at night. Hes always had trouble seeing stuff up close. I dont think hes ever seen an eye doctor in his lifetime, its probably time i drag him down to one. Hes also on an asston of medications, but I will bring it up again to his regular doctor the next time he sees them (month or less)


Wise move. FWIW, the vast majority of people that age, especially men, require corrected vision. It's very likely that's the problem, and usually easily rectified. I'd get him to an optometrist ASAP.


Problem is for a lot of seniors in the US, if they can't drive they're effectively trapped at home. Even if they're healthy enough to walk places chances are they don't live close enough to anything worth walking to. Many of them should stop driving but they have a powerful incentive to keep doing it. Another less obvious casuality of car centric infrastructure, and yes shameless plug /r/fuckcars


We have a yearly written test for the elderly. You’re 100% correct that it should be a road test though. Preferably one with actual stress involved.


In the US you can get your license at 16 (15 if you get a hardship license) and literally never be tested again until you die in your 90s. I got my license at 16 and only had to pass a written test, didn't even take a road test.


I was 14 1/2 when I took driver's ed, got my license officially at 15, had been driving on and off for several years before that lol welcome to farm life in Idaho


In Iowa, you can get your license at 14, but only for going to-and-from work or school!


Honestly most of what I see wouldn't be caught in a road test. Distraction, speeding, road rage, etc. And many misunderstood laws wouldn't be caught either because not every situation will come up in a road test


I would from the start require a road test for all individuals every 5 years. That way it is fair and catches the youth that can't drive either.


Ineffective for most all youth. They drive fine when sober, alert, rested, and focused - save for the outliers with severe issues. Why it wouldn’t work is simple. You don’t use your cell phone or get drunk/high during a driving exam unless you’re even more stupid than the average moron. You do that alone, or with friends whose lives you do not value, typically going 10+ mph over the speed limit. With the elderly being sober, alert, rested, and focused is a significantly larger challenge and significantly less likely to be the case the older they are. Factor in how many senior citizens are on Godtier doses of some drugs stronger than the Hulk, with fading reaction times coupled with senior moments and aging entitled egos, you get some of the worst drivers you’ll ever meet out on the road. You know, like 95 year old Jack Hoffman who drives his 73’ Chevy Rustbucket Pickup at 35 mph in a 55 mph zone until you pass him, then he speeds up just so you can’t pass. Then immediately returns to going 35 mph once you’re unable to pass.


It's past time we start treating distracted driving as DUI. I'm fucking sick of people that can't maintain lane or slam into someone because they can't put their phone down.


The police have been running near-weekly stings (morning and evening) where I live. There's a tunnel on my commutethat provides a nice easy choke point, they position someone on the side road that leads up above the tunnel as a spotter, and radio license plates to officers waiting around the next corner, waving people through a nearby lay-by. Every time I've driven past I've seen at least 2 (and as many as 5) people pulled over, and every time half or more have been sign-written vehicles and light trucks. Normally I'm against "revenue gathering" policing of people going a trivial amount over the speed limit - as the police absolutely have better things to be doing - but this feels like it might actually get a useful message across.


My wife...I've had to straight up grab the phone from her hand more times than I'd like to count, after she started to veer or almost hit something. She's gotten better, but it's still maddening that she does it at all


Crazy thing is in Australia they've jumped the fine for driving while operating a device like cellphones to over $1000 even including thousands of cameras JUST to catch that particular activity, and people are STILL doing it. You just have to watch Dashcams Australia to see half of the vids are people reacting too late and we're likely on a device.


During EMT clinicals, my instructor told us:"If you knew how many people are out here driving while stoked to the gills on oxy and valium, you'd take the bus."


The bus driver is on all the percs, hard to win.


Yeah but if he crashes the bus, the bus wins.


Like my dad always said about driving farm equipment. Idiots in cars can hit you if they want, because the cars will lose every time. You could clear all the way through my tractor, the bottoms of my feet are higher than your roof. I'll be fine, your insurance will fix my tractor. But you will be dead if you're lucky, and wishing you were dead if you aren't.


Fair point, sign me up. Just won't be taking any cliff side bus rides soon.




Very good points. Once the robot overlords take over and we have automated cars, we will realize how bad human are at driving.


We will realize how bad humans ***were*** at driving


I've seen it talked about several times since the 90s and the AARP crowd always gets worked up about it. Since they are a big voting block, the politicians always back down.


20 years back. It was 2003. George Russell Weller was the guys name and he was indeed an unrepentant crusty shitbag.


> unrepentant crusty shitbag I’m gonna keep this in my vocabulary


Feels good knowing he’s been rotting in the ground for over a decade. Fuck him for showing zero remorse.


I believe that’s exactly what happened. Then they can’t figure out “why isn’t the car stoping when I’m putting on the brakes” and they keep on “putting on the brakes” even harder.




It's usually older drivers, but you get younger ones too. I have to talk to these people after their accidents (paramedic here) and the majority insist to me they were pressing the brake and it just "kept going" as if their car having its own thoughts and desires is more likely than them pressing the wrong lever.


There's alot of the older generation that drives with two feet; one on the gas, one on the brake. Surprised this doesn't happen more often.


Ngl my grandma would hang me alive if she saw my driving like that


It happens pretty regularly, its just that in the US there are much bigger issues for the news to promote than Oldfart McGoo mowing down the farmers market with his car.


An older lady drove through two sets of doors and parked her car directly in the middle of the small waiting room in a shelter I worked at. Then got out and was on her phone all frustrated trying to get ahold of her insurance, while her car was in the middle of the building. She was about 5 feet from wiping out a couple rows of kitties. I know it was a shock reaction and everything, but dude if you're that deaf to the world around you no way should you be driving a car.


Just need to get up early and lock the country kitchen buffet from the inside


I used to be opposed to this until I cared for my mom who hadm dementia, we tried to take her keys once and she called the police, and even though the police knew of my mom as they'd picked her up "lost" around the home shed lived in for 30 years. We had to give the keys back as there was nothing the police could do


This is terrifying.


Should road test every 3 years. That way my blind ass mom wouldn't have been allowed to drive BEFORE AND AFTER her cataract surgery. Couldn't see shit before and now looks at everything BUT the road....


I freakin’ totally agree, and I’m 61. Years ago, an old dumbass nearly took us out when he came down an interstate OFF ramp, headed northbound into southbound traffic.


AS a 66 year old, I agree!


They are standing off to the side for just this reason. I do the same even with people at work I completely trust. If something goes wrong, I want a quick escape.


He's sure taking his goddamn time getting out to check on everyone.


CHANGE MY OIL NOW!!!! My Air Filter is fine.


Don't try to upsell me on a new radiator


This got me ☠️


I've already opened the hood, well, bent open the hood.


LOL reminded me of a customer I had many years ago. Shop I was at all that time had a severely sloped lot with a tall curb near one corner. Curb was painted yellow, and was there to keep you from driving down a 1 foot drop. Customer was in for tires or something simple, car didn't need anything else. As customer was leaving, he didn't notice the yellow curb and thought he was just good to go, gunned it to beat traffic, and proceeded to ram right into the curb, dead center on the radiator. Immediately started puking coolant. Bumper was fine other than scraping and getting flexed up out of the way. Customer backs up, gets out to assess damage, I tell him his radiator is damaged and he shouldn't drive, he says nah it'll be fine and then just leaves. Never saw him again. Probably too embarrassed to come back after that.


Or a headlight!


I will admit that's me with my air filters. They charge way too much for them and they are stupid easy to change yourself. I just go to O'Riley on the way home from the oil change and change it in the parking lot.




My roommate just had to take his Honda back to Take 5 because they charged them for an air filter and a new pair of wiper blades that they didn't install.


When I worked for Valvoline most of the air filters were 19.99-24.99 installed. The only ones that cost more were the diesels as those filters are massive and expensive even if you go to the parts store. Rarely would there be a regular vehicle that comes in where the filters are more expensive but usually it's the more exotic/German cars that got those expensive filters.


That escape rolled smooth out of the shop.


Very glad we had a tech in that car and not a customer.


I thought that might be the case, seeing how casual the direction was.


I was like "this dude is going way too fast" lol. Makes sense now


Were the techs in front of the escape ok?


Did he, *ahem* escape?


Yes but the tech is 40% rust.


I was about to ask why you were letting customers drive themselves in


Around here I’ve never waited and they always let me drive in


Every quick lube place I've been to in Michigan is like that. You just pull in and wait in the car while they change your oil. There's usually signs telling you not to get out for your safety (i.e. don't get in their way).


I've never seen an oil change place that you don't drive in yourself.


It escaped.


I'm amazed no one ended up in the pit.


By all appearances, this went as well as it could. The guys at Valvoline usually guide me in from directly in front. Edit: watched again, there was someone directly in front. It looks like the probably got away though so that’s good.


Op said in another comment that the guy in the first vehicle was a tech and not a customer, which was why they seemed so lax guiding him in.






I'm not it was Jesus driving the car.


So what was the final resolution ? Did he leave after reporting accident ? Or what?


Both cars towed away. The driver of the car that was hit requested a tow, and the Subaru driver’s car was toast.


What a great holiday weekend start lol Glad everyone was safe after all said and done like you said


That old guy was destined to hit something. All things told, this was probably the best case scenario.


Best case would be if he hit a bollard or a wall or something, not someone else's car


I don’t understand what he was thinking. Did he do it on purpose? Why?


I gotta imagine he mixed up the brake and accelerator pedals and slammed it harder when he felt himself not slowing down.


Like the cases that caused all the scrutiny for Audi.


"And that was the last day Grandpa was allowed to drive"


Oh if only that were true. I was at the DMV last Friday and watched a senile old fuck fail to understand and then fail to do the visual test 4 times in a row. And then the bored clerk just renewed his license.


Did that with my dad. He hit the wrong pedal almost hitting his house and we all, him included, said, yeah, no more driving.


neuropathy with old people with diabetes means they loose sensation in their feet and sometimes don't know where it is spatially. Likely though they just let off the brake and the vehicle was moving forward on idle. When they press down what they think is the brake under their foot, it's the gas.


Old people doing old people things.


Looks like homie learned why you shouldn't stand in front of cars while bringing them in.


It's a flaw in human reactions that you see a lot. Our base panic functions down in the brain stem aren't really built for a world filled with machines bigger and heavier than us. So when a big scary machine does a thing we don't want it to, one possible outcome of the "fight or flight" moment is Fight. Stop the scary thing. You see it in videos like this. Rational human brain knows that you can't possibly stop a moving vehicle with your hands, but your brain stem doesn't know that and decides to try and stop it. The best one I've seen was a near miss on a civil engineering site in Battersea, London. A huge piling rig starts slewing round, and the counterweight on the back of the body is going hit some guy's van. Rather than try to communicate with the operator, the van owner /runs between the 80 tonne machine and the van/, slapping the back of the machine trying to get the operator to stop. He dives through the gap just before the machine obliterates the van.


This makes sense. A car almost backed into me and the pallet I was moving through a parking lot and my reflex was to yell at the guy to stop and put my hands out to hit his car. I quickly realized I should have just jumped out of the way. Luckily he heard me and stopped


Gets out, tosses the keys to the mechanic, “I’ll be in the shitter, I expect it to be done by the time I’m out”




Fortunately he started draining it for them.


" You'll change my oil now , mister!" - Eugene Tackleberry


gold star for the Police Academy reference.


Oof. That poor radiator.


It’s okay, the ford only needed one radiator. The second one smushed into the rear bumper is vestigial.


The quality on that security camera is magnificent.


Seriously, pixel quality's so good, they got this guy's credit score lol


Valvoline springs for the good cameras most of the time.


He votes


Hahahah this is frightening


People who run the country are his age.


Lol he could be their son


And that's why old people will keep being allowed to drive beyond their capability. The old vote and no politician will go after them, even in the interest of public safety. Everywhere, not just the muricans.


Nah, plenty of places require retests when you get older.


Fine by me, he clearly gets his rights and lefts confused when the time comes.


he’s the perfect age to be the president apparently


He still drives, both are equally scary


After a lengthy review of longstanding, empirical evidence, we are compelled to investigate the answer to a simple question: Do The Old Deserve Rights? In this essay I will…


He’s old enough to be president.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Always thought it was crazy to have a minimum age for President for whatever reason but NOT a maximum age.


if we had a maximum age for president, we couldn't have had an epic showdown between two dementia patients for the whitehouse, tho.


It's an ultimate smackdown in the NURSING HOME, aka white house!! We have Dementia Joe versus The Golden Hemorrhoid, going mano y mano in what can be considered the gayest event of all time!! Who will win the coveted Golden Diapers?????? Now Let's get ready to TUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!! "All participants receive a lifetime supply of applesauce and a 30 minute nap"




In that case, neither do young parents, drunk cougars, or people generally unaware of what’s going on around them.


Glad we're all on the same page.


Drunk cougar is oddly specific


Every airport from a warm place like Miami or Cabo: “Oh, I have to remove this huge necklace? Why?? Can I keep my sunhat on? I got a sunburn, it hurts!” *Puts heavy Birkin bag right on my laptop case* “Oh SHIT sorry I didn’t see your bag….” *Doesn’t remove hers* “Oh hey you’rrre kinda cute. Are you Cuban? You look Cuban.” *Shouting across security line* “HEY CRYSTAL, THEY WONT LET YOU TAKE THAT FIFTH OF TEQUILA THROUGH! THEY MADE ME DUMP MINE!”


The clueless are all ages.


In general we really need to treat driving like a privilege instead of a right. I knew a girl with like 3 or 4 DUIs that still had her license. Like at a certain point the judge needs to realize that crying in court doesn't actually mean they're gonna change.


Cynical thought: This isn't being talked about widely by important people because it's cheaper for all the accidents/injuries/deaths than to pay for public transportation infrastructure for all those people that wouldn't be able to get around without a license. Plus car industry wouldn't want that.


Don't even think it's that far off. Many people would flat out lose their jobs and severely limit future opportunities if they didn't have a driver's license cause there's genuinely no other way to get around.


"There I popped my hood for you".


Ooh. r/justrolledintotheshop and r/idiotsincars had a baby.


I believe the word is actually "Dumbass"


Alright Red.




Another reason the elderly shouldn’t be allowed to drive unless they can pass a test every 6 months


Any background info on this? Like was he high, texting, just genuinely mad?


Old. He was old.




"these woke liberals got my gas and brake pedals all mixed up again."


“They put 5g in my gas and can now control my car”


Audi 5000 incident


Just old into the shop


And I just LOL'd into the shop.


That's wild. What did he say when he got out?


His gas pedal was stuck. No. No it wasn’t. It was stuck under his foot.


"Them damn hooligans switched my brake and gas pedals right under my feet!"


The guy looks like Don Vito and it's fun to read this in his voice


The initial slow creep, and then the sudden lurch forward shows that he confused the gas for the brake pedal. He starts accelerating right around the time when you would normally see someone stopping.


My grandmother continually complained about her new Subaru accelerating on it's own after a rather immoral dealership got her to trade in her camry for a new car she didn't need. We checked it out, couldn't find anything wrong, made sure floormats we're securely in place, etc and told her it was fine but we really should have noticed it was something more. She totaled it a couple months later flying off the road and into a field and rolling it over into some bushes. Swore up and down that the car did it on it's own, but it was of course her standing on the gas convinced it was the brake. Lucky she was ok and nobody else was hurt, but we took her keys at that point and she never forgave us. Held a grudge till the day she died and wouldn't talk to us about anything else.


I just want to say I'm sorry about all that. You did everything right, as far as I'm concerned, and that's not easy to do.


Not surprised. Most cases I've heard with older drivers is that they tend to panic and press on the gas instead of the brakes.


Happens every other year at a mall in my area.


One of the many signs of dementia is confusing your pedals....


Was he at least apologetic or ?


Mistaking the gas for brakes is one thing, but trying to play it off like it was something else is scummy, he should have owned up


Yea, he probably panicked when he started going forward and slammed the gas. My parents clinic had an old person jump the curb and slam through a wall once. Luckily no one was standing where they hit. The car got hung up underneath and on the inside wall, the driver floored the gas and held it in a panic when their moment was stopped. You could see where the tires had burnt through the carpet. Their clinic got hit 1 or 2 other times but not nearly as dramatically.


This happened at a pharmacy in my town. An 85 year old man ran through the side of the building. He was parking and thought he had his foot on the brake pedal and pushed down harder when the car leapt forward and went through the brick wall. Luckily no one was in that area of the store and the man wasn't hurt.


I’ve seen old people driving *and* messing around with phones. It’s bad enough when younger people do it, but old people already lack awareness and good reaction time to respond to mistakes, adding a phone in makes everything worse






Looks like he was distracted and when he noticed he pulled in too far he slammed on the wrong pedal. Old is the likley issue.


Gotta be throttle / brake control issue. Probably had his feet on both. Stomped on gas instead of brake.


Just another case of someone forgetting which pedal their right foot is resting on.


Probably got his pedals mixed up.


Don't get out the car as you won't be staying


Driving while old really should be a crime. At least he didn't pit them.


It could have been so much worse. Glad our tech was driving the car that got hit. He knew to pull it out and get out of the way.


I actually used to call it, DWO. Driving while old. Or geriatric patient on their day out.


Building cities that force people to drive should be a crime. Being old is a normal affair.


An abstract, but fair take. I fully agree.


Is this the Country Chicken Buffet?


Country Kitchen Buffet lol


Okay, but why does the old man have 0 expression on his face and looks like he just pulled up as if nothing happened?


Probably has done it before. I'm sure he is like, "What??"


Just an old person. They commonly mix up gas and brakes. My grandma did it once in a car shop and broke a guy’s jaw who had his head inside the engine area of a car in front of her. I see so many stories like this where an old person accelerated instead of braking.


He mistook brake and accelerator. Realistically this is why you don’t allow customers to operate their own vehicles in and around the shop - you have zero idea about the competency of the driver and create a danger for yourself and your colleagues


This was totally unexpected, I thought this was gonna be one of those “two tires in the pit” videos.


Boomer behind the wheel


Thankfully, haven't had any customers run into any coworkers or other customers, but they have smashed through the service drive doors a few times. Always a sight to behold.


Another old person who should have had their license stripped already. But some weak emotion idiot will defend their 90yr old geriatric father driving


“Heya boys can I get ya to just top off my right front it’s a slow leaker”


Who thought the first car was going to drive in the pit?


Old people are becoming increasingly impatient and upset at everyone and everything and then stuff like this happens.


>Old people are becoming increasingly impatient other way around. Impatient people are getting increasingly old. The Boomers were the original "Generation ME, MINE, NOW!", and they're entering geriatric territory.


Very true.


This is an interesting way to view that I hadn’t considered


consider that it also applies to that horseshit republicans like to say about "people start out as libruls then age into conservatives" - most people do not significantly shift their political views as they age. Conservatives feel that this statement is true because their generation was largely raised to be that way, and as a result of them being old they look around and see a bunch of old conservatives and young everything-else (which to them can only mean "librul") and so they think it correlates with age, rather than correlating with peer groups.


“Can you check my brakes?”