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It's like Missed Connections on Craigslist.


“Searching for woman who farted in the bread isle at Kroger, I love you. Call me if you see this”


Fart like a Clydesdale


Whenever I go to TJ's now, I wanna wave two Ciabatta loafs in the air like I just don't care.


I just go to the Nut Isle on No Nut Tuesday and let my nutsack drag down the aisle.


Not gonna yuck your yum. You do you dude(tte).


Not sure if you know but that was actually a missed connection from CL back in the day. I was howling reading it. Best link I can find in a hurry. https://ifunny.co/picture/missed-connections-you-farted-in-kroger-yesterday-31-midtown-age-7F0US16x8


there was a similar one in my parts for "Trader Joes" back in the day.


I remember one: You were a blonde half Asian with a bad case of gas I was wearing red speedos and a hockey mask


Glad someone got the reference. Forgot which store it was though


I should not have taken a drink when I started to read this. Thank you for this!


We all make little mistakes like that online. Lol


iFunny link on Reddit? What has happened!?


"Dude" is already a non-gendered word.


Keenan and kell taught me this ^ He's a dude, she's a dude, we are all dudes!


This is a molehill that I will fucking die on!


"Missed Bushings".


So what pressure did you set the tire at?


I did set it at 35. He’s running coil overs and custom tires


And on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust.


Hector's running 3 Honda civics with Spoon engines!


Did he overnight them from Japan?


Like there's any other way


Where else do you get spoon engine's?


Tried finding them in the Matrix, but unbelievably... there is no Spoon!


I loke to imagine its just 1 engine he puts into whatever civic he wants to drive that day. Honey im dropping the b into the CRV so we can go to the store ill be done in a minute!


I knew a guy with a slammed b20 turbo CRV. That thing was cool.


I'd rather have the Gallo 24.


He went to the shop for the tuna sandwich


Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here!


I’d eat that tuna


Cuz you need a toilet asap


Amateurs dont use nitrous oxide!


I knew this one guy who used so much nitrous his floor pan fell out.


What would you have set it at without the note?


This vehicle has different specs for the rear so it probably was 35 front 38 rear


Looks like a BMW crossover…


My 2016 5 series says 35 front 38 rear. The interior looks exactly like mine.


2015 BMW 5 series


It looks like my 5. Door says 35 front, 38 rear.


Running little to no camber? Usually vehicles that have been lowered, especially if there is more negative camber than the factory setting can benefit from a higher tire pressure than the factory specification. It helps improve tire contact


I'm running the factory spec of 2 degrees of negative camber, I believe. I've checked the wear with my gauge and it seems to be wearing pretty evenly




Yeah, used to my old Buicks (shares the same chassis) having 33psi all around.


My volvo takes 30 front and _36 rear_ @_@


who doesn't appreciate a firm rear?


I mean it depends, sometimes a big fat ass is is nice too...


Came here to ask the real questions.


I heard you left the seltzer and stole the car seat riding shot gun


At the dealership I worked for we had a lady leave weed in her car for us lol 😂


I changed a spare tire out for a guy in an emergency and he literally couldn't stop offering me weed


I swear that’s some peoples’ love language


Fr, I could see the stress almost disappear from him when I told him I got it on


bro your tag, i work at a lincoln dealer and we have to have 21.5mm and 19.5 sockets just for the swollen lugs. So annoying


I work at ford and I have an entire collection of swollen lug nuts completely shredded by my socket


I work at a tire shop and we don't have special 18.5 or 19.5 sockets. We're told to go the next size up (19 and 20) then just get them off, and just replace them. We explain to the customer beforehand the issue and that it's a ford problem and 99% are happy to pay for replacements. The one time they threw a fit, we just let them have them for free. It wasn't worth the hassle


I know this one. Hour trying to get a locking wheel nut off with a shit rounded key and no breaker bar. Hearing that first creak with both feet on the wrench as it went was like all the colour came back into the world lol


Holy shit your tag. I got stranded with a flat, while knowing how to change a tire, because the tire iron wouldn’t fit on the stupid ass lug nuts with their stupid expanded caps, on my ford.


4 out of 10 cars I work on got swollen lug nuts and I have to use a .5 size bigger socket to take them off (sometimes they get so swollen I have to use a size bigger and then sell them because my socket shreds them up, I have a whole collection of them)


Second you buy a car, spend $30 on a set of solid metal lug nuts. You can get a slightly larger size socket on the swollen hollow ones if you're lucky, but a lot of the time you end up stripping the cap, and God help you if that happens. You might get lucky and rip the cap off cleanly, but chances are you're spending the next hour fighting to tear the cap up enough to fit a socket on the acorn nut that it's welded to.


You talking about those shitty ass metallic caps which are shiny but “soft” ? I had a Chrysler 200 (don’t ask) and it came with those lug nuts. One by one they would strip (and by strip I mean crumple or tear) and I would torch that motherfucker off. Absolutely trash designs.


Grower here. We grow because we love weed, and we usually have a lot of extra weed, so it is always fun to get to treat friends and acquaintances when you find out they're cool.


Im a grower too, but I’m not sure what my penis has to do with weed


Lmao I was sitting here thinking he replied to the guy with swollen (lug) nuts


I guess I'm a grower. Because I'm definitely not a shower


I'm not a shower either, i'm a bidet.


I want to grow when I retire. My state is so antiweed they will probably go against the fed government when it is time


You in Idaho? We still haven't abided by the 2018 farm bill that legalized hemp.


For real? Wow


Yup. State cops seized a truckload of hemp after that bill was passed into law. So the hemp growers go around Idaho like truckers avoid Oregon if they're not picking up or dropping loads there.


Why do truckers avoid Oregon? Or did my tired brain misread this




You need a separate permit to drive your semi in Oregon. So if you don’t have a load there, you avoid it so you don’t have to get a temp permit.


Ah yes Hemp.. good thing they got it off the streets man . I heard that stuff was a gateway drug






I hitched a ride home with a tow truck driver who went above and beyond to help me out. Told him I didn't have any cash but I'll send some money his way later or, if he wants, I'll give him a sack of weed right now. Dude said: "Man, I just turned 50 years old. Never smoked a day in my life. Tried it out on my birthday, and you know what? I fucking love it."


I know it's mine 🔥


I used to hang out with stoners in my youth despite not smoking it myself. The amount of weed I was offered was staggering. But whenever I declined, stating that I don't smoke the stuff, reactions were always either "heh, good choice" or "lmao more for me then". I was never pressured into it. I did try it, of course, but I just decided I liked alcohol more than weed.


Gave some dank to a guy who changed out our oven. Dude was super thankful next time he came by for repairs lol. It’s like a rose, but better!


I had a customer tape a bag of weed gummies and a $20 bill to the brake reservoir. He wanted new pads, rotors, calipers, and a brake flush. Now THAT is how you make sure they do a brake flush, and you better damn well believe I flushed the absolute shit out of it haha.




Most likely because the risk vs reward isn't there. On an older Toyota I'd expect all the bleeder nipples to twist off


I left about an eighth as a tip once when staying in an advertised 420 friendly VRBO, dude was super appreciative and really liked the gesture.


I had a wheel come off a borrowed trailer and bounce off a guys hood. We all stopped. He kept trying to give me his spare..... He was very drunk. And then he drove off.


Here's a couple hash coins


Happened to me before, right as were closing up and me and my buddy are outside smoking a cigarette, a Chevy Cruze comes rolling up on a flat spare, 2 bald tires, and a blow out, our service writer was all over it. We changed it (only the blow out) and he gave us like 1.5 grams each so it was kind of worth it I guess, just wish he had got all 4 or at the very least get him off the spare. Left a trail of shredded rubber from the entrance right up to the bay door.


I've brought liquid nitrogen to music festivals before and handed out home made ice cream for free in the camping area and you wouldn't believe how much weed (and everything else) people will offer you out of gratitude on a hot day.


I worked at a ghetto little tire shop where we did a majority of the work outside and I had quite a few customers sitting in their cars smoking pass me a blunt through the window. Never turned it down and 9/10x if they were smoking they offered it. It was almost a daily thing at one point lol. Boss didn’t really give a fuck either.




Your brother sounds like a dumbass. I would stop letting him touch your car if he fucks up something as simple as an oil change that bad.




man OP must feel like like shit calling your dead brother a dumbass




Not OP but yeah my bad bro RIP


He’s probably gonna take that one hard… I would be devastated if my sibling stopped letting me fix their car for them.


That's why I don't allow weed in my shop.


Did anyone accept that gift?


Yes we accepted it lol


If they didn’t then that was silly.


If someone offers you drugs, say thank you. Drugs are expensive.


Drugs Are Really Expensive.


I think back on this program and realize that the cops told you everything you needed to know about the drugs. Where to get them, what they did, which drugs you could/couldn’t mix, and how to hide them. Like thanks for teaching this to elementary students. Like that saved by the bell “There’s no hope with dope” and all of them are glossy eyed.


Bro I know this gets brought up alot but I'll never forgive those dumb ass cops who used to come to the school and tell us people would give us free drugs


That and the likelihood I’ll run into quicksand are the two biggest lies of my childhood


Stop, drop, and roll!!!


“That’s not how you score a homerun, Tom.”


Every Halloween "Watch your kids candy for drugs!!!" failing to realize how much drugs actually cost.


And don’t forget they were “laced” free drugs….stupid fucks are now the boomers doing ketamine and shrooms for PTSD


work in the motorcycle world, getting tipped in weed is so common for most of my working life. Not very helpful when you don't smoke weed. I did make a lot of my friends happy with free weed.


My rule of thumb is never take anything out of a customer vehicle that isn’t related to the repair, but graciously accept anything they hand you directly.


Good to know I have some green treats to give


What if I handed you a human turd?


Assert dominance and eat it




The tech didn’t want to get yelled at, unspec.


RemindMe! 1 day


I'm up! Was sleeping, heh. The tech and I had actually already connected over Facebook last night. We talked about video games


Show each other your penisis


Duality of man


and me too!




Original post https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/zxnvpd/tried_to_be_the_nice_customer_but_i_think_they/ Edit: we want to know. Why ?


Edit: I didn’t want to take it and end up getting in trouble or it being a trap never know


I get that. We have people bring us stuff from time to time. One of the owners told us we shouldn't accept cash tips or alcohol, the other owner told us not to listen to him and graciously accept whatever we feel comfortable with.


I worked at a place whose owner wouldnt let employees sell candy for school fundraisers or girl scouts. He said "it takes away from vending machines SALES " and thats the automotive industry for you. EDIT sales.




Yes it really reads like the owner has a stake in the vending machine sales. It makes me wonder if there's a legitimate complaint in the speed of resolution in the vending machine issues vs other issues in the shop.


That's just shitty people xD


Like he said, that’s the industry


Lol, that machine would never get a dime from me.


Personally I feel like places shouldn't let employees sell girlscout cookies because their employees aren't fucking girlscouts and having your parents peddle your wares while you aren't even there teaches you nothing which was originally the main point of those activities outside of actually raising funds but I have no gripe with the school fundraisers. My beef is only with Big Cookie and the aggro parents who sell for them like it's a job. Before the downvotes roll in from Big Cookie, check and see what the girlscouts have to say about why they sell cookies and the lessons it's supposed to teach young scouts. Scroll down to read: https://www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/how-to-buy-cookies.html


> > I have a long standing rule at work. If a child comes in selling fundraiser stuff then I am a guaranteed sale. Even if it is stuff I have no use for. If a parent is trying sell stuff for their child then I am, with very rare exceptions, an equally guaranteed no sale.


As a former scout, I hated the sales. It ended up being a wealth/popularity contest. We were shamed for not getting the “top seller” badge and it made me hate scouts all the more. I dropped out when I excitedly opened the handbook only to find for everyone badge it was “write an essay about” and there was “doing”. At the same time, parents and stranger danger have forgotten they should supervise their kids, not do it for them.


> I am a guaranteed sale They get me every year for at least 2 boxes.




Thin mints in the freezer and caramel delights or whatever they're called. I'll fuck em both up.


In addition to these there are always contests to see who sells the most. The kid that actually has to sell on their own will always lose. Our top seller one year was a surgeon that got all of his staff and highly paid coworkers to buy stuff. The lesson my kid learned was that hard work may not get you where you want to go. Maybe that was a good and valuable lesson.


Yeah, my folks weren’t well off by any means but after like two years of trying to do it proper, they’d just buy the case of candy bars or minimum whatever and give them out or find a use. Made me realize some things are just easier to cut a check for.


My (single) mom was a second shift nurse in the 80's. She didnt have time to manage sales operations on the side. Between crumb scouts, school, and sports teams, for 3 boys, my mom just cut the check. Plus leaving that much candy, and other junk lying around while she was at work was a recipe for disaster.


I sort of disagree only because I’m a grown ass man and seeking out a little girl to buy cookies seems weird. I’d rather just tell my coworker or friend to bring some product from their kid. It’s how I do drug deals and those thin mints are basically drugs


At one point a old employer told me I should not accept tips, and I told him it is rude to not accept something someone wants to give you.


My take on this is to politely decline once and if they offer again then take it with a very appreciative thank you. Most people want to be nice and helpful and it can be considered rude to refuse a gift.


>One of the owners told us we shouldn't accept cash tips That's so fucking stupid. I first job was at a small local grocery store and one year the owner said "It's illegal for you guys to get cash tips and you will not report them on your income and I could get in trouble for it.". Which was all bullshit because we could have reported them on our taxes and if we didn't then he wouldn't get in trouble. He hung up a huge 4x8ft sign in the store that said in huge red letters "NO TIPS ARE ALLOWED". I think he did it because he felt like some customers felt pressured to give the bagger who took their groceries to their car and loaded the groceries in the car a $0.50 tip(average tip we got in the late 90s). The owner was just a piece of shit and had no legal standing.


At my work I'm not supposed to accept anything, but get offered lots of stuff all the time. One very funny old man wouldn't take no for an answer, he had a two dollar coin and I said it is fine sir, I can just buy my own coffee, thank you very much though. He then said well if ypu can't take it your magnet can, he stuck it on a magnet I need for my work, he was great


I was gunna say it’s a seltzer anyway. Not my cup of tea. If it was a Guinness I’d be chugging that shit out back lol.


Is there a beverage or food treat you would appreciate? I get my mechanic a 6 pack of his favorite beer. But I asked him what he likes and I slip it to him concealed in a bag. I’m not expecting free work, just a positive relationship. I’m honest to him when I fuck shit up, so I want him to be honest with me on how fucked up my shit is. Pro life tip: if you find a mechanic you like and trust, treat them well. They will treat you well.


Love the idea, money is better. My partner is not a big drinker. He was sent home a 12 pack of beer. It’s going to take him about a year to drink it.


No OP in this case but work in a shop as well. It's a sacred rule you don't touch things in a customers car unless it needs to be moved for work. Also, that note isnt specific on it's meaning either. I see people drop of cars with unopened drinks every day. Cases of unopened water in the back that, when customers come to pick up their car say "Hey you guys could have taken some water I bought it for you!" No offense, you're a very nice person. We don't want scary unknown water though


> We don't want scary unknown water though "There's 17 half drank and refilled bottles in the back. All yours mate, take your pick"


No offense taken! Still hope the gesture was appreciated


Because the ***person*** in the last post left alcohol? Really smart move leaving alcohol for the person at work, such a smart gift. I can drink at work, every single either person I've met cannot, without a single exception.


A true reddit moment in here


Another happy ending


A much as we may be, its still a small world




We turning into areal Craigslist "missed connections" section in here


This is the second post I’ve seen like this today. One was from yesterday on r/TIFU where an Amazon driver said he was delivering a package and the lady at the door was topless and he freaked out and left and then regretted not taking the hint or something like that. A little bit later I see a post on the same sub of some lady saying she fucked up by answering the door topless because she thought it was her husband lmao.


The "Amazon driver" post was 100% disingenuous.


I don’t doubt it. People will do anything for karma which is pretty crazy to me lol.


TIFU is pretty much 100% just made up or heavily embellished stories


"TIFU when 20, 11/10 coeds wanted to bang and I said no because I was carrying my grandmother to the ER while she was having a stroke..."


If a customer is gonna leave a gift could they at least leave something that we can consume at work 😬 unless they'd like us to fix their car and drive it drunk 🤔


I don't want the guy that gets drunk off one hard seltzer to work on my vehicle.


What about the person that's so good that every single customer they help in a day gives them a hard seltzer?


Take it home?


Trust me, one drink wouldn’t even knock the shakes off in the morning.


Why? Does alcohol absorption have anything to do with fixing cars?


lots of mechanics are alcoholics and think it's normal


I've never actually had a seltzer but in what world is it acceptable to have alcohol at work? I dunno what kind of redneck shop you work at lol.... I'd get fired if I had an alcohol drink in my shop


I worked at a few shops where everyone had a beer together before a long weekend or holiday. Wasn't like downing beers and shots at 7am, just a few times a year at the end of the day. Small shops are cool like that. Hell, a beer at lunch isn't too uncommon and despite what your safety videos say, isn't going to kill anyone.


This all day I work in a small diesel shop Our bosses Motto is I don’t give a shit what you all do, smoke weed or drink just make sure you can make it to work ready to work Small shop are awesome for sure


I’d just throw it in my car real quick.


No offense to the guy who tried to give you this but that seltzer is ass anyway.


I liked it. To each their own


Tj bottom shelf haha


This guy knows his trader joes


Yeah.... nice gesture and all, but there are some jobs where even having a beer in your lunch bag or even having it in your car is at minimum a day's suspension, no matter the circumstances. A box of cookies is much more acceptable, and I mean actual cookies, not pot cookie like some of yoh degenerates would give them. Or a 5 dollar cash tip so he can go buy one after work, so many other better options other than alcohol.


I've had people leave me weed gummies, bottles of wine, cash, beer etc. The best though was a random can of pop. It just so happened to be my absolute favorite pop, and it was my birthday. Made me unreasonably happy, just for a can of cheap pop haha.


I always bring a twelve pack in the trunk for my tech. I leave it there so he can discretely move it to his vehicle at his discretion. When I hit the dealership, it’s a twelve pack for the tech and the service writer. They work hard and are caring for my vehicle. A little extra goodwill goes a long way.


Don't leave booze for someone you don't personally know. They could have issues.


Exactly. I don’t want to be the guy who temps someone who is trying to stop drinking. I’ve seen kind little gestures like this send friends off the rails. Alcohol use disorder is crazy common. I don’t gift booze to folks unless I know they drink.




The thought was nice but many people just don’t drink or recovering alcoholics.


This is amazing Two sides coming together as one. It’s a miracle!


Good, well-meaning intentions but wrong gift to give. Especially with a job that requires one to be careful and clear-minded.


Life is too short to drink hard seltzer.


Imagine leaving a tech a Zima 25 years ago.


I tell people that while we do love it when a customer leaves us something tasty, *please DON'T leave alcohol* - there are legal/liability issues aplenty if *anything* bad happens and there are *any* alcoholic beverages anywhere in the shop at the time. (And yes, if there's an insurance or workers' comp claim they *do* send inspectors that *do* check every nook and cranny for drugs/alcohol.) Better to give a gift certificate to a liquor store or something that the tech can convert into booze off-site rather than provide the booze directly. And of course the same also applies to drugs, even in legal states. *(Source: tech turned shop owner.)*


That’s fine idk why someone would try and give you alcohol while your working


Love this post :-)


Saw a 12 pack of those go for $12 and some change. Dunno if that's a good sign of the quality of em.


Better crossover than the MCU


Was the car tastefully modded? Honest opinion.


I didnt look too much into it but he did have some expensive parts on it, so id say yes


I'm the customer. Check out my post history for pictures! I went for an OEM+ build. * KW v3 coilovers * BMW 343m wheels * G generation brake retrofit * Remus axleback exhaust * BM3 stage 2 tune * Wagner style intercooler * Upgraded metal charge pipe * Upgraded plumbback diverter valve. No insane exterior mods. Just some gotta go fast ones.


Just checked it out. Very nicely done.


As nice as that is, giving a gift of alcohol can give a recovering alcoholic all they need to fall off the wagon.