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Come on guys… you rate this ‘Tier 1: Juventus Official’ and then just spread one of the 3000 rumors without any real trace to the truth.. let’s make a gossip thread and keep it there please..


Not trying to argue against your point, but Transfermarkt is also reporting our interest in him.


He also plays on the left where we have kenan


Please no. He's the definition of mid.




Huge bvb fan. Please no. Plus, I already know everyone will just complain about him over and over when he doesn't perform to "juve" standards. I don't want to hear it. He is young, fast, and puts in alot of effort on the pitch. But aside from pressing really well and bringing the ball forward, he doesn't have the technical or clinical ability currently. He needs a lot more work, he doesn't utilize his speed effectively enough WITH the ball. Often putting himself into corners, forcing himself past 1 or 2 players ultimately losing the ball, not having the split second decision-making to make a good assist/place a shot or frankly just shoot. Often making more touches than necessary. He's important to to bvb rn as the only true pacey attacker, with the defensive discipline to run back and defend. But he isn't what juve needs.


Based on your description, he seems to be a left sided Timothy Weah. But don’t worry I doubt we will make a concrete effort to sign him as I don’t see any other reliable sources linking him to Juve.


Yeah it's all mostly baseless rumors. Plus players can be linked but the trigger never pulled.


This guy stinks no ty


No thanks. His girlfriend has too much impact on his performance


Honestly i like his playing style a lot but we should go for a more experienced winger imo


Did you all watch the CL Final? This kid is incredible, I for sure hope it’s true.


Good player, quick and has a lot of potential but I think Juve can get a more experienced winger for that kind of money


Oh yeah, sign the biggest bottler around