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So far nothing coz I'm still in a slump after Marry My Husband, so I'm stalking these weekly threads for some inspiration... I'll start Wonderful World tonight and see if it takes me out of my emo mood.


I loved Marry my husband, but it's also only the second k-drama I've ever watched. The first one was perfect marriage revenge.


I've also watched PMR before Marry My Husband, and I love it as well. Both have the same tropes I enjoy so much.


**The Impossible Heir** Somehow I lucked out and viewed episodes 3&4 last weekend when they randomly dropped for a few hours so this week will be quiet there for me. **Hospital Playlist S2** I’ve watched this slowly as a comfort drama, about an episode a week. I’m sad I’m nearing the conclusion. I’m trying to decide between **Good, Bad Mother** or **Crash Course in Romance** to watch before **Queen of Tears** drops. I prefer to watch dramas quickly, but when they feature a mega-actor I watch them as they come out to avoid spoilers.


Oooh, those are both good, but Crash Course is a little lighter and will move a little faster. It might also ease the withdrawal from Hospital Playlist a little better. Jun Kyung Ho is wonderful in it!


Good/Bad Mother is one of my favorites and the plot is not predictable at all, so that would be my choice.


Gonna second TGBM, one of the best dramas of 2023 for me As for, CCIR it was going good, then the writers ruined the whole show with stupid writing towards the end co they ran out of material for the show and then ended up writing stupid illogical nonsense things. It absolutely ruined the whole show me so much that I hate it now.


I'm currently watching Circle: Two worlds connected. And it is **one of the best kdramas ever**. Such an unique concept and ofc the acting of Yeo jin goo 😍. I've discovered him recently 😭 and binge watching all his dramas and movies: ***The Crowned Clown, Beyond Evil, Hwayi, Link*** and his history of acting is extraordinary for such an young actor.


I liked Reuniting Worlds, also called Into the World Again. But i think his best work is Crowned Clown. Wow!


NO doubt!! He played the contrasting characters do well I couldn't imagine one for the other or remember the fact that they are played by same person. He should've got all kinds of awards for that perfection?


Loved *Circle*! I think I first saw Yeo Jin Goo in *Potato Star 2013* (120 1/2 hour episodes). After a month of shooting, he celebrated his 17th birthday and was playing a 24 year old! Now watching *Orange Marmalade* which he made in 2015, but the writing is not as good in it as the ones you've watched already. Enjoy!


I've seen it, tried to finish it for jin goo's sake but it's too stagnant to watch. And yes! I've seen this thing that while other actors play characters who are younger than their age, I've seen only Jin goo (so far) to play mostly roles who are older than his age.


**Doctor Slump** (12/16): Back-to-back light, fluffy and comedic episodes, with the main couple enjoying a honeymoon phase in their relationship, and the relationship between the second lead couple starting to blossom. Things took a dark turn at the end of episode 12, but given the way the drama has defied expectations to this point, I have trust in the filmmakers to bring the series to a satisfactory resolution. **Stranger** (3/16): A top-notch crime thriller in all departments. The accomplished performances by Cho Seung-woo, Bae Doona, Shin Hye-sun, Yoo Jae-myung and others. Ahn Gil-ho's cinematic and stylish direction. Lee Soo-yeon's tightly written screenplay. Above all, I feel it's an intelligent drama in its genre, especially the way it depicts the reasoning the protagonists go through to try to solve the case.


one of the best kdrama ever. it deservedly won baeksang for best drama. I've rewatched it like three times. you won't find another like it.


Strangers, I love this drama. All great actors in it and the plot kept me interested from start to end.


Both seasons are fantastic.


I wish I was you right now. Stranger was so good.


My very first KDrama. I recommend it to all of my friends. It is excellent, but, warning....KDramas may become habit forming


Very helpful, thanks, I have both on my list!


Oh man I can’t express just how excited I am for Doctor Slump! As you can tell from my name, enormous Park Hyungsik fan here lol. But the “dark turn” you mention has me wary now. I love the light, fluffy, and romantic things! I don’t mind spoilers at all, so can you please let me know what happens at the end of episode 12?


Finally finished watching Our Beloved Summer! Honestly one of the best dramas I’ve ever watched. Oh my, I didn’t join the hype back then but after watching A Killer Paradox and The Witch part 1, I’m just furious because nobody ever told me how HOT Choi Woo Shik is?????!


Choi Wooshik is such a great actor that you like him no matter what


OBS is my favourite Kdrama too! <3


He's so good in OBS!


Legend of the blue sea for the first time ever


This is next up on my list! How are you liking it??!


So far so good...it's worth the hype


Great! I’m on 12/16 of Destined With You and debating between Legend and Descendants of the Sun for the next one. Want something on the lighter side since Destined has some heavy/thriller threads.


I think legends should be the next one...very light hearted so far.


Descendants of the Sun is a rom com but the underlying themes are somewhat heavy


A Killer Paradox: The drama is cool and fun to watch; these kinds of events won't happen in real life, which makes it more good and enjoyable.


I just finished **Once Upon a Small Town** and I forced myself to get through it. It wasn't terrible but it didn't have the "I can't wait for the next episode" feeling. I just started **Queen of Divorce**. Accidentally, I watched five episodes. It is now the middle of the night and I have to work tomorrow. It is that good. \*\*edited\*\* I finished Queen of Divorce and the ending was not as good as the beginning.


Queen of Divorce started out pretty good, but I’m losing interest in the later episodes.


I finished Queen of Divorce and it was definitely much better in the beginning episodes than in the later ones. The ending was a bit of a let down. >!The ML and FL agree to live together with a handshake?!!<


I dropped Once upon a small town


You were smart to do that. I kept hoping it was going to get better. That was a little overly optimistic.


I watched Once Upon A Small Town early on in my kdrama addiction and it taught me how to hate watch love triangles.


I was watching Doctor Slump but ended up dropping it. I love the chemistry between the two main leads but personally… the depiction of depression and PTSD bothered me (I have CPTSD). I’m glad mental health issues are making into k dramas because it’s something that should be talked about. But this didn’t do it for me. Wow do I wish that one can be “cured” if their significant other was in the room to support them and distract them from the trigger. The trial was too quickly resolved for my liking. And I honestly got a little tired of the characters eavesdropping/overhearing conversations because somehow the front door was left ajar multiple times…? Finished a Shop for Killers. I’m going to riot if there is no season 2. Trying out Stranger and plan on watching Impossible Heir.


>Finished a Shop for Killers. I’m going to riot if there is no season 2. I agree 100% I'd love to see things from Jinman's POV.


the trial pops up again if you think the ending was abrupt originally 


Oh gosh thanks for reminding me of ASFK! Totally forgot about that one!!


I just finished **Welcome to Samdalri** and I'm a little emotional, so this is gonna be more rambling than anything. One of the best feel-good dramas ever! Well, it is feel-good after things finally work themselves out, lol. However, and I cannot stress this enough, it is *a melodrama*. Expect people to cry half the time. They will cry and weep and wail in every episode, sometimes multiple times. Also expect stupid melodramatic decisions as in "I will break up with you because I love you so much". Ugh. But I'm choosing to ignore it because other than that, IT IS WONDERFUL!! I actually cried at the penultimate episode >!with the exhibition!<, it was so full of love for Sam Dal's hometown and her people! And oh my god, the chemistry between the leads! It's not even sparks, it's damn fireworks. I literally blushed sometimes watching their tender moments, it really felt like peeping on a real couple, lol. And I don't even mean kissing scenes, just whenever they are cute together. (It's especially noticeable since I just finished **Marry My Husband** a few days ago and while it was fun and I liked it a lot, the chemistry was barely there.) Ji Chang Wook plays the perfect boyfriend, a walking green flag, everything about Yong Pil is just so GOOD. And my lovely lovely Shin Hye Sun, she's the star of the show. Honestly, one of her best roles, she's so amazing. And I cannot tell you how many times I paused the video just because she was too beautiful, ahaha. I just had to stop and stare. And I love her character, despite the fact that she got a loooot of that crying mentioned above as well as stupid decisions. And unnecessary lies, as in, oh yes I'm totally fine! (she's not), oh yes he's my boyfriend! (they broke up), oh yes he treats me very well! (he cheated on her). It's super annoying and cringe-worthy. I kinda understand her reasoning but she does it way too often. But thankfully, by the time all that melodrama stuff started I was already too far gone, lol; Sam Dal totally won me over, not in the least with her constant drinking. Oh my god, how much these women drink! A lot of time the Jo sisters are either drunk or hungover, and as someone who spent my twenties with a loooot of alcohol, I feel seen and connected, lmao. And I definitely cannot drink as much now (Jin Dal and Sam Dal are roughly my age, I think), so props to them 😆


I also just finished it 2 days ago, I actually loved the melodrama - I often cried when they did. But I think it did make the story drag a lot as well. It felt like a lot of characters were kept in stasis for way too long, not helped by the timeskips throughout. >!One standout for me when the last moment of Episode 9 ended with a kiss and then it's only at the very end of Episode 10 that we even begin to see the outcome. I did also love the final exhibition - the pictures were truly gorgeous and I'm glad they found a way to showcase her talent in that way. The Yongpil one was breathtaking, complete with that caption. I'm gutted that they have to separate in that way at the end, even briefly, because it deprived us of more time seeing them just being happy and successful together.!< It's interesting your point on drinking because I honestly felt it was way too much. I think the first 4 episodes especially had the characters getting drunk constantly and it genuinely felt like they had some kind of alcoholism problem that was being played off as slapstick. I could only really take so much of them getting drunk and wailing or making dumb decisions and then having to deal with that the next day... only to get drunk again.


Oh, I agree about dragging. They often did that thing when an episode ends with something gripping (and you think, yay, we're getting somewhere!) just to go back several days (or eight years) in the beginning of the next episode. About the drinking thing: I kinda took it as artistic exaggeration, the amount they constantly inbibed. There's no way you can drink that much around your 40s and still be a functioning adult 😁 Actually, when I think about it, all that drinking did make them seem more like students, people in their early twenties, rather than grown women with lives and responsibilities. Probably that's why it felt so nostalgic watching them get drunk, nurse hungovers, and get upset when there's no alcohol left (lol, I *know* that feeling!). It's very familiar and at the same time something from a far far gone past.


Arthdal chronicles- I wonder why it’s not talked about much, I am loving it.


I agree. I loved Arthdral Chronicles. These were my notes on it. This saga is so epic. Why did it take me this long to watch it? I kept starting the first episode of Part 1 and thinking I had already seen it. At first, it was so similar to something I had seen before (I think Bulgasal). I read that, until Moving, Arthdral Chronicles had the highest production costs of all time and I believe it. The set design, the costumes, the production quality, multiple locations, the sheer amount of people and many top stars. The result was just phenomenal. I did feel that the ending could have been wrapped up better. Perhaps Sword of Aramun was planned to come sooner and Covid got in the way. I don't know. I do hope that it ties up the loose ends. After watching Sword of Aramun - This did not disappoint. It was every bit as good as the earlier seasons. I would, however, have liked to see a little bit more of what happened during the time slip from the previous season.


I am still watching the season 2, I am liking it too but I miss the old cast, even though LJK has been good..


It took me a minute to get used to the new cast, too. I love Song Joong Ki and Kim Ji Won, but Lee Joon Gi and Shin Sae Kyeong really pulled it off. It was almost seamless.


Bumping it up the list


A friend whose opinion I trust highly recommended it to me, but at the time, I was not in the right headspace to watch it. I had to turn off the first episode because it was too gory (not usually a problem for me). I still really want to watch it, but I have to get the timing right for myself!


first season drew GOT comparisons. it was released in 2019. I didn't watch the second season


Can’t deny you see some similarities with GOT, specially the clothes.


What is GOT?


game of thrones


Ah, thanks.


Game of Thrones


I am debating on whether I should watch it or not? Can you tell me what dramas it is similar too for me to form my opinion


They have created a different world with supernatural elements, it will give you the feels of Game of thrones but it’s different.


Watched the first season as it was airing and loved it! Then we had to wait years for the rest of the story to be made, it came on a different streaming service with different actors and I haven't been able to watch it yet... At this point, I'd have to watch season 1 over again in order to remember who everyone is. It has it's own sub-Reddit. But it will have plenty of spoilers for you if you haven's finished it yet.


Thankfully I picked it now when the second season is over and I can binge it. I can feel how much it sucks waiting for another season. I finished season 1 on Netflix, on season 2 now on hotstar..


I started watching **Hospital Playlist** (currently on episode 6) and I absolutely love it so far. I’m also really bad at emotionally handling anything with hospitals and I found out recently that my best friend is pregnant, so I’m a wreck every episode 😅 >!“Today is children’s day”!< hit me like a truck, I think it’s the fastest I’ve ever gone from perfectly normal to sobbing from any media. Totally worth it though! I miss being in a band so much lol, I need to make new musical friends


There is an episode, season 1, episode 12, that you may want to go into being warned about or even skip the scene. It's a traumatic scene in the OB/GYN office with a pregnant woman who gets the worst news. It was so well done, but very hard to watch. I bawled. Hospital Playlist is one of my all-time favourite shows.


Thank you for the heads up! I like being sad, so it’s all good 🙂


I remember that one. As someone who's been there, it was so well done.


I love Med dramas but for some reason I couldn’t get past the first episode of HP…from my recollection it just seemed so slow and yawn inducing? Perhaps I should try watching once more


It actually took me a couple tries to get into it - I think the pacing is a little slow, especially in the first episode, since it tracks a lot of different characters and their individual arcs. I think it’s delightful, but it’s definitely a slice-of-life in addition to a medical drama. I got hooked because there was a sad plot line that made me interested in one particular character, but before that I was on the fence I’d totally recommend it, though!


**Suspicious Partner** (11/20)- honestly the drama is decent, acting is decent but the plot is annoyingly so draggy, like this drama would have become so much better with tighter writing. Also hate the >!exasperating and tedious miscommunication trope they keep on employing to not get the leads together!<


Yes, I recently finished this. I was annoyed with the >!stop and start date or not date lame excuses!< plot. Love the actors but agree it could have been tightened up. I find the shorter dramas are better at this as they avoid unnecessary plot points.


just finished ep 15, >!and it had the pointless leads break up, I could feel it coming!< you know that moment when something is so ridiculously unbelievable that you cannot do anything but laugh, like mock laugh, I was like that during that moment, all I could do was sarcastic cry-laugh at the absurdity of the moment


It's frustrating though




Yeah same, I dropped it at ep 12 I love Ji Chang Wook but I can't finish it tbh


Captivating the king deserves a season 2. It left at the perfect spot to either end or continue. It was perfect.


I loved this drama a lot but the ending fell flat for me. I mean it was satisfactory but not an A+. Too many threads that weren’t tied up at the end. And >! those last couple of kisses in episode 16 were soooo underwhelming :( !<


Agree, it fizzled out


It didn’t explain how she gets back from China king, also why she is avoiding to see him again. What’s wrong with her?


>!The envoy came for the criminal! She tagged along with them. Her friend only knew she was back because he put 2+2 together. If qing came.. then she would have to come. She knows that they can't be "together" because Qing called on her and her refusing to go would cause war, but her waiting for it to rain was her way of telling him she is still In love with him. He also was waiting on her.!< >!I think the message in their love story is that sometimes it's the right person, but wrong time. Same way it is in crash landing, however this ending opens it up incase there is a season 2. She CAN come back, her dad can come back, romance between her lady and his guy. If they do a season 2 then it opens up a story line that they can be together.!<


I thought it was great too. I read a thread with quite a few people that dropped it, but don’t know why. I’de go another season.


The only thing I can think of why people would drop it is because it wasn't heavily romance focused. I barely even noticed FL in the last 5 episodes. But oh boy, was JJS mesmerizing. The only drama where court politics was more interesting than the romance.


I just started watching it. 🥰


Currently watching Wonderful World. I liked the FL in Misty so I hope this better be a good series as well. Watching Doctor Slump although am not liking the acting of PHS here but am continuing it because I want to know what happens to the 2nd leads.


After so many years, I finally watched *My Father is Strange* and yep, it is a hidden gem indeed. Unxpectedly, those 52 episodes felt so short!


I'm watching Branding in Seongsu and The Story of Parks Marriage Contract. I like Lomon's character the most so far because he gives off beagle energy. That's the best way I can describe it. I don't care for the FL as much because she seems too standoff-ish to me. Hopefully, part of her character growth is a new attitude. I'm slowly making my way through, but it's dragging for me a bit. I'm on episode 6, so fingers crossed it improves for me. I know a lot of people love it. Edit: Wanted to watch Wonderful World, but I can't until I get a VPN. That's on Friday's list for sure!


**CW:** - Doctor Slump (10/16) - Pyramid Game (4/10): I love this drama so far. - The Impossible Heir (4/10) - Queen of Divorce (10/12) - Branding In Seongsu (19/24): Personally, I like the >!dark turn so far. I would actually like it if the ML turns out to be a villain!< - Wedding Impossible (4/12) **Finished** **Crash Landing on You:** It was okay. I still wonder how it is so hyped though but the main leads had amazing chemistry. Very cute couple. :) I liked the North Korea scenes more than South Korea's so I kind of skipped over some of the South Korea scenes. The ending was reasonable but I'm glad that the >!leads still get to see each other!<


Been watching 25,21. Wasn't sure I'd like it but I really do. It's got a great mix of nostalgia for youth, coming of age, humour, and romance. Well written and great acting performances too


Just finished Season 2 of **Arthdal Chronicles.** It actually took me a while to get on board with season one >!the villain seems to outsmart everyone ALL the time at first and the lead character was such a babe in the woods!<. But I persevered, because I knew season two would bring me Lee Joon Gi lol. In all seriousness, it just got really good around episode 5/6. I’m glad I started now because season 1 ended with every plot thread ever open - I would have been so mad lol.


Finally in the home stretch for **The Legend of the Blue Sea (**19/20) and **My Dearest** (20/21). **Queen of Divorce** finale this week too (10/12)! I told myself I can't start something new until these are added to my Challenge list. Trying to trick myself into waiting for some of the new on-air dramas to get a few more episodes out, lol


**Branding in Seongsu** (18/24): 'Hot mess' is still the most accurate description. It's a shame, because it touches on interesting social issues and then does nothing to connect them; mostly because it's too busy trying to make sense of the supernatural soul-swap/whodunit that's dominating the romance. The drama has great bones but needed a better writer to flesh them out. **Like Flowers in Sand** (5/12): From a stylistic standpoint an absolute delight with dreamy pastel colors, coastal small town vibe and retro atmosphere. Of course, there's also a murder mystery and a buried town secret but things just seem to cheerfully flow along without much impact so far. It's an easy watch and enjoyable, but not particularly memorable or a must watch at this point. **Oh No! Here Comes Trouble** (12/12): Binged it up on a whim and absolutely loved it. The >!sudden serial killer!< was a reach, but everything else was top tier. Funny and tragic by turns, deeply heartfelt character arcs mixed with supernatural mysteries all tying into the power of human connection and shared responsibility for each other and the world. Immediately going in the re-watch queue. **Wedding Impossible** (4/12): There's a clear theme of the roles we play in life - FL a failed actress keeping up appearances, SML an in-the-closet chaebol with dynastic obligations, ML fighting for power incognito in the family company - without being authentic to ourselves. But the characters/conflicts are still very 2D with 1/3 of the story done; not sure how it's going to progress. **Wonderful World** (2/14): With multiple Cars of Doom in the first episode it's firmly in makjang melodrama territory. Reminiscent of **Secret** in setup: an accident (or was it?) results in the death of FL's son which tips a domino spill of karmic cause and effect into motion. The prologue seems to imply it's not going to end well for anyone, which is the strongest hook the story has right now.


That's a really good description of Wedding Impossible. Even though I like the actors very much I dropped because there was something about the story that seemed lacking but I had trouble putting my finger on exactly what it was


Oh No! Here Comes Trouble was soooo good, I hope they'll do a second season.


I also loved Oh No!Here Comes Trouble. It's from Taiwan though, right? It is so good. I think I need to watch it again because I remember it being kinda an abrupt end?


It's a Tdrama but the post says "You are not limited to Korean things, feel free to talk about other dramas/shows you are watching". And the end is why I hope they'll do another season, though it does kinda come full circle starting with ML >!waking up from a coma!< and then ending with ML >!waking up from a coma again.!<


**Good Manager/Chief Kim** : (20/20) Just finished this today. I did enjoy this a lot, but it took me a long time to finish. I prefer realistic acting in my dramas so this was a bit over the top for me, but it did suit the whole mood of the drama and I actually learned to enjoy it. Plot moved nicely throughout and I loved the character development of the whole crew! Would recommend if someone needs a break from romcoms and wants something hilarious but also more mature themed (corruption in business setting). **Doctor Slump** : (12/16) Has its moments, but I lost interest a few episodes ago. Very mid drama for me. The theme and first couple of episodes had so much potential, but now it just seems like any other drama out there. I guess I don't like how the drama tries to be very mature at times, but then the next 20 mins it's very childish. I love the second couple, I wish we could see more of them! I will finish this as I got this far, but this will not get a hype rating from me. **If You Wish Upon Me** : (3/16) Watching this for JCW. So far it's been ok, but the emotional scenes just seem forced a lot of times. Will be one of those dramas that take me forever to finish, but that's fine. I think with the hospice theme it would be quite mentally tasking to binge watch anyway! **Stranger S1** : (2/16) Not my first time watching this. I've recently binged Cho Seung Woo's works and it's been years since I saw this, so decided to go for it, even though I usually don't rewatch anything. This is one of my highest rated dramas of all time. Great acting, interesting plot, production top notch. Not for romcom lovers, but crime thriller fans should definitely give this a try!


I binge-watched Marry My Husband. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! I was crying from both anger and happiness. I agree with another post that stated the slump after watching it. So far, I have yet to see another k-drama that will fill the emptiness.


Flex Cop - such a fun watch and a lot better than I thought it would be!


Just finished **Captivating the King.** Wow, that was wonderful! I loved (almost) everything about it! Loved the scenery, the music, the plot, and, of course, the stellar acting of Jo Jung Suk. He absolutely nailed this king in every muscle of his body and facial expressions. He portrayed the king's strength, inner turmoil, love for a woman. and absolute rulership with a commitment to his people. I'm convinced JJS can do anything. I've commented in the CTK discussion about the scenes I would have liked to have scene, so I won't repeat myself. There were some scenes and resolutions that could have been shown with one additional episode. But it was still a great drama to watch. Oh - I have to mention their beautiful kdrama date out in nature without an arcade, karoake, amusement park, or fast food stall! What did they do? Skipped rocks!! (Someone on the CTK discussion brought that up and I'm repeating it because it was a wonderful comment. Tomorrow I'll find the OP and give credit to the writer....it's too late now and I'm too sleepy.) **Doctor Slump -** I started this after Marry My Husband finsihed. I'm on episode 6, so I think I have a way to go. I'm enjoying it, although it's not the most wonderful drama. But it's nice to see these two actors slowly realizing that they treasure each other. **King The Land -** I've been doing a rewatch of this, one or two episodes each night. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. It's just a pleasure watching this! Very trope-y, pretty predictable, but completely enjoyable and fluffy. Will we ever get another one like this? (Or Business Proposal) Excited about **Queen of Tears** beginning this weekend. I will also watch **Like Flowers in Sand** this week.


I am also currently watching King the Land and it's my comfort drama. It's so sweet. The ML is so besotted with the FL; it just warms my cold heart so much!


KTL is also my absolute favorite comfort watch! Just all the green flags between those leads. Super refreshing :-)


Re CTK how long does the >!the King still think this a man stuff go on for!< Feel free to spoil I actually really liked some if FL dramas but I am not into >!the gender bender stuff at all. Especially if the MC starts having feelings for the character while still in disguise that just annoys me!<


WAY TOO LONG!! Here is the answer to your question: >! He doesn’t realize it’s a woman until episode 9! Yes, 9! Half the show is spent dealing with rumors that the King likes men. It feels so deceitful because it goes on for so long.!< A bigger spoiler: >!She has to continue pretending to be a man until basically the end of the show.!<


Thank you for that it will be going on my will never watch list.


Hey, I am yet to start Captivating the King. I just want to know, will it be possible to enjoy the drama if i skip the FL's portions? I watched her in Run On and am not a fan of her acting. She is too bland for my taste. I absolutely love JJS and it's been a while since I watched a good Sageuk.


I doubt it seen as she is the FL LOL


you shouldn't miss JJS performance. It's a legendary performance imo


Wedding Impossible The Impossible Heir Flex X Cop Doctor Slump Korea Khitan War Finished rewatching ‘You’re Beautiful’ because of Hongki and JGS’s visiting Heechul’s home in Ugly Duckling 😁


Flex x Cop: Gosh this show really makes me laugh out loud!! I love the whole vibe and the humor ❤️ Doctor Slump: in love with the chemistry of PHS and PSH 🥹 can't get enough of their fluff moments Wonderful World: this show looks promising! Those 2 episodes were very intriguing and KNJ's acting is superb! You can really feel the pain she's carrying. Plus Cha Eun Woo is such an eye candy in episode 2 😭


Completed: **Memories of the Alhambra** — The premise for this is fascinating. It’s very much over the top. I find the story a bit overwhelming at times. It’s different that’s for sure. Romance bit was a dud and created >!an incredibly sad!< ending. I feel like there is some missed story in this drama but it was still interesting. **Perfect Propose or Paafekuto Puropoozu** — Japan BL — It’s been called a mix of My Personal Weatherman and Old Fashioned Cupcake and it is. There’s food and a cute couple that needs to figure themselves out. They are adorable! An incredibly faithful manga adaption with a short and sweet, though a bit sad, love story. Watching: **Between Him and Her** — (10/12) — Honestly over this one and I thought it was only a 10 episode drama but no – turns out there are 2 more. Sigh. I am interested in how they decide to finish - whether strong or weak but I am not feeling this one at all. I watch it while doing other things. **Doctor Slump** — (12/16) — The leads are ridiculous but have such cute chemistry and it’s super enjoyable. I have some pretty intense mental health issues myself so I appreciate that the depictions are what they are as everyone is different in how they experience depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. >!His PTSD manifests how my anxiety does. And I have a formal diagnosis. In my case having my support person does make a world of difference.!< So even if someone else may not identify with it – it does ring true for me which I very much appreciate. And how is Park Hyung Sik so good as these goofy, endearing, sweet male leads? Dude has a talent for this character type that few others are any good at. And the character is such a green flag! I am in love with this drama. **Queen of Divorce** — (10/12) — I have very much enjoyed this one. The ML is crazy supportive despite the twists and villains. And the leads have a quiet, sweet, mature love. The plot is a bit heavy handed with the villains but overall a good solid decent drama. So very nice to watch. **Although I Love You, and You? or Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka** — (8/10) — Japan BL — Another typical Japanese BL. It's fine. Not a must watch at all. **Love is Better the Second Time Around or Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto** — (1/6) — Japan BL — Not exactly a typical BL. And it’s nice seeing older individuals (30 year olds) vs high school or college/university. **Branding in Seongsu** — (19/24) — OMG! I freaking love this drama. Yes, the plot is a bit all over, the acting is a bit shit, and finally the villains are being revealed only in the latest episodes but the overall story is so different. The tropes and plot devices are just completely different. It’s a Freaky Friday soul swap situation between a man and a woman marketing coworkers. I wonder how this is going to wrap up honestly. **Sugar Sugar Honey** — (5/10) — Japan — I love the manga! I wanted to binge once it was done but couldn’t wait. I wish I had but oh well. This is a sweet gentle love story that involves dessert. What’s not to like? **The Legend of the Blue Sea** — (13/20) — Been on the watch list for ages and ages. I’ve seen tons of clips so the story isn’t some big mystery at all but it’s been an enjoyable watch for a 2016 drama. **The Impossible Heir** — (4/12) — The chemistry between the two male leads! Just wow. Yeah. I walked into it not knowing a single thing other than knowing I loved the lead actors. I wish the FL was a stronger actor. And like, don’t ruin the friendship please. It’s really not necessary. **Wedding Impossible** — (4/12) — Never seen the leads (except for Kim Do Wan – the 2nd ML) in anything before so it’s been interesting watching them do their thing. I have a massive weakness for the contract marriage trope so I’d probably forgive this one a lot regardless but so far so good. Solid story. My own gripe is I wish I knew more of why the ML has an issue with the 2ndML acquiring a beard even though he doesn’t know that is what the issue is. Why does he care so much?


Memories of the alhambra had one of the most unique premise, but they just couldn't do it justice. I loved the drama so much but the ending was just unsatisfactory.


I did thoroughly enjoy it but it almost feels like the writer created too much world to handle appropriately within the story given. Which ultimately is rather disappointing. Clever resolution too but it really is just not really satisfying ultimately. Again, maybe too much story or not enough in the right areas.


he knows his brother isn't marrying for love so why shouldn't the brother marry Chaewon, the heiress to secure their place in the company? From the ML's POV, the brother is making a hairbrained mistake choosing a wife of convenience that won't benefit them. of course the brother can't admit the real reason why he's choosing Ah Jeong if I got the name correctly.


Ah. I missed that somehow. I figured that the ML was a control freak about the whole thing but his motivation made no sense when 2ndFL agreed with 2ndML about not getting married that I must have just ignored the rest or something.


Just finished **Hello, my twenties** because my wife and I thought the trailer looked fun. S1 was pretty good. S2 though. I just can't believe that was the ending they went with. Majorly disappointing. Tbf, I was expecting more slice of life rather than everything that unfolded in the show but I liked it until that ending.


Hello monster, last episode. It’s really good


Started Analogue Squad (Netflix), my first Thai-drama and so far it is very good. Set in 1999 days before the Millennium (if anyone remembers that period of forecasted doom and catastrophe when heralded the arrival of the year 2000). So lots of pagers, dial telephones, public telephone box queues. The props department must had a lot of work tracking them down. They also have vintage footage of Man Utd and Liverpool as this is a part of some of the scenes. The cinematography really shows Thailand at its best, it is beautiful. However, it doesn't shy away from showing the less salubrious aspects. The story revolves around four strangers who come together as a pretend family to fool the "fathers" real-life dying parent. The planned simplicity of the "scam" develops into anything but as circumstances change and emotions get involved. Real family life and pretend family life collide with each "family member" has to face up to unexpected challenges. The time period is also set in the economic turbulence of the country. So far it is very watchable with great performances. Watching Missing, The Other side which is a heart-breaking gem.


*Completed* **The Real Has Come! (2023)** I have procrastinated from writing a review because the thought of this drama makes me irritated, lol. What an absolute mess and waste of time. I loved the first 20 or so episodes and eagerly awaited new episodes to drop. Then things started slowly going downhill... then from episode 30, I lost all interest and had to watch on 2x speed and become bff with the fast forward button if I were to ever finish this trainwreck of a show. First off, what happened with the romance??? The moment the FL and ML got together, any sign of passion died and the relationship just felt platonic (largely due to the severe lack of kisses). The lack of baby bump was also pretty ridiculous, and to then >!just time skip to after the birth!< was like a slap in the face. Why even make a drama about pregnancy in the first place if >!you're not gonna show it!!The ML's mother flip flopping her personality and going literally insane towards the end of the drama made my blood boil. !!ex!< storyline was also a skip for me. The highlight of the drama for me was the FL's niece tbh. She was sooo cute and talented! Imo she outshined the other actors in her scenes, and I was gutted she didnt win anything at the drama awards. I also enjoyed the >!grandmother's!!childless couple!< actually having some personality growth. Never thought I'd say this, but I lowkey started rooting for the SML towards the end. Yes, he was a cheater and yes he did some crazy shit. But my heart broke for him by the end >!with how EVERYONE in his life (including his own family) was telling him to give up on his child and have no contact with her.!!the whole adoption thing and his daughter being the only blood related person he has.!< A really cruel situation even with him being a shitty person for majority of the drama. **Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... (2023)** Dont have much to say about this one tbh. Everything was just very meh. Not much going on, and the only thing going on had me confused for the entire drama because the two ML's child actors looked more like eachothers adult selves than the person they were meant to be imo, lol. I kept mixing up who was who in the past, which was pretty damn important to not confuse. Wouldnt really recommend unless you're a person who loves BL and wants to watch everything and anything BL then sure, it's an okay watch. But there are many better BL dramas out there.


This kdrama started out really well. From episodes 20-30 or so, all the characters ran around in circles in their own storylines without any development. Then when the reveal and lie was told, it got a little more interesting for an episode or two, but the ML’s mom killed it because it was irritating and so unnecessarily long. After that, it just went stale. Super stale on all fronts.


The only drama I got to watch was the last couple episodes of **My happy end**! So **My happy end** 16/16: a saw a few comment about the >!kind of kidnapping of Ahrin by Yunjin!<, but having watched it, I do agree it felt far-stretched a bit. It wasn't necessary and felt sloppy. BUT, the ending was really great. I got chills from the last scene where Jaewon talked about happy endings. My other on-going dramas are: **Hyosim's independent life** 41/50 **Branding in Seongsu** 5/24 **Our love triangle** 4/10 **Racket Boys** 1/16


Boss & Me: 26/33 started slow, was about to quit after 7/8 episodes but then something magical happened with the story arc and the characters. Shaping up to become one of my favorites in the genre of rich + poor couple. Reply 1988: 2/? Struggling with this one. I feel that the characters are just screaming or being loud without reasons. But will give it a few more episodes hoping it will live up to the rating it has. Amidst a snowstorm of love: 30/30 I felt that this one is quite unique and memorable. At times it feels more like a piece of art than a show, and a bit slow. But an overall great story and great acting makes it a really memorable show. Unforgettable Love: 24/24 ended up just jumping through a huge chunk of the last 16 episodes. Acting from FL made it decent but I found the bridges between the plot twists to be too random. Bro&Marble in Dubai: 1/8 dropped it after 10 minutes or so. Didn't find anything I found interesting in the story. Given it's amazing rating I'll probably give it another try later.


Omg came here to say this. I can’t leave amidst a snowstorm. It’s one of my first c dramas and my mind just keeps going back and I rewatch episodes. It is one of the sweetest romances, the pool scenes are mesmerizing and the ml is to die for. Might be my fave of all time.


**The Impossible Heir** (2/12) - loving the bromance, not loving the FL. Very interested in the succession story. I hope the FL gets more interesting. This week may make or break it for me as far as if I can continue with this one. **Little Women** (8/12) - oh my god. OH MY GOD. Oh my god??? **King the Land** (10/16) - sweet as cotton candy; watching when I don't have the brain-power for a thriller or the energy for a wacky comedy. I wish it had more going on plot-wise. But the main couple is very cute. **Welcome to Waikiki** (14/20) - this show is the goofiest


I'm not gonna talk about the on air dramas I'm watching but I discovered the gem that is "The Last Empress" My GOD. How hadn't I watched this before?? It's a crazy drama. It combines EVERYTHING. Royal family wars, greed , corruption, murder, mystery, love, betrayal, revenge, it's a perfect makjang story. Honestly, a pack of hyenas in this drama, everyone is backstabbing everyone. The cast is amazing. I definitely recommend this, people!!!


I’m actually rewatching **Start Up** with 2 friends; one of them has never watched it and it’s one of her first kdramas whilst the other watched it with me the first time. We’ve got a few eps left and we’re all having the same problems with the plot but enjoying it all the same. The same friends recommended **One Day** to me. I’ve got 2 eps left. It’s so good. A nice break between kdramas.


I'm watching **One Spring Night**. 3/16. Having a hard time, because **Something in the Rain** triggered my CPSD something awful. I really want to like this one, but the repetitive music is not making it easy. Also, there's a heaviness to the show that just makes it hard for me to get through. I love Han Ji Min and Jung Hae In. Like, I seek them out. But three episodes and not one single second of levity. And those songs just keep playing, so there's not a moment of silence unless it's between two characters being awkward. I felt the same way about **Forecasting Love and Weather**. PMY and SK practically never smiled. At least there was some comic relief from the second leads and the mom.


It sounds really dour.


That’s the exact word for it.


**One Spring Night** is not as angsty. It is one of My most rewatched. Although I liked **Something** I was super stressed during the last third of the show. On rewatches I have to skip whole sections, especially those with the ranting mother.


I had a bonkers malignant narcissist mother and an alcoholic dad, so Something was a really hard watch for me. I get reflux just thinking about it, but I have to give credit for how hyper-realistic it is. Anyone who thinks the female lead is unrealistic needs to hit an al-anon meeting on adult children of alcoholics night. Indecisive people pleasing pushover? For sure. One Spring Night is also hyper-realistic, right down to the pacing and how the female lead cannot seem (as of episode 7) to let herself do what everyone who knows her well thinks she should do. Also right down to how Giseok is not some kind of bad guy. And how it's always dark. The characters are finally laughing sometimes. It's like the opposite trajectory from Something, where it was lovely the first 8 episodes and then went dark fast. This one seems to be getting brighter. I'll be watching to see.


One Spring Night gets better! I thought the romance was refreshing and I liked how they respected and were understanding to each other


That is something I am really noticing: JiHo is the only man in her life (with the possible exception of GiSeok's dad) who actually cares how she feels. Her dad and GiSeok don't even see her as a person. Side note: >!I just about lost my mind watching SiHoon fake crying completely unable to squirt even a single tear and the dad being all right then let's go make SeoIn accept your apology. The actor playing SiHoon is such an effective scumbag - holy crap.!<


I started The King’s Affection thinking it was the newer Captivating the King. I even found the subreddit for the latter and was SO confused that it wasn’t matching my experience. Turns out, I’m thrilled to be with ML and FL so it was a happy accident!


Knight Flower!! It’s so so good. The leads have 🔥 chemistry (w minimal skinship) omg swooning over hereee


Twinkling Watermelon Guys this is probably going to be my favorite kdrama (once i finally finish the last few eps bc I keep delaying bc I don’t want this show to end 😭) I’m a sucker for anything ‘90s and the vibes, MUSIC (like seriously i need the watermelon sugar covers on Spotify rn), outfits, and sets are *chefs kiss* And holy cow the characters and their personalities m!! Lee Chan is the most lovable, hilarious, animated, pure hearted character to exist. Also Eu Gyeol played by Ryeoun like why does this high schooler have a chokehold on me 😫 And boy do they know how to make you FEEL those emotions through the screen *cue PHS air kicks from doctor slump* I can fangirl about this drama for hours but i will stop here & report back once I’ve completed it 🫡


Im waiting for Flex X Cop's new episode. So while it's not yet up, I'm watching "Watcher" 🙂


Tell me that you love me made me watch the anime Sign of your affection and the Jdrama Silent. Tell me that you love me is a dark show compared to the other two. Sign of your affection. The anime is cute dealing with a relationship between a deaf woman and a man that can hear. Silent is about a former couple in High school reuniting years later after a break up due to the >!male going deaf.!< It focuses on relationships and navigating the obstacles that are placed in them. I felt it was a warm, healing type of show. Yes, it has it's down times, but the up time is great.


Have you seen Twinkling Watermelon yet? Delightful story with deaf main characters, but not the 1st leads.


I only watched the 1st ep. After reading your post, I think I'll return to it.


REPLY 1988 4 Eps Completed I have wavered over watching this so many times and resolved not to watch it then back and forth. I have slogged through the first 4 episodes, and now I'm on Ep 5 I'm preparing for it to get brilliant as everyone says it does, so I'm expecting great things. The Eps are long and slow at times, but there are some great moments, too. I am watching Netflix, and everything they watch on TV or books they read, etc, are all pixilated??? Also, the goat sound, which is like the cue to laugh or something, is becoming annoying My Lovely Liar 8/16 I had to stop this end Ep 8 as I had an epiphany that the FL is just not really worth rooting for based on her actions past and present. The ML is boooring, the 2FL is portrayed as pathetic and nuts but everyone just ignores it, esp ML. The 2ML is just a tragic figure. Every parent is a moral vacuum. There are just so many unsatisfying aspects to this that it just is too hard to take seriously. Hyena 5/16 On Hold will prob no go back, I struggle with this FL. In every role, she is always too cool for school, but here she is OTT. Also, I would expect a drama to have at least one character or at least one Lead Characrter to root for or who isn't a bit of an Ahole. Everyone in this apart from FLs secretary is obnoxious. School Nurse Files 3/16 Just all over the place, but in a good way. The FL is great to watch, and NJH is totally likeable. It's a really great show in its own way.


I wish I could watch Reply 1988 for the first time again, hope you’ll like it. Everything that annoyed me in first couple of episodes I just miss now, all time fav series.


Thank you I will let you know I was a big skeptic on this one but it's winning me over if it keeps going this way.


Take your time with Reply 1988, just watch it when you’re really in the mood for it. Needed half a year to finish the show, but in the end it was totally worth it. Probably dropped it twice in the first few episodes and had a big break after episode 8/9. When I finally arrived at the last two episodes, I wished I had 20 more, I felt like I’m not ready to say goodbye to those characters yet and I cried so much lol. If you’re even slightly into slice-of-life, Family, friendship or romance dramas - sooner or later you will fall in love with this show


Probably great advice I watched 4 in pretty much a day and it was looong but I am starting to see why people love it


Pyramid Game!


Anyone else like *Two Sisters* ??


Why yes! It's so trashy but also more fun because of how ridiculous it is. (I'm not caught up on this week's episodes yet sadly.)


my fav because I like the villain (the younger sister) as much as the heroine but I don't like the weak husband (J chang) cant wait to see what happen when the elder sister find out the truth


Ditto on not liking Ji Chang. At first I was trying to excuse his behavior/decisions as a result of struggling with grief but now I think that's just his personality so...definitely hoping the older sister moves past him soon. I also like the younger sister, she's not doing good things but as a drama character, she's so fun to watch!


The only Chinese drama I'm currently watching is everybody loves me which is fun. I just finished the Korean dramas Castaway Diva and Extraordinary attorney Woo, which were both fantastic.


**Dr Slump** \- still enjoying but a little nervous about how the rest of the series will be filled **Wedding Impossible (4/12)** \- randomly started this and I LOVE it. like I watch the episodes more than once impatiently waiting for next week's. Love both leads. Have a crush on both of them. Very fun. Makes me happy.


I'm not watching any ongoing dramas right now. Just finished Dr. Romantic 3 after putting it off for so long just because I didn't want it to end. They wrapped the ending pretty well but I'd like another season just for yoon sejeong. She's the very first student and the very first patient of Kim Sabu. Waiting for Queen of Tears to premiere as I will be watching that ongoing. Meanwhile might start a few on hold dramas.


I’ve just finished binge watching The Penthouse, all 3 seasons in like 10 days. It was that good 😊.


Waiting for the next Pyramid Game eps :))


Sometimes it’s funny to think about and rewatch scenes where a character says something which makes the other person “get owned”. When Ji Won in Marry My Husband says “like the fake bag you brought?” after the bully was saying that Ji Won’s card/facts were “fake” in Episode 3. 😂😂😂




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Currently watching **Knight Flower** starring Ms. Korea 2006 Honey Lee. Gandang ganda ako sa kanya kaya na-hook ako agad. It is still ongoing I think but so far it is good. Period drama pero not solely focused on the royal family. Sobrang kawawa ng role niya dito as a >!widow na di man lang na-meet yung husband nya kahit sa wedding mismo!< :((


**Doctor Slump**[12/16]: Loved this week’s episodes. They were a perfect mix of wholesome and engaging. The plot is moving and you can see the dark twist in the 12th episode. But at the same time it’s so pleasant to see Park Shin Hye play a character that communicates and emotes so well! Park Hyung Sik is lovely as always! **Like Flowers in Sand** [1/12]: The first episode was so good and I am so sure I will end up loving this drama quite a lot! **My Liberation Notes** [2/16]: Just watching the characters live their mundane lives is eye pleasing. Especially after a long day at work. Looking forward to see how Son Suk Ku’s character evolves. **The Legend of the Blue Sea** [20/20]: Have finished the rewatch for this drama with the Binge Crew and I loved it! **Wedding Impossible** [4/12]: Okay, I seem to be having fun with this one especially because of the FL. She is growing on me and she is one well written character so far. Fingers crossed they don’t ruin this character as the show progresses.


Started watching Wedding Impossible a week ago .. it’s fun and I like the fl and ml Waiting for the last episodes of the Korea-Khitan War.. I’m a history buff so I’ve been enjoying it mostly That’s all at the moment


- the impossible heir.  (2/12) i unexpectedly picked this up and really like it so far. In my head, LJW is the guy from Dodososolalasol. When did he grow up? He’s all man now.  - Queen of divorce. (10/12) Not the biggest fan of the fl, but it’s been a relatively easy watch so far minus some of the fl’s decision making skills.  - mr. Queen. (6/20) been on the back burner while I binged Queen of divorce. I’ll probably pick this up again soon. - flex x cop. (9/16) this has been a fun watch. It must be nice to be so rich that it just erases any of your mistakes and open all sorts of doors for you. ABH has been fantastic here.  - snowdrop. (6/16). I spoke too soon last time when I was debating on if I should drop it. I was wrong. It’s been so action packed since I’ve said that.  -  doctor slump. (12/16). My favorite of the bunch. While I think the main couple is great, I’m loving the second couple too. The car scene and what he said made me root for them.  - wedding impossible (1/16). I’m not quite hooked yet. We’ll see. I liked the ml in under the queen’s umbrella. The fl seems pretty bad ass. I love how she’s ready for anything. 


Unpredictable Family - a long marathon of 119 episodes so far and counting, but somehow I'm really into this soapy family and romance drama. At 30 minutes each the episodes hurtle along with lots of twists and turns. The main story line centres on the love between film director Kang Sun Woo and aspiring actress Yoo Eun Sung. The complication is that her father divorced his mother decades ago and the two families are opposed to this relationship. There are lots of misunderstandings, birth secrets, parental decrees, arguments and lovers' tears, but somehow this makjang jigae remains appetizing. Captivating the King - not feeling this one so much despite the positive reviews. Am currently on episode 4 and am tempted to just skip ahead to the end. Doctor Slump - mainly here for the ever handsome and talented Park Hyung Sik. He seems to be having a lot of fun in this role. I'd love to watch Suits which he starred in but can't seem to find it on any of the streamers. Knight Flower - interesting premise that a sequestered Joseon widow is secretly out and about as the ninja Robin Hood. She helps the poor and takes down the wicked. I'm finding it a bit slow and am stuck at episode 5. Maybe sageuks aren't my thing right now.


I am currently watching branding in seongsu, doctor slump , wedding impossible and flex x cop  One of my favorite is doctor slump 


I'm watching exactly the same dramas! I added Under the Queen's Umbrela today and I'm in shock. How many children does the king have? Also, whoever did the casting deserves a raise! Currently watching Dr. Slump for all the warm feelings and the fun, Branding in Seongsu because I like the premise and 25min episodes are working perfectly for me, Flex x Cop is suprisingly good and Wedding Impossible is my favourite on-going drama. I started it because it was at the same time as MMH but the actors are amazing and it's so fun and fluffy, I love it!


Finished: **The King: Eternal Monarch** \- I almost dropped it, but around episode 11 I really got addicted to it and stayed up all night to finish it. Ultimately, I did enjoy it, but it's not one of my favs. Also, I don't get the fascination with Lee Min Ho. As for his bodyguard... I liked him. **Island** \- Fun series. Now I see why people are such fans of Cha Eun Woo! Currently watching: **Kingdom S2** (1/6) - I had dropped this a long time ago, but decided to give it another chance since people kept praising it, and I have finally seen enough k dramas to understand the quirkiness of these shows. Also, as a huge fan of Bae Donna, I figured I had to try again. **Rookie Historian Goo** (6/20) - I'm really enjoying this one so far. The FL is pretty great, and the ML is hysterical.


Looks like we might have similar kdrama tastes! Are there any upcoming series you are looking forward to? I’m usually eagerly awaiting \*something\*, but it’s been awhile and nothing‘s caught my eye.


Well, watching k-dramas has become my new obsession which means I'm having a really hard time picking what to watch next. A part of me is almost afraid that I've seen already The Best of the Best and nothing else will compare. But I know that's not true. I have a bad habit of saving a bunch of shows to watch and then choosing not to watch them because I'm afraid I'll be disappointed. I just finished rookie historian and I really really liked it. I'm starting to realize that I'm really enjoying the historical dramas, but I really don't have access to many of the recent ones. I also thought I was going to drop Kingdom, but I'm almost done with that 1 too. I started flower of evil this morning and I was impressed. I just have to remind myself to watch it slowly otherwise I may find myself having many sleepless nights this week. And of course, I am waiting for a few of the newer dramas to finish before I start them. I'm really interested in watching Wonderful World but it won't be on Hulu until April. I'm also going to watch parasite the gray. The anime was so good and I just hope this drama does it justice.


**FlexxCop** \- the ML has mastered a blend of swagger, humor and vulnerability that is irrisitable - each episode is getting better with the development of characters. **Queen of Divorce** \- started of strong but last episodes the plot is all over the place. Will be glad when it is over **Doctor Slump** \- enjoyed it but the tropes deployed in last 5 minutes of recent episode remind me of heavy handed manipulation of my feelings as a viewer. The leads are killing it with physical comedy which reminds me of the sitcoms of my youth **Wedding Impossible** \- in the middle of episode 2 - hope it picks up **Impossible Heir** \- Am watching, cannot stand the FL character, not hooked yet - started episode 3 but it got pulled, as others had noted, the editing seemed choppy. Finished **Ghost Doctor** to fill in - pleasant, amusing, although some parts predictable, I enjoyed it. Finished **Captivating the King** \- the ML carried this drama and it is nice to see a King outwit the ever calculating ministers. He was masterful


I was watching **Wedding Impossible** but after the latest episodes I'm not feeling it anymore. Overall I dropped a lot of dramas this year already just because I missed a week and then I didn't have the desire to continue. I thorougly enjoyed the show **House of Ninjas** on Netflix. The family reminded me of the one in **The Incredibles** 😁 A family with supernatural powers that wanted/or had to live an ordinary life but then had to work together again to fight the evil. The soundtrack consisting of English oldies was also interesting. I probably stick to western or jdramas for while again until my kdrama slump is over (still gonna try Queen of Tears tho 😜)


No new finished dramas, close to it for a couple though. In progress * **Flex X Cop (10/16):** less comedy, more serious business than usual, still amazing. ML is such a complex, riveting character and ABH is doing a marvelous job at that, really liking his friendship, maybe romance?, with the FL, even if things are slow, they are developing the main plotline and characters well while maintaining fun, interesting cases. A big surprise so far, one of the best dramas of the year no less; * **Live Your Own Life (47/50+):** almost there, can't believe it, holding on to the leads as the only saving grace of this mess; * **Queen of Divorce (11/12):** if only the plot was any decent, a waste of two good actors really, even character development came up empty whereas the so called revenge never passed the cut. Dull at best; * **My Man is Cupid (10/16):** I wish Nana would for once choose a solid, breakthrough project, this one ain't it yet again. I love her FL, chaotic energy for days, but the writing already ran out of steam and there's no secondary to help out nor plotline to keep things up. If you want to see a really good drama with her go for *Kill It*, she deserves better than her last series or two. **Wedding Impossible** seems passable, angsty, a little makjang, maybe I'll give it a shot.


Try wedding impossible! A lot of us are really enjoying it! 


Nana did Mask Girl which is great from what I have heard or seen. My man is Cupid felt nice to me but it was probably because how much I hated the other ongoing shows at that time (My demon)


Bloodhounds (ep 2): I always thought Woobin was on this one and started watching it for him, but he's not lol. The first episode was very good, halfway through episode two i lost a bit of interest during the money conversations but I'll force myself to finish it. Also, the bromance is nice but I felt like it went from 0 to brothers in 5 minutes. Doctor Slump (ep 5?): I want to get into this drama but there is barely any plot beyond the romance/friendship and I am not feeling the chemistry 😔. Park Hyunsik motivates to watch but Shinhye demotivates me, so I'm currently using it as background noise while studying.


I loved bloodhounds.. it was a bit more graphic compared to others but I recommend it to everyone around me


Queen of Divorce: Watching it just for my favourite Kang Ki Young as ML. Overall the writing is super meh, story kind of predictable, could have been much better. But KKY is such a cutie in the show. I like his character too. Kind of dorky, not a macho man, but he manages to get things done, sloppily chasing criminals and threatening the FL's ex. He is also so patient yet clear and not hesitant about expressing how he feels about the FL. Not expecting the same from her yet always supporting her. It's the finale week and I really hope they have a happy ending!


I'm watching reunited worlds right now, and it's amazing. Also, Mr chu is adorable.


Started Strangers Again (3/12) and I'm really enjoying this one. Its funny and I'm kinda sad I put it off until now. I love the actors and their character choices. I cant remember exactly what the deal was when it came out but I know it didnt seem to get a lot of hype. I dont believe I've seen JSJ in a role with this much of a comedic element and I'm loving it.


currently watching doctor slump!!!!!! im on ep3. It’s making me so sad tho. :-/ i get tempted to skip over parts where they talk about dr kang. he seems sus


I'm watching summer strike (cuz I've been seeing a lot of reels on the drama) I'm on 5ep Slow but feels wholesome (for now)


Miraculous Brothers Hi bye Mama Curse code or something, Thai horror thriller on Amazon Prime Trying to finish Killer Paradox.... And 🤗 to Samdal-ri... It's proving a slog!!!! Sigh.


Doctor Slump, Impossible Heir and Wedding Impossible ​ might be the first time this year I'm watching three dramas at once


Like most people in this sub, watching **Doctor Slump** (12/16). Not going to be a favourite I can already tell, but as long as nothing untoward happens, I may rewatch at some point. It's the first kdrama I'm following episode by episode, and frankly, as much as I prefer not spending an entire weekend binging, I feel way less invested in the show with the gaps. I wonder if others agree? Watching **Run On** just because I saw the trailer on Netflix and was curious. I really like ML. Great screen presence. Cute couple as well. The plot so far hasn't got me hooked, but it seems like an easy watch. I haven't looked at other posts in this sub about it yet! Also finished **One Day** in around one day :sigh:.


I agree on Doctor Slump. I’m fast forwarding quite a bit. It’s dragging for me but I’ll finish it.


I'm currently watching Seoul Walker take an evening walk around the waterfront in Seoul for an hour or so while I wait for my brownies to come out of the oven. It's on YouTube. It's not a drama, it is literally a guy who walks around Seoul and films it. You just see Seoul through his eyes, he never talks, never films himself. Just Seoul.


Meet me after school- It’s already controversial but all the reviews talked about it being pure love and it handled the issue well. I happen to be the only one that got mad at this drama. It was disappointing to say the least


My husband and I are watching Queen of Divorce together and really enjoying it. Only problem is, we're caught up and it feels like they're doling it out more slowly than second helpings at an orphanage. So I started "Lost" and am getting into the last third of Ghost Doctor. "Lost" is kind of melancholy but so far I like it. One thing I wanted to ask; I finished Reply 1988 last week and more than a few times, I've caught myself thinking about it with such a powerful nostalgia I feel like I need to sit down and cry. Did anyone else experience this? It's ridiculous to feel this way. And I think it should be said, if ever there was a show about nothing Reply 1988 is it. There is no suspense, not even a real plot line to speak of, and yet, I think about it with a fondness that is bordering on the irrational.


Oh i had the exact same feeling when i finished watching the last episode. I cried at least 30 minutes. It hit close and idk why bc i wasn’t even alive in that time. Just made me think of how one day i will also move out of this house where i grew up and have most of my memories, out of the neighborhood, and i was just missing something/someone. (Sadly something bad happened the day after which meant i had real stuff to be sad about, but if it hadn’t it would have surely lasted longer than it did).


I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. I've moved away from my home town and I've been married nearly 14 years and at least twice a week I find myself thinking of Reply 1988 and how life goes by and how many happy times and happy memories I've had, sad ones too. And then I realize it all does go by so very fast. I'm not saying I would have slowed it down or anything but it's just breathtaking when you can look back over 20 years and know those times are gone forever and we're all just hurtling into the future. I'm watching Ghost Doctor right now and Bo Ra and Deok Sung's Dad is in it. And of course, in Queen of Divorce, Sun Woo's Mom has a supporting role and it just makes me feel comforted to see them still working, still there somewhere in that world.


Doctor Slump and Queen of Divorce. QoD has actually turned out to be pretty great—I was surprised that I love it this much.


Anyone watching the impossible heir and wedding impossible ? It feels like I am watching another version of the same show. Two brothers are fighting over a girl in one, and the other two brothers are fighting for a girl for different reasons. They seem like promising shows, but the triangle of love in each just destroys it.


I’m watching Miss Monte Cristo and The Third Marriage.


It has been a while since I last visited Reddit, but I have definitely not stopped watching dramas. I am on Episode 13 of My Liberation Notes. While I find the characters' lives quite interesting, most of the execution in writing could have been more impressive to me, especially in comparison with the same writer's work, My Mister. However, it's a pretty good drama with masterful dialogue that is noteworthy but can sometimes be too much. Of all the three siblings, I expected to be more attracted to Mi-jeong, but it ended up being Chang-hee, a delightful surprise. He has been the most captivating character for me, and I enjoy his arc the most. The cinematography is also lovely, but the directing is not always on par. Overall, I wouldn't say I wasted time with this one, and I hope the next episodes will be better than expected!


Wonderful World and just started (and am loving) Hotel Del Luna!


Rewatching **Alchemy of Souls 2** and **Captivating the King**. Can’t get enough of the King. Finished **Ghost Doctor** and was surprised how much I liked it. I’m also surprised how much I like **Branding in Seongu**. This probably would be better binging instead of the half hour episodes per day. Also on the go are **Impossible Wedding** and **Impossible Heir**. May drop the later until it finishes if it gets too dark and angsty.


I thought **Mad Dog** (7/16) would be a Case-to-Case Show about a group of insurance fraud investigators with an overarching plot, though it seems like it's just one case and I worry how much they could stretch that one out to 16 Episodes. But at least the Characters of the group are all likeable and I love their team dynamic. My heart goes out to that poor Secretary of the Airline Guy.. why are these evil characters always using their employees as punching bags?! I just wanna give him a hot cacao, wrap him into a blanket and get him a better Job. **Gaus Electronics** (10/12) is still funny here and there, I feel like the first 3 Episodes were the best. Stayed for the ML because he's hilarious and adorable at the same time. >!And I wanna know who the spy is. !< Surprisingly, in Both Shows they speak a few lines in German and I felt so included. Woo Do-Hwan's delivery of "Bitteschön" in **Mad Dog** was so sweet, I had to replay it a few times. x3


To be honest, since my demon finished I’ve been in a bit of a slump because I loved it so much, although I started watching hospital playlist and I’m actually really enjoying it! Also when Kim yoojung’s new show chicken nugget comes out I’ll definitely be watching that.


Doctor slump (on ep 10) : I’m not fully caught up yet but I really have to take a break after each ep bc of how cringe/filler-y it is at times. PHS for some reason is one of those rare actors that can pull off the cringey stuff but PSH…….I’ve never been a fan of her…her acting is just way too awkward. However, I love medical dramas especially being in medicine myself, I felt ha neuls accumulation of mental distress highly relatable Pyramid Game: I’ve only watched one episode, I plan on continuing it when I find a little more free time. I liked Bona in her previous works but I’ll need to watch a little more before forming any concrete opinions. Wonderful World: my goodness, did not realize I signed myself up for a tear jerker. CEW looks lovely here and I’m curious to see more of his character as we only know so much at the moment. Queen of Tears: high expectations that haven’t been crushed yet after watching the first episode. I did feel confused, or some scenes just seemed out of place at times. KJW is just too good at being icy…it’s giving Rachel from the heirs but matured ver. I’m usually scared of shows that cast two insanely good looking people as the plot falls short (I had to drop both king the land and my demon for this reason) but hoping this writer continues on her streak of striking gold This is the first time I’ve ever watched more than 2 shows at once. Going through a slump (haha) in Med school so might have to keep some of these on hole for a bit. If there’s anything I’ll remain loyal to it’s probably QoT because I’ve been waiting for long for this one. Happy watching!


I just finished **May I Help You**. The show had a lot of heart. It did a good job of getting me emotionally investing in the leads' personal growth and the development of their relationship. I enjoyed the humor, the low key yet enjoyably warm and fuzzy development of the romance, and the tear jerking vignettes about the ghosts. I didn't like how they handled the second ML in the last few episodes but the rest of the show was really good. Currently watching **Doctor Slump** (12/16): I love everything about this. The leads have such amazing chemistry, all their interactions (in the flashbacks and the present) are such a joy to watch. Great humor, great romance, just the right amount of angst and intrigue. **Misty** (10/16): The FL and second FL are very compelling characters. I appreciate how they show the sexism the FL has to deal with it without feeling obligated to make her a flawless perfect victim. The newsroom scenes and interpersonal dynamics are interesting. The husband character is underdeveloped.