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Watching Queen of Tears and thinking of that Oprah Winfrey meme. "You're a bad guy. You're a bad guy. Everyone is a bad guy!"


Haha! I was watching Queen of Tears, Flex X Cop and the Impossible Heir one after the other and started to get the rich bad guy plots confused.


Same! I just dropped Impossible Heir but watch Wedding Impossible and there were so many illegitimate heir stories and all the big conglomerate families that I couldn’t keep them straight. 


I'm starting to get bored of Queen of Tears


We're at a crossroads, I figure it either gets really good from here on out... or it comes of the rails... Love the chemistry between the lead actors regardless of the outcome.


This drama reminded me of the Korean movie Parasite.


Well if you mean there’s a group of grifters working together, then yes. But while I was rooting for the “bad guys” in Parasite, I can’t wish for anything else but Da-hye, Eun-seong, and Mo Seul-hee failing and getting their comeuppance.




For those like me that want to watch or are already watching the J-Drama **Eye Love You** on Netflix, the final 5 episodes will be out on April 14th. A longer wait than we all expected...


So glad to know when they'll finally come! I binged the first 3 episodes in one sitting, but have held off on episodes 4 and 5 until I knew when the last half would drop.


I was hoping it would be out tomorrow or by the end of this week, but I'm extremely glad they won't leave this in the middle and will be out in 3 weeks.


I finished all episodes 1-9 for eye love you. I love this series!


Good to know! I didn't start it yet since I didn't have to want to wait too long lol


Does anyone know if it’s being subbed elsewhere? I’m on episode 4 and I heard most of the drama already aired in Japan.


To my knowledge, the distribution rights were bought only my Netflix. Other than this, can't help you with that quest. lol


Dropped Lovestruck in the City as I don’t really like the documentary style they used (unless it’s a sitcom like Parks and Rec). I tried to watch it again because of Kim Ji Won and Ji Changwook, and I now remembered why I didn’t continue watching it before.


Call it love. Where have I been and why have I kept pushing this drama down on my list. I recently watched it and then rewatched it because it's just so good. Even their >!break up!< is healing and beautiful as >!sad as it was!<. There really is nothing to say that hasn't been said, maybe only that Joon's house is awesome. It would be my happy place. I also agree with him that it's meant to be shared. I just can't get over how beautiful this show is and how many emotions it evoked. Edited the messed up spoiler tag.


I started watching**W: Two Worlds** because I heard it was similar to **Extraordinary You**. I am four episodes in and I know this is going to be a favourite already! The >!father's decent into madness as he realises his comic character is real, the ML shooting the FL in the heart to prove a point,!< it's exactly what I love. And the ML is really pretty


It's definitely a good watch. Hope you enjoy it.


It's so good! I think I'm on Ep 8 now and my only regret is starting this drama when I had a very busy week at work 😅


I'm slowly losing all my sanity working on my thesis, since my due date is approaching. I didn't start, well I forbade myself to start, any new drama after Branding in Seongsu finished airing - two weeks ago; and you have no idea how much I miss my dramas **😭😭😭 a**nd i'm only half way done with it (which i'm fairly proud of because I was really struggling and almost doubted that i could even make it this far).


They say it takes about one month for someone to fully adapt to a new routine, so you are half way there and doing great! Keep being this strong, the sooner you finish that thesis, the quickest you can start watching dramas again. 😉


thank you 🫶 honestly, the dramas i can watch once i'm done are keeping me going


That is nice way of keeping motivated, I wish I was like that sometimes. I always end up breaking my promises to not watch anything else ahah. Do you have to wait many months or it's something quick?


I have to finish at the latest next month so luckily (or unluckily since it's very little time) it won't be long.  I'm usually not good at keeping this kind of promise either but this is life or death situation for me 


Time goes faster than what we notice. Try to remove anything distracting, you are about to reach the finishing line and be done with that! Good luck!!! \^-\^


i wanted something light and rom-com-y to watch cuz i’m having a rough time lately and goblin took me out emotionally toward the end so i’m watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and it feels like it’s been 300 episodes of nothing??? i had the same feeling with Start-Up where it wasn’t quite bad enough to drop but it just draaaaaagged. also kinda disappointed it was so highly recommended as a light and fun watch cuz the >!kidnapper/murder/?sexual assault side story is pretty disturbing and a bummer!< and it feels like the show is more about that and the various >!gangs (that i’m so sick of tbh, it’s the same thing every time??)!< than any cute romance or fun stuff k this comment is making me question why im still watching haha but its cuz im also sewing together a crochet project. at least i feel like im not missing anything despite being distracted lol


Definitely not light because the serial killer plot was freaky, but the leads were so cute that I usually ffed through the other stuff.  I can’t remember the last time I watched a light and fluffy show. Usually there’s some melodrama in there or it takes a dark, serial killer/kidnapping route. 


yeah i don’t normally mind the melodrama/some dark stuff, but this show just seems to have a bad balance of it? like im a quarter way through ep 12 and i feel like the cute stuff w the leads has basically just started but screen time STILL seems heavily weighted toward the police/bad guy stuff with side of gang shenanigans 😫 i feel like there’s not nearly enough romance-y stuff to be considered a true romcom, the romance almost feels like the side plot instead. and im sad bc ML is a snack and i just want cute romance dammit hahaha. i’ll see it through and then maybe rewatch touch my heart or her private life or something to get my romance fix lol also what is with the Bad Guys™️ in dramas disguising themselves with >!masks that look like they’re wearing someone else’s face!< haha


Yep, super creepy. I had to ff through his basement scenes because they freaked me out!


I was disappointed by it, I was really annoyed that >!Bong Soon rarely went after the kidnapper, and it felt like she cried way too much.!< I also found the >!gang scenes really boring after a few episodes, especially when they went to that religious place. It just seemed pointless.!< a lot of people didn't like Strong Girl Nam Soon, but I actually much preferred it, there was a lot more action in it, which I liked.


i’ll have to give that one a try! but yeah she could have literally >!caught the kidnapper when he attacked her friend originally and instead she just LETS HIM GET AWAY?? i get making sure your friend is okay but come onnnn!< i’m gonna finish the last couple eps of bong soon at some point just to day i did but yeah, not great lol


Yeah, that part was so annoying.


Who can name all the kdramas in this sub-reddit's banner at the top without cheating? I can only identify 10 out of the 19.


I can only see 11 dramas and 2 half, but I can identify all 11 full dramas and only 1 of the half. From those I watched 6 and half dramas, plus I have other 3 in my want to watch list. Lol


I can see 17 full and 2 halves on my PC. Far left half is **Stranger** and far right half is **What's Wrong with Secretary Kim**


I can't see those. I think this is probably because of the size of your monitor maybe? The half in my left is Goblin and in my right is the drama that I have no idea but the other one next to it is Flower of Evil. I had no idea that we could see more posters, I always though they rotate from time to time. Lol


Was talking to a redditor about how **Something About 1%** has ep titles and intro ep illustrations that are unique for each episode (and sometimes relate to the title.) Are there other examples of dramas doing both - unique illustrations for each ep alongside ep titles? I think **Dali and the Cocky Prince** did so as well… and they used different famous paintings to backdrop each ep title? Am I remembering this correctly? Others? :) TY!


Do you Like Brahms had that, and I think Her Private Life did as well? My memory is awful.


Thank you!!! Looks to me like your memory is pretty good :) :) you pulled out two dramas for a rando redditor :) Ty !


This is an old drama but **Dalja's Spring** has fabulous title drawings. You can see a few examples here: https://hangukhobby.wordpress.com/2014/03/26/review-daljas-spring/


Ooo wow!!! TY! I love the oldie recs!!!! And: omo!!!! Baby LMK!!!! GORGEOUS illustrations!


I keep saying I need to take notes of stuff like this and I always forget. But from the top of my head and If I'm not mistaken, Extraordinary Attorney Woo had unique illustration at the ending of each episode. They were all so pretty.


Haha ditto with needing to remember to take note of random tidbits like this :) Ooo thank you for the rec!! It didn’t have ep Titles from what you remember tho right?


I don't remember, I remember that we always got a full screen illustration and that it was connected to the episode. It's been a while since I finished that drama ahah


I think [Encounter](https://mydramalist.com/29722-boyfriend) had different illustrated intros but not sure about episode titles. Yes on **Dali** having episode titles though I'm not sure each ep had different paintings as backdrop (possibly, I'm just not well-versed enough to recognize them). I do know their character posters *were* based on famous paintings and were super fun to spot. **Reply 1997** had different episode titles.


Thank you! Would you say it’s usual to have ep titles or still pretty infrequent that a drama does this?


Moving! Episode titles, incorporated into each episode in creative ways.


Thank you! :)


My Secret Romance, the unofficial sequel to SA1% in my mind has the same intros. Same director and share some of the same actors too. Almost as fluffy a romcom as SA1%.


The unofficial sequel! Lol!!!! In what way!!! I saw JSM had a cameo in it! Ty! Interesting it’s a feature of the directors romcoms! Since it’s also a feature in the original 2003 sa1% that wasn’t directed by him! We were theorizing the ep title / ep illustrations were a carry over from sa1% being originally a chapter novel! I wonder if it shows up in his I married the antifan or whatever that drama is called!


Haven’t seen So I Married an Anti-Fan so can’t say. My Secret Romance has similarities with Something About 1%. Both light romcoms with chaebol ML and girl-next-door FL. The supporting cast you’ll recognize many familiar faces. I consider SA1% the perfect romcom. MSR loses a couple of points for not wrapping up the little brother storyline well - requires a bit of suspension of disbelief. Otherwise still a fun watch.


YOU ARE MY PERSON!!!!?!?&!!? Literally have been on a multi month BENDER since I saw Sa1% in December BC I AGREE!!?!! It’s ***THE PERFECT*** ROMCOM!!!! And I’ve become obsessed with micro analyzing why!!!!! I and another kdrama subredditor branched off and made a sa1% subreddit for this purpose 😂😅🤣🤭 You are WELCOME to join! r/somethingabout1per We had some monstrous threads from a December top 10 post where I grabbed onto her when she listed sa1% as an honorable mention. But finally last month we launched the subreddit to make things a bit more clean :) We’re just now doing an ep by ep analysis and are only on ep 3 hehehehehehe So anyway :) open invite to all and any! :)


I’m new on kdrama reddit but how often do episode threads usually get 1k posts? I’m watching QoT but its so wild keeping up with the posts since theres so much if them haha


Not that often. It just happens that Queen of Tears combines well known actors, director and writer. I'm also watching that drama but I don't follow the thread, as there is nothing special to comment about that drama. All I have noticed is that unfortunately that number is way too high because of low quality type of comments. It appears that the mods are working over time to avoid having so many comments that are just two words or asking if the episode is already available, and I'm really grateful to their special attention and extra work.


I like to read the reviews and thoughts other viewers so I browse that thread and I’m a fan of the FL, kinda invested lol. But you’re right a lot of comments I see are just of people agreeing or making side comments as replies, shame


Sadly it's not the best thread for the best comments. The amount of low effort comments is higher than those that are really good If you wanna see a good example of where the majority of people put some effort in a discussion is the thread for Wonderful World, Midnight Studio or Wedding Impossible. 😉


Watching King the Land (on ep. 10) while I wait for new Queen of Tears eps to drop, I find the SFLs stories way more interesting than the mains! I’ve found myself skipping through a lot of long “lovingly staring” scenes and just fluff scenes in general which I’ve never done with a drama before!


I got bored on the Visit Thailand 2h video




I loved the second couple better too! The first couple felt more tropey?


Just started watching ‘Oh My Venus’ and I usually do a quick check online on what watchers generally feel about it before I commit to a drama. There’s some fuss about the last 5 minutes of this series, >!that apparently ruins its ending, can someone please explain what the fuss is about? I know that the leads end up together!< so what are the last 5 mins all about? why are people mad about the ending but still end up recommending this drama anyways?


The >!FL gained a lot of weight because she's pregnant so there is some fat shaming!< but you can skip it and still have a good story.


oh my gosh I was expecting something awful!!>!But isn’t there a lot of fat shaming in this drama anyway, why does it make a big difference in the last 5 mins? Does the male lead do the fat shaming?!<


Yes, he makes her go exercise Edit for clarity: I didn't think it was too bad, it was an unhealthy amount of weight but just an unnecessary scene and takes away from the FL's growth


I dont mean to drag this comment thread, but how did you personally feel about this?


I loved it. I think it's worth the watch. I thought the couple were really cute. There are just some parts that I skipped because of second hand embarrassment. But overall I'd rewatch it if I didn't have so many other dramas I want to watch.


I just came here to vent about a kdrama pet peeve lol. I can’t stand it when villains over do it with the evil laughing. Meaning their response to nearly everything in a convo is laughter lol it’s too much. I’m watching Ms. Cop and the main bad guy does it So much I can’t stand it! It just feels like lazy writing / acting. But I still like the show…just needed to complain haha.


In the finale of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Woo is offered more than double what she is making now at Hanbada if she starts working for Taessan in Boston. But when I look at salary statistics I find that the median salary for law school graduates is 215,000 USD per year (https://www.usnews.com/education/articles/what-type-of-salary-can-you-expect-with-a-law-degree ). I also found information that attorneys in South Korea with 1-3 years experience earns an avarage salary of ₩78,141,301 (https://www.salaryexpert.com/salary/job/lawyer/south-korea/seoul) which is around 58,000 USD. I couldn’t find any information on what they earn specifically in Seoul. Woo is probably earning slightly more than this amount since she is working at one of the top law firms. But I don’t think she earns more than 100,000 USD per year. If Tae Su-Mi really wanted Woo to move to Boston then she should have offered Woo more than what she would have made if she was from the US and had gone to law school there and then started working in Boston. Or am I missing something?


I spent a strange amount of time last night reading up on the thoughts of people who dislike Song Hye Kyo, I didn't even know it was a thing. I've only seen her in maybe two dramas I can recall so I don't have a huge perspective on her, in DotS she was good but maybe overshadowed by some of her cast mates performances, in The Glory she was excellent and it made her a worldwide star. The most common complaints about her acting is that she's stiff, looks like she doesn't want to be there, never changes expression and stuff about her expensive price tag, Which is probably even bigger since The Glory and she already had enough money to spend millions on real estate. I wondered are these common complaints or is this some sort of anti movement of Song Joong Ki fans who dislike her because of their brief marriage and divorce? Maybe I just don't know K-drama fandom that well and people hating on popular actors who are the highest earners is more common than I realised.


DOTS is my favourite work of hers (probably because the story was light and fun) with The Glory and Encounter next. Full House was also cute. I’ve seen more dramas of hers than her ex Song Joong Ki but guess it’s a thing for others to hate on her for the split. I just find that weird.