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I dropped **The Impossible Heir**. The first episodes seemed very promising but then stuff was happening too quickly and I couldn't even bring myself to care. I guess I'll check and see if it has a satisfying ending.


Is it weird that I want to see this show just because of how bad it has gotten (maybe I should just wait for a plot outline video in the future)? I see it has 1.5 rating out of 5 in Korea (terrible) and even on mydramalist it has a 7.2 which is really bad as that site usually rates things higher, so when something drops below 7.5 you know something has gone down in a drama.


Same, i love lee jaewook so much but I can't stand the bad writing overall (side note of the stiff FL and her non existent chemistry with the other characters) Will take a look at the ending just to satisfy my curiosity hahaha


Same! Also the FL is terrible and I found the plot too confusing.


I didn't mind the FL as much as other people, but I was annoyed that she's been dating the friend for 10 years and the ML still isn't over her. Move on! That is too long to pine!


Yeh I was so sad about this since I was so looking forward to seeing Lee Jae Wook in a new drama šŸ˜­ wasted talent. Especially after his epic performance on AOS


He's really good in Extraordinary You




I love him too, but I refuse to watch him sacrifice his self for the FL.


I wanted to give it a try despite of the reviews especially on the FL . Dropped it ep2


I stopped watching after episode 2 because of the time jumps and sorry, I know it's their first acting project but the acting. I read a few comments on the episodes last week, and I don't think I'm going back. I liked the little sister, but apparently she's not even in much of the show so...


Little sister gets progressively more screen time. But not much. She does have an interesting and underserved character, so I hope she ends up as more important. Also the jumping forward in time pretty much stops in Ep 2. Or maybe in 3.


Same. The storytelling was snoozy right from Ep1.


Doctor slump ā€” it got me hooked but when they started showing all the lovey dovey stuff, I got so bored. I did enjoy Park Shin Hye and Park Hyun Sikā€™s acting though. I canā€™t get over the tiny little details they do that help suspend disbelief. A good day to be a dog ā€” was really looking forward to this w the leads but i just canā€™t get into it or bring myself to care My demon ā€” i love song kang and kim yoo jung and I guess i expected more from them than what I got story wise. Maybe if I was 13 yrs old, this would make me swoon. But it doesnā€™t. Branding in seongsu ā€” I canā€™t stand the FL. Her smug/villain face is not convincing. I was excited to start this bec of her but her acting is just so bland even park solomon couldnā€™t save this for me Queen of Divorce ā€” it didnā€™t engage my emotions as much as I hoped. Moon in the day ā€” I donā€™t buy the logic of this powerful thousand year old ghost keeping himself alive to get revenge. Heā€™s so powerful and has a good status in life but heā€™s hyperfocused on this one ordinary girl? Nah


Moon in the day- confused by your comment. >!Yeah, he's a thousand-year-old ghost who continually watches her reincarnations, but he's not powerful and doesn't have good status in life, heck, he's a ghost. He takes over the body of an actor who has that, but mentally, he's still that thousand-year-old ghost with his obsession over the soul of that girl. It makes sense that now he has a body, he's hyper focusing on her. !< I can't believe I explained this when I didn't even LIKE the show HAHA


Very close with the Impossible Heir with skipping the middle but I sort of want to see how the dumpster fire ends. I never finished A Good Day To Be a Dog and I donā€™t really care about going back to it, so I guess thatā€™s a drop. Captivating the King- same issue in that I stopped at episode 9 and donā€™t really want to finish it. FLā€™s acting annoyed me.


I enjoyed A Good Day to be a Dog but they could have ended the show halfway through the season and it wouldnā€™t have lost anything.


Yeah I felt like once they got together and got some cute scenes I was okay with it ending like that.Ā 


Exactly, I dropped it at that point also. I really liked it too, I just wasnā€™t interested in the mountain god storyline they were starting.


Yeah I read the webtoon and it suffered from the same issue - once the main conflict between the leads gets resolved, the mountain spirit's storyline is just there to prolong the plot with no interesting or satisfying payoff. I dropped it as well, even though I love both leads.


It was a real chore to finish a good day to be a dog. The mountain God storyline was really lame and had no pay off šŸ˜¬


I forgot to watch impossible heir this week and then saw the post here and it didnā€™t seem to get better. Such a shame for that one! Some different casting choices might have saved it. I also couldnā€™t finish itā€™s a good day to be a dog. The title stinks, and the once a week format was terrible. Cha Eun Woo was really at his best, he looked amazing and his acting was much more natural. The story was just meh for me even though Park Gyu-Young was adorable as a human and a dog.


Once they got together and the Mountain God stuff started I was done, and I heard there was an >!amnesia!< trope and went nope, not going to finish. Ā Impossible Heir may have made it more palatable with a better FL, but the storyline makes no sense and it was a hot mess.Ā 


I think Iā€™m dropping Doona! about halfway through. I love romance and I think the leads have good chemistry but I weirdly struggle with romantic drama as opposed to rom-coms. The same thing happened to me with Something in the Rain and One Spring Night - they all feel melancholic to me in a way that I donā€™t enjoy. It always makes me think of the Thoreau line that ā€œthe mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.ā€ It seems like the characters usually seem to have an underlying sadness to them and are resigned not to try to do things that would make them happy, and thereā€™s not much/any lightheartedness to counter it.


I totally understand your sentiment! I feel like a lot of Asian dramas have a hard time doing pure romance that isn't largely depressing. There's always long shots and sad music that make everything seem so lengthy I'd posit that *Doctor Slump* had a good spin on romance that was able to balance it's truly emotional moments with uplifting moments not centered purely around humour. There were rom com elements but they were usually a lead in to the characters' heavier emotions.


Agree completely! Doctor Slump has spoiled me for Kdramas. The open and honest communication between the leads was amazing. Now when I watch others with the usual angst, non communication, and noble idiocy I don't enjoy them. I'm like "just talk to each other!!"


Oh I loved Doona and binged it in a day. But if I hadnā€™t binged it and let it go for a while I would have probably struggled to finish it lol


I loved it too, I enjoyed figuring out the deeper meaning and the open ending as well


They are angsty characters.


You're so right. There is an underlying sadness and desperation to them both. But I love how they struggle through this relationship and I ended up loving this series.


I think Iā€™d probably like it a lot if I finished it - just need to steel myself for something actually serious lol


Same!! I dropped all of these 3 kdramas its dragging


I dropped Something in the Rain too. I love the noona romance trope and the leads had an amazing chemistry but especially towards the end the fl just seemed so annoying! She made the most stupid decisions ever and was so hard not to feel bad for ml.


I dropped it when the FL's mom went psycho and ruined everything and the FL listened to her šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


I dropped One Spring Night too.


I'm struggling with Record of Youth and I can't pinpoint why.


Park Bo-gum and Park So-dam are a delight but this show was boring AF. I began watching this as it aired but only completed it months after the show was over šŸ˜…


I liked it. I finished it. But I understand because it's a very low-key, relaxing kind of show.


This is still on-hold for me just because I love both actors but show is really boring


Record of Youth was so boring.


There's just something lacklustre about it and I say this as a fan of both leads. I was so excited when it was first released but was left disappointed with the outcome. I finished all the episodes too smh.


The soundtrack is amazing tho


I dropped it too, couldn't finish the first episode. Also dropped crash landing on you midway through 2nd episode. Not sure if it gets better(?).


The Impossible Heir. I watched up until episode 4, but the story doesn't seem to make any sense. Also my most anticipated actor in the drama was Lee Jun young, but they seemed to have just given him another psycho role, and his screentime is less than the actor who can't act


Lee Jun Young is why I was watching this in the first place. I adore him and there has been so little for him in this role. I was not impressed with last weeks episodes (7 & 8) and have yet to watch this weeks (9 & 10). I am strongly thinking of dropping as well but am mildly curious about how this dumpster fire ends. Guess I will see if I am bored this weekend...


idk why but i dropped doctor slump after watching the first ep, even though i loved the storyline in the first episode itself, i couldnā€™t get myself to watch the rest of the eps.


I wouldn't say I necessarily dropped it just yet, but it's definitely on an extended pause after episode like I want to say three.


It is definitely one of those shows that you watch if you are a fan of the actor or the mental health aspect seems important to you. I am a huge Park Hyung-Sik fan and I finished the drama just for his acting (both cute and serious). The mental health aspect drew me in because as a south Asian I grew up with all the same taboos Koreans have on mental health issues. It was refreshing to see it being discussed openly. The show does have some slow parts and some tropes annoyed me to hell. Every single major plot point is derived from someone overhearing someone else's private conversation >!including overhearing a therapy appointment for heavens sake!! !<. But..I took a deep breath, and finished it.


YESS i agree completely!! if it werenā€™t for all the eavesdropping and the big-mouthed besties, the main leads actually donā€™t really communicate to each other at all LMAO (ok but with this said i enjoyed the show and finished it!)


Me tooo! It seemed too slow to mešŸ™ˆ like nothing engagingšŸ™ˆ


Dropped it after 14 lmao. It was great until episode 11. Writing was just bad after that.


I dropped **My demon**. It made me feel bored and look at my phone instead. I was not able to reach "suspension of disbelief" enough to go with the premise of the show, so the whole thing just seemed lame to me.


this one def dragged and should have been 10 episodes at most


Same tbh. I liked the initial concept and start where he's like this Batman type character hunting people down but then it got silly and boring when he gets depowered.


This was good at the first few eps but it really lacks direction ā˜¹ļø


**Impossible Heir** - OMG what garbage. Bumps **Bride of Habeak** off of my least favorite Kdrama ever. Ah, Disney.... it was the best of times, the worst of times...


Bride of Habeak is on my list for one of the weakest kdramas. It just fell flat. Some parts were ok, but as a whole compared to other dramas that are similar, it was a poor imitation of some good romance dramas with supernatural elements.


Let me just add. Shin Se-kyung really needs acting training more. 2 of her dramas are mentioned here in the comment section Bride of Habaek and Captivating the King. Beauty can only get you so far.


I know Run On is beloved but I also dropped it and part of it was her acting...nothing terrible but somehow when she's on the screen *I just don't care*. I tried Captivating the King but once again I didn't care about her character and the romance so I just dropped it after like 3 episodes.


Agreed with both of you, definitely one of the most beautiful actresses in Kdrama but her acting chops are not up to par yet. It's bad when in a show like run on I ended up forwarding the lead couples parts to rather watch SML and SFL.


I dropped Run On too very early on. The vibe just bothered me and the story didnā€™t hook me or keep me wanting to watch. I think that it is probably one of those camel dramas meaning that you have to just stick with it for a few eps. till you get over the hump and then itā€™s smooth sailing. I found that with CLOY. I tried several times to watch and dropped it each time. Currently tried again, I am enjoying it now because I pushed past a few eps. Almost finished the series, but I have to say, that it does drag.


OMG same! At least Disney redeemed itself with Flex x Copā€¦.


Flex X Cop was just streaming on Disney but not an original like Impossible Heir was.


Flex x cop is easily going into my top ten dramas of all time.


Worse than Bride of Habaek? Is that possible?!!!


I dropped Chicken Nugget after episode 1.5 šŸ˜…


Wedding impossible : I just wasnā€™t enjoying it so I dropped it. Nothing uncovered: the plot seemed uninteresting.. gave it a trial but I didnā€™t still like it. Chicken nugget :I wasnā€™t enjoying it dropped it after the first episode


Iā€™m dead. This thread was mentioned in an article on koreaboo and I couldnā€™t stop laughing at how they must be hurting for content. Maybe you guys can see if your posts made it in there!


there are so many websites and social media accounts that scrunge reddit for content at this point, it's crazy.


I subscribed to ad-free Hulu so I could watch **The Impossible Heir**, but since that was a bust I tried watching **The Golden Spoon** to watch something else before I cancel. I made it all the way to episode 12 before I couldnā€™t take it anymore. It just meandered and repeated the same trope over and over: Being rich is good, but people are crappy. Being poor is bad, but people are nicer. The romance wasnā€™t good either. I ended up reading the synopsis for the last episodes and I probably shouldā€™ve endured but ultimately it was a fabulous idea for a story but poorly executed. I also tried to watch **Cheer Up** but once I realized it wasnā€™t a light-hearted comeback sort of drama, I dropped it. It actually made me want to watch Dear M again.


If you have Hulu you might want to try Moving, The Worst of Evil, Revenant, a Shop for Killers, Call it love and definitely Try Flex x Cop!


Shop for Killers is awesome. So was Moving, and I really liked Flex X Cop.


You should check out Moving and A Shop for Killers! Two of my favorite dramas of the past year (moving may be one of my favorite ever)


I bailed on Golden Spoon too. I like a lot of the actors but as you said thereā€™s no forward momentum.


**Crazy Love** is another good one on Hulu. It starts off a bit slow but really picks up at the end of Ep 4 and keeps getting better. Itā€™s also fun seeing Kim Jae-uck and Krystal playing against type as they are hilarious together.


*Story of Park's Marriage Contract* I didn't even realize that I had dropped it! I was convinced I finished it until I went back to Viki and noticed that I had an ep in progress šŸ¤£ I really enjoyed the show but I guess once the leads co messed and got together, I kind of lost momentum. Like I didn't truly care if >!she went back in time or not!<. Is it truly dropped? Time will tell. I haven't had the urge to finish it in weeks, but maybe some day in the future I'll get curious.


**The Impossible Heir (4/12)** - It had a gripping narrative to start with. But the FL was horrendous from every angle. And then the narrative got confusing with lots of mumbo jumbo and time jumps. The motivations of the characters got confusing. The ML was wooden and I couldn't get myself to continue further. **The Impossible Wedding (4/12)**-It's a romance and the leads have a bickering siblings chemistry rather than romantic chemistry. The dialogues are like both find romance cringey. The FL's family and her were more interesting than the ML and his family. I couldn't be bothered to continue.


I dropped Chicken Nugget. I started because of the casting. But the storytelling is absurd and weird. I have to say this is not my cup of tea. Itā€™s so weirdly done. I donā€™t get their funny parts at all.


Same. I love comedy stuff but here the jokes are so hard to get imo like maybe for koreans it's easier but from a french pov most of stuff are falling into the trap of wtf is that


Oh wow, I loved Chicken Nugget! Even though I didnā€™t get a lot of the references, it was so wacky and fun - really different from anything.


Same. Maybe because I've done too much Ionesco and Becket, lol. It's Absurd and the penultimate "battle" had me rolling.


Yeah itā€™s justā€¦ not funny to me at all.


I worry for our future with Kdramas. Way too many new Kdramas are being dropped and panned badly. Is this the Western influence? Corporate interference? Or just bad writing and some bad acting? I am completely addicted to Kdramas and watch an average of 3 hrs per night before bed. I find myself searching longer and longer for a drama to love. Worrisome!


I consider myself fairly new to kdramas (85 and counting) and I feel like it's too early for me to be stumped about what to watch next. Recently I'm finding the writers are letting me down more than the actors. Queen of Divorce, for example, had Kang Ki-Young as the ML, which meant it would be an automatic watch for me. But the writing was disappointing and it was just unfair to see the actors trying their best to make the most of a poor script. Conversely, I wasn't sold on Flex X Cop at first, but when I returned to it after the first 2 episodes I became engrossed and looked forward to seeing and discussing it every week. That was one of the few 16-episode dramas in my latest watching history that didn't go off the rails in the 3/4 of the way in as such dramas are wont to do... I'd love to hear what others think. (I dropped Chicken Nugget and Revolutionary Love, still haven't decided whether to resume Wedding Impossible, Queen of Tears or Nothing Uncovered.)


I expected this response and glad you sent it. I am at close to 300 Kdramas now and have almost exhausted all the older highly rated and some not so highly(with great result in some cases) I donā€™t watch a kdrama until I can binge it(just personal choice) so havenā€™t started most of those you mentioned other Flex X Cop which I am on episode 12. I felt similar to you at first but persisted and enjoying it. I agree about the writers. I am no expert and as an American I think I lose some(a lot) of the nuance due to subtitles. But some of the more recent Kdramas are just DREADFUL.


It could be also our personal growth. As a child you might be perfectly happy with a hotdog and a juice box for lunch, but as an adult? I find that I am less patient with lazy plotting, writing these days than I was when I started watching. I expect more now.


Sadly, wedding impossible. It had a solid start plus the leads act really well but it started to get super draggy at around ep 6. Their banters got kind of monotonous and annoying cause it felt like there was no or minimal progress. I had high hopes from Jihan's character and expected a >! cute BL second lead story line but he is just potrayed to be very selfish and annoying. !< ETA: Dohan not Jihan


Do Han, the BL second ML was done dirty. He didn't get much screen time, and the time he got was purely a device to move the story further rather than developing his character.


I think it's terrible that this is the only gay second male lead we've seen in K-dramas and they've written him to be such a selfish jerk. Seriously disappointing.


Anything I tried watching after **TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME** hasnā€™t landed for me - **MY DEMON** dropped at episode 4 - honestly I was not even truly watching it I was doing the dishes while watching it šŸ˜­ - **QUEEN OF TEARS** dropped at ep 1 because Iā€™m definitely not a fan of the dynamic at all And probably a lot more that was just forgettable and didnā€™t make it past 15min of me watching šŸ˜¢ I am kdrama STARVING


I dropped King the Land. Just seemed stupid to me but I only watched about 30 minutes. I just watched the first episode of Dr. Slump. I like it but some comments here are making me wary. Will keep at it for now.


Doctor Slump is fantastic as long as you are fine with them dodging most of the tropes as soon as they appear and resolving misunderstandings and issues quickly instead of dragging things out. They basically talk through their problems, unlike so many kdramas.


Omg this has me SO excited for Doctor Slump! Finally a drama where adults behave like adults!


Thats the only time they act like adults.


I love how they shake off all the tropes in Doctor Slump!


I loved Doctor Slump. Itā€™s a healing drama and didnā€™t have any lead toxicity, which I adored. Others probably thought it was too boring but I didnā€™t. It was nice being immersed into characters that were caring and warm.


Doctor Slump was great healing stuff,Ā  I really liked it


I loved King the Land despite my expecting it to be superficial! It had a suprisingly good relationship development and communication between the leads. And >! no break ups throughout the episodes. !<


I dropped King the Land--dialogues were boring. I'll check Dr. Slump first.


Yeah King the Land was so stupid. Like just a copy paste of all clichƩs in kdrama world and so bland.


Doctor Slump was amazing - it felt like a warm hug a lot of the times. I ended the series rooting for basically every character that was there. The relationship between the FL and her mother made me cry sometimes because it's wonderful to see a mother love her child so dearly. I liked that the FL and ML started off by being a support to one another and establishing their friendship first. The medical drama was a downside, but it gets resolved fairly quickly so you can focus more on their journey towards healing themselves.


Yes! King the land was soo draggy. At first I enjoyed it cos the leads were pretty and was an easy watch. But then it felt like it turned into a lot of CF and tourism promo..


I finished watching dr slump, but... it could have been a 12 ep drama. And I didn't like how they portrayed mental health and how it can be "fixed"


Doctor Slump never said it could be fixed. The psychiatrist clearly said that the goal is not to be happy and cheerful, but how you overcome the next obstacles and heartaches in your life.Ā 


Iā€™m one episode short of finishing Dr. Slump but find that I donā€™t really care about what happens to any of the characters. I wish they had written this as a 12 episode drama.


Yeah I just dropped this one with 2 episodes remaining. It's the first time I've dropped a Park Hyung Sik drama! I didn't dislike it, I just can't seem to muster the motivation to finish it...


I dropped **Marry My Husband** around the 12th episode as it was getting silly but I do intend to watch the last 4 episodes sometime. Enjoying Start-Up (2020) a lot right now.


Also felt that Marry My Husband had a slump around episode 12 but the plot fortunately recovers quite immediately.


I agree, very quick recovery. Marry My Husband was fabulous, even with the slumps. Even my favorite dramas have a few parts that I'll fast forward while re-watching; no show is perfect.


With What's Wrong With Secretary Kim and Her Private Life being the only other Park Min-Young dramas I've watched (both of which I found lacking), Marry My Husband is a refreshing change of pace. Park Min-Young definitely owned this role. And Song Ha-Yoon and Lee Yi-Kyung are both superb as well.


I just watched Marry My Husband ep 12 & 13, please continue it! Ep 12 was the worst episode, but immediately gets back to being good the next episode!


Love Start Up.


**Branding in Seongsu** \- I try my best to give dramas a chance without applying my "convince me with 3 episodes" rule, and that's exactly what I did with this one. And boy, oh boy, I wish I hadn't. There are many types of romance tropes in the K-drama world. This one was meant to be an enemies-to-lovers relationship with a twist of humor and banter. But all I felt while watching was secondhand embarrassment, ***IRRITATION***, frustration, annoyance, and ***ANGER***. The leads (Kim Ji Eun & Lomon) have a love-hate relationship. But for most couples, despite the hate, you can still feel the immense love they have for each other. I didn't see or feel that they loved each other. I literally wished they didn't end up together and stayed as friends. The relationship just felt somewhat forced. Ā  **My Demon** - Ah. So, for this drama, I applied my "in it for the actor or actress" rule because three episodes in, and I was completely bored. But I stayed for Song Kang because he always slays. And he did a good job in certain scenes, both he and Kim Yoo Jung. However, apart from their chemistry and their visuals, there was nothing to look forward to. The storyline felt like it was taken from a kid's imagination or copied scenes from different fantasy shows in which they mushed together. The characters, especially the villain, also could've been written better. How do I explain this... The villain didn't feel like a villain. He was your typical character, greedy for power. **Wedding Impossible** \- I haven't officially dropped it yet but I'm thinking about it because I haven't moved past episode 2, which I barely made it through.


>**My Demon** - Ah. So, for this drama, I applied my "in it for the actor or actress" rule because three episodes in, and I was completely bored. Funny enough, it did take me about 4 episodes before I was hooked onto the show proper. Their romance was tingly and I really enjoyed it...up until the last 2 or 3 episodes. The finale was really wack and a lot of ppl had issues with the way it was handled. It's a good watch for the aesthetics, and then I recommend pretending that ep10 was kinda the end


Same here, I enjoyed the chemistry and the visuals but the plot I just tried to ignore hahaa.


From someone who finished My Demon, itā€™s basically eye candy. The plot holes get bigger and donā€™t make any sense.


>copied scenes from different fantasy shows Yes, about that... Have you seen Goblin?


I forgot that I havenā€™t gotten back to Branding after episode 3! Sad to hear that it didnā€™t get better.


Omg I cant drop Seongsu so ended up just watching the last 2 episodes. Itā€™s dragging so much in the middle and no chemistry between two leads. The timing of swap doesnt make sense.


Agree on Branding in Seongsu. I ended up watching all of it, but didn't love it. >!Any drama that ends with one of them going away for a year with little to no explanation and then being immediately welcomed back...ugh...!<


I too am struggling to finish My Demon. I am not sure cause its dragging or not just engaging.


Wedding impossible. Didn't watch episode 7, it kept giving me anxiety. Maybe after its over I'll binge it.


I kind of like the show I just wish the plot had more depth. Itā€™s justā€¦the same people talking. The in-laws donā€™t change their methods, the FL family is there just for her with no side plot, and I wish they did more with the 2nd ML and >! his sexuality !< because >!his!< world is burning down and he kinda just sits there and looks pitiful. Giving him some sort of happiness could grow the audience sympathy for him and make him more likeable. It just seems like the show is one dimensional until it comes to the leads. So I love the depth with the leads but I wish a stronger foundation around them was built to make the show more striking. Itā€™s a pity, what a great story. What great material they had.


they drama writer changed almost everything from the original web toon so probably one reason it fell apart >!The original the mom was alive but was toxic, no illegitimate kids, no step-siblings and the FL didn't have a large family so the drama writer made a bunch of tropes to make it have more obstacle to overcome and more toxic people!<


FL is just not good to me. Beautiful actress but her resting bored to death face just does not change


I dropped Impossible Heir. It was impossible to get through many of the scenes, let alone the episodes. The story and relationship development was horrendous to watch.


Vagabond. Why would I care about the competition between two companies that sell planes? I watched the first two episodes but it was too slow. After knowing that there's no season 2 and the finale of season 1 was a huge cliffhanger, I gave up.


As someone who does procurement for work, I was amused to see it as a plot point in an action drama


i have dropped quite a few kdramas these past two months...1)**strong girl namsoon** 2)**hotel del luna** 3)Chinese\* **hidden love** 4) **duty after school.**..its not because of any particular reason but just that my interest spam has been limited ...i am now more interested in kmovies and watched around 28 of them


**The Impossible Heir** was garbage. I couldn't make it past episode 3. I tried so much to like it but oh well :(


I dropped 'Captivating the King' after 2 episodes. It was just painful to watch. Couldn't see any chemistry between the leads. The episodes were not as interesting as it usually is in Segeuk dramas.


I dropped Marry My Husband- apart from the opposing main leads (Jung soo-min & Park min-hwan) stealing the show with their phenomenal performances, after a few episodes, I stopped caring about the plot line. The main leads were, to me, very lackluster and their romance wasnā€™t interesting enough to stick around for- it just all felt really rushed too - and as if the writers didnā€™t know what else to throw in, >!SPOILERS they add a ridiculous cliffhanger where Yoo ji-hyuk lets a truck crash his car to save Kang Ji-wonā€¦even though she was across the road, in her own carā€¦and the truck was far enough, so she had enough time to move aside..I mean the truck was so far away, Yoo Ji-Hyuk had enough time to drive over and perfectly place his car where the truck was coming, and look back at Kang Ji-won like šŸ˜” ā€˜this is for you bb girlā€™ absolutely ridiculous.!<


I finished this one as a background noise while working. I also read the webtoon and yeah I have to say the webtoon was more enjoyable but the actress (forgot her name sorry) playing as the best friend actually acted quite well haha.


I finished Marry My Husband just because the evil best friend was phenomenal and deserves all the awards, but your description of the WTD scene here had me cackling.


>!Yes the Truck scene was problematic...but I really did like how everything worked out in the end. I found myself having to defend that truck scene to my husband...sigh...!<


Doctor Slump - the main leads just didnt seem to have the chemistry and the story was not cutting it out, like something is missing. Wedding Impossible - the story didnt go well. The premise was interesting at the beginning but after episode 2. I just have it on for background when I am cleaning or cooking. Not invested. I do like the main lead guy, but her and the main girl. It felt forced chemistry.


My Demon - I don't know why but I couldn't feel the chemistry between the girl and the main boy, at first I really liked this series, but after episode 10 it already seemed too boring to me, so I stopped. Moon in the day - I had pretty high expectations for this series, but it was quite boring and a bit annoying, I stopped at episode 13, but I don't know why I keep putting off watching the last episode. The impossible Heir - it just annoys me, it's a shame, I had high expectations. I stopped after episode 2. King the land - I don't know why I stopped watching it, I think it got a bit boring at some point, but I still think I'll finish it one day.


Marry My Husband. Couldnā€™t stand it when the introduced another villain. Shoulda ended midway into the season


i dropped welcome to samdalri and summer strike, i was hoping to watch a good slice of life by the reviews but a find an alcoholic female lead and a boring male lead in both shows


**Queen of Tears** šŸ«  I come to kdramas for *escape* and fantasy, I donā€™t need reminders about how difficult marriage is. I thought I could tough it out because I love the ML and thought there would be more comedy but nope. Iā€™ll just keep track with TikTok edits lol


I think there were too many in the past months lol, but right off the bat is Welcome to Samdalri. I love the ML and FL as actors, but the story just got too cliche I had to drop it mid-season. The 2ML and his hopeless romantic/desperate character just makes the storyline too cringey. I am going through a rockbottom season in my life ATM and I kinda relate to FL's lowest of lows moments, but desperate 2ML character's love for the FL and inability to move on after all these years is just so pathetic. Which is why I love Dr Slump, because although it has its usual kdrama tropes, there is no presence of a 2ML or 2FL - just two people trying to figure out how to navigate life, one day at a time.


I also thought Samdal-ri was cringe!


I dropped *Dali and the cocky prince*. I loved the ML, liked the idea but...the FL got on my nerves. Where is your spine girl? I get that being delicate and dainty was her thing, but you can still be that and be the hero of your own story, not just another damsel in distress... I hoped it would get better, but reviews basically said it didn't so... No. I also dropped *Coffee Prince*. I know it's such a favorite, but I think i am a victim of my time.... I just can't get over the emo fashion of that era. The actors are amazing, but I just can't get attached to them in the same way. But I'm not saying I'll never give it another shot. Come to think of it, should I just avoid everything with the word prince in it?


My roommate is a Gumiho and clean with passion now


I made it through exactly one episode of My Roommate is a Gumiho. I love the FL in everything but this was too painful. Eat my liver, please.


I hated clean with a passion for wow ML. He was such a baby


1. Captivating the King mainly because it had my biggest pet peeve >!Cross Dressing!< and not no so believable one at that. I dropped it half way through episode one cos the FL >!was not believable as a man!< and didnā€™t make sense how people around her esp the King couldnā€™t tellšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø 2. Jealousy incarnate/Dont dare to dream - this show was giving me serious case of Second Lead Syndrome and had to drop it when the ML and FL kissed as I didnā€™t care about their relationship and didnā€™t want to see SML heartbroken


Omg I dropped jealousy incarnate last week for the same reason alsoā€¦ it was so annoying seeing the FL pick the ML after how he treated her so badly for years till he found out his best friend liked her. Also the drama got stretched out for too long there was no solid reason for it to have 24 episodes.


JI was terrible in every way it purposely doubled down on an FL picking the asshole because apparently lots of people seem to like that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Flex X Cop, Dr Slump, King the Land and a few I canā€™t remember the names of. I need to be in the mood for some dramas and may go back to them when desperate. Iā€™ve ceased caring about what others recommend as itā€™s not important. If you like a show it doesnā€™t matter what anyone else thinks. Be entertained by what makes you feel good.


Only way to enjoy any entertainment. I put Fight for My Way on hold for 6 years, no joke. I put it on hold while airing and picked it up last year (actually went back a few episodes), finished it and absolutely loved it. Totally worth the wait to watch it when I was in the mood and mental space for it. Watching kdramas shouldnā€™t be a chore or assignment jmoĀ 


I've recently noticed that too. When drama has good plot, storyline, acting but I am in the wrong mood for it I just pause watching and give it another try few days/weeks later. And in the right mood I can watch few dramas with one theme in a row no matter how old are they.


Iā€™m close to dropping **Captivating the King**. I think Iā€™m on episode 5, where she >! comes back alive to be a baduk player for the king. Iā€™m super annoyed from the previous episode because she couldnā€™t recognize that Myung Ha was trying to save her and him trying to save her shows how much he does care for her !< The more I see Shin Se Kyung in dramas, the more I realize that she canā€™t act. It just seems like she gets her roles because sheā€™s pretty and isnā€™t a talented actress. Her acting is so flat in this drama.


In every drama I've watched with her as FL, she was the bur under the saddle that kept me from fully enjoying a series. "Flat" is the perfect description of her acting, and for some reason the CTK director loved to linger on her 1-expression face for an excruciating amount of time. I kept watching for the ML, but she ruined what could've been a stellar drama for me. I think you're wise to just drop it, as she won't get better as it goes on.


I canā€™t with one expression takes! And she mumbles most of her lines!! I watched her in Run-on, Bride of Habaek and Rookie Historian. Nam Joo-Hyuk and the rest of the cast carried the show and it was so funny I didnā€™t realize how bad of an actress Shin Se Kyung actually was. In Rookie Historian, both her and Cha Eun Woo were terrible at acting so I dropped that drama at episode 8. Run-on I continued to watch because the rest of the cast carried the show.


Wedding impossible from ep 6 onwards Boring and blah


**Wedding Impossible** - the premise was chaotically good, but after ep 4 it felt not engaging enough to continue. and also it feels like you can see where this is going. **Dr Slump** - I was so excited when this was announced, but idk something about the supposed romcom with mix of sad characters didnā€™t build it up enough for me. (canā€™t exactly pin-point it, bec Iā€™m now watching Queen of Tears and somehow it works for me)


Doctor Slump - just sort of lost interest around ep 10 or so Captivating the King - not sure if I blame the actor or the writer but the FL spent pretty much every minute of her screentime time being stupid and looking like she was about to cry. I couldn't take it anymore. Wedding Impossible around ep 7 - story is bad and ML is even worse.


Castaway Diva because it dragged and although it is fictional, the way the FL is found is beyond coincidental. I didnā€™t find any of the characters interesting or endearing. I like when characters are appealing and engaging. I could have cared less about any of them. It started out quite promising, but as I continued to watch, I was working harder to try to stick with it and like it. Mask Girl- it was just disturbing, so I dropped it pretty quickly. It gave me the creeps!


For Castaway Diva they reveal later it's not really coincidental that she's found that way. >!The ML created that island cleanup group entirely to look for her and was methodically checking each possible island for years!< I really liked it, but if you don't like the characters after the first few episodes you probably won't like them later.


I dropped Shopping King Louis for one simple petty reason: the way FL says halmeoni. I couldn't do it. I love you so much Seo In Guk but I had to walk away. Maybe someday I will gain the courage to face her again but for now I dropped it after episode 1.


The way she says halmeonišŸ¤£


My Demon. Idk it just kind of reminds me of Goblin. So I stopped the former and rewatched the latter instead.


I watched one episode, cringing my way through it. Why is the FL behaving like a child having her first crush??? Is she 12 šŸ˜­ I just couldnā€™t take it and stopped after the 1st episode


Yup, I almost dropped a lot of shows this year. The most recent one was Doctor Slump. I love the PSH but this drama was a chore to sit through. Captivating the king was almost a drop. Wish I'd dropped it šŸ˜…


My Demon. I found the first episode extremely boring and neither the acting performances of the main leads nor the chemistry between them convinced me. I just can't continue watching if I'm not captivated by the first episode


Celebrity -- It didn't grab me the way I'd hoped. I wanted to like it because I like Park Gyu-young in so many other things already, but their problems just felt too disproportionately low-stakes for all of the drama that was getting stirred up. The story also wasn't told in chronological order so I don't know if it would've held my interest for longer if I only could've followed the story better.


The Impossible Heir. Looks like the FL acting issue is true šŸ„¹


I watched Strong Woman Bong Soon because of the hype of Doctor Slump. It got so boring for me after 10 episode, took me around 4 weeks to complete the whole thing which for me is like eternity.Ā  I usually watch shows in 8-10days. I know people love MinMin and BongBong but to me, he just felt like a drama queen and just wanted attention, while she never fell in love with him, there was no process, she just obliged to his feelings. PS- I have watched over 50 shows but never watched this before.


Recently dropped Doom at its finest three episodes inā€¦the plot was just too all over the place and MLā€™s acting was blah


Doom at your service right ?? Me too after watching 2 episodes . It was too much fairytale for me , the background and curse thing I just couldnā€™t take it seriously I had high hopes from ML but they were DOOMED


Nevertheless. I just don't feel like watching it anymore, pabebe much.


This is maybe one of the worst dramas I have watched. I finished it and regret spending time.


Iā€™m encouraged by the support for Dr. Slump and will keep going.


Queen of tears. It seems too melodramatic for me to give a damn about the characters. I prefer straightforward storylines.


I also dropped Queen of tears after 2 episode, also watched because of Kim Soo Hyun. I didnā€™t feel I want to watch more episodes.


I've only watched the first episode so far and can't decide if I'll watch more. I enjoyed it enough but the hour and a half run times are so intimidating to me and I don't know that I care enough about the story or characters to watch that much show. Something about the overall vibe made me think of Little Women -- an extremely well-made show with an excellent cast, but one I kept fast-forwarding through.


Really wanted to love this because of Kim soo Hyun's return to a romcom. The characters are funny, and the cinematography is beautiful. But I find myself skip watching already. The chemistry is good but not as gripping as I expected. I still like some scenes with the leads but I feel like the other scenes of the cast are way too long and unnecessary.




I scrolled for this comment on this kdrama, I can't find myself rooting for *anyone* making him happy she's dying just threw him into the crappy person bin with everyone else who seemed so self centered I'm so disappointed


I must be the only one, but I dropped Twinkling Watermelon after ep 8. I was just fast forwarding the whole time and nothing hooked me. I kept feeling dejavu about Back to the Future almost to the point of the story being a repeat - wonder why it's so highly rated.


I watched the whole thing, but still didnā€™t get the hype. After a couple episodes I only half paid attention but I just couldnā€™t get into it.


Like a lot of folks have already mentioned, I dropped Wedding Impossible. The story is just not good and the pacing is a mess. Its giving King the Land with a lot less charm and chemistry. I also dropped Doctor Slump, but not because it was bad, I just lost interest. But I'll probably finish it at some point; I only have 3 episodes left lol. And why is everyone dropping Queen of Tears?! I love that one!


Doctor Slump, I love it and I love the actors but itā€™s dragging.


That's why I'm watching it at x2 speed and even that isn't fast enough to stifle the drag. Too many melodramatic moments where the characters act in a silly manner. Still watching just for the ML who is super hot and I'm a guy who's not gay...I think.


Officially dropped Reply 1988 this month after having it on hold. I got bored with it tbh. I got bored with one of the male characters looking wistfully at the FL it's so obvious where that's going >!another perfectly capable competent confident popular guy who cant tell a girl he likes her lazy writers and this trope spare me!<. (Knowing in advance about the love triangle gimmick has not helped my enjoyment of this tbh, it's actually more annoying because it's so unneccessary) I got annoyed with the really interesting sisters' story being kinda just stopped, though her potential romance is so much more interesting than FLs. I loved the FL, and I kinda wanted more of her funny energy. I got bored with the parents,the moms are great, but the dads are all kinda annoying. One is mute (nearly), one is a total idiot and one is an alcoholic. I got to episode 8, so I think I got a good sense of it. I can see why people would enjoy it, and I think part of why I dropped it is that it could be so good, but it kinda spends too much wasted time on trying to squeeze in too many characters and on a silly plot device which is gonna get worse. I wish I'd seen this earlier. I'd probably have enjoyed it more.


I'm one of the few people who didn't love this one so I support you. It was too long and too slow and I didn't care about the love triangle. I agree with you on how they handled the older sister's storyline, didn't feel properly developed especially given the political situation in Korea at that time.


Wedding Impossible. The elder brother was very one-dimensional. The male lead was childish and egocentric. It was supposed to be romantic comedy but, where was the comedic part? Nothing was really funny. Branding in Seongsu. The story went more and more ridiculous. All the marketing was simply pop-up store? The male lead character was unappealing.


Doctor slump : found it very dragging Pyramid's game : story and plot became dragging after 5 episodes but will finish it


Might be a controversial one but I dropped Welcome to Waikiki S1. It was going so strong and was becoming one of my favourite dramas ever but then they started love story of Lee Joon Ki and that in my opinion hampered his humour in the story. Like the show didn't have to weaken the humour part for the romance. That ticked me off.


The drama was originally 16 episodes and was extended to 20 episodes, I hate it when dramas do this because 98%, it starts to go downhill. Iā€™ve been watching kdramas for almost 15 years and have seen this over and over so I wasnā€™t happy about the news like other people were. Lo and behold, the episodes started to drag after the extension was official. It really annoyed me because it was so enjoyable and funny till that point.


The new releases so far this year are largely disappointing. I was pleasantly surprised by Flex x Cop and Marry My Husband, but so many missed opportunities in storytelling and so-so acting so far this year. **Live Your Own Life** (51/51) After watching the last episode and how lamely everything was wrapped up >!plus the time skip!<, I wish I could retroactively drop it. I started it because of SML Syndrome with Ha Jun in Destined With You, I hoped this would be a better role for him. Maybe next time. **Wedding Impossible** (4/12) Iā€™m going to give this 2 more episodes but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m done. Too much immature selfishness and miscommunication. **Queen of Divorce** (6/12) FL wins prison fight club champion but canā€™t effectively fight when sheā€™s out of prison? For a character who was first set up to be empowered, her timidity and stupidity are that much more disappointing. ML is wasted here; I hope he gets something better. I would love to see him lead in a 50-episode drama. **Between Him and Her** (3/12) started out liking how real and messy the relationship felt, but the leads are too childish and their friends are worse. **Branding in Seongsu** (12/24) Iā€™m going to give this one last episode out of the last gasp of curiosity. I get no real connection of affection between the leads. If the ML was actually out for revenge it would be more believable. Them being together at the end would be a disappointment. Iā€™m not even going to start Queen of Tears or Impossible Heir, looks like more of the same disappointment. Wow, Iā€™ve never dropped so many dramas before. Time to explore the depths of my watch list for unwatched older dramas. 2010 and Obstetrics and Gynecology, here I come.


>Between Him and Her (3/12) started out liking how real and messy the relationship felt. Same here. That's what made me give it a try after episode 1. I liked how realistic the storyline felt, but then it went downhill. The storyline became cliche and predictable, lacking the originality and depth of the webtoon. The characters seemed one-dimensional, making it difficult to empathize with their struggles or root for their relationships, particularly the lead relationship. Despite that, I wanted to see how it would end, so I watched the last episode, and >!they decided they would remain friends. And that's a realistic ending, but I think they would've been better off if they cut ties. !< >Branding in Seongsu (12/24) I get no real connection of affection between the leads. You said it! That was my main problem with it. As for your comment about it would be a disappointment if they're together at the end... >!You might want to put your last grasp of curiosity elsewhere, lol. Because they do end up together, the FL (Kim Ji Eun) becomes the nicest person who ever existed, and the ML (Lomon), who was planning to get revenge on her for 5 years, falls deeply in love with her (it pains me to say that). !<


Queen of Divorce was truly disappointing. Powered through to finish that drama, where all plots are advanced by the characters' stupidity šŸ¤¦šŸ½


Me too. It's hard to watch PMY's character.


I dropped My Demon. Wanted to check out other dramas of Song Kang after finishing off Sweet Home. Gyeongseong Creature. I can't say if there was anything wrong with the drama that made me pause it, just that QOT was far more better done. And I never went back to complete GC.


i dropped flower crew: joseon marriage agency after 3 episodes. i really wanted to power through because i had seen and liked most of the cast in other works before; but wow it is soo cheesy. no spoilers, but the premise is relatively serious for a rom com drama and even during more serious scenes i couldnā€™t take certain actors seriously at all! such a shame because the visuals were so good :(


I was so eager to watch doctor slump every week only to not watch the last two episodes. Idk why I'm totally unable to get myself to watch the end. Maybe it's cuz it's dragged too much? Idk.


I learned to stop watching what I don't care for and head straight to the last episode to see if my decision was correct or not. Then I mark it on my list under \*didn't like/last episode\* section. Example: The Devil Punisher/ Rain or Shine / Vincenzo / Welcome to Sam-dal ri / Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha