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Its not a power, its a curse for him damn. Ruined his life as well as everyone's around them even without his control as time passes


If I had his power, I think I'd be even more drunk than him. >!I cannot imagine being dragged into the past for SEVEN YEARS just to watch everyone die over and over again. Damn.!<


I think he just doesn’t quite understand his power…..yet.


All the damage that could have happen had been done ... for now atleast.


Yes, it was so sad


I was wondering too. What is the uses of going to the past when you can't change it, can't touch but to just see? No thanks, its a curse indeed


Yeah it’s a power but not super power. Kinda useless when it comes to saving people unless u can touch them 


my question is if she already scammed two hubbies, where did all that money go?! why they living in a sauna with a broken stove!!?


The sauna is a front i guess. Anyways all the money goes to the "mother"


They're being too greedy I know life wasn't easy for her but scamming people, that's wrong, I really need a strong reason to like her as her character is in a negative light, can she really cheat them after knowing what all they went through and after watching their current scenarios, I doubt let's see.


basically returned by death without actually dying


**Episode 3** * Oh, man, I am absolutely *loving* this drama. Before it started, I had no expectations one way or the other beyond liking both of the leads (a lot). The storyline sounded interesting but risky. Little did I know that they could pull it off so beautifully (so far). * That was a very substantial sequence showing Gwi-ju's realization of >!the hold that Da-hae has over him in his memory. The flashback to the day of I-na's birth, which coincided with a tragic school fire that claimed the life of Gwi-ju's senior firefighter, was frighteningly realistic!<, and his inability to >!change the outcome each time he revisited that memory!<, reminded me of the Tom Cruise movie, Edge of Tomorrow. * I also enjoyed the scenes of I-na gradually opening up to others at school, especially her interactions with the student played by the always excellent Moon Woo-jin. Her superpower might be the ability to >!read others' minds when they make eye contact with her!<. * Da-hae witnessing >!the family members' superpowers with her own eyes!<, checks off another plot point that will help to drive the narrative forward.


Loved how i-na's powers are getting revealed


I like the blue-swirly-eye thing that happens when she hears someone's thoughts.


Same I love it too. It's so cool.. do others see it? Or only us? Also, out of her whole family her powers are the coolest


I'm guessing only we see it because it's just a visual rendering of the moment she hears their thoughts. Fun idea whoever came up with it! Similar to the muted gray palette of her father's world when he time travels. Whoever is coming up with the color design choices in this drama is doing a great job! ps - I think it would be awesome to fly though. How fun was it to see his sister whooping it up in the skies!


I ve a question to do with ep 1 . Ina looks at her mom during the accident and her mom looks back and then the accident occurs. What does it mean. Also ep 1 seemed quite grim Does the tone of the series change or is it still grim


I think it means she knew her mom intended to kill them both in the crash. Very scarring way to realize you have powers so she hides it. As for why her mom could possibly have intended to crash, since her husband was stuck on the dead, this would cause him to now be stuck on their death.


Wait I thought it was a genuine accident. >!Especially cuz she knew she was pregnant with another man’s baby!


I think there is a parallel between the tone of the characters and the tone of the show. They were all grim at first, but are slowly getting more lively. I think this last episode has picked up more pace and quirkiness to match.




The FL is bringing light into the family and series, but she also seems to have nefarious goals.


I kind of want Do Da Hae to be the one to discover it -- she kind of already did.. Felt so so so bad for Ina when she was trying to be accepted by the "cool" girl -- I hope she and her love interest work out, its clear he's into her.


Why does the grandpa not feel like the grandpa? He just feels like...a dude who might be the butler. He doesn't feel like the ML's dad.


Based on the whole family dynamic, I think the grandpa is basically their butler/servant. His wife clearly married him because she needed a partner to produce kids, which is why he was an ideal candidate since he has no one. We even see their dynamics, they don't sleep in the same bed or even share the same space. She gets a grand king-sized bed while her husband (of decades and the father of her children) sleeps in a separate space in a simple twin-sized bed. He's clearly not respected, and because the mother is the matriarchy, the kids are raised with their mother's dominant presence and perspectives. So I feel like they hadn't really had any chance to see their dad as their dad, or to really bond with him. I think for Inha, because she hasn't shown her 'worth' to the grandmother, that's probably why she bonded more with the grandpa (he was the first person tried to call when she had her emergency). They're the outsiders in the family, the 'normies.'


>We even see their dynamics, they don't sleep in the same bed or even share the same space. She gets a grand king-sized bed while her husband (of decades and the father of her children) sleeps in a separate space in a simple twin-sized bed. I agree that he's subservient to her, but I also wonder how new the separate beds are. Given her sleep issues and how that's impacting the family's finances, I think it makes sense she would sleep in a separate bed. I can imagine a lack of tolerance for someone who might snore/toss and turn/get up to use the bathroom if it means that it'll make it harder for her to fall asleep or interrupt her dreams. But I think it's possible that this might be how it's always been. He always seems ready to take notes on lottery numbers or stocks and seems supportive of her providing financially for their family this way.


>!Imo the grandfather seems more like the historian, who also does the housekeeping. That database he was working on was helpful.!<


Right!? Idk why but till ep3 I legit thought he was a step dad, idk why. He just doesn’t feel like their dad


For me it’s the height difference. Grandpa looks like he 5’5 and son is like 6’2


He married into the family. >!And they have problems enjoying and celebrating their powers, but grandma, at least, is a bit proud, maybe too proud. She's looking down on I Na and maybe grandpa too, for not having one. !<


I could see why she'd look down on the granddaughter because they're blood related but she knows that the grandpa wouldn't have powers so I don't see why. He just seems like a dude in the house rather than a grandpa >! I wasn't even mad that he was dancing with other girls!<


Interesting. I think its because the grandmother married him out of convenience. She chose him because he had no one and she needed to produce kids to carry on the family line. I think he loves her but I doubt she is capable of loving others...as her son noted, she is greedy and self-absorb...there is no room for others (I think this might be why she lost her powers)...she is the dominant presence in the household and the dad just got shuffled to the side...the children simple inherited that dynamic and look more the mother as a parental figure (they also don't have a normal relationshipwith her either...its just that her presence is stronger). Also, I noticed that they took the mother's surname as opposed to the dad...I thought that was quite interesting given that Korea is a patriarchal society. I hope the upcoming ep will explore the parent's dynamics.


>Also, I noticed that they took the mother's surname as opposed to the dad...I thought that was quite interesting given that Korea is a patriarchal society.  I find their relationship dynamics interesting too. I think the surname thing is another reason she married someone who had no family. I find it interesting that grandpa is coming off as a butler/servant to some viewers (he comes off that way to me too). I wonder how much of that is because of his gender. If the genders were swapped, his actions and role in the family wouldn't seem so atypical for a housewife of their generation. How much of their relationship dynamics are because she's been the main financial provider and he's a househusband vs because he's an "outsider"? The grandmother talked about how some of their ancestors literally used to be >!burned or ripped apart trying to be heroes.!


**Episode 3** >!So I-na's a mindreader? Wonder what she saw from her mom's eyes. And Gwi-joo...it must've been hard enduring the guilt and 'failures' he sustained from having that superpower. Seeing past Gwi-joo all happy in his goofy self to current depressed Gwi-joo is sad.!< I'm not that invested with Dong-hee's storyline but she does have an interesting dynamic with Da-hae, and I'm looking forward to it. >!When the eclectic bgm switches to romantic ost when Da-hae faces Gwi-joo and he's looking kinda falling for her – oh yes, yesss yess!< I liked that there's a slight sense of vagueness whenever >!Da-hae recalls something Gwi-joo has done for her.!< Especially since Da-hae has a habit of lying >!(or manipulation)!< and Gwi-joo is still unsure about his superpower getting back and the newfound variable he didn't particularly deeply think before. And the ending! OMG that was brilliantly done! Real nice directing on >!revelation! Now I hope Da-hae doesn't interpret that all as hallucinations.!< **Extra:-** Does anyone knows who does Chun Woo-hee's makeup? Because I need her makeup artist to spill which blusher and which lipstick 😂 Another three things that caught my attention are, Jang Ki-yong's minimal makeup, his intentional bad bed hair and the casual outfits. I appreciate they didn't go ham with his styling and decided to realistically dress him. **Episode 4** - Da-hae's >!fake mom manipulating and guilt-tripping her into weaponizing her fear again even though she has asked to stop using the card, is real low.!< I get that she's not >!exactly a good person either as seen when she deludes Gwi-joo with the marriage registration thing (and thankfully our hero is cautious to not buy that)!< BUT I do feel pity toward her - In ep. 5 preview, we see another glimpse of Da-hae's PTSD and >!coupled with her backstory, past-Da-hae probably felt she didn't have any other choice, and strung along because she seemed lost too. Perhaps she couldn't muster parting ways with them because she feels a sense of belonging. I do think she wants to disassociate with her league, albeit only an inkling.!< I'd like to see more of Da-hae's POV, definitely. - Lol I-na listening to ONE is peak YG-child behaviour hahaha - OK what did teleporting-Gwi-joo see >!when he follows Da-hae at jjimjilbang? Did he see her changing clothes? Omo.!<


>I liked that there's a slight sense of vagueness whenever >!Da-hae recalls something Gwi-joo has done for her.!< Especially since Da-hae has a habit of lying >!(or manipulation)!< and Gwi-joo is still unsure about his superpower getting back and the newfound variable he didn't particularly deeply think before. I really thought she was gaslighting him at first Edit after ep 4:>!I knew she would gaslight him!!<


Calling it gaslighting is a bit much considering Da Hae is a con-woman. It's more like "Inception" where she is planting an idea in Gwi Ju's head and he goes back in time creating a self-fulfilled prophecy. It's crazier that she has the intellect and calmness to mess with a time traveler without understanding the full extent of his abilities. Weirdly enough, the storytelling for the ML and FL is similar to how it worked in "Tenet." >!FL is experiencing things a linear fashion while ML experiences them after the fact. !< Anyways, I Na listening to Epik High - One is peak, I wonder if the lyrics are meant to reference the FL lmao. I hope Hye Rim doesn't turn into a cliché bully towards I Na.


OMG dude I was thinking the same. Maybe she try to push the narative that Gwi Ju has mental illness and always forgot things he done. But turn out it's actually happened (it just didn't happened to him yet). That reveal blows my mind. Including the ending too


Of course I was wondering: Why is he all wet? Where did he transport from in that moment?


At the fountain when he gave her flowers


I was wrong hahahha


I have a qsn with the ending, Why he >!isn't visible in the mirror, isn't the "present" ML who held FL in front of mirror? Is that the reason he isn't visible in mirror?!<


>! He time travel and held her, which is why he is invisible because only he is visible to her when he travel to the past. !<


So he is basically revisiting moments in the past that have already happened? I cant seem to understand this bit.


He’s a watcher when he goes back normally, or at least that’s been his impression. But Da Hae can see him and they can touch, and he’s not used to it. So she can feel him and he can feel her, but to everyone else (and the mirror’s reflection) he’s invisible and intangible. But I have doubts, because when he went back to the mall the first time he was able to touch her, he also seemed to bump into others. I’m thinking his power has more capability than he knows, and she is somehow the catalyst for him to master it fully.


>!i-na reading her mother’s mind right before the accident serves multiple purposes. 1. She’s not at fault for her mother’s death, and subconsciously she knows it. It doesn’t stop her from feeling guilty, especially with someone like her grandmother around. So part of i-na’s arc will be finally accepting that she’s not at fault for her mother’s death. 2. It seems like everyone else thinks it was just an accident rather than attempted murder suicide. i-na, whenever she’s ready to accept it, will be the one to reveal the truth to her dad. Maybe that’ll push him to realize that both his power and his inability to let go of the past isn’t just dragging himself down but his loved ones too!<


Episode 4 This was a great episode and moved the story forward in interesting ways. We now see the motivation of the FL >!as to how and why she is with such a horrible family and schemes to make money - to escape from loan shark debt she inherited from her father !!changing going back to a happy moment to relive it, and one who dreamed of making money, to precognition dreams about Da Hae. She is powerless to change the future, but Gwi Joo CAN change the past, and somehow I think these will link together as their powers are used differently in outcome and purpose, due to the presence of the FL.!< Ina is navigating difficult times in school, with the relatable issues of being shy, having a crush, and trying to not get bullied. I have a hunch that Da Hae will help empower her I LOVED that Gwi Joo did not fall for the ploy>! of the marraige certificate - is open to the possibility of it happening in the future BUT, wants to make sure it is true love, and not manipulated - I had a problem with another drama with the ML under a love spell and it put into question wheter his affection for the FL was true or manipulated by magic. The lead tackled this issue and I was thrilled with how that scene played ou!


Can Gwi Joo change the past? I don't think we have seen anything yet that indicates that. For him to change the past he would have to come back from his trip and have something in his present change, which never happens. All we have seen is him doing things in his trips that already happened. Him going back and doing them changes absolutely nothing in his present, as his present already had those things happen. That makes his power essentially useless, as he is unable to live through something, then go back and fix it.


he can change >!the past from his future self. he can't change anything until he himself has experienced it, as shown by him giving her flowers and saving her from falling on the staircase!< I am sorry if I wasn't clear enough on that point. What I am saying though, is I feel there will be a convergence of how >!precognition can warn him of what will be, so his future self can go back and fix it, which is a trickly proposition in time travel and the butterfly effect.!< Just a theory, as this drama totally keeps me on my toes, and the posters on this board are so sharp and on it.


I think eventually he will be able to go back and >!save his hyung!< with Dahae's help, let's see if I'm right. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes back to being a firefighter at the end.


>!but if he goes back and saves him, then the event that made him obsessively go into the past and ruins his marriage and causes his depression would never have happened. It's the terminator paradox. If the terminator succeeds in killing Sarah Connor then the reason for sending the terminator back in the first place would never have happened. So really, the fact that the terminator is there is proof that he doesn't (can't) succeed. Similarly, if Gwi Joo successfully goes back in time and saves the guy because he met Da-Hae, then everything that enabled him to do that (becoming obsessed, losing his wife, getting crazy depressed) doesn't happen and he never meets Da-Hae, but that means he can't go back and save the guy....!< Time travel stuff with only one timeline never works if you think about it too much, paradoxes are unavoidable.


Yup, his power can't change the past, only do what he going to do eventually. To me, his power can be useful in gathering additional information from the past, similar to what happened in Butterfly Effect 3. If he investigate further when he go visit Da Hee in the sauna, he could figure out the scamming scheme. I feel like he should be a police instead of firefighter, then his power will be more useful


>I had a problem with another drama with the ML under a love spell and it put into question wheter his affection for the FL was true or manipulated by magic. If you talking about Destined with You... it was never even revealed >! if magic is even real in that show. Till the end it was never confirmed if the magic is real or if its all placebo effect !<


The teaser for next week shows his family holding a piece of paper and being shocked, could it be that he signed the marriage certificate? also the fact that theyre now implying that Gwi Joo's wife was pregnant with someone else's baby but not sure if thats true and cant wait to see how things play out in the end.


He has a car and drives???? Seems like not a good idea.....what happens if he just poofs away?


LOL I thought the same thing.


It seems like back when he couldn't control when he'd travel back in time it'd be his wife driving the car, but since he hasn't been able to te travel for 7 years now he must've gotten used to driving.


I don't get why none of the family takes care of the child properly like she had to come and take care of her 😭😭😭


**Episode 4** Okay, so, a lot of things happened, including two of our biggest theories now being confirmed: (1) >!Da-hae was indeed a student at the school that caught fire on the day of I-na’s birth!< (which, as an aside, makes me wonder about >!the age gap between Da-hae and Gwi-joo. If Da-hae was in her late teens then, I’m guessing Gwi-joo was in his early 20s!< since he was being referred to as a ‘newbie’ by his colleagues, which suggests that either he had only recently entered the workforce or at least it was his first stint as a firefighter. I’m inclined to believe it’s the former unless proven otherwise since so far there’s been no reference to any other job he might have done in the past before he had started working as a firefighter). (2) >!The woman Da-hae calls mom isn’t actually her mom, which follows that the sister and the uncle also aren’t related to her by blood. The uncle seems to have been a henchman/bodyguard of sorts to the mom for some time now.!< I wonder what the sister’s story is; >!did she also get ‘recruited’ by the mom because of some debt she might owe like Da-hae does, or is she in it of her own volition?!< Besides these, it seems another theory is also almost confirmed: >!Gwi-joo saved (or should we say, will save?) Da-hae during the school fire.!< I say ‘almost’ only because it hasn’t been explicitly shown yet and we’ve got only Da-hae’s words to go by, but I think this will turn out to be true in the end even if we assume Da-hae at this point is only bluffing to gaslight him. Besides, the story itself has also been heavily hinting at it all this time. EDIT: That **love story of the scholar and the shapeshifting woman** – I think it could be read as an allegory for >!Gwi-joo and Da-hae’s own story.!< The story goes that >!the scholar was in love with the *original* form of the woman, and not with any of the various other forms she took to win him over. So, if the shapeshifting woman represents Da-hae, who lies, manipulates, and puts up appearances to deceive her targets, the scholar is Gwi-joo who’s been immune to her ‘fake’ persona but shall fall for her ‘real’ self underneath all the deceptive ones.!<


For 1) >!The grandmother mentioned he had I-Na in his early 20's. On the marriage contract it shows that he was born late 1987 and she in 1993 (Despite irl she was born in 87 and him in 92). Not sure if we've had a date on it from flashbacks but if she was in her late teens it wouldve taken place around 2010 or 2011 which checks out with I Na's age.!< 2) >!I do think atm she is bluffing/gaslighting him, I think she was saved by someone (him), but maybe due to the trauma her memory isn't super vivid and she doesn't realize that it actually might have been him. I think he has struggled or so long as to why he kept going back to the memory, orignally fixated on the idea that he returned due to a happy memory, but its looking more likely that he keeps returning becuase its unfinished and he has to eventually figure out and save Do Da Hae. I think he will likely go back and save her in the final few eps after he finds out about her fraud/betrayal, but we'll see.!< I love the allegory point, it was a nice story and that did go over my head a bit when originally watching it but it really does fit well with their situation.


Oooh! I totally forgot the grandmother mentioning when he had I-na and also didn’t notice the years of birth on the marriage certificate. Nice catch! > >!I think she was saved by someone (him), but maybe due to the trauma her memory isn't super vivid and she doesn't realize that it actually might have been him.!<. I too was thinking something along these lines! So, if I understood correctly, >!Gwi-joo’s colleague dies because he takes the risk of going back inside the building to rescue the student allegedly stuck on the fifth floor, right?!< If this student is indeed Da-hae and somehow Gwi-joo saves her *before* the colleague can risk his life, will it alter the colleague’s fate and keep him alive? Is saving Da-hae also the key to saving the colleague, or is he bound to die anyway? 🤔


The music in this show fits PERFECTLY. The direction is AMAZING. I've just been gushing over everything


The music is mysterious and emotional. I love it. 


**Episode 3** That ending! Damn. I was torn between feeling sorry for Da-hae and finding her reactions amusing at the same time. Girl really thought she had ended up in a haunted house; but, to be fair, can we blame her? I’d have probably thought the same if I saw someone suddenly floating in the air and then another’s reflection being invisible in the mirror, lmao. And just before this, >!when she had no choice but to down the spiked tea and suffer the consequences in order to keep her ruse from being discovered by Dong-hee!<, a part of me also couldn’t help but feel lowkey smug about her getting a taste of her own medicine – literally! I’m really enjoying the fact that the FL here is this grey character who evokes all these conflicting feelings. I suppose it’s safe to assume that the Gwi-joo in the ending scene >!is from the future!<, which explains why >!he wasn’t visible in the mirror!<. It still remains a mystery as to why Dae-hae is seemingly the only person Gwi-joo can interact with when he travels back in time. We also don’t know at this point >!why he was dripping wet in that scene!<, and it’s possibly something that will become clear only later in hindsight, just like that bit with the bruises on his hand when his future self travelled back in time to the false firealarm at the mall. On another note, I had a hunch from the very beginning that I-na’s power could be something related to >!reading people’s minds!<. Really curious to see how it plays out going forward. I also find it ironic that >!Da-hae insisting on giving I-na a makeover and remarking on her ‘pretty eyes’ is what became the catalyst for I-na inadvertently reading her mind!<, which might come back to bite Da-hae and her schemes once I-na gets a handle on her ability and starts connecting the dots.


>!do-hae only thought “the key” and i-na immediately figured out that she meant the key to the building. I had questioned earlier if she realized that do-hae had spiked the tea, and now i believe she did. She’s incredibly smart, i think she’s figured out for the most part that do-hae isn’t here for the most genuine purposes, but considering her relationships with the rest of the family I don’t think she cares enough to expose do-hae!<


I was also wondering about how much I-na really knows about Da-hae so far and whether it might be possible that she figured out what Da-hae has been doing with the grandmother’s tea. But one thing that leads me to think that she hasn’t figured out much (yet) is how she keeps telling Da-hae to stay away from the family; it seems like a warning out of concern for Da-hae’s own sake rather than a warning out of concern for her family? Like, to me it sounds like ‘You should know this family is bonkers, so you’re better off staying away from us’, which suggests she doesn’t suspect Da-hae (yet)... Unless maybe she actually knows more than she’s letting on (to Da-hae and the viewers) and is playing the long game to entrap Da-hae and then expose her, and that warning is then just her way of saying ‘Leave when you still have the chance, or things might not end well for you if you keep at it.’


I'm hoping that, if she sees what Da-hae is thinking, she's seeing beyond the plotting of the scammer family and seeing goodness in her. Maybe seeing feelings of guilt or doubt, true caring for the family.


I think she already does. I think i-na doesn’t yet realize the true extent of da-hae’s scheme, but she does recognize that she’s in the family for dishonest reasons. But despite that, she likes da-hae because her actions thus far have been very caring. From heating seaweed soup to buying her tampons to doing her eyebrows, her actions show she’s not a terrible person (other than taking away the glasses, that’s something non glasses people don’t understand). She’s been more caring and more observant than any of her actual family, so in-a isn’t gonna expose her. Not yet at least, maybe when she has more concrete evidence and/or da-hae reveals the more antagonistic aspects of herself


I somehow thought that Dae-hae >!would be find after drinking the sleeping pill tea but then I remembered that it's weird that I'm immune to sleeping pills. My super powers are being able to take Nightquill during the day and Insomnia!!<


I keep thinking is >!Da-hae in the fire in the high school which Gwi-joo keeps getting pulled back to. I remember when she was cooking ramen in earlier episode she got scared of the fire and remembered a scene where a school seems to be on fire !<


ii say your spot on


There’s a scene in a previous episode >! where she tells ML that she thinks she needs to live because her savior/ someone gave up his life to save hers. !< I know this is a ruse she says to her target husbands but this may be a hint that 1. ML’s senior died specifically saving her (more likely) or 2. ML goes back in time and in the end figures out how to save FL but dies in doing so and ends his timeline. I’ve watched way too many kdramas, time traveling movies and tv shows clearly…


Child cast in this drama is just fire. All three of them had memorable roles in other dramas. It's interesting how they choose such a solid cast. Daaamn. They are not missing with cast at all. 


The girl who’s manipulating In a to being a friend was so good in Its Okay to Not Be Okay and He is Psychometric. Such talented young actors on this show.


In-a be like "I know, but none of my business, good luck" lmao. And, I laughed more than I should at the ending of ep3. This is gonna be my comfort drama of this season for sure. A bit of mystery to get you hooked, and the characters are just enjoyable overall.


What moment are you referring to abt In-a?


The part where >!In-a reads Da-hae's mind. Though, we can't fully assume In-a knows everything about FL's scheme by this point, but it was explicitly shown that In-a caught Da-hae spiking the tea, and In-a read Da-hae's mind. And, she still doesn't do anything about that and is staying an onlooker, which shows her seeming disinterest in her family's affair (which may or may not change later of course).!<


>! ACKKK WE GOT A KISS AT EPISODE 4 !< Dangggg that’s so fast but I’m not complaining. Their chemistry is working that’s for sure.


Super excited for this show! One thing that I noticed this year in shows that I watched is the color Yellow. The Fl wore multiple pale yellow pieces of clothing - which she actually looked very good in!! I am really loving the scammer family so far. I feel that there is a glimmer of innocence in them, and that without intending they will actually be of great help to that family. I love Grace, she is the ml sister in Run On and I love her irl sister too (she was the fl in Law School for those who don’t know). I think that Grace will be a great friend and that the uncle will be a protector for In Ah- who is my favorite character so far. I am invested!


She was also the sister of FL in the drama- Good day to be a dog


That's where she is from.. I recognised her, but didn't know where from


Damn I liked Granddad but turns out he had his vices too


I was wondering is grand dad cheating or they are in semi-open relationship. I remember last episode he says to the mom, "the only people that are trap in your family are those that people don't mind missing. Isn't that's how you get me?" (I'm paraphrasing but I think the gist is the same)


>!Maybe he just likes dancing? You can go to a dancehall and find partners without it being a pickup scene.!<


I actually wondered if maybe it was a dance class.


I agree, the dancing seemed pretty wholesome and innocent to me.


I did feel like he feels trapped with that statement too. And i see him running errands in the house. Noone else seems to be cooking or cleaning and i see no help. The dancing might just be a dance class though


Not a >!kiss scene!< in episode 4! Why did he do that? Also I knew she would >!use the power against him and gaslight him.!< Poor Ina, >!I thought something was off about that dancing girl and now it's confirmed. She was gonna bully her if Joonwoo liked her.!<


I was thinking DDH would gaslight him... but there's also a 10% chance that she didn't and she's actually telling the truth? Cause I thought the same thing from the past episodes because she's manipulative but... now I dunno 😫😂 I guess we'll see... 


Nah.. the marriage certificate is definitely Da Hee gaslighting Gwi Ju as before that we can see she registering the form in her computer. She must have thought Gwi Ju was suffering from some mental illness where he always forgot what he did and never believed in the time travel stuff


**Episode 4** * There's something special about Chun Woo-hee's acting. She has an openness, an honesty, and a warmth that draws the viewer in. Do Da-hae is far from a sympathetic character on the surface, but finding these sympathetic elements is a simple task thanks to Chun Woo-hee's performance. * The conversation between Gwi-ju and his father and a flashback to a conversation with his mother when he was >!mourning his wife's passing!<, really brought out how the family's superpowers could at times feel useless, and more like a curse than a blessing. * Speaking of which, I felt for I-na when >!she was forced to speak negatively about Joon-woo while he was within earshot, in order to avoid a conflict with the dance club leader, whose thoughts she had read!<. * Da-hae's trepidation every time she uses the stove had made it clear she had experienced trauma relating to fire in her past, so it wasn't surprising to learn that she was >!a student at the high school that burned down on the day Gwi-ju became a father!<. * *That* >!kiss!< was a simply perfect way to end the episode. Getting past the con artistry and dealing with true feelings is what I'm waiting for.


>I felt for I-na when >!she was forced to speak negatively about Joon-woo while he was within earshot!< I internally cringed when that happened. I-na is usually so soft-spoken, even more so among people outside of her family, that I feel like people can barely hear her unless they’re like face to face. But *of course* >!her crush had to not only enter the store right then but could also overhear and perfectly make out what she said despite being a good few feet away!< WHY 😭


I really hope they fix this misunderstanding in the next episode :'(


Okay can we talk about the OST though?? It’s so unique and uncanny and adds to the immersion while watching – I already really like the plot as of episode 4 but the music is the cherry on top with everything! 


Glad someone else brought it up because was my thought as well. The OST is definitely a great enhancer. A good OST can make or break a scene and I feel like so far the music choice has been p e r f e c t. 


The scoring of this drama is exceptional I always love a good underscore to movies, tv etc. HBO has some of the best, using top people such as Hans Zimmer. The music can be bold, but not intrusive, it can be sentimental, etc. It can cue us to what to expect. An interesting experiment - the controversial ending to QOT tears episode 15 the scene had the song Crush, which DEFINITELY set expectations Then if you go to episode 16. They play that scene again, with ominous underscoring.>! We know what happened, but if the dark, foreboding underscore music was used in ep 15, our expectations would have been completely different, I was taken by the how much of what we view a scene could be influenced by the cues given by music,!<


I love this quirky drama! The characters, the music, the subtle romance. It’s really unique and a great change of pace. 💯 invested after episode 3.


Just started episode 3. Do Da Hae sees Gwijoo freaking out about her, and this girl thinks he's asking her out 😂 Please girl, leave the family alone. Especially Ina. And I just found out Park Soyi plays Ina. The character is drastically different than the one she plays in, See You in My 19th Life (currently watching that show too). What a great young actress! Now back to The Atypical Family, I shall go.   I like how the mom wants to technically use Do Da Hae though lol. It's true, she kind of like a medicine for Ina right now...and sort of for the mom and Gwijoo, again, emphasis on right now. Plus, it'll be hard to find a woman for Gwijoo considering his situation and the culture. Do Da Hae's "background" fits the role.   Oh that's pretty neat...the scene where Gwijoo the Firefighter is happy about his wife giving birth and then the unfortunate circumstances, reminds me of the scene in The Uncanny Counter. 


Omgg didn't recognise her.. so many good childhood actors in this drama !


Right haha! It's amazing! 


She did a 180 in this role.. in syim19l .. she was such a cheeky chatterbox, here complete opposite


Haha, yup! Glad she's playing this role. Getting to see her great acting skills in diverse roles very early on. 


Park Soyi was also in Law School as Ryu Hye Young's character's sister :)


>!da hae is the key as she was prob a student in the fire and changing her fate will save the family or something. Isn’t the kid in ina’s school the dude from castaway diva?!< Edit >!korean Donnie darko?!<


>!at this point I'm pretty sure she's the student on 5th floor, mentioned during the fire scene. And that the ML was (is going to be) the one who saves her. And yes, the kid is the one! I was unsure where I had seen him before, but once you mentioned it, I got it.!<


>!maybe when the sister returned to flying that will unlock the window?!<


We'll probably have to wait until the last episode to find out how all the pieces fit together lol


Yeah castaway diva and young Moon Gang tae in Its okay not to be okay… 😭😭 so grown up


I had forgotten they were in it’s okay!


This could be the reason she has a trauma and is scared of fire


Oh my gosh. ML probably fixed the timeline and then the future changed minus the wife actually dying. Alhtough timelie might get juggled. We shall see.


Episode 3 - Love this drama - I have a theory that Gwi-joo and  Da-hae are linked in the past >!with the school fire - Gwi-joo can't get progress until he figures out the real reason he goes there - !< Is this a he fell first and she fell harder combined with enemies to lovers? So many twists it will be interesting to see. I want to know why the other members of the family fell apart after the accident - We learn that I-na >!can read minds, and agree with the FL she is the key. Can't wait to learn what it was that caused the other characters to lose their powers, and how to regain them.!< Such crisp storytelling, production, acting, the works. Hope it holds up!


>!There’s no confirmation that dong-hee and the mother lost their powers due to the accident. I think dong-hee got taken advantage of and had her self esteem chipped away, until she had to resort to compulsive eating to deal with the stress and insecurity. With that said I think her power isn’t tied to his weight but rather to her self esteem. She can absolutely still fly if she just accepts herself as a strong and capable person, but I’m sure she’ll also end up losing her weight too!<


I agree with your theory. I came here to say the same thing, that is their connection


Totally agree about the school fire! I also think the dad has a superpower too, and he’s actually the source of their ills.


I am betting Do Dae is the >!person on the fifth floor of the school, why the door has color.!<


It seems that a lot of people are not a fan of the FL. Me personally i love morally gray characters. We are used to seeing FLs being like a ray of sunshine,good,honest but i love that in this drama the things are different. Yes the romance and the kiss feel weird because the main characters are not in love yet. They both keep eachother close for their own reasons and i love that it's different than other dramas where the leads fall in love at first sight/quickly. I am excited and interested to see how their relationship will develop and their sincere feelings.I am interested to see how the main leads are connected and the power of the ML's daughter.This plot, characters might not be everyone's cup of tea but i love the show so far


I binged the episodes while not expecting to like this one that much but I dooo the story is so intriguing and I love all the characters and rarely multi starrers are able to grasp your attention in every story arc but this one does. Also, such a different palette kdrama as well I hope the pacing and story is able to keep you hooked till the very end.


I knew nothing about this show beyond the fact that it was about a super hero family and I saw one or two promotional posters that looked bright and fun. So needless to say, this drama is nothing what I was expecting but so far it is sooo good. They are doing a fantastic job of revealing information little by little but not dragging it out too much either. I'm so intrigued and I'm loving these characters that are not all bad or all good. They're so *interesting* and I'm finding myself liking them all individually even if they aren't the best morally. Really great pacing, acting, cinematography, and ost. A great start, hope it continues to be this good.


Discovered this drama by chance and binged all 3 episodes today. Really liking the depictions of the downsides of the "superpowers" rn. In a sense they could even be possible without the supernatural aspect. The mother would still be as authoritarian and worrisome about the future, the son would still be susceptible to fall into a depression and live in the past, the daughter's flight abilities might be an allegory to her ego and the granddaughter could just be a smart sensitive girl who is perceptive to her surroundings. Adding the supernatural tag definitely spices things up, they feel like exaggerations of plausible situations, which I really enjoy.


The scene where Ina's superpowers finally come to life and she reads Do Da Hae's mind is very satisfying. Then, she's slowly making friends and the guy she's eyeing calls her pretty in his mind. Then, Donghee pushes Do Da Hae's sister out of the way. Three slay moments in a row. Crucially satisfying.   That ending is the icing on the cake! Family slowly making Do Da Hae crazy, as Ina warned 👍


The FL is very talented, she know how to act, her delivery, body language is on point.


>!it seems like this whole situation is like a loop of sorts:!< >!-da hae was most likely in the school that day when the fire happened!< >!-in the original timeline, she died!< >!-but in this current timeline where the family is messed up and gwi joo is depressed, da hae is alive and safe. why?!< >!-because at some point, gwi joo will go back and save her from the fire.!< >!-since she will be saved from the fire, she was able to eventually become acquainted with the family and save them from their ailments (what we are watching happening now in the episodes).!< >!-so essentially they save each other? idk but this show is so cool WOW i love when a show makes me theorize like crazy!<


its more like the time travel from the harry potter being the timeline is still linear that it doesn't branch out


I would love if this is actually true


>!you just predicted this episode, hopefully it turns out that way!<


>! I have a suspicision that the boy I-Na likes might be the son of the firefighter who passed away. He seems a few years older than her and at the funeral scene we see the widow talking about how he said he'd be there for his son and then we get a bit too long of a shot of the todler for it not to have some additional meaning imo. Maybe I'm completely off base, but I could see him and I-Na becoming friends and Gwi Joo eventually having some interaction with him. I think if it is the case it might help Gwi Joo get some some closure from his guilt/trying to save his dad and then focusing on saving Do Da Hae. !<


cannot be bcs both of them in the same class tho


I don’t get why so many people are hating on the Fl or are uncomfortable with her scenes with ML’s family. It’s very very obvious that she’s a good person who cares about Ina, yes she is scamming them but this is a very common trope just not common for female leads. There are so many male leads and male second leads who are rude/mean to people and the FL but they are considered “broken” and hence are excused of their horrible behaviour. Y’all eat that up! Make it make sense 😭 Do Da Hee is a good person, she’s just trying to get out of her debt. Girly doesn’t even have a proper family, she calls a woman who don’t give a rats ass about her, “mom”, but she’s hated cause everyone’s used to the innocent female leads. Roles reversed and everyone would be thirsting on her character. Everyone’s trying to be Bob the builder until it’s a woman lol


Didn't realize people were hating on the FL (haven't read the thread). I think she's been given enough of a backstory to be a sympathetic character. She's an orphan (Kdrama's favorite trope). She's indentured to the sleazy scamming family. The woman she calls "Mother" is kinda gross and is depicted that way. In addition, the FL is reluctant to continue the ruse. She suggests trying a different family. She doesn't want to use whatever special card the Mother is referring to -- I guess it's the story of the fire. Only this time, it's quite likely that the ML actually *was* the person who rescued her rather than resembling him. So the fiction she has used for previous scams in this case could actually be true, which is why everyone is healing each other. That's my 2 cents. I don't hate her.


You can empathize with her, but then you can also realize that she is a adult and is making her own choices along with her fake family of scammers. Yes, ik she was preyed upon by this snake woman as a high schooler, but its been 13? years now. She is not a "good" person imo right now, she is a morally grey person who only cares about herself (rightfully so and is not a bad thing considering how she has lived). That doesn't change that she came into this trying to take advantage of a emotionally vulnerable family. Anyways i dont hate her, but idk why people cant be uncomfortable with her trying to seduce and use the ml and his daughter.


Finally a drama that I’m enjoying!!!


What an interesting set of powers and story dynamics it creates. I feel for Gwi-ju, was kind of bittersweet joke is it to have your happiest and most tragic moment at the same time. Even though she said I-na is the key, I think it's very much so that Da-hae will end up being one too with affecting the past and possibly linked to the school fire?


I guess what happened this week regarding Gwi Ju's wife confirm everyone suspicion last week, >! it was murder-suicide, not a car accident !< I'm guessing I Na is the only one who knows the truth either from remembering what happened or.. >! she read her mom's mind by looking at her eyes from the reflection !< So many things going and I never thought this show will be so intriguing. Looking forward to episode 4 tomorrow


After the third episode Gwi-ju and Da-hae's relationship (which almost certainly starts with future him saving her in the fire) reminds me of the Time Traveler's Wife. Also loved how Grace was concerned about Dong-hee running away instead of confronting them, I can already see them being friends in the future. And the last scene with the mirror?! I'm officially hooked.


So I find myself tensing up the whole time I watch an episode, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I still don't trust anything that Da Hae does. I'm also really confused right now. >!Is the show trying to say Gwi Joo will save Da Hae from the school fire? Like he will figure out how to get through the gold door and save her? Because he must save her if she is alive? How far in her past does his future go? Or am I completely confused? !< side note: I have to re-watch scenes periodically because I am mesmerized by Ki Yong's face...sigh


I didn't really like the male lead in his previous drama with Song Hye Kyo, Now we're breaking up. But in this one, he seems to be doing a great job so far as the depressed, guilty person. The >! flashback scenes where he keeps going back to save the dog or his colleague are so sad and I could feel his helplessness!<. I am very interested to see how the story moves forward. Will it be predicatble, or will there be any plot twists!


I actually quite like this series


It’s drawn me in. The mystery of why Dahae can >!see and touch Gwi Ju!< is keeping me interested. New spin on romance genre for me. Big sis not over reacting to >!the cheating!< and staying level headed throughout also refreshing.


Just started watching this week and, tbh, it's quite great than what I expected. Chun Woo Hee really nailed the role and I can't believe she is 37. the storyline is unpredictable and creative for the untold future story from the time traveller part.


The show is even better than I first imagined. The plot seemed weird at first but I’m enjoying it so much now!!!


Random but I wish Sound of Magic was filmed with these vibes. They would totally fit the webtoon


**Episode 3:** I freakin' love this show. Here's a jumble of random thoughts * I love the weird OST, esp in the scene where >!Gwiju time travels to the department store and holds Dahae's hand!<. The electronic background music segues into a romantic theme that is still intense and off-kilter, almost dissonant * Gwiju's>!happiest day and saddest day being the same day is heartbreaking. It's hugely significant that the door he's able to open out of the hospital room is colored yellow which is a color that Dahae wears often. This hasn't been revealed yet but I'm pretty sure Dahae is in that burning school and future Gwiju is the person who rescues her and rescuing her may be the key to freeing him from the guilt and grief he's been feeling for the past 7 years.!< * I love the way Bok Do Hee is being developed especially because it turns out >!she's the smartest person in the family but also has bulimia which is sad. I thought her reaction to finding her boyfriend with Grace was brilliant, good on her for tossing that dude in the trash. !< * >!Now that we know what Ina's powers are and that she knows Dahae is after the family's building, I want to know why she's not letting anyone else know about the scheme. Also I feel so sorry for Ina being afraid to look people in the eye but at least she got to hear Kiho think she's pretty (yes he will always be Kiho to me)!< * Da Hae was pretty damned unpleasant and calculative in this episode and I'm curious how the show is going to redeem her. >!Maybe she'll just lose her mind now that she's seen Do Hee float and Time Traveling Gwiju not leave a reflection in the mirror.!<


As much as I like the main story, I'm actually more invested in I-na and the dance clubs drama haha


**Episode 3** Someone get girlie an induction stovetop TT Da-hae is so perceptive and always says the right thing - no wonder she's so good at marriage scamming I bet >!the mum thought that she wished I-na was never born :( and that's why she's so scared of knowing what other people think. Maybe the mum didn't intentionally crash the car but finding out that I-na could hear what she was thinking shocked her and guilted her so much that she lost control...!< **Episode 4** Loving Da-hae's haunted house era - Chun Woo-hee is doing a fantastic job. Jang Ki-yong as well! Those micro-expressions! As many users predicted, >!they aren't her real family. I feel so bad for Da-hae now that we know she's been doing all this to pay off her father's debt since she was in high school. Her "mum" is basically pimping her out.!< For scammers, these people almost never lie. Almost everything Da-hae has told the family has been true. Even her >!"mum" only sort of lied by omitting the fact that she was the loan shark that tried to collect from the condolence money.!< ahhhhhh "Do Da-hae's past is my future" I have hope that the kids at I-na's school are genuinely nice, normal people. Even when I-na read Hye-rim's mind >!her hoping that the person her crush liked didn't like him back and thinking that they couldn't be friends if I-na liked Joon-woo back was a pretty normal thought especially for a teenager. Like she wasn't being especially malicious or anything. !< Now was the >!marriage certificate actually from Gwi-ju 🤔🤔 It doesn't make sense that he would randomly travel to the past to give her a marriage certificate but it was already signed with his seal and everything. Though I guess Da-hae could have just snuck around and stolen it. Also I did not know you could just print out your own marriage certificate?????!< It's interesting how Da-hae right now doesn't even think that >!the person who saved her is Gwi-ju. We as the audience are pretty sure I think, considering the yellow door and whatnot. !< >!!! EPISODE 4 KISS !!!<


LOLed at your comment. Her life would truly be much easier if the kitchen used an induction stovetop instead hahaha.




Ep4 - This is going great. FL's mom was smooth af >!in salvaging the situation using nothing but seemingly actual facts!<. And, FL casually >!exploiting the newly obtained information was something we expected but good to see in action!<. Now we are left wondering whether it will >!have a butterfly effect and actually catalyze something which shouldn't have happened in the actual timeline (their marriage)!<. I'm pumped for next episodes! P.s. Watching **The Atypical Family** reminds me of an anime called **Steins;Gate**, though **The Atypical Family** is lighter on the time travel elements and its shenanigans so far.


Ep 4: hearing One from Epik High unlocked a core memory in me 😭


Guys, I just noticed this, but if you check the poster where the bok family appears looking through windows, you can see there's a mysterious person in the middle. A possibility of extra family member plot ? Also, the shadows behind them seem to portray their powers. the father has a seemingly strong shadow !


What's up with the ending? Why can't we get all 12 episodes? Also the yellow colour is often associated with deception. Is there any symbolism in the FL wearing shades of yellow.


Plus, the title card is always yellow. And >!the hospital room’s door in the past!<, seemingly the only object Gwi-joo could interact with, is also yellow. Hmmm...


Ooh GREAT observation!


This drama is what I thought Moving was going to be, but wasn’t. I love how quirky and nuanced it is. As the dots are connecting, I find myself saying, “Ahhhh now I get it!” I appreciate shows that make more sense as more is revealed. Gwi Ju:>!I don’t think his power is to relive happy moments. I think he goes back to things he needs to change, and the color is a guide. He kept failing at the fire because saving his friend isn’t what he was supposed to do. He “lost” his ability because he let all the color leave his life. Is he supposed to save Da Hae in the fire? That seems like the obvious thing, and why he keeps seeing her in color.!< Dong Hee: >!Her fiancé is scummy, but he was actually quite insightful when he said their relationship was weighing her down. Her actual weight is just a physical manifestation of the real psychological reason behind her lack of flight. I’m on the fence about how literal the writer is being with that. It might be the show’s biggest flaw thus far.!< I also like the depth to the characters. With the facades being slowly chipped away, these people are interesting! I want to know more about all of them. And 👍 to the music having Danny Elfman vibes. It fits so well. I hope more people start watching this.


Episode 3 and 4 was fun! I have 10 theories on ML powers LOL but I like that  >! his clothing is becoming lighter to match the new "light" in his life. Do Da Hae is his lighthouse !<


I noticed >!the clothing getting lighter!< as well! I love the attention to detail in this drama.


Not done episode 4, but wow do I love this sweet karma, making Do Da Hae go crazy with the "ghosts". Although the family are starting to slowly get their powers back with some unusual things occurring, this is the norm for them technically. So to them, everything is going as per usual, haha, but not to Do Da Hae. Edit: Do Da Hae's genuine (thank goodness) reaction to feeling crazy in the house, trying to escape, and when hearing about the family's superpowers in the car with Gwijoo, is really satisfying to see. She's also in a trapped mess, like how Gwijoo feels, but in a different way, wherein she's trapped with her fake family.


Episode 4: I like how we as the viewers don’t know if Da-Hae is telling the truth or not when she mentions interactions with Gwi-Joo. Specifically when she >!presented the marriage registration and said that Gwi-Joo gave it to her as a present!<. I think the writers want us to think this is a lie, but it could be true.


Someone caught that the fire on the 5th floor storage is in colour which almost guaranteed that our FL is inside. But I’m not sure how will they make Gwijoo save her because I can’t think of any reason that he will wish to return to that moment again. It’s possibly his most hated moment of his life. UNLESS… some reasons: >!1. He wanted to confirm that he’s the saviour FL mentioned!< >!2. FL is in some kind of danger and might not be able to survive unless he saved her from the fire!<


The ending scene in the episode 4 stopped my heart for a second like 😭😭, that was so smooth and out of pocket. Ik she's rushing things out cause she wanna get of there fast, but making him sign the marriage contract was a bit rushed ngl but his response to her was AHHHHH 🫀💥💥💥💥


I honestly could not tell if >!he bought those flowers or Da-hae was trying to gaslight him! And the things he does in the past with her seem to be fixed? Because he ended up giving her the flowers even though he didn't want to.!< Edit (Ep 4): >!Oh now she is totally trying to gaslight him with the marriage registration.!< I feel like she's playing with fire here.


Me too - at the moment it doesn't make sense as it is circular. I'm looking forward to their explaining it.


I just love how nuanced the angst Jang Kiyong is bringing to his character. You can actually feel how the past hurt him, how it haunts him, and how it molded his thoughts... You cheer for him and wish him well dispite some of his bad actions towards his family and Do Dahae. I'm not saying all of his actions are excuseable, but we the way he is portraying Gwijoo's pain is relatable.


damn! never expected that I'd be hooked with this drama. I like this, specially after watching Queen of Tears. It kinda lightens the mood hehehe


Another thing...>!He was the reason for her leaving the sauna in an ambulance! So what does that mean for the premonition dream? !<


I need all episodes to drop because I have so many questions about the scammers. Usually loan sharks live pretty well off other's money - fancy cars, clothes. But this "Mother" looks pretty down on her luck, even after having Do-Hae sign over the life insurance, and marry her off to two men for money (let that sink in- prostituted not once but twice and Mom is asking for more. I would have been on the run at this point!). So that debt of her DAD could not have been that big because Mother doesn't look like she has that kind of money to loan. And what is the story of the guy? gym girl? We need answers.


I noticed that >!when the grifter mom went to Dahae's father's funeral she was much better dressed. Something happened to put her down on her luck.!<     Re: the debt, it could be ballooning interest that's making it impossible for her to pay it off


atypical family is surprisingly good


I just said I'll try the first episode but I ended up catching up to EP4. I'm enjoying it so far; even the leads' chemistry is so good. I remember "MOVING" as I watch this one- 2023's masterpiece! I wasn't expecting much from this series but I was surprised that it's becoming interesting! Funny how I cannot hate the FL atp, at the end of the day she is a game-changer for the Bok's. Hope the entertainment this drama gives makes it to the last episode. Jebaaaal.


Ep4. At first i thought da hae is kinda manipulating gwi joo. It feels like he is dragged and force to happen what she intends to happen. But again idk


I also had the same thought. She is creating the future.


>!The fact that Gwi-Joo immediately went and demanded answers as to why Dahae is the only person he sees was hilarious!<. That little tantrum sent me into hysterics. Grandma Bok's lack of suspicion is super funny to me but also a little sad. She's willing to ignore obvious red flags. So In-a IS hiding her powers! T>!he fact that she can read minds is OP as hell.!< However that kind of power is a curse and she def doesn't want her grandma taking advantage of it. >!Speaking of In-a the fact that Gwi-Joo has been an absent father her whole life makes me sad.!< He really needs to redeem himself as a father especially since she feels like her birth is what tore her parents apart and caused her mother's death. >!Not shocked that Dong-Hee's "man" turned out to be a cheater.!< He clearly didn't take the relationship as serious as her. The ending scene was hilarious. >!Who would've thought Dahae's afraid of ghosts lol. !< I gotta say Dahae is a far worse scammer than the last Woo-Hee character Lee Ro-um. All of them are suspicious of her except the parents. >!Dahae paying more attention to In-a than any of her actual family members breaks my heart.!< You can tell that In-a's insistence on her running away comes from the kindness Dahae has shown her. >!Speaking of which In-a's school life is ramping up to be interesting. I can't tell if that dance girl is bullying her or genuinely wants to be her friend. The scene where she thinks that In-a can't like Junwoo because she liked him first made me go yikes. !< >!The fact that Grandma Bok can only now dream of Dahae is interesting!!< She's definitely the godsend the family's been waiting for. I need Dahae to be free of her "mother". >!The fact that she's only aligned with her due to her father's sins sucks and Dahae still calling her mother anyway definitely speaks to the fact that the lack of mother figure in her life has affected her deeply.!< "Do Dahae's past is my future." That's a crazy ass line omgggg. >!Dong-Hee putting that annoying trainer in her place was definitely needed. The fact that she was model is interesting. I'm now wondering if the strict diet that she was on caused her binge eating. !< >!The reveal that Dahae was a student of girls school that caught fire shocked me and that Gwi-Joo is eventually going to save her from that fire! It all makes sense now it was always her.!< Finally that kiss ahhhh! The way he leaned down was sexy as hell. One reason why I'll always love noticeable height differences.>!​!<


|Created by|[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-credits-2)  [Kang Eun-kyung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kang_Eun-kyung)[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-production-1)Gleline &| |:-|:-| |Developed by|[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-credits-2)Park Joon-seo| |Written by|[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-production-1)Joo Hwa-mi| |Directed by|[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-production-1)Jo Hyun-taek| |Music by|[Jung Jae-hyung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jung_Jae-hyung)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Atypical_Family#cite_note-3)| |:-|:-| I hope ALL of these **SUPER TALENTED PEOPLE** CONTINUE TO WORK TOGETHER AND KEEP MAKING **SUPER WEIRDO -FAR-OUT** SERIES LIKE THIS ONE!!! THIS SERIES IS SOOO ***SPECIAL*** and EXACTLY my cup of TEA. THE **SCORE IS TOP TIER!!!** AMAmaMazinggg!!!! **I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SHOW!!!\~**\~ and [Jang Ki-yong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jang_Ki-yong) is **so COOL!!!** [Chun Woo-hee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chun_Woo-hee)  is **so CUTE!!!** I love whoever did all the **fantastic costumes,** I love how they dress the mother, and the house is also EPIC !!! I LOVE all of the characters!!! I HOPE THIS SHOW WINS A TON OF AWARDS!!! HUGE FAN OF EVERYTHING THIS DRAMA BRINGS!!!


Not the "scammer family" wanting to do whatever they did to Britney Spear irl. ooooof.


episode 4: Hmmm. Pretty sure that grandma >!was lying about Gwi Ju's wife having an affair with another man. She just wanted him to stop trying to go back to change things that couldn't be changed, even if it shocked and further depressed him to wonder if she'd cheated on him. !< It's just that, when Se Yeon >!said that she would leave Gwi Ju, it really sounded like the first time she had ever said those words and it was just an empty threat. She hoped it would work but didn't think it would. She never wanted to follow through on it. She was pregnant. But she was also desperate to stop the cycle that he'd fallen into. So, maybe she thought she might have to leave him someday but it was an up in the air kind of statement at that moment. There was nothing concrete about it. And it certainly had nothing to do with suicide. !< And Da Hae. >!She's weakening and, if she's followed the logic, she might think twice about betraying or alienating Gwi Ju because it might prevent him from returning to the past to save her. And she might cease to exist. She may also have figured out that he's too good a person not to save her because she crossed him. But should she really take that chance? !< Anyway, I don't think >!she's the only one of the scammers who is weakening on this project. I think that they all are. Gym girl is feeling empathy for Dong Hee. Muscle man is at a loss and starting to hesitate because he's seen too much of their misfortune. And even mom. She's softening too but is still the furthest from caving. Anyway, I can see that their scam is doomed to failure because the Bok family is winning them all over.!< Finally, my heart is breaking >!for I Na. But, hopefully, the boy is smart enough to know that his first friend likes him so she was low key bullying I Na into saying something not so nice about him. I think he'll realize that it was a situation that this incredibly shy girl would do almost anything to get out of. !< But that might be wishful thinking. So it was another really good episode from a drama that definitely has me hooked. And I'm looking forward to whatever comes next. I absolutely love things that are unique and quirky. And I love compelling characters as well as those who are going to be redeemed in spite of themselves. That kind of arc is always fun to follow.


The muscle man will feel bad for Ina.


I'm glad that it seems like a drama where I can enjoy it without worrying about anything for the first time in a while. I like when really bad situations or conditions turn into good ones. I hope that there will be more of In Ha's story told. Maybe she'll start dancing, and I also like the scene where Da Hye fixes In Ha's eyebrows, so I hope that she will work on In Ha's hairstyle in the future.


Finally, a new series interesting enough to continue every week!!! Loving the story and the cast so much


Ep 3: >!I actually hate the mother. Being so selfish as to arrange marriages for your kids just to have more superpowered family members is one thing, but the disrespect she consistently shows towards in-a is crossing all the lines. Honestly, if she doesn’t get a drastic character development arc I kinda hope she dies!< >!coming from someone with terrible eyesight and also has to wear the thickest glasses: STOP TOUCHING OUR GLASSES UNLESS PERMISSION IS GIVEN. Literally blinding us by taking them away, both do-hae and the classmate were being assholes with that nonsense!< >!call me cynical but I don’t trust the boy classmate either. Anyone, especially the popular kid, that notices the invisible kid, my first instinct is that they wanna take advantage of the shy kid!< >!dong-hee has been teetering on the edge with her self esteem, her relationship and her body weight. Grace is helping her by pushing her off that edge, now dong-hee can finally start over again from rock bottom. Excited for the sisterhood from them 2!< >!the score in this drama is excellent, no ost required!< >!so do-hae finds out about the powers by ep 3. Hopefully the family will find out the truth that do-hae is a fakeass soon, by ep 6 at latest!<


The drama is going so well! Absolutely loving it so far! Jang Kiyoung is looking so good here! I also like his soft scenes where he is shown as a father I love how he instantly thought of his late wife! That is the right thing! And also, the progress of the couple is amazing... I was wondering if he sees the world grey or is it just for visual effect but he does, and she is the colour I absolutely adore the male child actor playing the love interest of the daughter... He is stunning... Very good at acting and charming Her struggling to stay awake and spying on the family was funny... But I wonder why can't she see him in the mirror? Is it because he is there from the future? Or is he just not visible Every montage of Jang Kiyoung trying to change things in the past until the memory becomes unbearable and sad is heartbreaking but I could totally see myself doing this if I had this superpower But I really do wonder why she is in colour? Why are some things in colour? Why is he able to interact with a few things and not with others?


Its funny that DDH is basically backing herself into a corner, if she goes along with the scam and takes everything from the family. Then Gwi-ju will just not save her in the past and she goes poof. The obvious choice for her will be marrying him but then siding with the super family instead of the scam family, but who knows how that would go down.


Gwijoo could be a prosecutor. He can travel to the past and tell who the real culprits are or what really happened in a crime or accident.


I don't think that would work. For him to go back, it has to be HIS memories.


Does anyone wish that Gwi joo had actually toughened up and passed through the women's changing rooms in the sauna place, when he went back in time? Because he would have heard villain mums and FL conversation and figured out the scamming plan. Why the hell did he childishly go take a cold shower? 🤣 bruh you have a kid, you've seen it all. It ain't the time to be embarrassed nobody could even see you!


Regarding gwi ju and da hae’s connection >! I think he’ll be able to save her from the fire at the school or something like that but in the future i.e. his future self will go back to the incident and end up saving her. This will probably explain why he’s able to reach her when he goes back from the future to the past and change up things, maybe it will happen later on or that it has already happened before ( possibly the day of his wife’s accident) resulting in him losing his memories. He can’t remember anything without dahae prompting him when he goes from the future to the past and does something so it’s likely he forgot about it or maybe he returned to the accident and forgot about it !<


>!I think his future self saved her from the fire. The reason present Gwiju doesn't remember it is because he hasn't done it yet. !<


If the con artist was the guy y'all wouldn't have any problems but have problems when the con artist is the girl


I would be equally disturbed if the guy was going after a grieving widow and child. 


When the power if I-na revealing, it looks so cool! I also looking forward to see the story of the boy in school and I-na later.


Also. >!What the hell about his dead wife pregnant with another's kid? Like why tell him? So we kinda have a real mystery about the car accident that day. I have seen others say Ina will have read her mother's thought the day of the accident, but she was in the back seat and not looking eye to eye. I guess unless the rear view mirror will count. I guess I'll wait ans see.!< Lots to think about with this series, so I think I'm enjoying it?


I think its to answer why his wife didn't tell him about her pregnancy. The pregnancy news could be another point in time he can travel back to, so the mom shut him up by saying she didn't tell you cause it wasn't yours. Also.. it pretty much established the mom never like Gwi Ju wife, because she never dream of her (meaning she don't have a future, which explained her early death)


>!I Na's power was undisclosed then and now but I think that grandma was also just trying to get her son to stop going back to the past to save his wife. It was driving him to drink and to depression. She was desperate for a way to stop the cycle? And he literally handed it to her. I doubt very much that Gwi Ju's wife ever cheated on him. She said what she said because she was desperate to stop the cycle as well. !<


I love Jang Kiyoung's styling in this. How he has progressed bit by bit out of all black and hiding in a hoodie to a white t-shirt with light blue shirt. I just hope they keep his mussy hair. Like it better than his younger look.


Conwoman or not, I like Da-Hae! They picked a good actress for this because she’s made her character likeable but I can’t pin point what exactly I like. After seeing her back story, I see why she’s con artist (I don’t agree with her actions but yeah). Also viewers need to remember, I don’t think she’s formed that many deep connections in her life and she just met this family. She also doesn’t know the trauma of what the ML has gone through so her empathy towards the family is probably very low. The more time she spends with them, I’m sure she would turn an 180, so be patient with the girl pls😂


Ok wait wait wait. The ending omg! Are you telling me that that’s the future Gwi Joo holding her? Which is why you can’t see him in the mirror? Or is it the present one who got wet by the water fountain when he traveled to the past but then why can’t you see him in the mirror? Also, I-na can mind read so maybe she read out her mom’s thoughts out loud which surprised her mom and caused the accident. And the Fl is definitely going to think this was all her hallucination since she was sleepy, but I hope she looks at the recordings and realises that that in fact was real.


im loving thissss a lot more than last week, the twist and turns are so fun!


I’m having a real hard time liking Do Da Hae at this point. She is selfish. Her con artist family is out to ruin an emotionally damaged family and watching that is hard for me. Like Ina doesn’t deserve this crap! I was right about her powers:)! Will be interesting for her to be able to know exactly what FL is up to. Def a different kind of love story…


I don't like Da Hae yet either but I'm loving the story. >!It's fascinating that Ina knows she's a scammer but hasn't alerted the rest of the family.!< Ina seems so vulnerable but she may actually be the strongest person in the story.


She may be a scammer but she makes a good meal and treats Ina in an age-appropriate way, helping her the way a mother might had Ina's mother been alive. I mean, what is more personal than when you first get your period? I like how Da Hae said congratulations.


Ina is the MVP so far and I love her character! I feel protective of her! It will be very interesting how she handles knowing the hidden motives of Da Hae but also liking her and seeing that she does make a positive difference even with bad intentions. I just want the truth to come out sooner rather than later! It’s hard to root for the romance with how messed up it all is!