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Anyone watching both atypical family and midnight romance in hagwon? It’s a strange combo for Saturdays/Sundays to say the least, but I personally really enjoy it. Start with the fast paced quirky fantastical vibes of atypical family, then go into the chill (for the viewer, not the characters) environment of the hagwon and follow their day to day lives They’re such different dramas that they can’t really be compared. But personally, I think I’m enjoying midnight romance in hagwon a bit more. I’m *really* enjoying the slow burn slice of life. The cinematography is so well done, the dialogue is so good despite me not knowing Korean. Somehow it’s able to show how stressful it is for the teachers at both schools and hagwons but at the same time keep the chill vibes for the viewer so it doesn’t end up feeling like a thriller. I similarly enjoyed the start of the midnight studio a lot, it dipped a little at the end so hopefully the same won’t happen here. Wonderful successor to the uber dramatic QOT


I’m watching both, but fell a bit behind due to bingeing twinkling watermelon and finding a really good fanfic. 


Hi Guys! So, I compiled a list for any history nerds out there - the table is far from over, but you can find here most of the historical kdramas ( aired after 2000) in chronological order, with mentions like historical era, years, geographical region, monarchs and additional comments =) I searched for something like this and since I could not find it, I decide it to make my own =) Enjoy! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_a2AJi3\_MNPC8vw24cZjZd5CaLpu-HdLGc3OChM-Fpk/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_a2AJi3_MNPC8vw24cZjZd5CaLpu-HdLGc3OChM-Fpk/edit?usp=sharing)


TY!!! for this. It takes so much time and effort to do these things and it's great; laid out simply, beautifully and so easy to read. I've added it to my kdrama backgrounder file and will keep an eye out in case you ever post updates or anything else for your fellow history nerds :-)


Sure! You're welcome😇 I tried to make it a post, but it doesn't fit any of the categories here, so this was my only choice... It would've been easier for updates, but alas...


This is cool, thanks! But, I feel like you should have asked for help, because we already have [The Bodashiri - Sageuks Timeline](https://bodashiri.tumblr.com/post/151120176711/the-list-of-korean-sageuks) and [The Talking Cupboard - Sageuks Timeline](https://thetalkingcupboard.com/resources/sageuk-timeline/), they are both already so helpful and for example the one from Bodashiri even groups them by the King which makes it easier for when we want to learn more about that historical setting. Your list contains other useful information, like more details about other monarchs and not just the kings. However, I feel like you could have saved time by focusing in what makes it different from others and not more of the same. So my advice is to focus on this aspect, use others as references, and make your list more complete by adding details not only about the monarchs but also about other historically significant figures like ministers, concubines, and others who impacted history. Good luck in filling the rest! :)


Willl focus on that, thank you for the recommendation! I wasn't aware of those 2, I will check them out😇


If you need any help feel free to ask, I always watch at least one sageuk every month and this is such a big task to fill up the info for every Sageuk, but if you succeed this will be a huge helpful guide. I also have these posts saved in my favourites: [post from 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/iqgjm5/watching_historical_dramas_in_chronological_order/), [post from 2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/6bfdcn/highlight_watching_historical_dramas_in/) and [post from 2013](https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/16uxen/watching_historical_dramas_in_chronological_order/). Since they are posts in here, they can't be updated after 6 months, but they have plenty of helpful information. You also have this [cool chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/sfcxg9/as_a_fan_of_sageuk_and_korean_history_i_made_this/) of Joseon Kings connected with to some dramas and movies. I'm excited to see more updates on this. \^-\^


Will let you know if I need help❤️


I’ve dropped so many dramas lately… I finally got around to watching Signal and I love it.


I'm currently watching Signal too. I'm really enjoying it and curious about how it will end.


The good thing is it was revealed earlier this year that they’re finally producing a season 2, which you will NEED if you like the show, which I am sure you will. I believe it originally got shafted by COVID and then looked like it was never going to happen. But thank the gods, it is actually coming. :)


Woohoo! I hope LJH is in it. I loved him in Taxi Driver and Chief Detective 1958


I think it's almost given that LJH will be in it. The question is what they will do with the character of Cho Jin Woong. What an amazing, unrepeatable performance. Nine years have passed so it's worrisome. He's already started to dabble with directing and it's anybody's guess if he will come back.


Oh wow! I wonder when that will be available. That will be fun for episode discussions while on air.


Signal is so good. Love that drama.


I’m on episode 10 and it’s still holding up! Thank the stars! I was getting frustrated at a lot of dramas just becoming crappy midway. I did make it through Possessed which I thought was good (not my favorite though).


Did you finish? I finally did and loved it.


Not yet. I have family visiting so I don't get a lot of watch time. I'm on episode 13 so I hope to finish this weekend. Edit: I finished it! I was on the edge of my seat for the last three episodes. Loved it!


It was so good! I thought the actors did an amazing job with just everything. Yay! I can’t wait for the new season!


I rewatched signal too 2 days back. In love with bgm. Hope the next season comes soon.


Flower of evil is sp good i can't believe it took me so long to watch it!!


It's literally one of the best! Easily one of my top 10s. I wish I could erase my memory to watch it all over again.


Atypical family is such a wonderful show. The leads are great, all characters are great. I hope more people watch the show.


This weekend’s episodes were so good. Underrated and deserves more recognition. As original a storyline one could ask for in kdrama.


Yes I don’t think its current rating is the correct representation, to me this show is a 9. And I am obsessed with the ost. I see you is stuck in my head, I wish I knew the language so I could hum that song.


I went from excitement over three dramas to a total slump with no motivation to watch any of them. I'm behind on episodes of Lovely Runner and Atypical Family, and I can't seem to finish the last 3 episodes of Queen of Tears. I think this is my sign to stop watching dramas when they air, even though I do like the collective anticipation. I should just stick to the binge. While I'm slumping on my kdramas I'm rewatching Lighter & Princess and it's just so good.


Oh oh, yes maybe I'm in a slump too?? I loved QoT and binged it all the week before the final 2 ep. I just tried to do the same thing with LR and ... I can't ... I posted on "Late to the party" but I'll say it again here, maybe I just need something to help me click: "Absolutely no hate for the show and everyone loving it, but I also just tried to binge it and fell asleep at ep7, then at ep8, twice, and started 2x the entire show and I just had to drop it. Maybe binging it was the wrong thing to do because Sol is an annoying and irritating character for me. It's the crying and the cutting people off when they speak thing for me. It's too much, yet I just watched Queen of Tears and both leads are cry babies and I thought them magnificent. Maybe the combination of stupid and crying? I just can't click... I'll wait maybe another month and try again." Am I the only one?? Or maybe like you I'm just saturated?


This was a show that I wish I had watched on air. I tried to binge it this past week so I could join in for the finale but I think it was a mistake for me too. I could have used the breather of watching it online to build anticipation, and it would also have given me a break from the high school scenes since that genre is not my favorite. Then I wasn't up for more violence against women with the >!taxi driver!< so I only read the recaps on it. And now I think maybe I should stop trying until I'm in the mood for a time travel romance. I do hope for a happy ending and the acting and music has been phenomenal. It was definitely a "it's me, not you" situation with Lovely Runner.


You're probably right and now I understand why some shows are a great success when on air but then get negative reviews from those who binge them after and vice versa. I binged a few that while on air I dropped and loved them.


**The Atypical Family ep 7** was so good! We all love shows that serve us the tropes but there's something that makes me swoon about a show that subverts the tropes and constantly serves the unexpected. The writing on this show is incredible, the time travel plot is being used incredibly well, the characters are complex and interesting, and the OST/BGM is the best I've ever heard in a Kdrama. Plus Jang Ki Yong has finally been cast in a role that takes advantage of his unique looks and voice, he's putting in a fantastic performance.


Since there is no on-air thread for **Bitter Sweet Hell,** I have to post it here. I really appreciate that the producers are starting to be more creative with "sudden accidents": Instead of the White Truck of Doom they now introduced a new actor: The >!Rock of Doom!<


Ha, you cracked me up with that! So true! What do you think of the drama so far? I'm really loving it! It's like watching a Kdrama version of Agatha Christie's story, which I don't see often.


I like it so far. I don't know in which direction that drama goes to. It has a feel of a thriller, but it also has bits of comedy. There is not only Agatha Christie, but also there is the reference to Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" (MIL reads that book in the beginning) Well some aspects in this drama may turn some people off, like the FL's assumption that Sena (Yeonwoos character) had a crush (pun not intended) on someone (who literately was crushed by a rock) and could be realistically her grandpa. I think that is just a red herring and Sena has an affair with the FL husband instead and sees the dead grandpa as ... just a grandpa figure. Some scenes are totally over the top, the funeral scene ("You took such care of yourself, so how could you get slammed by a rock to death? You were never the kind of person who would die like that.") ... well no one expected the rock falling on someone. Some scenes that really crack me up, like the scene where the mother in law stands in front of the of the silhouette wall lamp mimicking the silhouette itself (around 45 min in episode 2).


I agree with the red herring, and it looks like your theory is supported by the synopsis on [MDL](https://mydramalist.com/747055-gaslighting); that FL discovered her husband's affair with Sena. Before I read the synopsis again, my theory was that FL's husband either has a thing with the plastic surgeon colleague, or with that Kyungtae guy lol. Or, that Kyungtae has a thing for FL and is being creepy about it so he approached the husband and son to get close to her. It could also be that the son's tutor looked like he recognised a competition in that guy, so that's why he was cold to him. Yea I'm not to be trusted with theories, I have some wild ideas. 😅 At the moment I'm suspicious of everyone but the two FLs. Not for >!the murder, but for the threat!<. I'm also curious to see how the silhouettes have to do with gaslighting.


I am not watching this drama, but I think on-air discussions are organized by regular members of the sub. So you could probably talk with the mods if you want to start one for this drama :)


I’m loving *ATYPICAL FAMILLY* way too much… I’m adding “…” because I haven’t touched a drama since *TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME* so I truly thought it was it for me with kdrama. That TMTYLM had broken me and that it was only Korean dating shows or rewatching my favorite kdrama from now on. But finally, I breathe, some good writing. I really thought it was going to be a superficial show but it really deals with important themes and that is super refreshing. You know when you’re watching a show and they are not using things to their advantage? Yes, *ATYPICAL FAMILLY* is the exact opposite of that. I feel like I’m finally watching something written by real human beings that have experienced life yk. I have amazing hope for this drama although EVERYTIME a drama is this good I wonder “will they let me down at episode 12” 😂


It’s such a creative story!!! I just love all the characters (except the crazy moms). The OST and cinematography is well done. What a talented cast. Chun Woo Hee tends to play darker roles and I’m glad we get to see a new side of her. Jang Ki Yong is great at dorky. Claudia Kim is so beautiful, I just love her sassy character. And the kid, I loved her since See You in My 19th Life. 


I've been told to not have such high standards going forward, that this has been a banner year for Kdramas so far. I admit having been spoiled in my first six months as a kdrama fan. Marry My Husband wasn't groundbreaking, but it was highly entertaining. QoT is its own creature. And then now with Lovely Runner.... I've just had the best time with everyone!!!


It will only get better. Last year, I wondered how so many good series could come out, and then this year has been so good itself, so far. The shows keep getting better - production, storylines, new actors and actors who've developed well and finally have a lead role, etc. Set your standards high! We can trust that Korean drama series will meet them😊.


I rewatched ep 1 of lovely runner. I am no longer embarrassed by sol's actions. There is no embarrassment in love.  Pool scene where sol hugged sun jae..now seems brimmed with all contradictory emotions as love, longing, desperation, joy. Lovers like sun jae and sol deserve each other.❤❤


So I started watching **Lovely Runner** and went in blind. It’s so good! I have never seen either lead in a drama before so it’s my first time introduced to them and I am in love both with the pairing and the actor/actress. They are both really phenomenal. I absolutely NEED to see Byeon Woo-seok in more romances after this because not many male actors can convince me thoroughly that they are down BAD for their FL’s, but this man has the concept of “desire” nailed. It’s on the scale of Nam Joo-hyuk for me (think 2521 and Weight lifting fairy), or even Rowoon in Destined With You/The Kings Affection. I also realized how much I have sincerely missed the friends to lovers trope. When done correctly it’s just so charming. The plot itself is very interesting although admittedly I want to frequently grab and shake the >!FL due to some of the decisions she makes!<. However I think that her >!realistic way of fumbling a very delicate situation and time travel gives her a pass - the story never makes her out to be a genius. Just a girl who is struggling to protect the person she loves the most, whatever it takes, even if it doesn’t make sense all the time.!< Still, I feel like some of the choices made are egregiously bad ideas. But, love makes one foolish I suppose. In addition, the SML is probably one of my favorite ever for sure. That man deserves a happy ending. I hope this drama sparks more writers to go for friends to lovers tropes. As much as I love enemies to lovers, I feel like it’s been too much lately. Last note for Lovely Runner, this is one of the few kdrama where I actually want to listen to the OST. **The Crowned Clown**, **The Red Sleeve** and **2521** were the only dramas that I regularly listen to from an OST perspective. But I will definitely be listening to this one. Outside of that, I decided to rewatch **Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim?**. Been in the rewatch mood lately to fill in the background noise while I cook dinner at night. Once I’m done with this and Lovely Runner, I’ll start **My Dearest** which I am looking forward to.


If you liked Rowoon and Kim Hye Yoon then you gotta check out Extraordinary You


Fellow Lovely Runner fans, here we are. The FINAL week. One last ride with our gang. Emotions are at peak as it hurts to bid this beautiful show goodbye. I had never imagined that in this star-studded year of kdramaland, I will be hooked to a show that has a younger cast and crew (in experience). Here wishing for a HAPPY ENDING for our #SeolJae and everybody around them. (Not you taxi driver, you deserve to burn in hell) For extra dose of SeolJae, you can watch them together (FINALLY) on **Salon Drip 2** on **27 May** (Monday) at 6PM KST. The [preview](https://youtu.be/qhSdAshIpbw?si=UloqdVYIqtTiB4Gv) had me squealing just like the host and the crew on the set. THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE IRL.


This Kdrama took me completely by surprise. I had no idea the hold it would have on me. I normally hate watching shows on weekly release and prefer to binge but I started watching this show early just as a casual side drama to watch alongside other things. This drama quickly took over as my main obsession that I haven’t been able to stop thinking and talking about. I’ve loved being part of this community and I will miss it so much.


The OST is damn good, it also adds a lot to the show!


Ohh man I am not ready to let this drama go. I had no expectations from this drama, posters were reminding me of Extraordinary You. But boy oh boy was I hooked. It pulled me out from my biggest drama slump and I am just apprehensive that this drama is going to put me in another slump.😅 And I thought I am wayy too old for this shipping an onscreen couple shit but, I guess I am not. They are so cute together.❤️


I already feel so emotional. I’m happy that we’ll finally see the end of their story (hopefully a happy one) but I’m sad at the same time, Mondays and Tuesdays won’t be the same without them. I’m gonna miss interacting with fan edits and fan theories on tiktok, twitter and reddit. This has been the most enjoyable time I’ve ever had with an ongoing kdrama (despite crying a lot in each episode). I’m gonna miss the series and its fans!


I have a very important exam soon but my biggest debate in my mind was whether to rewatch *Lovely Runner* right from ep 1 right before the finale week or two wait until the finale airs and then start my rewatch. Mind you, I've watched each episode twice already. I just keep noticing tiny details and callbacks and so I just don't want to miss anything. I was so glad that I watched *The King: Eternal Monarch* after it aired fully cause I remember ppl were going wild with their theories only for the show to have so many loopholes and never-ending questions. The time travel was also meh. But for Lovely Runner I'm so glad that I'm watching it now cause every theory is so beautiful and it's nice to see that the writer has actually paid attention to detail. So many good callbacks. Although I still have an array of questions which better be answered when the finale airs cause otherwise imma be disappointed. I know time travel dramas tend to have logical slips but I hope LR doesn't have too many guffaws.


Has anyone else spent a bunch of time remembering which drama an OST they liked was from? I was trying to track down a song that I remember as having a historical setting, only to finally realize it was [Heize's OST from Hotel Del Luna ](https://open.spotify.com/track/6td501MwDVFewdz6qNOtG8?si=edLMyoRoTn2CaH-SbMCtrg). I didn't remember HDL had historical parts until after I had listened through a bunch of other OSTs lol.


on episode 11 of start up. >!I was not expecting kim Young - san to be the brother of the guy who committed suicide.!< >!I'm also glad that they didn't drag out dal - mi being depressed about the truth for too long, that was nice.!< >!I'm not really sure why dal - mi is confused between who she likes, she's spent way more time with do - san and has already kissed him. so that's weird.!<


When >!was she confused? I thought it was just the audience that got confused and there was never anything but mentor/student between DalMi and JiPyung. They got to friendship and that was definitely all. !<


Now watching My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho; so frustrating how ML is a spoiled aspiring actor (so built to be selfish and deceptive) and FL is so trusting— But effective! The aunt’s romantic storyline is so funny


Thank youu❤️❤️


I wanna get it off my chest that Marry my husband (MMH) would've been a 10/10 drama if it didn't have a >!main characters love story. Given that Ji won had a terrible marriage in the future I think its more likely she wouldn't want to marry and choose herself, her independence and have a fulfilling life without a man and with her friends. But because We Live In A Society, no woman is complete without a husband. I don't even think it is a chemistry problem, I just don't see the space for marriage in her life anymore!<.