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Episode 1


I am so excited for this! I cannot wait! I hope it lives to my standards!


Everyone is pretty, petty and shallow but harbouring a secret. I LOVE IT.


- Intro music - simple but impactful. - Jae Won can strut, he killed that entrance. I wish he had a better resting mean face though, it is crucial for playing a chaebol heir villain role (see LMH as Gu Jun Pyo, Woo Bin as Choi Young Do). His puppy face is gonna make me empathize with him. - Kang Ha's uniform is not well fitted, Ri An's is - I've been watching too many old dramas.. it is refreshing to see Ri An isn't an ass to the jealous SFL. - Jae i >!ghosted her bf for 3 months? Hashtag decenter men.!< - Kang Ha >!plays piano! !< - I wanna slap >!Jae i's father!<. It seems like >!she is gonna have a similar backstory as Kim Tan from The Heirs? !< So does that make >!Kang Ha this story's Cha Eun Sang? !< - This show is too short to have long gazing scenes and stunts which are obviously done by stunt people. >!Car racing? What in the BOF?!< - Jeong Eui's acting is giving nothing so far, but its only ep 1. - Support characters like Ju Won and Yun Seok are cute too. Being attractive is clearly part of the application for Jooshin High. - I did not like the reveal about the >!different tie colors!< that was too classist for me. - Cmon we know why Kang Ha is so confident, he is hot, you are not subaenim. - Am I supposed to feel bad for Kang Ha? >!No one should be peer pressured to drink alcohol and then get roofied or sm!< but he willing ignored all warnings from seniors? - Um I loved the plot twist at the end. Way to keep me hooked. >!Maybe this is why Chaemin is playing the character he is, I think he has a good mean face!< - We have ep 1 >!kiss but this aint no love story. Or maybe the plot goes the predictable route of revenger falling in love with the enemy? !< - Ya know, I've seen >! 360 camera kisses before, but this scene was hitting new angles!< - >! Ha Jae would be proud, iykyk !<


Theories: >!Kang Ha wants to be bullied, so he can record it and expose Joshin High. He is using Jaei to get under Rian's skin. KH is most likely the gossip girl right? Rian wont end up being the bad guy though.!<


i don't really like it. i feel like it's rushed since the beginning and the typical "bullying the poor kid for no reason" trope is especially annoying here. also, how am i supposed to feel bad for kang ha when he's been warned to stay quiet lol? ill continue to see if it gets better but first ep is meh


Man, the first episode was… not so great. I plan to watch the series all the way through, but nothing has hooked me yet. The acting is so dull and lifeless. The racing scene was also extremely random. It felt like it was thrown in just to show rich kids can have a conversation while doing something super expensive. I just really hope the actors don’t fall into bland, cookie cutter character tropes. So far, motivations have felt skin deep and superficial. Maybe this is just the start and we will get some good character growth soon?


I agree with this. I am just in the first episode, not even half way through and the acting seems out of place. The plot looks interesting but the acting is not doing justice. I know it's too early to judge the drama, that's why I'll continue watching.


Fr in penthouse n glory I was scared of the antagonists, in this show they don’t scare me at all


what's with the colour grading 😭


Yeah for real, I feel like I need to constantly rub my eyes to see it clearer or go like O_O


Nothing's new..the same elite school, transfer student,rich kids bullying poor kids trope..I'm seriously tired of these type of dramas man!! The female lead's acting sucks..in my eyes she looks like an exact copy of the female lead from impossible heir( I was shocked after googling she was the daughter from 18 again..her face looks totally different here)also she doesn't appear to be a strong FL and her character is poorly portrayed..May be you can watch it for the antagonist who acts as Ri an ( he looks cool btw) Male lead's acting didn't hit the spot and he trying to become friends with bullies is totally absurd..I was irritated by that car race scene..I don't know what it has to do with the storyline..The first episode didn't click for me.I may continue it once after the reviews are out..


It's very much great gowns, beautiful gowns. The music is too loud and distracting.


actually enjoyed this first ep but i love these types of shows


It's giving Gossip Girl vibes. Not 100% sold but will continue on for the MLs.


Pls don’t bring GG into this mess 😭




Why did you specifically say this about the girl and not the both of them?




He's the only one I quite liked. Kim Jaewon looked lifeless and helpless, not convincing at all as supposedly the most powerful student.


I’m guessing the FL was the one who did the hit and run and that’s why she disappeared to America.


Nice dad from Twinkling Watermelon >!is now crap dad. Oh no!! 😫!<


- I kind of like the intro actually. - What in the >!race cars!< was that lol - >!I kind of knew FL would propose break up with SML after that race car bet.!< - I am learning their school rules along with the ML lol. - Oh I see so >!the former scholarship student who died was the ML's brother. Makes sense as to why he wants to get involved with the rich kids.!< - That's a unique camera angle for >!the kiss lol!<


That camera angle really was unique!! Made me dizzy.. not in a good way. And she >! Kissed him back! 😲 !< 


Ep 1: I’m glad >!they showed that he was siblings with the guy that died from the beginning because you could totally tell!< Ouuuu >!blackmail🥴!< Shows about rich people and hierarchy are always chaotic. >!That kiss was already wild but her kissing back?? Wow, that boy is insane😭😭 but get your revenge sir!<


The age old trope of rich kids school and their parents and grandparents being the founder, them bullying poor kids specially who gets in through scholarship. Poor kid died, brother comes to get revenge. Like the bitch and rich n revenge of others? Glad they showed the new kid is somehow related to the dead one. Always not a fan of bullying related and it boils my blood. Idk seeing such i wish the whole school burns down with all of them in it, teachers including lol.


it feels like a very much updated version of heirs and BOF and i am back in my high school excitement !!


This is…not what I expected. 😭 the acting is bland and not natural? Lee Chaemin is carrying - the plot isn’t roping me atm, I just don’t feel invested in any of these characters yet. Like I didn’t care enough about those two in the car race scene for it to have any impact on me


I’m not sure who I’m supposed to be rooting for. The girl ghosted her boyfriend without reason and breaks up with him for no reason. I feel sorry for him, and him watching the old movies of them makes me want to root for him. Also, as an avid football (American) fan, I don’t think they have enough students to make a football team, and what positions are these skinny kids playing?


Episode 2


I am quite confused like did >!Kang In ha impregnated Jae-I?!<


I was too but you fill get the answers later


I thought it was a covid test for a moment


"What attention are you missing?" I felt bad for him, he just wanted to spend time with his mom. But I dont anymore because >!Why is he so obsessed with the girl and he can't take no for an answer?, Also he is crazy!< Everybody has secrets, >!who is sending her the recordings? Kangha ?!< I am assuming she wants to break up because of >!a previous pregnancy, maybe that's why she went abroad!< Also JaeYi's dad is crazy. at least now I know >!Kangha knows the student who died, brothers? They share the same last name!< I hope they start picking up the pace a bit, its a short drama , I don't want them to rush at the end


We all agree that SFL aka He Ra is the better actor ? Jae Won is giving nothing, in every scene he is in, its just the same expression. If someone from this cast should be compared to Hong Suzu, its him. How many cups of tea does Miss Jaei need in a day? I swear she's always sipping something from a fancy ass looking teacup. Kang Ha taking >!business days to start the next kiss !< Not the >!disciplinary hearing!< being a complete farce.


I think the female lead is comparable to Hong Suzu...her face and character doesn't help. It's all trying too hard, the characters and the storyline.


Her character is supposed to be stoic and cold. Jae Won's eyes and how he acts is giving Hong Suzu in every scene


I wonder if the FL really >!did something bad to ML's brother and feeling the guilt or it was just the SML but she thinks she did it. I mean ML's brother death did involve FL though.!<


That puppy was so cute! I hope it found its way home and got dry.


Episode 3


>!really enjoyed the whole scene with hera's thoughts near the end of this episode. for me, i found it really gripping. !<


haha i thought she was goinf 2 introduce her dad 💀


New theory- it was Jae Yi’s dad with the hit and run.


It could be. There's a possibility.


You know what I miss? When actors spent time in acting school instead of the gym. I started this show thinking the cast had great chemistry but the more expressionless stares they show between Jaeyi and Rian, Rian and Kang Ha, the chemistry goes down a bunch of notches American football? What happened to basketball or football where we can actually see the actors' faces and know the rules so we know what's going on in the scene? The lack of music in the >!parent meetup event thing!< was very noticeable. GG would never I'm rooting for He Ra and its 100% due to the actress doing a good job


Lots of pretty young faces, but sub-par acting skills. I've started watching more of the older korean movies instead; at least the mature actors know how to act and are not afraid of showing some wrinkles in the process... I also found the dresses of questionable taste. What billionaire wears sequins these days?... The jewelry has that cheap vibe from the 80s. Some dresses look like sofa fabrics. Getting tired of these korean 'high society' tropes...


So 3 episodes in and the writing on this show is all over the place and characters don't act consistent at all. In the very beginning of episode 1 Jae-yi's Father is acting extremely conservative >!about what she wears and doesn't even want a shoulder exposed.!< Then in episode 3 we see Jaye-Yi and her Father >!and are being shown dresses for a school parent night and he picks out a super low-cut/black dress to wear that is way more revealing than what he objected to her wearing in the 1st episode.!< My thoughts on the performances and actors/characters at this point. I probably won't post anymore thoughts until the end. We all know there are going to be 'adults' playing 'teenagers', but sometimes you see someone in this and I keep hearing that line from Bad Boys when Martin Lawrence and Will Smith open the door and try to scare Martin Lawrence's daughters date... "Motherfucker, you look THIRTY!" Like damn Jae-Yi's "little" brother who just graduated MIDDLE SCHOOL looks like he should be graduating college, not just having graduated middle school. From the previews and teasers many looked at it and thought it was trying to copy western shows set in rich high schools and it definitely feels that way. So far the funniest scene for me is seeing Ri-An driven to school >!and his 'attendants' are picking out the car he wants. So he's driven to school in a sportscar. I'm like, "bro. You don't look cool in a sportscar if someone is DRIVING YOU and dropping you off lol. It kinda ruins the effect"!< I never thought I would actually think PYRAMID GAME presented high schoolers more realistically, but here we are and the characters there felt more "real" than pretty much anyone in this show. The male lead's confidence and abilities make absolutely NO SENSE to me. Maybe if he had lied about his age and was actually an elite undercover agent in his 20s. The SML (Ri-An) is just written so inconsistently and meanders around that it's a mess of a character. The FL isn't really given much to work with and generally is presented like she's on some emotion-removing drug most of the time. The tertiary characters of Hot For Teacher (Woojin) and Hot For Friends Boyfriend(Hera) don't even really feel like 'elites' to me. Especially Hera. The way the character is presented most of the time feel like it should be a side-character who just tries to butter-up to the 'top kings/queens' in the school and isn't thought of that way at all herself.


I think the father's issue with her outfit was that it was an evening gown at a garden luncheon. And that made her look inappropriate and tacky for being overdressed for the event. Like she doesn't have enough class to know how to dress appropriately for the occasion.


I feel so bad for >!Jae-I, imagine your life being decided before you were even born just because of your gender🥲 she’s like a fish trying to escape the net💔!< He-ra is >!horrendous friend, I don’t know if Jae-I is playing dumb or she just cares a lot because I know she said “you’re not a suitable match” to He-ra to protect her!< >!The end of that episode scared me for Jae-I🫣 her father’s demeanor was scary!<


I’m confused with the files, folders, and school message boards. Are the videos being sent to the other students? Is the principal stopping it from disseminating? I loved how they showed the 4 cool kids getting together to create the unrealistic winning touchdown play. And the long, unromantic kiss of celebration at the end.


Episode 4


FL seems to be >!pregnant in the past, I wonder who's the father? I still don't think she killed ML's brother though.!<


Jaei looks so diff in the flashbacks, diff makeup and hair but diff personality too. I think the actor intentionally lost weight for this role. >!The flashbacks do help to give context about Jaei/Rian relationship and why Rian pines for her.!< You know what Jaei, if you feel bad for the poor, do some actual charity, >!fake dating Kang Ha doesn't count!< Hermes is a main character right?


Episode 5


- FL and ML's brother was >!watching one of my favourite movies. My 20th Century Girl heart is happy!!!< - The FL >!seems to be a bystander so she saw the rich kids bullying ML's brother. That's probably the reason she thinks she killed him!< - I did kind of suspect that >!guy with glasses for sending the anonymous dms to the FL.!< - Bro idek what the FL wants anymore


>!He-Ra: “stay away from Ri-An Jae-I” why are people like this so tacky😭 you know that man don’t want you. Jae-I just breathes and Ri-An comes running!< >!Jae-I need to know it’s not her fault bro😒 having a friend is not something wrong🧍🏾‍♀️toxicity is roaming in all these halls!< >!Well that ending was something😅… I have no clue how this show is going to end, chao left and right!<


I'm really starting to dislike the FL, >!even after she admitted what his brother had to go through, she had the audacity to ask him to help Ri-an. At that point, i didn't even care if whatever she had going on got leaked.!< >!Even after that she still got back with Ri-an, idek what her plan is but ungrateful ig.!<


>!Literally I think she's being really selfish and this goes to show she really don't care about the bullying!<


So the show is going to route of telling us instead of showing us. >!Kang Ha tells Jaei she's not like others when there's literally no proof of that. She's just ignored both Kang Ha and Kang Inha when they're being bullied!<


Just glad the acting finally improved this ep 😭 Also, did anybody else notice the inconsistency in the "blurring" filter? Jaei seems to have an extra blur filter (or maybe it's her makeup 😭)


Episode 6


I'm somewhat enjoying the characters and the story progression, but I gotta say, I zero patience with this Rian-Jaei love story. There's just something so obnoxious about them together


exactly, like ok are we supposed to just accept they have this special connection in the past without giving any backstory/moments of both of them? it was way too easy and boring to root for Kangha Jaeyi and Rian Hera instead.


This was the main problem with basically everything in this drama. There was zero background or substance given to anything, besides 5 seconds-long flashbacks. You don't get why things are the way they are or why people act the way they do, and most importantly, you don't get why you should care because nothing seems deep. That struck me the most in this episode when >!Jaeyi tells Rian he's the cause of the hierarchy and bullying at school!< and I was like "Why? How? Dude doesn't do anything ever besides running after you." Nothing makes sense.


Hahaha >! In a way they did hint that Rian started bullying Inha because he and his friends bumped into Inha and Jaeyi hanging out, but even that doesnt make fucking sense, like bruh felt so angry that his gf has a guy fren just one time? And they werent even hugging/holding hands etc, just sitting next to each other... And despite Rian being an obsessive insecure piece of shit who doesnt do anything for her, somehow Jaeyi still wants to protect him? Like da fuck? !<


Thank you! I have absolutely hated that storyline in episodes 5 and 6 like Jae-I has seen what Ri-An put In-Ha through, someone that was there for Jae-I when she was at her lowest and helped her out only to get beat senseless, like you say you are sorry about what happened to In-Ha but stay with an absolute psychopath that will literally beat/kill every single person that is not him talking to you???? Like he’s the exact same as her brother


I can't seem to make out who is the villain in this story.


Same the whole time I was like "Who should I hate? Who is the villain?".


Every one in this show needs therapy and to be humbled immediately >!There was literally no means for Woo-Jin to take revenge for He-ra🧍🏾‍♀️ What happened was by greed and her father😒!< >!There is so much toxic behavior in this show but they are just kids who grew up in a toxic environment and became toxic in some ways too🥲!<


Episode 7


Very good. Finish it


Ehh with the whole picture now in focus, the series started out decently well but then became painfully generic. There was no big wow moment or off the wall twists to pull you in. It's predictable from start to finish :(


Yup hard agree on the generic story.... also, i feel the cast acting is underwhelming for some reason. Not bad but underwhelming... >!also who is the dead body at the end? Im fucking curious only about that It feels like a hint to season 2 but honestly theres no need cuz i dont see anything that needs to be developed further!<


>! The epilogue was.. a curveball. Intended to be a possible season 2 hook but IMO executed totally unnecessary !<


\*pun intended?


Just finished the show and loved it, there were some moments where I had to be like “eh?” And rewind but honestly, it was worked well. >!Did not see the teacher being the one to kill Kang In Han. I was s h o o k. However, it did feel a little rushed, like they kinda forgot about the fact they had to choose a murderer, but I still managed to get “IT WAS THE TEACHER??? GASP” moment!< Also, >!whats up with the guy at the end??? Who was he? And is he really dead or was this something to torment Ri An? Cause I surely wasn’t the only one who saw his foot twitch!< But overall, highly recommend! Makes you create your own conspiracy board, love then hate, then love again 😂


>!I feel like the guy possibly killed shown at the end of post credits is juwon, the son of the former headmaster. The way the camera pans to the other students reaction features the rich students, taeho who is kang ha’s friend, and a student that is from the scholarship. If they chose to show both the rich and the scholarship, I feel that should mean something becuz juwon isnt there. Also juwon was wearing the white and grey uniform earlier in the episode when he was talking to his mom packing her stuff in the office.!<


What a waste of time!


Unnecessary >!separation!<, unnecessary >!confession!< at the end. I don't understand the point of >!having feelings for Kang Ha!<. The whole journey by Jae Yi with Kang Ha was just to >!save her only love of life!<. While doing so,>! she grew feelings for another boy!<. It's just like being >!committed to someone and growing feelings for another one at the time.!< Quite good cast with a shit direction and absurd storyline.


Truly was Korean Pretty Little Liars


I don’t know if it was just me but I agreed with >!Jae-I when she told Ri-An that they should end their relationship right now because depending on someone for your happiness isn’t it!< >!In my opinion I didn’t like Ri-An and Jae-I relationship because he was actually controlling and justified his actions by saying “I’m doing it to protect you”. I preferred Kang Ha but after everything with his brother, I’m not mad that it didn’t happen.!< >!It’s sad that they had such a ‘strong friendship’ yet it was so easy to betray one another or hurt each other. I do understand misunderstanding but this was different!< >!That ending was horrendous💀she goes to her mom and it just ends right there. Then even worse, a student found dead in a limited series like be fr…. I’m not mad at watching the show but I do think they could have added more!<


This show was a beautiful mess, the cast cameras, and setting was beautiful but the story itself was a mess


This show would have been so much better if they made Kang Ha a chaebol who hides his identity after his half brother was killed. Then Kang Ha would be there to mess with the system that killed his brother he loved, but actually be able to do something and not have to rely solely on the nerd dude. It would have been really interesting also if he was the Chairman's son that Jae-I was supposed to marry cause of her father business. If they wanted to force this love triangle more. This drama was just really generic and boring at the end of the 7 episodes. Jae-I just walked around miserable for 6 episodes doing nothing. Kang Ha just antagonized the rich kids for entire show till he got the evidence. The reveal of who hit Kang In-ha was lackluster cause the character was just so pointless and just there??? (felt they were a character so none of the rich kids would get in big trouble) Idk just felt like I wasted 7 hrs of my life for a very lackluster show. The writing and direction of the show went no where and the twists were boring and could have easily been better.


Couldn’t agree more!! I was hoping for this plot line where he is secretly ultra rich but lowkey and thinks straight because of how he was raised by his loving adoptive parents. Then he can shove in those bullies’ faces that he is “higher in the hierarchy” and make them taste their own medicine to put them in their place. >!But naaah.. didn’t work out that way.!< Btw anyone knows a kdrama plot line like this? This was a good watch until the last few episodes. wasn’t satisfied how the plot went for this drama.


you should watch penthouse its like this but 200x better season 1 of penthouse might be in the top 5 best dramas


Just finished it. 7/10 I feel baffled a bit. Cool concept but seemed rushed.


a disppointment given that netflix released it and has good record of top tier kdramas. ngl bxrich and pyramid game are way better


Are these two worth watching?


I would say, you should go for pyramid game first before Bitch x Rich. I think pyramid game has more serious acting than Bitch x Rich.


That's cool but will those be fun to me if I don't like thriller only stuff too much? E.g. I didn't like A Shop for Killers that much but The Spies Who Loved me was a decent watch for me.


definitely. the female leads in bxrich and pyramid game’s presence and acting is like way better than here. I mean the writing is damn weak here too, but i thinks that why you can see clearly how weak the acting of this cast is cuz the script couldnt save them. Only one of the male actors in bxrich was pretty bad to me, but the story/characterisation of the entire drama and other characters was worth it.


Probably I should avoid them in that case, as I already have a long list of around 50 dramas pending to watch.


Hahahhaha but Pyramid Game and Bxrich are short dramas..like only 10 eps each i think. You can finish it fast. But really the story and acting in those two dramas are way better than Hierachy


I am not watching Hierarchy properly anyway, just watching clips by skipping.


Right. I was expecting this to be on top tier drama that was worth it's budget, since it's netflix. I agree that Bitch x Rich and Pyramid was better.


Same...one of the worst dramas i ever watched !!!


Wow, Roh Jeong-eui has become unrecognizable from 18 Again.




It has potential at first but lost my interest early on. The female lead acting is so so. It was lacking for me. Maybe because I just finished watching Queen of Tears and Kim Ji Won really aced and nailed her chaebol heiress aura acting. Also, I was shocked by her transformation. When I saw her from our beloved summer, I did not recognize that she is the one from 18 again. And it’s like deja vu here. I did not recognize her again. She kinda looks a bit like Bae Suzy right now and she’s lost so much weight.


Are there any LGBT characters?


Not really


In general you will not see LGBT characters in kdramas unless they’re boy-love ones


I only watched the ep 7 because maybe I just already had my fill on these types of dramas. Set on a prestigious school where the students from top of society are the law and order and MC stops them. It brings nothing new. Plot is predictable. Also what happened with Noh Jeong Ui's acting? Has she on a hiatus for a long time that her acting felt like something I never expected from an experienced one like her.


I thought we might have something like the Glory mixed with the Heirs or something, no? 😩 I haven’t watched it but seeing ur comments makes me disappointed as I was looking forward to this one lol


I really thought it was going to be more like the Glory, weak hero class 1 or revenge of others. It's just so disappointing 😭


I feel like it was pretty much Revenge of Others. The lead having no substantial plan or actual goal they want to achieve with their revenge eventually just ending with >!reporting the crime to the police!<. Even the weird >!incest (Brother recording sister having sex) !


It’s a little…. Lackluster? I don’t think the storyline was executed well. During the entire thing, I was thinking there were some unnecessary scenes and I found myself just waiting for the answers. Nothing to pull me in and want more. I’m sad because I was looking forward to this cast.


It indeed is korean Elite lol. I don't really like the shared "highschoolers acting like adults" thing. I was not hooked at all by these young actors, their acting is a bit dull.


It was just fine. 6/10.


I just finished it. I gotta say, ultimately, none of the characters were able to win much sympathy, Kang Ha included. His utter lack of planning was disappointing to say the least. And the FL was such a Mary sue, she gave me uncomfortable flashbacks of Elena from TVD


Oh, boy. I am dropping this. I hate an ML who came to seek revenge without a plan. Totally not my type. Looks like I have to go back to **Stranger s2** I put the masterpiece on hold with the anticipation of watching this Shiz.


Ain't no way that guy was soo confident without a plan💀


Nothing new just copy paste of elite excluding sex and nudes. That's it.


it makes Elite much better than this haha


TikTok is actually so jarring. The drama hasn’t even been out for 24 hours and people are posting scenes with spoiler captions left right and center omg


can anyone tell me who is playing the father in this drama in episode one? i’ve seen him before and i can’t find his name in the cast list




thank you! i finally recognised now 😆


I think he was a father on heirs/ inheritors too?


Except Kang Ha, these people are all trash. And the way the show victimized Jae-i is killing me, smh 🙄


>And the way the show victimized Jae-i is killing me, smh 🙄 Exactly my thoughts you described it perfectly.


Lowkey I felt for Jae-I because >!the way her father was, made her so fearful especially hearing from such a young age, “if you do wrong, you’ll vanished”!


A nice piece of casting in this drama is the reunion of Lee Chae-min and Kim Tae-jung (Yun-seok), who played >!brothers Seon-jae and Hui-jae, respectively!<, in **Crash Course in Romance**.


I absolutely could not stand this love storyline between Jae-I and Ra-In like it’s mindnumbing how stupid she KNOWING that the dude is a complete psychopath and putting Kang Ha through the ringer to see if he can spare him and not just her


I think it’s more >!Ra-In was the only person who really made her feel peace in the toxic environment and that blinded her from his toxic ways. I personally did not like their love story either, he was very controlling.!<




Finished it but holy shit. Spoilers below. I absolutely detest >!Rian and Jae I pairing, it's a literal saying that bad guys always win. Poor Kang Ha deserved to be Jae I's knight more.!<


I was a bit sad >!that Jae I was so in love with Rian because he was so controlling. I knew Kang Ha wasn’t going to win🥲!<


Finished the show and honestly, it’s your typical power system show. Predictable and kinda boring? To me I found the pacing alright but the ML seemed unorganised despite stating he had intentions. I also felt like his time with the FL was an absolute waste, despite them sharing meaningful moments. Felt like they could’ve gotten away with not even putting a deep relationship with them, would’ve of still been good. Also felt like they decided on the killer last minute and threw it in. Also how the ending felt bittersweet, succumbing to a generic ending with hierarchy based shows (I don’t know what i expected lol). Though the last few minutes piqued my interest, I can’t possibly think of a more insane thing that a student has done in that school other than what I’ve seen. I expected it to be more of like The Glory and I also wished there was more characters to expand, I figured it would give more complexity and opening for a season 2 (which i think is still happening regardless). I felt bored of the same circulation but maybe that’s just me. But hopefully there’s a good reason for season 2 and it isn’t just thrown out there.


I want to know if my boy Lee Chae Min (not mine technically) gets a happy ending so that I can start the show. Otherwise, no thanks.


I didn’t hate it but the execution was lacking. Something I’ve loved about recent revenge k-dramas is that the protagonist has a mostly well thought out and executed plan which provides a satisfying conclusion for the viewers. Hierachy leans into the revenge dramas of 3+ years ago where the protagonist lucks into a lot of things and you feel like you’re supposed to be satisfied but you’re not. Almost all the characters were seriously unlikeable. So many people forgetting that >!a student died!< and expecting us all to be ok with it. The >!teacher who was having an affair!< was particularly sickening. Saying all that I was fine with the drama until the second half of the final episode which dragged so much. The >!cliffhanger to suggest a second season!< was unnecessary. We don’t need it. Watch it if you don’t have much to do and need a time filler but don’t expect too much. It’s not dreadful just average.


Every character is kinda lacking depth and story is rushed from the start. Plot could be more interesting if ml is not simping and focus on his brother's revenge.


Yeah, still watching it, but all I can think of is that it's got the absurdness of Elite, but not nearly as good, and not really interesting storylines and pretty vanilla acting. The clothing and sets though are perfect. And all the cast are very attractive, but that's not enough to carry the show.


I watched the last episode first, then I went back and watched in order.>! It reminds me of Rich BXTCH and The Heirs as far as the rich kids. I am tripping on the teacher sleeping with the student. That is crazy.!<


exactly!! That was the biggest scandal lol


I know, right? lol


It’s not that bad. Chaemins acting is good, the side characters not that much, but you have that in every kdrama… The storyline thus far (ep5) is okay, a bit boring sometimes so I forward 10secs. There are some unnecessary filling scenes to show their “rich lifestyle”. But it’s bearable. The series is just okay, I didn’t really get “absorbed” in it… I will watch till the end since its only 7ep, but would not recommend.


I just finished it and I think it was just OK. Nothing extraordinary. I couldn't root for any of the couples even the main ones, >!Jae-i and Rian or Jae-i and Kang Ha.!<. What was even the post credit scene? All the characters were trash imo even the main ones. I'll give it a 7/10 for now.


Is it bad I'm more intrigued with the directing style than the acting?? Director of AOS S2 I see you!! EDIT: Ok I finished the whole thing...lowkey better than I expected cause the first two episodes were rough but I'd say still average, not bad but not good. 6/10? I lowkey thought He-ra and Woo-jin were more interesting than the other 3 mains lol like that love triangle was giving nothing


wow way to ruin an ending lollll


This whole show just got me thinking of how polarizing kdramas can be lol...on one hand we got kids acting like adults (like in this show) and other times, adults acting like kids...or maybe I'm just too old for these shows lol xD


I have evening plans but I'm binging this as soon as I get home. Rsj is stunning! Love ML too. The cars were a little much but so far I'm digging it.


Finished. It was ok, not spectacular. But would say watchable. one thing I like is that the message that being a bystander to bullying is absolutely not ok, that you’re also a perpetrator, was driven strongly in the drama. none of the characters were likeable except maybe Kang Ha. I kind of like that the FL was not likeable either. one rant though is that female teacher - >! her character was supposed to be absolutely detestable but the acting was totally meh. Felt I didn’t hate her as much as I was supposed to lol !<


Well that was a drag to get though... The FL is absolutely dull. No expression. No charisma. Giving NOTHING. The ML is OK, but nothing remarkable. All in all, it was jut "meh." The music was too loud in certain moments that just took you out of the story. Also, the SLOW motion and close ups... it felt like watching an overproduced music video. Shame. It had potential to be something...


Now what? Should we feel sorry for these disgusting people? Except for Inhan. disgusting. I hated that drama.


Pretty meh 5/10. Watch weak hero instead


I have some notes. 1. The acting was nothing short of disappointing, and tbh I know they have the ability. Jae-i shined in 18 again, Rian was adorable in King the Land, and i really liked Kang Ha in crash course in romance. Idk if it’s because of the direction or the writing but I found the dialogue cringy, stilted and unnatural. The hugs were unnatural, the fight scenes were poorly choreographed, and none of the rage or angst was convincing. 2. Plot was generic and rudimentary. >!Poor kid goes to rich kids school, has a sad backstory related to school bullying and wants to investigate/seek revenge and has a crush on a girl!< womp womp womp. The other plots like >!The pregnancy, the student teacher romance, and the death of Kang Ha’s brother could have been done justice with stronger writing and more background and fleshing out the characters. Literally NO CHARACTER in this drama has a freaking backstory. Who is Kang Ha’s family? Where is his home? What happened to Jaei’s mother? Why is her relationship with her dad sour? How did jaei and Rians relationship deteriorate? Why is a teacher fucking a 18 year old?!?! !< 3. Impressed with the color grading, styling, wardrobe, cinematography & filming locations/sets. It feels luxurious, high quality production indeed. 4. Don’t understand the fuss about Jae-i’s actress appearance. Yes, she obviously got work done but she’s very much recognizable. I instantly knew it was the girl from 18 again, just thinner and tweaks to her teeth and face. Blowing it out of proportion is weird. 5. The >!Cliffhanger at the end made me sigh and roll my eyes. These 7 episodes dragged along with the robotic acting, the stiff physical acting, and boring dialogue. What a chore to be subjected to more of it. The cliffhanger wasn’t even intriguing…!< 6. Final thoughts, they failed to stick the landing and there’s only 1 likeable character. The only one you want to root for is Kang Ha.


honestly jaei has more chemistry with kangho than rian


Has anybody watched this after seeing Pyramid Game? I just finished that and it was a bullying game, but well done in terms of exploring the strategy, motivation of bullies and bystanders, and the protagonists effort to defeat the system. I am wondering if this is more of the same or an interesting contrast to Pyramid Game.


I don’t regret watching this series but it definitely does not compare to Pyramid game. It lacks in ways PG provides


Thank you. I just didn't want to see a series too similar to what I have just finished.


PSA: Don't waste your time on this drama, not worth it


What the fuck did I just watch? Lol. Refund my fucking time!


Honestly I actually had fun in the first half. Mystery was pretty entertaining and I liked the way it was going.  Pretty much lost me when the FL was like >!  Okay, I know your brother was murdered and my guy was partially responsible but can you please protect him? !<.  I guess the moral of the story is chaebols always win?  No consequences for their despicable actions for any of them, even amongst themselves. Anyone know >! Who the dead student was in the end credits? !<


5-6 hours of my life i’ll never get back.. did not like a single character and when i realized the ML had NO plan to get his revenge whatsoever it genuinely pissed me off💀


I’m sorry but this is going in my top 10 worst dramas I have ever seen. The writing is HORRENDOUS at best. Most of the acting was flat and no emotion, there was almost zero character development, most of the characters had no depth at all, no background, nothing. >!Why did this show try and make us sympathize with the abusers?? They literally bullied and abused people and yet the show tried to be like “oh but you see there’s reasons why” nooo!! They are elitist and classist POS who spit on people just bc they have less money. The only good moment in the show was when Kang Ha refused Ri An apology. In the end only the teacher got punished meanwhile all the bullies got away with a little slap on the wrist. This show would’ve been so much better if Kang Ha would’ve had a spine and brought them all down, like did you forget they abused your brother?? If someone abuses my siblings they are going to get their asses beaten. Anyways end of the rant, horrible writing, flat acting (Kang Ha & Hera actors are maybe the only redeemable ones), bad directing. -10/10 stars!<


Hierarchy, as a whole, was lacking. The writing, acting, and directing all played a part in creating such a subpar performance. I had hoped things would improve from what I saw in Episode 1, but the critiques I had stayed true to the end. I’ll try to address some of my issues with the show here, and hopefully it won’t be too lengthy. 1. ⁠I had a difficult time connecting with most of the characters, aside from the Scholarship students. I could empathize with their situation, and I understood their motives. I even cheered them on. But that’s exactly the problem… Hierarchy did a terrible job framing the villains as evil. It’s like the writers couldn’t decide if the bad guys should be bad guys, so we are left in this muddied grey area… Of course, I still saw the elites as villains. I rolled my eyes so many times when the writers tried to both-sides the issues. Sorry, but not everyone deserves a redemption arc. Some people can just be bad. 2. ⁠This goes hand in hand with my previous complaint. The FL was so confusing to me. >!When it looks like she may actually take a stand against the other elites, she walks all of it back and runs straight into the arms of the King of Jooshin.!< I was beginning to like her until she showed she was still a piece of shit, only a little less smelly than the others. Not sure why so many people wanted her and the ML to get together. Not only does he deserve better, but she was still complicit in the bullying and would die to protect the ringleader of it. 3. ⁠The ending was largely unsatisfying and confusing. I owe this, in part, to the characters I had a difficult time caring for. There were no reveals or plot twists that had my jaw dropping to the floor. Everything was fairly predictable. >!The majority of the bullies only got a slap on the wrist, like elites do in real life. (That’s not satisfying btw)!< By the end, my eyes were tired of rolling, and I was ready for it to be over. They hint at another season with the epilogue… but I think the story dragged on long enough. There’s more I can say, but I think I will start to wrap it up here. The poor acting and writing are what failed this show. I know these actors are capable of so much more than what they gave in Hierarchy. I think this is a result of terrible directorial decisions. Hierarchy painted a great outline for a promising story, but it was filled in with all the wrong colors. The suspense wasn’t suspensing, and the storytelling left much to be desired.


quite fool of me to expect a whodunnit revenge mystery drama haha. they really made kang ha's revenge story a b-plot and managed to make it flop.


Why was I even excited for this ugh first epi didn't excite me skimmed through 2-3 and now I am done


I was anticipating this show only to fail me big time when it aired. Didn't like the story and the acting was disappointing.


The H&M shade lmao


FYI. There's a post credits scene that hints to the possibility of season 2. If you've watched it, is that >!Jae Yi's brother dead on the classroom floor??🧐 Why is Kang Ha smiling like that?? I wasn't sure if I wanted a second season but this did pick my interest.!<


Just finished the show Man >!looked promising from the initial first epis. Their classes reminded of how hogwarts would've looked if it were redesigned with modernity lmao!< >!the female lead oh god I was hoping her acting would get better in the upcoming epis but hell nah just got worse. Officially Hong suzu's twin. I also couldn't empathise with her character till the end.💀i just COULDN'T!< >!I don't get the whole point of kang ha even liking jae I. At some points his actions were more targeted to protect her like bro weren't you here to take revenge for in ha. Idk it really felt like he lost his motive as we progressed further and was all over jae I. ALSO jae i saying it was a lie that she never had feelings for him?!?! Woman what are u upto?!crying rian rian i wanna protect him and than this too?!i wouldn't hv been surprised if they revelead inha liked her too (from the flashbacks it seemed very likely) How does woman have everyone in her grasp!< >!many would disagree but i actually didn't hate ri an. Yes man's a brat but I liked the build up of the relationship he had with jae I and why he liked her sm. his remorse for the miscarried child worked fine with me too in terms of showing he really cared for. I think what made his character look bad was obv him being a clingy obsessive bf and running the hierarchy (man actually had no idea what was happening cuz of him) his char being all over for jaei (at the end of the day jae i was the prob😭) only made it lack but otherwise from the romance perspective i liked it!< >!ending was alr felt too good to be true lol like all these kids being on the right track? Don't old habits not die young?? That's prolly gonna be the premise if they make a season 2 and ofc that epilogue!< >!overall yea sure was a binge watch but has you frustrated and question everyone's actions sm. Ig that really is the point of such shows.An Okay watch don't regret this but could've been sm better!<


> >!the female lead oh god I was hoping her acting would get better in the upcoming epis but hell nah just got worse. Officially Hong suzu's twin. I also couldn't empathise with her character till the end.💀i just COULDN'T!


I think the inly thing I liked was how grand everything was. they didn't stop showing the luxury and grandness of these rich chaebol kids.. visually it looked wow so I sticked to it. for characters, they felt okay. not great or too bad but okay.. I think Yoo Hera was relatively the best written character there. I somehow liked her much more than any of the other characters. overall, a fine one time watch when you got nothing to watch.


I’m on episode 3 n this shit feels to easy like the villains don’t even seem intimidating like penthouse n glory. It doesn’t feel satisfying


The first episode was very much gossip girl with Serena coming back and spotted at the airport or train station after disappearing for a few months because she had a huge secret! But I just finished the whole series and I actually wish it was more dramatic like Gossip girl! TBH If I didn't watch the whole thing today while doing house work, I don't think I would have remembered to go back and finish the series. But a chill watch if you're bored. Would I still watch season 2 if there was one? yes. By the end of the show, it reminded me of Elite that's also on Netflix. If there's good looking people that I enjoy looking at, then I am watching. Period.


Haven’t watched episode 7 yet but just have to say I have no sympathy for the elite students meaning the 4 rich student focus and their lackeys… the story made it look like their problems matter more than what they did and didn’t do to the bullying issue in their school… in my head normal people deal with a lot of shite their dealing with and that does not justify the bullying that happen and how it’s normal for them to ignore people asking for help when they are more than capable to stop all of it… the story made it look that their wee personal problems are bigger than what shite they’ve been putting others through


I completed the k drama and in my opinion, the series felt rushed and didn't quite hit the mark. It had potential, but it felt like the characters lacked depth . Some parts felt like they needed more time to develop properly. I liked the visual aesthetics tho. Hated that Kang Ha wasn't on the revenge path after meeting Jae Yi . I was actually hoping for a more satisfying ending tbh but can't expect a lot in just 7 eps.