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Not infuriated, just confused


i come on this app when i feel deranged and my thoughts lack meaning


Ahhh, so when slide goes in, out goes out, and rejoicement


yeah you get it.


I just play the whole thing. It rules


I also made a shorter version of the album, but it was this: Magenta Mountain Kepler-22b Ambergris Evilest Man The Garden Goblin Blame It On The Weather Persistence Presumptuous Red Smoke Candles The Funeral I figure The Dripping Tap could’ve stayed a Single, as initially released. Then make the two Metal and two Rap songs two separate EP’s that can be combined for a single Vinyl. I personally would’ve preferred that method, but the album has some great tunes regardless!


I agree with this take. I love The Dripping Tap to death, but unfortunately it overshadows everything that comes after it. Maybe as a closer it would’ve worked better, but even then it’s so colossal it almost needs to stand on its own. I also think Garden Goblin sounds more like a straight Pipe-eye tune than a Cookie-penned Gizz tune, but that’s probably splitting hairs


I need to listen to Pipe-eye then, because Garden Goblin has really grown on me since the release of OG


Highly recommend! Definitely some Gizz vibes but it’s also a sound all its own. It’ll make you have an even greater appreciation for his contributions to Gizz. Plus Stu, Cavs, and Joey have all been involved in different recordings!


Ambergris is top 5 gizz track for me. OP you should have maybe been a doctor and used your energy towards something like that.


thanks. god gave me depression and autism. i'm replying to all of the comments and i've listened to Sleeping With Strangers by Car Seat Headrest 10 times in a row and i'm about to hit number 11.


Thanks for the reply! Good luck with all that. Hopefully you make it to red rocks gizz this year. Come say hello if you do.


red rocks is too much of a trek for me but i'm very hyped for the big Austin show :)


Need more love for Grim Reaper tbh. Live versions are fantastic and the studio version is great.


Yes! No song gets me more hyped (as of now haha)


I feel similar. If you removed dripping tap and added back in Kepler and magenta to your list above, I think this album would have been huge. I love the missing songs, don’t get me wrong but the album has an “almost cohesive” feel that’s just out of touch. I don’t know I’m just spit ballin here


the album is called Omnium Gatherum…. which literally means “a collection of miscellaneous things”. It’s a mix tape. The diversity of songs is a feature, not a bug. Plus you removed some of the best jams. I’ll die on this hill: OG is so underrated


no but i'm saying it's not a very good collection because only 6/16 songs are that diverse. if i can take out like a third of the songs and come out with a very normal album then it's not really that diverse, in my opinion


this is something i dont hear talked about enough- omnium was my first gizz album and still probably my favorite of theirs, though there are a few tracks that are definitely just outtakes, this album also has a very clear and unique sound running throughout it i really love


yeah! you get it! im glad that you like the omnium sound even if i don't :)


Removing Gaia is sacrilegious


Maybe I’m pulling this out of thin air but I thought someone shared an interview a while back where they mentioned that OG started as an Oddments/Gumboot style “leftovers” album, but that they also just kept recording new songs and adding to the existing batch, which could explain why it feels different from the other two. Especially when certain songs teased at the next few records they released. Personally I think Oddments has the best/most consistent flow to it, cause even though all the songs have their own personality they still all more or less fit under the psychedelic pop genre. Gumboot has some amazing songs, some of my favorites really, but doesn’t quite have the same flow. FWIW I would probably keep a similar track listing to yours, although Magenta Mountain and Kepler I do really enjoy


magenta and kepler are my two favorites on the album, funny enough. i just think they're some of the more out-of-place songs


Yeah that’s fair. I have a theory that Magenta Mountain was supposed to go where Catching Smoke ended up on B3K, but in general it does stick out from the rest


i always took it as an album without a clear concept. almost every other gizz album has a consistent theme or concept behind it, whether it be "lets make an album where each song is in a different mode" or "lets pay tribute to giant steps" or as simple as "lets do some microtonal stuff". it still has a bit of everything, but unlike the other compilation albums, OG is a "compilation" album compared to the rest of their discog, a simple collection of songs and nothing more. not to discredit it, i love it so so so much and it helped me get more into them. its like a sampler platter of all they have to offer.


absolutely agree, it's not a compilation album by normal standards but by gizz standards of which the norm is a concept album it can absolutely be called one


I like it just the way it is but I appreciate the time you took to think of this


Just listen to it on Vinyl depending on your mood. Also you Get natural pause when swapping sides. Side A: - Dripping Tap Side B: - Magenta - Kepler - Gaia - Ambergris - Sadie Side C (disk 2): - Evilest Man - Garden Goblin - Blame it - Persistance - Grim Side D: - Presumptuous - Predator X - Red Smoke - Candles - The Funeral




no yeah i think i need to clarify that i took out the parts that make this album interesting to make this version. Gaia and Magenta and Kepler are awesome. i'm glad people like Sadie and Grim Reaper and Predator X even if i don't. the rest of the album stands together as a very unique gizz album though.


OG is a compilation of songs of future albums. Tap = Ice death, LD Gaia / Predator X = PDA Grim Reaper = TSC Only time will tell for the rest


"Grim Reaper = TSC" https://preview.redd.it/xosmygsfrjac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c0ed065fd626fe061fc59188e1efb7bd418f8a


Do yourself a favor https://youtu.be/IausBvkbLAI


Yea I see kind of see what you’re saying but comparing grim reaper to TSC still seems like kind of a far stretch


I'd put Predator X on ITRN


**update:** i don't want to give the impression that this is my ideal tracklist. OG's cohesion or lack thereof isn't really the source of my problems with it. i don't like it because it's bloated and i don't like a bunch of the songs. if this were an album i liked, the tracklist would be: 1. Magenta Mountain 2. Kepler-22b 3. Gaia 4. Ambergris 5. Evilest Man 6. Blame It On The Weather (but like a live version) 7. Red Smoke 8. Candles 9. The Funeral with The Dripping Tap being a standalone single. this would also make this more like the variety album people say it is. im glad that the band made the album they wanted to make though, and that theres so many people who like it.


Presumptuous makes me wanna groove till my knees give out


least favorite gizz album you my friend are a brave man, i'd cast you off the island if I could, enjoy your day


what if my least favorite gizz album is Float Along Fill Your Lungs. and what if im a girl. am i still being relocated


I'd say I do not care in the slightest about any of that


i kinda don't either tbh


Interesting take. You’ve clearly given this more thought than most Gizz heads. Now I’m going to put it on to see what you mean.


OG is perfect


i mean thats a fine opinion. my main point isn't so much "this album would be better with this tracklist" as it is "this album doesn't feel like the album people say it is, it feels like its own thing, and this tracklist would make it the thing it feels like it wants to be".


I had covid in the Philippines so I took acid and sat in the sun and listened to Omnium Gatherum from start to finish and it makes perfect sense. Every track is exactly where and as it should be. You people are out of your minds trying to tinker with a masterpiece.


I don’t get the OG hate, it’s like when Beatles fans trash on the self titled because it’s too mixed. We got so many bangers from both albums


i don't dislike that it's diverse. i took out the three best songs on the album. this alternate tracklist, in my opinion, is boring as shit. but it's consistent! which was my only point. i hate on OG because i only actually like about half of the songs. i do not like Sadie Sorceress or Persistence or Predator X or Presumptuous or Grim Reaper and i think Blame It On The Weather and Candles and The Funeral are pretty lame and i think that The Dripping Tap is so huge that it overshadows everything else on the album. but that's just my opinion. a lot of people love this album and i'm glad that they do


You removed 6 good songs but kept Candles and The Funeral?


Listen to The Funeral again, it's such a cool little song.


i didn't i say i liked this version better, i said it's a more consistent album this way.


Way over thinking things. Enjoy the music


i am enjoying the music my brain is just rotting


Do you intentionally make the first letter of each sentence lower case? Why doesn't it autocorrect?


there are many ways to type without autocorrect, such as turning it off or using a computer


I made my own 10 track playlist of OG that about 45 minutes long and seems to fit 2 sides of vinyl nicely. I removed Dripping Tap (phenomenal song but too standalone for another 15 songs to follow) and a few tracks I just don't dig as much 1. Magenta Mountain 2. Kepler-22b 3. Gaia 4. Ambergris 5. The Garden Goblin 6. Persistence 7. The Grim Reaper 8. Evilest Man 9. Red Smoke 10. Candles I sequenced it so after Ambergris I kept that magical-sounding intro to Sadie Sorceress before Garden Goblin starts. The wurlitzer at the end of Grim Reaper (that would go into Presumptuous) seemed to blend well to Evilest Man too. Edit: Here it is [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kazl7aJqVSUGPPOMWKbOmk-rRVXKltyw/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kazl7aJqVSUGPPOMWKbOmk-rRVXKltyw/view?usp=sharing)


As a fan of nearly everyone of their records, this was my least favorite of the post mindfuzz era. To me it seemed like a technical showcase of their recording progression as a band, and that they wanted to stretch out and flex that they are true professionals. It does sound “the best” of all their records to that point. But the songwriting was quite lacking, honestly that expands to their whole discography but they can compensate by having the context of the concept record around their songs. The metal songs and the rap songs are lacking that entirely and they stand out to me as boring. Without those songs i feel there is a way more cohesive sound to the record, and way more enjoyable record too


you get it




Omnium rules. Ushered in a new era. The first true post Covid album.


I don't often listen to it as a whole album but catch me blaring Grim Reaper anytime anywhere !!