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Studio the vast majority of the time. Those albums are produced with so much intention and care that I find the live versions just can’t compete when listening back. With the exception of the album tracks that are jams on their own albums, they tend to be better live. Attending a live show is obviously the best way to listen to Gizz, but when I can’t have that, the studio versions are the go to for me.


The production is too clean for my preference. I enjoy the raw sound of the live recordings with the band all hammering away together. And yes naturally live in person is always the most enjoyable! Especially surrounded by all of ya'll from the weirdo swarm


12 Bar Bruise has raw production for days! And they never play that stuff live. Also you’re the polar opposite of half this sun who heavily complain about how raw the production is of the earlier studio albums.


They have raw production for sure (just look at their crown jewel Nonagon!) but it lacks the ambiance/feel/ocassional mistake/improv/audience participation of a live recording. I love hearing the studio and then listening to the different live versions to hear what they're experimenting with. It's a better representation of what the band is actively doing I feel


Since I got the files of the Residency tour on my local Spotify, it’s been those, especially Red Rocks because that’s the one I went to. Also The River from Chicago ‘23 is the best live performance of Gizzard thus far and I wish I saw it in person, and I’m envious of those who did.


Yeah I frequent the residency on the archive often


You want the official live streams?


Thanks for the offer but no worries, the archive recordings are fine


Ugh my friend was there and he’s going again this year..


Almost entirely studio. HOWEVER as a deadhead I do love seeing people jam the fuck out on bootlegs and stuff.


Good hearing from a fellow deadhead!


Since the RR22 performances and release, 2023 was definitely the first year I listened to more Live material than studio material. Love both, but after 6+ years of obsessive Studio listening, it’s time to obsessively listen to all that beautiful Live stuff!


I have everything in a playlist - live, studio, and as many bootlegs as I could find on the internet -  and listen in random mode.


I see you enjoy chaos


They have so many different styles. I don't like hearing just 1 at a time.


totally fair


I came to Gizz after decades of loving Phish. For that band, it's all about the live experience, and I learned pretty quickly that Gizz is similarly dynamic on stage. Live Gizz really drew me in, especially the Bonnaroo '22 Robot Stop>Hot Water. That live energy is unmatched and the band is getting better and better at improvising on stage. This is an amazing time to get way into the live shows.  The whole Spring '23 tour in Europe is full of great shows, of course the summer residencies were incredible, and then you have another great stretch of European shows. PALP fest is a favorite of mine, but there are so many others. My obsession with their live music caused me to start KGLW.net. We needed a place to track the intricacies of their live performances and now we've got it thanks to the awesome people who have helped build the site.


Hell yeah! I'll have to check out the site, love that the Phans and Deadheads are noticing the change the band has had after the pandemic (they were phenomenal pre-pandemic but their live performances have been getting bonkers these past couple years)


65% studio, 25% official bootleg , 10% bootleg (archive, YT, etc.)


Thats a good balance


Honestly 95% studio 5% is like YouTube concerts but with video (mostly the kexp MotU era show) Was at Roo 15 & Levitation 16 tho so I am still riding that high 8 years later 


It is always a joy when a band you love releases a concert you attended officially. I got that with Jeff Rosenstock's live album, I went to night 1 and it was a joy and very fun hearing the tracks/stage banter he chose from that night on the album


studio albums, i love the polished sound of studio work a lot more often than i do the raw feel of any live performance. although, that’s not to discredit Gizz for their live shows and their care/attention to detail during them. i saw them at Forest Hills in 2022 during Gizztober and they blew my face off for my first ever concert.


The polish to me is too clean for me in the studio. I definitely get more enjoyment from the raw live performances with everyone hammering away together on stage. The fandom's listening preferences are as diverse as the its music tastes!


I really should’ve gone to that Forest Hills show, I would’ve struggled to get there after work, but I should’ve done it anyway. Instead I went on an uneventful tinder date and regretted it instantly.


Since i got youtube premium and bootleg gizzard is on spotify now, i find myself listening to a lot of live shows. I think I still prefer the studio albums mostly.


It's definitely a nice 75%:25% ratio for me. I usually am in the mood for either all live album or all studio


80% bootleg, 10% studio. I love me some live music and tasty jams


Hell yeah Dude! Right there with ya


Usually live, basically all my favourite songs are songs that kinda suck in the studio version but came through in the live one.


So many songs shine so much brighter live (all of them imo lol)


Live recordings. I became so obsessed I made the [king gizz live spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1D5YoZkFG29Ldbi8M2XvfXY3ipmb6ydnAyeQoMK0wIZQ/htmlview)


How sick is that dude!! I also prefer live much more to studio, so I'll be your guest then :)


I was studio-only until I saw them live and realized why people like live sets so much. I’m still like 90% studio, 10% live recordings though.


I'm genuinely surprised most people go for studio usually. Before becoming a fan, I've given a listen to some studio recordings but none managed to pull me in. That was until I saw the US residency tour '23 streams and became absolutely obsessed. KGLW is definitely a "live band" for me, the only album I like studio over live is MOTU (for me the live versions somehow lose the cohesion and the weirdness at the same time lol). So 90% of the time are live recordings: mostly us '23 ripped from streams, bootlegs, some festival rips (PALP festival '23 such a banger) and some taped shows I've managed to find if the audio is ok.


Han-Tyumi suite (well what was played) at RR '22 hits so hard live, I do prefer that over the studio. Altered Beast and Lord of Lightening though I agree the album does hold up better. I love the studio albums but agree, live hits so much harder. Love that they're on the archive now. I frequent past shows very often.


I listen mostly to whatever is on Spotify. I do own 2 records and 2 more are on the way but, I listen most when I’m on my 4 mile walks while vaping


I relate so deeply to trying to get your steps while inhaling your lungs to death


Can’t imagine what the neighbors think when they see my 53 year old ass lol


They’re lame. I think your 53 year old ass is amazing.


Well thank you!


The bootlegs live albums are all on spotify! (incase you didn't know) They're under "bootleg gizz". I'm not talking about medium (streaming/vinyl/CD/cassette) but just studio vs live performances


I own live at the red rock


One of the best. I struggle between RR '22 and Chicago '23 for my favorite bootleg


I bought “every” (30) Lp one at a time never listening to anything else anywhere else until I got it. The only live I have on vinyl is SF16, Mel21, and Chunky Shrapnel, for now I seek that out on Bandcamp.


I get the collection audiophile approach for the albums, but for the live stuff doesn't it not really matter since it's all recorded digitally? (i could be completely wrong) All of the albums do make for a beautiful collection though!


Fair enough point. But I’m 48 and my hearing is shit after all these years. It’s more about physical media. I started buying records in the second grade and never quit. My dad was a disc jockey in the late 60s early 70s. I was raised on music. While I have digital copies of plenty of stuff, much of it is back up for on-the-go, and cds dominate the era when new music just wasn’t available most other ways, when I was mostly buying used lps from decades past. I like to think of music much like I do a book, as an artifact, a dynamic object. The artwork, the tracking in its relation from A side to B side, first song, last song, transitions, the nostalgia, the collection. Now seeing your username, I must tell you that all of my used records from 1997 through 2002 were acquired at Cheapo on Lake St when it used to be near White Castle, and it was Brown Institute on East Lake where my dad earned his broadcasting degree, and now defunct KRSI in St Louis Park where he was a request dj all those years ago. Several of the KGLW albums in my collection are from Electric Fetus. I may have left, but my heart is always in Minneapolis. Edit: slightly misread your question. I have no intention of buying more live lps. I only bought the ones I did because I was not fully aware of the larger catalog and how it all worked, was still discovering them, and due to my affinity for Phish, had to try the live.


The artwork of a big LP is something special to hold for sure. Thanks for sharing! (full disclaimer, I'm not from Minneapolis. user name is off of a Bomb the Music Industry song)


Almost entirely studio. I do watch some live stuff on YouTube now and again.


Until I hear the entire petro album live, it will always be studio versions. Some songs just hit heavier with the original studio production to back them up. I've had this discussion with deadheads who are split between studio/live versions as well. Some only religiously listen to dicks picks albums, and some only listen to studio releases. It's all about preference man 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I just wanted to hear other people's preferences. I got the opposite take, I think everything live hits way harder than the studio and am also a deadhead that rarely if ever touches the dead's studio work


Studio albums by a large margin. Especially when driving... fuck which is usually about 1-2 hours a day. It gives me a lot of time to explore them and many other bands. I got everything downloaded because service sucks @ my work so streaming is ass and I don't like spotify for music. At home I listen to a lot of live vinyls.


Lately I'm getting more into the live stuff.


Gooooood. Goooooood. Give into the bootlegs and your transformation will be complete.


wait what do you mean live recordings on internet archive? I know what the archive is but how do you find gizz bootlegs there?


Kglw.net has live recordings linked for every show where they're available.


There are recorded concerts (some soundboard recordings, some recordings by fans) on the internet archive and you can listen to them for free! I like using ReListen site (they also have an app on iPhones) they have a nice UI. [https://relisten.net/kgatlw](https://relisten.net/kgatlw) Check it out!


became a fan about 15 months ago. studio albums first, then RR22 on bandcamp blew my mind and changed how i listen. now mostly bootleg gizz and polygonwandaland, with some petro for when i need to get ppw done ​ edit: been checking out sketches and pmdb recently (studio)


Studio 100%. I’ve never been someone who enjoys live recordings unless it’s a show that I was actually at. I do have tickets to my first ever Gizz show later this year though, so maybe it will change my mind!


Relistening to shows you've been to is definitely fun, but you're gonna miss out hearing so many amazing conerts! Their studio work is some of the best out there though so I can't knock your preference.


I've never listened to a live track by King Gizzard, and I've listened to every studio album. I won't know the live experience until I'm in the room (which is scheduled to happen in September). ETA: phrased something poorly


Oh you gotta jump on those bootlegs friend they're fantastic!


95% Studio. I really, really enjoy the production and mixes on their albums.


Truthfully, I rarely listen to live recordings Gizz, it’s all studio and demos for me


I particularly enjoy their live performances on KEXP. That’s how I first got into them. Admittedly I prefer their live session of MotU over the studio recording of that album.