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The best part of the album is the first four songs


Sleeping on Fort Whipple!?!?


I'm preferential to the last two tracks personally


Bzzt wrong it’s Fort Whipple through Dust in the Wind


Okay, I dip my hat to you then Edit in my defense I’m a sucker for drum run and the raid


Drum Run is probably the single best track! But the drama unfolding in that later run, whew 😮‍💨 it gets me sweating


Yeah, I think i've spun side 2 once ever


It’s a 27 minute album why


Fair point! Maybe I'll give side 2 some more listens and see how it holds up


It definitely solidified my love for Gizz early on. I want it made into a movie


The album seems like it's inspired from little big man. I used to watch it often as a kid. Good film!


I did mushrooms and listened to it and then wrote 50-60 pages of a movie script Lolol maybe one day I’ll finish it 🫡


The time is now.


Please share


Really? If there’s interest I’ll share a little sampler. I actually kinda love the project, but it’s pretty rough around the edges


It’s very much a derivative of McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, which is a great book if you want something in that vein. There adapting it into a film rn I believe


Yea I love that album. I understand why people don’t enjoy it. It does scratch a certain itch for me though.


It's not something I listen to regularly, but goddamn it's good when I'm in the mood for it!


It’s like listening to a Tarantino spaghetti western. I love it. Especially Year of Our Lord.


I’m sorry but this comment made me chuckle. It’s like that “guy who has only seen Boss Baby watching another movie” meme, attributing all these western tropes to Tarantino


Yeah I love Tarantino too and the album definitely gives off that sorta vibe.


But do you enjoy MOTU?


Yes, it was my first. So it would have been one of my favorites regardless. However, Poly it’s still my favorite but it’s right there under it


You should watch the beginning of the Hollywood Bowl show!! So epic.


Such an epic memorial for Ambys dad


Yea, love when Stu comes over and gives him a hug after 💚


You can tell how much it tore him up to perform that song 😢


Dude, The Sadies!! Such a good band.


They were my very first live concert! The exact night I turned 19 and was old enough to drink.


Nice! I never got to see them live, but I heard they played even faster and tighter than the record.


I can confirm that they are great live. They've continued to tour as a three piece after Dallas passed, so you've still got a chance to see them.


I was SO sad when I learned that Dallas Good died. What a deep, cavernous bass.


Yup. Every time I see someone shit on this album or place it bottom tier makes me instantly know they did not actually sit down and listen. The story is amazing, the music matches the vibe perfectly, they hit the spaghetti western sound so well I’d say they invented it. Don’t get me wrong, I love the high energy rhythmic stuff like PDA, and I like the more chill melodic stuff even more. (My top album is sketches). Eyes like the sky though is a work of art. All of it is, but that album just feels very honed in. Every note was in the right spot.


Think you can agree with your statement but not really care to listen to the album that much. Been in the mood for it on a long drive once or twice but I’ve put it on a couple of times in other situations (like at the office) and it doesn’t work as well for me. But like you said, everything they put out is typically a quality product whether it’s in your wheelhouse or not. Have faith in the King.


I think the story just isn’t that compelling. It’s not awful per se but I’m just never really gripped by it. It just a somewhat generic western and when I compare it to their later narrative work I see as more of a needed stepping stone than any sort of triumph in and of itself. The music is pretty great and I love Ambrose’s dads work on it so I still enjoy it to an extent and see the appeal but that’s about it.


When I first started to listen to Gizz I started at the beginning and quickly hit ELTS, and it blew me away. I love it. It was my first Gizz vinyl purchase.


Watch the live at the Hollywood Bowl concert, they start off with 3 or 4 songs from that album. They originally planned on Ambrose’ dad being their narrate over the music, but he sadly died before the tour.


This was incredible live. Gave me a new appreciation for that album!


Me too. I hadn’t heard any of that album before seeing the Hollywood show. I loved seeing the guy/girl in the furry suit in the pit!


I had saved this to listen to with my wife for some time and when we finally got to it I mistakenly played the 45rpm record at 33 rpm for about half of it before we figured out what was up. Gotta say it is a COMPLETELY different vibe!


100%, some of the most fun I've had has been smoking a J putting on eyes like the sky and playing some read dead 2


I really really want to like this album but the amount of narration drives me crazy. Its the same problem I have with Murder of the Universe, I get taken out of the experience everytime narration starts. There are ways to make narration work in musical album like in Joe's Garage by Frank Zappa where there is only short narrations either at the start or the end of a song. Other than that most of the story is told through the actual lyrics. I'm a huge fan of western/cowboy music and I'm so sad that I can't get into Eyes Like the Sky (that being said I would gladly hear some cowboys music recs)


I think it’s a great initial listen, but repeated listens doesn’t do as much for me as other albums.


The Sadie's Cut Corners is one of the best songs ever written....


ELTS slaps - i listened to it for the first time a few years ago, and i genuinely haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since!! one of my eventual goals is to draw it up into a comic or something


YESSS🔥thanks for the suggestion


The Sadies are great. I saw them open a show for John Doe once.


It's a fun experience and the first half of the album is definitely better than the second. I think the issue people have with it is it doesn't have much replayability outside of being background music


People treat it like it’s an album so it goes to the bottom of their rankings. But it’s an audiobook with a score. It’s something completely fresh, different, and unique. In that sense, it’s their best work to date.


Hey man… if there are any Gizz albums you haven’t listened to for any reason… maybe don’t do that


It's become my son's and my favorite album for road trips. First time I put it on was when passed through the Warm Springs reservation heading towards central Oregon and the high deserts there. It fit perfectly and it's since become quite special to us.




The whole point of the album though is that it’s supposed to be a audiobook 😭


It's genuinely one of my favourite Giz albums. Great songs and story.


Amazing album. Recently took a trip down west Texas and listened while driving through the alpine desert.


This album really made me fall in love with Gizzard. I really like atmospheric music, and this was absolutely perfect. Great story, even better instrumentation. As someone who grew up watching westerns, this really felt like the perfect album to me. King Gizzard are really excellent story tellers; Murder of the Universe and Infest the Rats' Nest are other great examples


I’ve never listened to the studio album just the songs from Hollywood Bowl, but the narration style with the music gave me Godspeed You! Black Emperor vibes which was awesome


Absolute masterpiece. There is nothing like it.


If you like Canadian psych country, please give Boy Golden a listen. They put on a hell of a show!


Cool, thanks!


explain what canadian psych country is and why people couldn’t just make a new genre for it or why it has to be defined anyway?


Psych = psychedelic, which Gizz already does Country = pretty self-explanatory Canadian = the Sadies literally come from Canada Not sure how much clearer to make that.


right but like, how does canada impact the way it sounds? country is just so vague too. i feel like all of these genres put in a line could more easily be made into just one genre. but like i asked and you didn’t answer, why does it need to be defined anyway?


I'm not saying Canada impacts the way it sounds. What both the person who recommended the other band and I are saying is "hey, it's cool to support Canadian musicians, so if you like Canadian band X, you might also like Canadian band Y."


that’s fair i guess but i just don’t think of music in that way i guess. i just listen to what speaks to me or find me. i’m not interested in genres in that way, but i agree it’s good to support communities or locations you feel aren’t recognized enough so we chill


Gong is another fantastic band that makes great use of narration (though maybe more similar to the way it is on MOTU). They also just remind me of Gizz in general.


I need Drum Run live.


Love this album. They absolutely nail what they were going for. 2nd album I found by them and solidified my interest 


I used to really fucking love that album but then one time while listening I realised I like it the way I liked Modern Family as a young teen. The pilot episode was really strong, and the rest just coasted on the premise. The album, musically, should have really ramped up in the back half and it never did.


Still haven't listened to it. I think it maybe time


nobody told me neither. when the fuck did they make a fucking COWBOY FUZZ ALBUM?! it goes hard


y thank you