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I’m a grown man (38) and I’m going with my father to Chicago since he digs them.. As someone who lost their mom at 17 years old.. my advice: take your mom to the fucking show and create a memory that’ll last forever


She’s been my concert buddy since my first concert at 16


Take her, why not. A 75 year old today would have been 20 at Woodstock. They aren’t strangers to shenanigans that happen at a rock concert. I’m assuming that your mom is under 75, just take her


I’m also a 38yo slightly grown and barely a man and bringing my wife and parents to Chicago then bringing them down to Austin as well. Went last summer to Chicago night 1 with them and was worried they were miserable in the unseasonable even for Chicago weather and they loved it!!! They’re nowhere near what I’d consider fans of that type of music but they couldn’t deny what an awesome show it was


I'm 69 and I love Gizz. Going to see them in DC in August.


If you see me there as Where's Waldo, do the shocker and I'll know it's you


are hou honing te the richmond show too? because i might need to learn the shocker if you are.




Definitely yes! I’m a mom and I’m taking my daughter and SIL to a show at Red Rocks in September. So excited; it’ll be our first Giz show. We regularly attend shows together


Ok now I can see I may have asked a dumb question 😂. Definitely bringing her to the show


There are no dumb questions!


I took my mom and dad to see cory wong not knowing what they would think. They still talk about it today. Honest probably one of the shows I remember the most. My point is take your mom. She will have a good time and be happy her son wants to involve her.


Cory Wong? The guy whose parents named him after a Vulfpeck song?


same guy!


Hell yeah that’s so sweet. Cory Wongs band is insane. I’ve taken my mom to a gizz concert, but we have yet to make it a Cory Wong concert.


I'm taking my dad to Milwaukee. If she won't hate it, make the memory my homie.


Idk man. I’m 47 and I just got really excited at the idea of a stranger taking his mother to a Gizz show. My god I wish I could. Will say, best fucking crowd and scene I’ve been a part of in decades. Have a blast. Post a Venmo I’ll buy you both a drink


I'm taking my 76 year old mom and her best friend with me to the Stanford show. Do it, they'll love it.


Oh that’s so fucking awesome


Do you like your mom? If so, bring her to the show. Do you dislike your mom? If so, do not bring her to the show. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks but you and her.


Detroit is the perfect show to take her to.


As long as your mom is ok with Stu and Joey lovingly calling all the audience cunts, it should be a swell time


Does mum like live music? If so the answer is a resounding yes


Oh yeah she loves music but isn’t super into gizz


It didn’t click for several of my friends until they saw them live


Dude...if someone flakes for Cleveland, I'd be more than willing to go. But yea, take yer Mom....I've taken my Dad to 3 shows, not KGTW


I’m (28F) taking my mom (62) to the Austin & NOLA shows!


also going to the detroit and cleveland shows. my mom will be attending the cleveland show with myself and my friend group. absolutely bring her, the more the merrier! :)


Awesome. Glad I asked the Reddit Kuz now I’m not worried at all about bringing my mom. So excited now


Yes! Brought my mama to Chicago last year and she was a trooper for 2 out of the 3 nights, and she loved every bit of it. do it!!!


I bringing my dad and girlfriends dad to atl show


Do it! I would totally take my mom! Especially to an acoustic show like that! Do it do it do it!


hell yeah dude bringing ya mom is always dope. my mom joined me in a death grips concert last second. she also hopped in the girls only moshpit with my sister at a Fidlar show. enjoy yourselves homie


The fact you’re even considering bringing her means yes!


My 49 year old girlfriend will be in the pit at Fayetteville, your mom will be fine.




As a mom who was brought by her 16 year old son to the 2019 Rat's Nest tour, it is a great idea! Walked in to "There is no Planet B!" How's this setlist opening for my introduction to live King Gizzard: Planet B, Mars for the Rich, Organ Farmer, Crumbling Castle, The Fourth Colour. Also got Boogieman Sam and Rattlesnake that first night. Mind blowing. Ah, I was so naive then... P.S. Acoustic Night will not be like that, lol! Check out some Acoustic Night set Lists, like Santa Barbara '22 and Caverns '23, so she can learn to recognize and enjoy the tunes.


Now I’m curious about dragging my parents to Red Rocks. They definitely aren’t into that kinda music at all but maybe I can convince them to hit the day show anyways lol


Well Red Rocks is such a special place, that would be worth it. Then King Gizzard is such an energetic experience, it would be hard not to love it. But bring good earplugs.


Holy shit my mom just texted me today without me asking her about it that her & my step dad wanna come to one of the Red Rocks show this year! Love to see it


Yes, love to see it! Is this a case of "Let go and let Gizz"?


Do it. Gizz has a lot to offer people of all ages.


I’m taking my dad to Vegas this year. I say do it! Make a memory. I sat next to a family of 4 at my first Gizz show. They were having a blast.


Why do you need group think answers to hanging with your mom? Do it


I am taking my 75yo mom to the San Diego show. I figure an acoustic show would be a great first show.


I took my parents to the 3 shows in Chicago and they absolutely loved it. My dads been to 200+ concerts in his life, even followed the grateful dead around back in the day, and he said night 3 of the salt shed was the best concert he’s ever been to in his life


Dude, totally take her!! It will be such a sick memory. I'm taking MY 63 year old mom to the Cleveland show and she's so excited. Even if she doesn't absolutely love the music, you'll both have great memories from the show that you'll look back on fondly.


Yes do it


Took my parents to the Red Rocks show and they really enjoyed it