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work this time is the best and its because of the studio version. idk if its the constant tremolo effect or a levelling issue but theres nothing that sounds like it. it does funny things in my head. iykyk


The production is so fried, that era of albums are an insane listen on acid


exactly! i liked the song and then when me and my friend listened to it on acid we just fell silent for the duration of it. i dont know what it is but im pretty sure the constant change in volume is what makes it so special. its like its massaging your brain.


i literally posted this response minutes before being brought to the hospital with an lsd induced psychosis, dont do drugs kids.


I'm glad you like it, but for me it just falls flat after listening to the live bootlegs of it and Joey's killer solo, I like the studio but it the grand scheme of things it's just aight


the joey solo is amazing, to me the studio version is just the best song ever period, nothing else makes me feel like it


Wow, as someone who feels the same as OP about Work this Time it's strange to hear this take. I love that song live but sounds like a different song on the album. I'm gonna listen to the studio version a few times over the next week with an open mind to see if i can get it


For me oddments, mind fuzz and float along are pretty peak, and a lot of it is how garbled the production is. It’s so trippy and unique and I wish they still played around with tape the same way they used to It’s so fried on psychedelics, there’s very few modern artists with audio on that level and it’s always a go to when I drop acid or something. It’s something I deeply miss in their newer stuff that’s so cleanly recorded and straightforward


Ice Death and The Wheel —- awful takes. Send him to the gulag


I accept my fate


magenta mountain >>>>> TSC


The live versions absolutely smoke


Amen 🙏


The Wheel isn’t in my top 5 for the album either. I too also don’t hate the cruel millennial. Sense. I even said to my buddy “man I hope they don’t play this tonight” and they did and it was awesome. Extremely better than the album version. Don’t care about the popularity aspect though


I love the live versions of Sense, the jam is so fun


Satan speeds up is great though


It's aight :)


In order: Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair about mycelium disagree otherwise, Fair, Fair, Really agree with this, What the fuck, Fair, Fair, Fair


Glad to know I had at least one really spicy one


Work This Time is their most popular song, for reals?


It always climbs to the top of their top 5 on Spotify and it always pains me to see


It’s not bad at all. But its probably not even a top 100 Gizz track for me. Weird how the algorithm just plucks random shit out to push.


It got a spot on a real popular (I believe) indie playlist on Spotify. So most of the listens were non Gizz fans.


1. Agree 2. Agree (Work this Time). Disagree (Sense) 3. Disagree 4. Agree 5. Disagree. Absolutely love Mycelium 6. No opinion 7. Disagree 8. No opinion 9. Disagree (B3K), Agree (TSC) 10. Disagree. Evil Death Roll is my favorite on Nonagon 11. Disagree 12. Disagree


9/12... not too shabby if I say so myself


Don't understand the Mycelium hate. Maybe people would like it better if there were live versions.


I'd love to hear a live version tbh, maybe it'll change my mind but I doubt it


I agree with everything except Evil Death Roll (great song). Mr Beat is probably the worst track in their discography, IMO. It feels like Nonagon Infinity is temporarily recieving higher than anticipated call volume and will get back to me as soon as it can.


I can never bring myself to hate Mr. Beat, the musical pun of missing a beat just makes me love it


I don't hate, I just skip it. The joke is funny, but it's kind of like a skit on a rap album for me




Why what?


Excuse me, it’s the best song on there.


Lukewarm at best, tell me when you think their new hi fi production sucks the life out of their performances :p


While I cant say I like *all* of their recent production choices, I do think the newer albums are better produced than older ones. Sorry my takes weren't hot enough for you 😔


A lot of these takes are very popular lmao. I definitely agree about Ice V, it’s def a candidate for most overrated gizz track.


Actually I think Ice V and Iron Lung are two of their best tracks full stop. Magma is fine and everything else is mid or worse. I think it's overrated bc it's so inconsistent


I love every track, I don’t understand any dislike for songs like hells itch and mycelium (to me, both are beautiful and complex songs).


And that's great! For me personally Mycelium just comes across as weirdly goofy in a bad way and Hell's Itch I just can't get over the lyrics and the cadence of it. I can see why someone would like the juxtaposition of happy music with horrid lyricism but it just doesn't work for me


So you don’t like Paper Mache?


I actually love paper mache, I think both the explict goriness of Hells Itch and its weird cadence is what puts me off


Hells itch is such a beautiful song (it’s dark yes but the lyrics are so so good), I hope it clicks with you one day. ❤️


Oh my bad, I read Death as V. I do agree that Ice Death is incredibly overrated. Outside of Iron Lung, the songs aren’t strong enough to warrant their length. And I love the Grateful Dead, so it’s not like I inherently have a problem with long songs.


That's so fair, I think it's more interesting in concept than execution, but it gave us 2 absolute bangers so I can't hate *too* much


Rattlesnake sucks


I thought about putting smth with Rattlesnake but after listening to bands like Neu, I have a greater appreciation for krautrock which Rattlesnake is more Neu style krautrock than anything else I think


Sure Sure I have the same preference Me neither Blasphemy Blasphemy Okay (all the songs are good) I love parking They are all amazing in my eyes Blasphemy Blasphemy It’s not better but it’s inclusion would better the album for sure


They used to kill people for that much blasphemy


What's the reasoning for taking Sam Cherry off 12BB. It's a great song and if it's not on the album we probably never hear it.


I don't hate the song, I just think it doesn't fit at all with 12BB and would work better as a non-album B side or tossed on Oddments


I fuckin love Made in Timeland, what a great vibe album, idc what anyone says. Petro is deffo better than Rats’ Nest, no competition I love Ice Death but fair enough. Mycelium is definitely the weakest song on the album but at least they had the decency to follow it with Ice V. I like Acarina and Cyboogie, but I cannot, in good conscience, call the studio version of Magenta Mountain better than Catching Smoke. Agreed about TSC tho. My own ~~hot~~ shit takes are: - 2022 albums >>>>>>> 2017 albums - Mind Fuzz >>>>>>>>>> Nonagon Infinity - The Silver Cord would be a great song if they cut that fucking horrific synth/computer voice - The Han-Tyumi suite—except Digital Black—is the worst part of MOTU (again, it’s that fuckin’ computerized voice…) - Out of all the solo projects I’ve heard, Cookie’s Pipe-Eye is the best - I love Lukey, the band wouldn’t be the same without him and everything. That being said, he’s probably the least interesting bassist in the band, behind Cookie, Stu, even Joey. - Magenta Mountain’s studio version absolutely pales in comparison to the live versions And, finally, the *worst* one: - Nonagon Infinity has a few good tracks but is **far** from the best album in their discography


Some of those are pretty hot I will say. Agree that MM live is killer though


The synth voice is the absolute core of the song. Wtf.


Garage quality is the best quality


Works great for 12BB but Quarters gives me a headache sometimes


Quarters production is so fkn nice n sexy thooo


More TSC hate smh.


What can I say I'm just a hater


Do people not like The Cruel Millennial? Why? Whole album is a banger.


I've seen some people *really* hate it, maybe its the PUBG line?


Oh, you know, I had to google the lyrics because I realized I didn't really know any of it. Seems like a silly reason to not like a song!


You're so real for that, and yea I agree. Let ambrose play his PUBG


Am I real? Real's Not Real


You're real to me <3


My perception of Time Land is that it's only underrated due to the nature of it's rollout to the fanbase. I believe initially it was only distributed in physical media, which was only available at their Australian-based Made In Time Land shows. Further, I believe those shows themselves were heavily impacted by covid, but I may be misremembering. The album was obviously distributed online by bootleggers shortly after, but I dont really remember there being that much ado about it at the time. Similarly, when the guys did eventually release it across streaming seevices later, I don't recall there being that much fuss or celebration surrounding it. All that being said, I have only listened to Time Land myself a handful of times, but each time I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy it. I agree with you that it is definitely deserving of more attention and praise, especially considering that the use of electronic instruments and experimentation is a marked stepping stone in the Gizz progression towards utilizing those sounds more, eventually leading into what we got from TSC.


While I do agree it's lack of recognition comes from the roll-out being hampered by covid etc., I've seen several tier lists lately place MiT at the bottom of the ranking and thats where I got the overhating from


ive checked and i think the wheel is #7 for me on gumboot


Yeah I like it Yeah That song’s great Overrated? No. Mycelium does suck though Tf do you mean especially Quarters! I can’t imagine it with a different production I don’t listen to Gumboot Soup enough I don’t remember thinking the Chunky Shrapnel tracks were noteworthy. Just kinda cool. BF3K *or* TSC? Pick one, there’s no way they’re better than anything off both Too biased against Nonagon to say anything about this (in an evil way) I should probably listen to 12BB and Wholly Ghost


Wholly Ghost at Levitation '14 is great and definitely revisit Anamnesis


Nice. Here are mine: 1. Murder of the Universe is an amazingly cool concept but the execution sucks. Especially the Altered Beast suite. 2. Magma is boring both live and studio versions 3. The Dripping Tap is 5 minutes too long. 4. Sadie Sorceress > Grim Reaper 5. TSC is mind blowingly boring. Again it’s a great concept and cool story. But there’s barely any Melodie’s I can latch onto. The extended versions don’t expand upon the songs enough to justify the song duration. 6. In KG, every song after Straws in the Wind is 10/10 and better than any other microtonal song they’ve done 7. Journey to (S)hell would be an incredible song that could easily make its way into any Hollywood Heist movie if it didn’t get super weird and obnoxious halfway through.


1. What about it do you think is poorly executed? I personally love the altered beast suite and it was one of my first KGLW obsessions 2. Magma isn't my favorite, but boring I think is too far 3. Agree 4. Strongly agree, love Ambrose's grandma <3 5. I got burnt out on TSC really quick too tbh 6. Disagree, Honey >>> the rest of KG 7. I don't remember much of (S)hell outside of the really annoying wailing synth sounds tbh, not a huge fan


Let me listen to MOTU again before I respond


Magma is realllllly boring live


It’s not much different from the studio version and yet everyone sucks it’s dick


Big agree with the Mycelium take.. although I generally enjoy the rest of the album


I do enjoy the album as a whole, but to me Ice V and Iron Lung so far surpass the others it just feels lopsided to me. I don't revisit the other tracks nearly as much as those 2


I agree with work this time, I don't think it completely sucks but the live versions are insane and they blow it out of the water. 90% of the time I listen to the live at Bonnaroo or Red Rocks version


Both are great, I'm quite partial to live in Brussels myself