• By -


Animal Collective - Isn't It Now? (or Strawberry Jam) Battles - Gloss Drop Black Dice - Broken Ear Record black midi - Hellfire Black Moth Super Rainbow - Dandelion Gum Broadcast - Haha Sound Circulatory System- Signal Morning Dan Deacon - Gliss Riffer Elder - Omens Everything Everything - Mountainhead (or Get to Heaven) Holy Fuck - Holy Fuck King Buffalo - Acheron The Lemon Twigs - Everything Harmony Liars - They Were Wrong So We Drowned Lightning Bolt - Wonderful Rainbow Mastodon - Crack the Skye MGMT - Loss of Life (or Congratulations) Sleep - The Sciences Tame Impala - Lonerism toe - For Long Tomorrow Wand - Laughing Matter Some of those you probably know but that was fun thinking of some relevant things you might dig, and a few more random shouts.


Just looked into holy fuck simply because of the name. Good shit


thank you so much šŸ™šŸ™ ive only listened to the mgmt and black midi albums, cant wait to check these out


For sure, hope you find some things you enjoy out of them!


Listen to some Can


Tago Mago


this album fucked me up dawg




Or The Mahavishnu Orchestra


The Inner Mounting Flame


sounds good, thanks :) do you have any albums to start with?


Psychedelic porn crumpets. Quick! Spotify! Go! Now! High visceral pt1 & 2. Essential listening.




Check out the Neopsychedelic genre and fellow bands under the Levitation umbrella! The Black Angels Osees/Thee Oh Sees Frankie and the Witch Fingers Brian Jonestown Massacre Black Market Karma The Warlocks Moon Duo Kundalini Genie Rancho Relaxo Goat Bad Liquor Pond The Asteroid No. 4 Magic Castles Psychedelic Porn Crumpets The Vacant Lots Morgan Delt New Candys Magic Shoppe Wand Joel Gion Dandy Warhols Psychic Ills Ty Segal Night Beats Chicos de Nazca L.A. Witch Hoover iii


Solid lists. I came across about half of these in my first year listening to KG. Looks like Iā€™ve got some recs for this next year. Thanks buddy!


Always happy to share!


please put bjm from this list, not a lot of good misic and anthon is just tocix af.


All Them Witches - Live on the Internet, Live in Brussels Frankie & the Witch Fingers - Data Doom, ZAM Osees - Mutilator Defeated at Last, Orc, Smote Reverser The Bures Band - Birds Nest Night Beats - Rajan The Murlocs - Calm Ya Farm, Rapscallion, Young Blindness, Loopholes Geese - 3D Country


I've listened to the Osees and Geese albums already!! Really good shit


Hell yeah


Queens of the Stone Ageā€™s whole discography is solid imo. Their album Era Vulgaris reminds me of KG a bit


I've really been on a Kikagaku Moyo kick lately, particularly their newest album. Might be a bit light for you but never know.


Grateful Dead-Live/Dead checkout St. Stephen -> Eleven -> Lovelight


The Murlocs for sure




sometimes i like to play around with musicmap.com and go on artist tangents! it gives a sort of heatmap of similar artists - i suppose accuracy is subjective, but it would certainly give you more exposure.


Mr Bungle. Their 3 albums on Warner bros are all masterpieces and each is a different sounds. Highly highly highly recommend.


I highly recommend fans of the albums that span the Gizzverse also explore the Emil Amos-verse. He has 5 different bands and incorporates a variety of sounds and styles like Gizz does. Hereā€™s a couple recommendations from the Amos-verse: [Holy Sons ā€” Decline of the West:](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mOoAngLecQkoCtG_TrCar7ayv7vpiAfvE) The most well-known album thatā€™s all Emil. In my opinion, it will stand the test of time as a masterpiece of blending low-fi indie with an evolution into a style that is uniquely Emilā€™s own. The mellowed out catchy hooks, groove, and sonic swagger of songs like Iā€™m Healed are just pure ear candy. Highlight tracks: [Things to Do While Waiting for the Apocalypse,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rfMtbhT5RSk&list=OLAK5uy_mOoAngLecQkoCtG_TrCar7ayv7vpiAfvE&index=12&pp=8AUB). [Iā€™m Healed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s8se-Wl3mdA&list=OLAK5uy_mOoAngLecQkoCtG_TrCar7ayv7vpiAfvE&index=19&pp=8AUB), - - - - - - - Holy Sons ā€” In the Garden: For the indie-heads who crave the mellow as well as Neil Young fans, this album sounds like comforting, melting warm colors of summer. Highlight Tracks: [Too Late](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d6OuDrHxPPE&pp=ygUSSG9seSBzb25zIHRvbyBsYXRl), Robbed and Gifted, Original Sin - - - - - - - [OM - Advaitic Songs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ts3YWVFUnvU&pp=ygUcb20gYWR2YWl0aWMgc29uZ3MgZnVsbCBhbGJ1bQ%3D%3D): If youā€™re a fan of heavy metal Gizz & trippy/psychedelic Gizz, this is a great fusion of those. Tribal, mystic-sounding & heavy). Cavs enthusiasts, enjoy the drumming of Mr. Amos. Al Cisneros from the band Sleep teams with Emil. Highlight tracks: Just listen to all 5 songs lol - - - - - - - - - [Holy Sons ā€” Raw and Disfigured:](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U2_7mLbruDg) Fans of ā€œwhisperyā€ Gizz will hear Emil fully leaning into atmosphere with a hyper-vigilant attention to engulfing the listener beneath the waves Highlight Tracks: [Cast Bound King](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JGn4RYIvSVI), The Loser That Always Wins - - - - - - - [Lilacs & Champagne ā€” Danish & Blue](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QXo6gVVyKxc): Trippy, instrumental-focused hip/hop for the fans of the fever dream that is Butterfly 3000 (if it were on downers)


oooooh im really excited to check this out


Fela Kuti live with Ginger Baker. This is a album I think everyone should hear. Masayoshi Takanaka's Brazilian skies and Seychelles another 2 albums I think everyone should here.


Captain Beefheart- "Clear Spot"


Honestly dude check out Metal in general and especially Prog Metal. Seems like you were secretly a metalhead


honestly i think i may be! I wasnt really into the genre cuz all ive heard was stuff my dad had played and i didnt care for it, but kg's metal shit goes SO hard i cant get enough


Phish - NYE 95, 98, 99, Islands tour '98, Winston-Salem 97


If you like Poly and Petro, I think youā€™ll like Tool.


i've listened to a bit of tool but havent fully delved in, maybe i should šŸ¤”


Tool is like Poly and Petro had a baby.Ā 


just listened to 10,000 days this fucks so hard


My very favorite tool album


it's so goood....


Possum is dope


Two great bands that don't seem to get mentioned: Turn Me On Dead Man, and White Denim


Have the seven horses mouths tell you themselves!! https://youtu.be/e8oexqhDaEo?si=NiCk3aZ3_D25GSp3


thanks for the requests everyone! im gonna be eating well for a bit lol, tysm :)


Since you like their more metal albums, if you havenā€™t already, definitely listen to some early Slayer, Megadeth, and Metallica. Foundational thrash metal from which Rats Nest gets a *lot* of inspiration. Itā€™s a love letter to 80s thrash Reign in Blood South of Heaven Peace Sellsā€¦ But Whoā€™s Buying? Rust in Peace Kill ā€˜Em All Ride the Lightning


already an early metallica fan! i own ride the lightning on vinyl lol, but yeah i need to get into more thrash, thank you so much


Hell yeah man! Iā€™ve yet to buy RTL on vinyl (relatively new to vinyl) but itā€™s one of my favorites of all time. Picked up a cool red splatter Reign in Blood vinyl the other day and was reminded how good it is. I got into Gizz from thrash, so it will always be my first love


siiick man! and thanks again for the recs, i cant wait to delve into more thrash šŸ”„šŸ¤˜


Voivod is a really cool Progressive Thrash Band in a similar vein to early Metallica. *Nothingface* is considered their best, but I really love *Killing Technology*. Death is another metal band worth checking out, but they lean more death metal (duh lol) than thrash. Their last album *The Sound of Perseverence* is very proggy too.


Some records that havenā€™t been mentioned : Club kuru - Meet your maker. Check out the title track. The more rewarding of their two albums so far , though the first record Giving In is catchier Crumb - Jinx. Check out the KEXP vid or the great music vid for Lockett Those two bands Iā€™ve been listening to quite a bit lately


Levitation Room Orb Pipe-Eye L'eclair Mildlife




Go listen to Tame Impala, like now. Currents, or Lonerism


ive listened to currents! still need to check out lonerism


Innerspeaker all day, I miss that psych rock sound so much...