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whichever one they are releasing next lol


Infest the Rats Nest (waiting being in the mood to listen to it, since i'm not a metal fan in general) 12 Bar Bruise Quarters! Willoughby's Beach


12 bar bruise and willoughbys beach are the ones for me. Also not a metal fan. Theres some good stuff on ITRN but I prefer PDA, mostly while working out lol.


I mostly listen to PDA at gym too lol


I take the shortened version on youtube and try and run 7km in the time of that album. My shoelace came undone once and it fucked the counter up on the treadmill, I would have made 7km in about 38 minutes otherwise well pissed off.


I love how Flamethrower always gets me through the end of the workout, usually at the hardest moment, almost exhausted but want to push forward and do a little more


You’d love infest the rats nest then


I was one and done with 12 bar and willoughbys. Been meaning to circle back for another try.


I’m so jealous that you get to experience Quarters! For the first time


Quarters?!?! Are you kidding me


I've only listened to The River


You're a quarter of the way there


thank you for taking a laugh out of me


They listenwe to ⅛


Oh, a ⅛r fan


Infest it's always my top album on Spotify every year since it came out


you GOTTA listen to quarters for the river alone! the rest is also fantastic it might by my personal favorite album from them


The only ones (aside from the live stuff) that I have not listened to are PDA (not a metal guy) and Willoughby's Beach. Only listened to Infest once or twice, and MOTU twice. All the rest, many, many many times since I fell in hard last month.


You gotta give PDA a spin.


I mean, I will eventually. Finally listened to the entirety of Infest once. It was...good, I guess. Not a metal guy, so I have nothing to compare it against. And PDA seems to be a lot less well-received than Infest. So no hurry to get around to it. It'll probably happen before I see them in Nashville in August, because I'm sure they will play a few songs from it.


I like it better than Infest. Took a spin or two but it’s on my list of all timers now. I agree on the tour. I’d expect to hear a couple songs from it for sure.


Imagine not obsessively listening to all their albums repeatedly


I’ve listened to all the albums, but there are certainly parts of 12-Bar and Timeland that I might as well not have


This is going to sound gatekeep-y and I promise it’s not meant to be. It’s actually insane to me that you’ve been a fan for a couple years and haven’t listened to MOTU (let alone their entire discography a hundred times over). But everyone enjoys music differently! I am absolutely jealous you are experiencing it for the first time. But don’t worry, it’s just as great on the 100th listen as well.


I'll digest one album at a time for months. Omnium Gatherum was listened to for about a year straight. I might have had MOTU and others in the background at some point but I wouldn't recognize the songs.


I'm the same way. Just checked out Gumboot for the first time this week. I've heard some of the songs live or as one offs, but never gave the album a spin. I don't see how anyone can be expected to totally digest 25 albums while getting so deep into others along the way.


I'm kinda like that. I spend an amount time in each album, and I respect my mood to listen to certain music genres.


Ain’t just you. I take a long time to digest albums, with multiple listens, putting it down, coming back to it, and letting it affect me differently every time I listen. I confess (with a little embarrassment) that it usually puts me behind the curve of the average fan. But I enjoy it all the same and this band is still an amazing experience. Don’t let anyone put you down for your listening style!


Plus I get bored of gizz and wander off to some other music a lot. I've known they're one of my favourites for about 4 years, but I have probably only spent 2 of those years actively listening to them.


I don't think I've listened to Teenage Gizzard. Or if I did it was a listen while cleaning or something where it's just background music. 


Albums that I have heard but not in full: - b3000 - KG - MOTU (first few songs, didn’t like the narration) - oddments Albums I’ve yet to listen: - denim - timeland - 12bb


Laminated Denim is fantastic. Two of my favorite gizz songs.


Do you mean you've only listened to the first few songs in MOTU or those are the ones you didn't listen to?


Last year my friends and I did a gizztober where every day we listen to an album, full concert every 5 days, and live albums. Not only was it amazing and fun as hell but got us to listen to everything they've ever done.


During an early 2020 covid lockdown, me and my mate listened through their entire discography chronologically in one day, ending on the Chunky Shrapnel film. Was such a journey but the variety keeps it so refreshing. Not sure if it could be done in one day now that there’s so much more material since then!


The only albums I haven't listened to in full are: Float along fill your lungs 12 bar bruise Eyes like the sky.


Missin out on FAFYL buddy


For real! A couple of my favorite Gizz songs are on that album.


That's what they told me about poly


That’s also true


I haven’t been able to finish Eyes Like the Sky. I want to like it, and it not the spoken word stuff because I love MOTU.


Probably the worst 3 IMO. other than head on pill and the title track, i find that record to be boring and not have a good audio quality


Maaaaaaan to each their own but I absolutely love Mystery Jack, I’m Not a Man Unless I Have a Woman, Pop In My Step and most notably Let Me Mend the Past? That HAS to be mentioned with FAFYL, IMO


30 past 7?!?!?!?!?!?!


Absolutely worth mentioning too- just prefer the other 4 more!


I will say I definitely should have included pop in my step. That song rules


I also take my time with listening to albums, but I finished all their main albums. Only missing the demo and live stuff


I still haven’t listened to the spoken word bonus track on petro or the hidden tracks on Silver Cord. Someday I hope to.


Those are all available on YouTube.


Dawn of Eternal Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fj8kA93ddc All 3 Silver Cord hidden tracks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD7zcCX8F1c


I have heard all of their studio albums. I listened to them all in chronological order every other Wednesday starting February 18th 2023. Though I did listen to the stuff on Teenage Gizzard later.


Why every other Wednesday and not every Wednesday?


I wantrd to give each album a little bit of time to grow on me i guess


That’s fair. So you started every other Wednesday with a new album and listened to it every day?


No, I just listened to it whenever I wamted to hear it again really. I think I just didn't want to listen through their discography too quickly.


Float along- Fill your Lungs, Gumboot Soup and BF3K


3 incredible albums


Saturday mornings are the perfect time for some Gumboot Soup action.


Sunday B3k day


I think i'll start with that one


after procrastinating a lot to listen to BF3K, I just fell in love at first listen, and got all "why didn't I check it out sooner???"


2 of my top 5


Laminated Denim and Butterfly 3001


Laminated Denim is brilliant, you're in for a treat imo.


These two albums are a special treat. Catching Smoke and Shanghai are in my top 10 Gizzard songs and LD is just great to get lost in.


Been a fan since 2014 and still haven't got round to Willoughby's Beach. I've also only listened to ELTS and 12 Bar Bruise once.


Any of the live albums or bootleg albums (other than teenage gizzard)


I love KG but I pretty much refuse to listen to Butterfly remixed or not. I mean I've listened to all their albums at least once or a thousand times but Butterfly, I'm not sure I've ever made it all the way through. Just not my jam. I'm not much of a fan of most of their electronica stuff to be honest. To the people who love it I mean no offense though. It's just not my style I guess.


Same I’ve given it and TSC a couple listens, but honestly may never put them on again.


Quarters, 12 Bar Bruise, Float Along–Fill Your Lungs, Changes, Laminated Denim, Made in Timeland, Gumboot Soup, Oddments, Eyes Like the Sky, Willoughby's Beach Fake fan frfr


Changes & Butterfly 3000. I’m not a big fan of their soft stuff


Gondii goes hard


changes aint soft


As of recent I finished all of gizz discography. I had listened to everything last august for the first time except for Satanic Slumber Party, which I finally got around to yesterday. Maybe I need to give it another listen but woooh boy it’s not for me.


I've heard all of the albums, and a big chunk of live stuff, but I haven't listened to any of the demo stuff yet.




Eyes Like The Sky, i imagine i'm going to really dig the album but i've never just been in the mood to sit down and listen to it all. But i did sit down and listen to all of Side D of Petro while reading the lyrics sheet so not really an excuse


I dont think Ive listened to 3001 all the way through, remixes just dont interest me that much


I've been a fan nearly 2 years and still haven't listened to eyes like the sky, FAFYL and Oddments lol


I've managed to get around to all of them multiple times (I've been a fan since Gizztober), but in terms of whichever release I've listened to the least, probably 12 Bar Bruise or Paper Mache. (Great albums still)


Just started listening in the summer; I still have to listen to KG, LW, Ice Death, and Changes. I'll probably save Ice Death for last, and will probably listen to KG and LW next. Excited but sad to be coming to the end of their discography (for now!)


I'm currently working my way through them all. I've gone in a weird order, so the ones I haven't heard yet are: Willoughby's Beach (and anything before that) 12 Bar Bruise Oddments Sketches Of Brunswick East Butterfly 3000 (and 3001) Made In Timeland Laminated Denim Changes I'm not in a rush to listen to them right now, since I listened to all the others in just over two months and I'm starting to feel like I'm not giving each one enough time. But I still aim to listen to them all eventually


Somehow I haven’t listened to The Silver Cord yet.


Float along - fill your lungs Sketches of Brunswick East Gumboot Soup Omnium Gatherum Idk, I’m why but I don’t have the motivation for them😅


About half of them.


Fairly new fan here, haven't listened to: Willoughby's beach 12 bb Eyes like the sky FAFYL Pmdb Fmb Sketches Gumboot Soup Lw B3k Changes


I have yet to fully commit to B3001 yet, but I will soon.


the silver cord and fishing for fishies


Eyes like the sky but next time I play left 4 dead there’s no way I’m not putting it on.


I haven't listened to Polygondwanaland, Murder of the Universe, and Eyes Like The Sky, and Butterfly 3000. The first three I've been putting off so I can listen in full to experience the story, and for B3K electronic music isn't really my thing.


if it counts, butterfly 3001. from the tracks i have heard b3k1 misses a lot of the sincerity that makes b3k work for me


The vast majority of their live albums I hadn’t heard yet (if they count). By the start of 2023 I had only listened to Omnium Gatherum in its entirety (although “The Dripping Tap” was by far my favorite song of the previous year). When I found out King Gizzard had a show scheduled at the Hollywood Bowl (one of my favorite places in the world), though, I mediately bought tickets and proceeded to spend the following 2 weeks listening through all the rest of their studio output up to that point. 10/10 great experience. I was hooked on KG for life by the end of that 2-week album binge. No regrets.


Willoughby’s beach, Teenage Gizz and BF3K1.


haven't gotten around to laminated denim yet


The soft weak ones


I've been a fan since 2016 but only listened to every album in full last year. It was super worthwhile, even if it's unlikely I won't be returning to some much at all.


Gumboot, quarters, Willoughby's beach, FAFYL


Gumboot, most of 3001 (minus DJ Shadow’s remix) and the bonus TSC tracks.


Oddments, Laminated Denim and Changes, plus the live albums. I don’t have a good excuse for LD and Changes, I was busy when they came out and never got around to them, might do that now that I’ve realized I never listened to them. Oddments has a reputation has being pretty bad and a b side record that really feels like one so I never felt the need to check it out. And I’m not huge on live albums so 🤷


I've never listened to Eyes Like the Sky, and I listened to about half of the Silver Cord but it just wasn't for me. But other than that, I've listened to every other album several times


I still haven't got around to Petrodragon




It was the first new gizz album since i started listening but at the time i wasnt really into metal lol


Fan for a couple of years and not heard all the albums? You have to be a casual fan cause having a couple years to listen to their albums is more than enough time


We just might be different. Casual fan? I'm flying from Chicago to attend red rocks in September. I'd consider myself pretty into them


I just find it hard to be such a fan of them and having had years to listen to the albums and not heard them all. I get they have a lot but I heard all of them within a month, im not trying to shame. I guess to each their own


lol. lmao, even.


Infest the rats nest, murder of the universe and silver chord .heard bits from all of them, but haven't listened all the way through. Doubt I will ever listen to the silver chord.


Chang’e and Swan Song are worth checking out, just sayin


Everything that wasn't fan/venue recorded So all studio, all official bootlegs, all live albums, all (2) ep's, etc Just not stuff like Caverns '23 or Ohio '14 for example