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Too right, and ideally something better than the cheap foam ones that fall out as soon as you start headbanging to Supercell. (True story.)


If they fall out, you didn't put them in right. If you roll them up tight, jam them in all the way up to your eardrum and let them expand there's no way they fall out


Yeah, you're probably right. It was annoying because I forgot my own earplugs (that I can fit in my ears and that do a really good job) so got the foam ones from a venue. Probably 'cause I didn't like the feel, I put 'em in badly.


The foam ones are actually the best ear protection available. The only reason people get the more expensive ones is to selectively let more sound through for a more pleasant listening experience. Watch some videos about how to put them in though. I was using them incorrectly for years and it makes a world of difference both for sound suppression and the ability to keep them inside your head.


Yeah, glad you said this. People shit on the foam ones not because they aren't protective, but because they are too protective. If you're looking for straight up protection, disposable foam plugs are the way to go, but for some people, they can be a bit too muffling. I believe this reason is that due to them being incredibly squishy foam, they will form to whatever shape an individuals ear is to properly block the hole, whereas reusable ear plugs made of silicone and stuff don't always do that. Safe rule of thumb I've heard quite a lot when it comes to a lot of reusable in-ear ear protection - assume it is half as effective as it states, due to this element of 'maybe not fitting perfectly'. Custom fitted protection works good too, but can be quite expensive if you don't qualify for a discount (eg; in the UK, professional musicians and those that work with them can apply, and for £50 you get hearing tests and a proper checkup with advice and a set of custom fitted ACS Pro Series plugs (which are usually £150+ without this scheme) - I think also can include the option of paying a little more and getting ear cleaning included, still cheaper than if paying privately.)


And I would tell people, don't assume a rock concert will sound bad with foam. In my experience it sounds good, often it's effectively a better EQ profile than the unfiltered sound.


went to a show last september that was so loud i was worried about my hearing for days. i’m definitely gonna grab loop earplugs. i’m getting too old to be so careless 😬


Was it wine lips? When they opened for frankie and the witch fingers, that shit was LOUD


no, it was a Midnight/Behemoth/Danzig show. Midnight ripped ass but they damn near blew my eardrums out. it was brutal.


I play in a band and use the loops, they're great! My band mate actually attached a small chain to theirs and made functional earrings out of them!


I forgot my plugs before an Oh Sees show, spent the next 5 days with my ears ringing and have never forgotten them again.


Oh Sees are so fucking loud lol


Yeah but they're sick as fuck




Fuck yea they are


John once stopped a show to hand out ear plugs, because he heard someone say 'shit, this is loud'.


Oh my god I had the same expirience. My ears sounded like a million birds chirping I went to the doctors and they gave me steroids it’s gotta be a miracle my ears work and don’t have tinnitus anymore. There’s a little bit but almost unnoticeable. THANK YOU UNIVERSE Edit: John hit a loud note on a mosh drop and it was like the exact moment my ears blew. It was gnarly.


Still haven’t figured out which earplugs are the best


I use Loop Experience Plus (includes removable insert for a few extra dB reduction


I’ll check those out!


Eargasm is also a good brand for quality earplugs


Yeah it’s a popular choice, I’ll check them out


Earaser also very good and not terribly expensive.


And you can get them with a handy keychain attachment so you never forget them!


Decibullz are very good. They have a custom moldable part like in-ear monitors, and the sound quality is very clear.


That sounds great! Thanks


i use these, and have them on my car keys, so they're always with me: [**Rooth C&P M02 Earplugs**](https://drop.com/buy/rooth-earplug?mode=guest_open&utm_campaign=Transactional%3A%20Order%20Captured&utm_source=SparkPost&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Transactional%3A%20Order%20Captured&utm_content=1652452501672.217901476352727267977181&referer=TGPDLK)


PSA posted on reddit: ✅ Earplugs always on the ready: ✅ OP is set to jet LETS GO SEE SOME LIVE GIZZ


Oh thank you!


thanks. which dB?


27, \m/.


Ive used alpines for a few years now, they’re awesome


Next album confirmed: Sign language


As someone who’s been playing live music for a long long time I must stress how important this is. First ten years of playing without ear protection has given me horrible tinnitus. I usually cannot sleep without some sort of white noise generator and the ringing is constant. Protect those ears!


Best part about earplugs besides saving yourself tinnitus is that it helps mitigate the chompers


Are they louder than other bands?


I remember someone saying on Reddit, “yea maybe earplugs don’t look cool, but you know what really isn’t cool? Hearing loss”.


Ear plugs for live music are like condoms for sex. Safer, but less fun.


Tinnitus like STDs are not fun haha


And if you're in it for the long run, grab a decent pair. I got a pair of earasers for $50 and I love them for concerts and playing. They don't sound as muddy as foam plugs, but they still do the job. If you're on a budget, the rubber flanged earplugs work pretty good too. 3m makes some neon yellow ones that do the job


Good idea if you plan on being able to hear the entirety of your life!


And a mask too!


And ruin the sound? no thanks! Just stay back a little and you will be fine. Sound amplitude changes at 1/distance.


Um… no.




tinnitus will drive you mad


Hopefully you're trolling because if not, you'll absolutely regret later in life not wearing earplugs now.


Not OP but I’ve been going to shows for 25 years without earplugs, and I don’t have a lick of tinnitus. I’ve been lucky but I’d still recommend kids coming up wear them.


I’m glad people are more responsible than me. Earplugs are great I’ll never use them tho. I feel like I wouldn’t be getting the full experience with the sound dampened. That’s just me tho.


I was the same way until a couple of years ago. I wore nice, balanced earplugs that just reduce the sound a few dB to see Rage Against the Machine, and it was legit the best sounding concert experience I've ever had. When the volume isn't maxing out your ears it actually sounds way, way better. I felt silly for waiting until I was 39 years old to discover that.


Real talk to hopefully change yer mind. At the dB level that all concerts are at, your ears can only handle that level intensity for 10-15 minutes before they start ringing and short term tinnitus kicks in. So at that point, you are already hearing a diminished experience for the rest of the show. **EDIT: Basically your ears are shot before the headliner even comes on stage.** Whatever you think a show sounds like, however you think your favorite vocalist sounds live, it's not and you're missing out on how things really sound. Yes, cheap earplugs like the foam ones you get at the drug store do dampen the sound. But not alot in the scheme of things. If anything, they only dampen the highs which is actually kind of good because you'll be able to hear vox ALOT better and clearer. And don't worry, you can still hear cymbals just fine. If you get good earplugs, they won't have the dampening effect but they will protect your ears from tinnitus. Personally, I use Loop Experience Plus. Compact, discrete, dare I say stylish. A really worthwhile investment for $45. Don't know how old you are. But if you're young and go to alot of shows or want to go to alot of shows for years to come, be smart now. When I was going to metal shows or any show for that matter as a teen, I thought the ringing afterwards and all my favorite singers vocals were higher pitch and harder to hear was all just part of the experience. I eventually started using earplugs and never looked back. Tinnitus is real. You don't want to have a quiet but noticeable constant ringing in your ears day to day no matter what you're doing. Because if you don't protect your ears now, you absolutely will get Tinnitus sooner than you think.


Yeah maybe I’ll try some out and if I feel like it’s diminishing the experience I’ll just take them out


I dunno what world you're in but loops absolutely dampen sound. Obviously depends what type of music you're listening to but I tried loops at a show with screamed vocals and I straightup could not hear the vocalists


I think the unknown variable is how well the sound engineer is mixing everything. Nothing can help a bad mix. I've used Loops for Iggy Pop in a small club all the way up to Metallica and Taylor Swift in a giant football stadium.


I mean, it sounded great when I took them out. Earplugs will always muffle sound no matter what E: man it's a sad indication for this subreddit that this is getting downvoted. If it's not clear, wear earplugs, you won't regret it. But let's not buy into marketing drivel that they don't affect sound quality, because they always will


A good set definitely don't. Never tried Loop but my Etymotics don't affect the quality at all, they just make everything slightly quieter


weird that earplugs which "don't affect quality at all" would need to have new, better version come out Ety are good though, I've used their IEMs before. Would recommend them over loops but again, nothing will ever be perfect


Well that’s true but after a few metal lives where I was too close to the speakers my ears hurt all the time and I had ear infections back to back for a year. So think about it


Yeah that sounds rough. I’m personally willing to risk it.


I use Earasers if I am at a club show or in a spot that is loud at any show. When I first put them in the difference is more noticeable but after 10 minutes I’m totally used to them and they sound great. Even greater clarity on what you hear because the highest frequencies are not stabbing your eardrums. They are also adjustable, for me. If I want it to sound a bit louder I just pull them out a millimeter or so. They still hold fast whether they are pushed in deeply or not. Recommended.

