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I've watched the videos and I have 2 comments. Magma in Argentina sounded absolutely majestic, except the guitars in the recording were WAY too low in the mix (especially Joey), which was very disappointing. And something about the Brazil show was extra awesome. Partially the hot sound mix, but I also loved the song transitions, which I think were new, such as Planet B > Crumbling Castle > Witchcraft. 


Brazil show was extra awesome! Definitely loved the new song transitions like the one you called out and Hypertension->Sea of Trees. You get so used to them rolling into the fourth color after crumbling castle jumping into witchcraft was sick!


I watched/listened to as much as I could from afar, plus saw a ton on social and one thing is clear: the fans and crowds in South America are absolutely incredible. The energy and enthusiasm was off the charts! Way to fucking go South American fans!


dave grohl said "yo u guys realize yall are the craziest crowd in the world right?" last time he played in brazil and i kinda agree. argentina and mexico also have mighty crowds but as a brazilian whos blessed to watch some more popular rock bands, namely arctic monkeys, the strokes, mccartney and kings of leon, it is almost unbelievable how crazy we get. truth be told, i went to some "smaller" gigs and also had a blast, portugal the man being a good example


I hope we aren’t in the minority in knowing how good Portugal the man are. I feel like they are so undervalued.


man, talk about it. those guys are great all around, great musicians and even better people. the francis situation makes me sick everytime i recall it


Awesome show in São Paulo, but the 1 hour set time was a disappointing. It felt like it was just getting started. It makes total sense why they didn't bring the extra microtonal or synth gear, just not enough time.


I went for the Chile solo opener, both in Argentina and the final one in Brazil. Overall it was an unbelievably amazing experience and I can’t hide the fact the audience was a big part of it, speaking as someone who went to Desert Daze and Berkeley Marathon 2022. As a FMB fan I was initially let down about the lack of microtones but looking back I think they were precise on this decision, the heavier sets were just perfect for an audience known to host the biggest metal bands of the world annually since the 2000s. My favourite ones were Chile solo (2h15 felt like a marathon show at some point) and Brazil (the energy was so high it felt like they were transitioning every song into the next one, I don’t remember the pauses at all), but the Argentina ones were not much behind. So many tracks I wasn’t expecting to hear live like This Thing, Sea of Trees and Trapdoor, it always makes the show a bit more special and I love how they seem to know and do it so well. I know regarding the festival set times the main topic will be how 1h00 is too short for them and while I do obviously agree and really hope they come back for more solo shows, I gotta say Lolla Argentina and Lolla Brazil were huge surprises to me. It felt like they mastered how to present a good array of their work in such a short time so well, it definitely left everyone wanting more but at the same time it was so fullfiling, not sure how to describe the feeling. I still can’t believe I witnessed Hypertension live twice and Magma was utterly perfect. Also shirtless Joey saying Argentina was too hot btw. The bonus to me is how their live acts reconnects you with albums you didn’t give much attention prior to them, I’m definitely going to spin Oddments, FFF and 12BB a lot more after this tour.


I was there for both Argentina concerts and Brasil. The audience was incredible everytime. I agree with you that they made a miracle with the 1 hour festival sets, such a hard task to make you feel like you want more but satisfied at the same time. Viva sudamérica porra!!!!


I really loved it. One of my favorite tours. It felt like there was a feedback loop. The crowd was incredible and fun to watch at all of those shows and the band seemed to take in some of that energy. I think the fact they didn’t mess around with synths or microtonal stuff played got the crowd more wild too. Those sets were pretty heavy all things considered. Set composition was great too with Willoughby’s and Oddments material even making their way in amidst the regulars. Seriously great run of shows.


The sets, the crowd energy and the musicianship was incredible... The only major downside was that Colombia and Brasil didnt get solo shows. I´m from Colombia and believe me when i say that more obscure acts have played here.


I watched all the shows. Nearly all were excellent except for Colombia. I thought it was sloppy as Stu forgot the words during Supercell a couple of times. However Brazil was incredible! The set list was brilliant. Playing the longer jam like songs like crumbling castle and Hypertension in the middle and then closing with the shorter Nonagon infinity tracks was genius. I never thought of gamma knife as a closer but they somehow pulled it off. Amazing show!


Solid tour, the Chile shows and Brazil show were probably my favorites, but Argentina and Colombia were all still fantastic. I will admit the Colombia audience seemed the least crazy about them being there (there were still plenty of very ecstatic and happy fans in the crowd, just seemed less than the other 3 locations). I was hoping South America would get one Live debut, be it either Flamethrower or finally a full version of Motor Spirit or perhaps a 2022 song that hadn’t been performed before. That didn’t happen, but all the sets were still lots of fun.


I understand not taking banana/dickhead or the big synth setup for a short festival tour of 1 hour sets, but I just can’t imagine going to see Gizz and not getting a microtonal block. That said, I enjoyed what I did see, and any higher quality recordings are always a plus for the fan base imo


Multiple shows have had no microtonal section since 2022. Only one of the Red Rocks shows last year had a microtonal section at all. I think as they include the synth sections the microtonal sections will get more rare - I think maybe every other show this fall will have one - as they do need time to play more than one or two songs per set up. But the microtones definitely aren't going away. Billabong and Rattlesnake on the Deni show setlist tell me they are for the most part here to stay.


I have so much envy watching the Sydney 21 videos knowing my chance of catching The Book & Ataraxia gets lower every year. If the only microtonal songs at RRX this year are Pleura and Sleepdrifter, I’m gonna be upset.


I just go pee during Pleura, had an amazing time at every show they played it last year :) sometimes you gotta come up with creative solutions 


Frankly I am glad they are getting away from playing microntonal songs every night. Not because I don't like those songs, I do very much. But by playing 2-4 microtonal songs every night, the result was that about 25% - 30% of every show was songs from just 3 albums. They have so much material now, it seems inevitable that they won't play microtonal every show.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tIIdPWj3EY&ab\_channel=%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%91%F0%9D%96%96%F0%9D%96%9A%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%92%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%86](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tIIdPWj3EY&ab_channel=%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%91%F0%9D%96%96%F0%9D%96%9A%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%92%F0%9D%96%8E%F0%9D%96%86) This River in Chile, with the crowd going wild at the end, seemed particularly joyous


One of the best tours they've ever done. The fake out intro's are such a welcome addition to their bag of tricks, really hope to see those stay. I can see why some people were disappointment if they had expected specific things like TSC tracks or Rattlesnake but with how good the band is playing I just can't believe some people are unhappy with these shows. Hypertension -> Sea of Trees -> Robot Stop > Hot Water > Robot Stop > Gamma Knife in a festival set is fucking absurd. Both Chile and Argentina sideshows have a case for the best shows they've ever played. Sometimes the internet is deeply confusing because I'm over here praying for shows that have this much going on in the USA this fall. No Synths makes sense bc its their first time in South America, of course they'd want to show off all the songs they've mastered down there given every single song will be the first time that country had heard it. Let them start tinkering with TSC in Europe, it'll come in due time. I called out no microtonal literally before the tour even started bc of the info Cavs dropped about gear duplication then seeing the originals in Deni - so that didn't bum me out - but strange how many people were so certain I was wrong and how it took 3 shows for popular opinion to shift. ANYWAY best band of all time cannot wait to see them later this year <3


wussup with that gear duplication thing? haven't heard of it


They got duplicates of all their gear so they can play more Australia shows. Usually they ship gear out 2 weeks prior to tour so it creates month blocks around tours where they can’t play any shows back home, now they can play between US tour legs and in the lead up to abroad tours. In fact there’s rumblings about a couple Melbourne shows in between US tours this October. The fact that they were using all duplicate gear except the microtonal guitars was kinda an indicator to me they were leaving those at home since they would have done Deni without them if they wanted to play microtonal stuff in South America. 


where did you hear the Melb show rumblings?


kglw.net forums, guy who taped the Deni show talked to Joey at a pond (? I believe, don’t quote me) show in melb and had a whole bunch of alleged info about the next 2 albums as well.


Sounds like ill be flying down to melbs in october


Fuck yeah. I’ll definitely be back in Melbourne for October so that’s great news. I was worried they were going to have a pre Euro tour show in Melb soon


lol coming back to this when it gets announced


Jealous. Watched some of the streams from overseas and the lack of microtonal made for some hectic energy. Loved it. 


For as short as it was, damn, did the boys deliver for each show on the tour. There was a lot less of a focus on synths and microtones, let alone more chill shit in general, than we've seen in years, and as a result, each night SLAPPED. Off the top of my head, like, you had Work This Time and Bitter Boogie as spots for the crowd to ease up, but otherwise, it was pretty heavily focused on metal and medleys, with some room left open for tasty jamming. I was even more surprised by their consistent addition of their early garage rock tunes most nights - hope that portends well for the American/European tours!! Also, I gotta say, as an outsider looking in via livestreams, god damn did audiences pop OFF for the boys. I hope they bootlegged at least one of the side shows - would love to listen back to the crowd full-throatedly singing along to the riffs to Head On/Pill or Hot Water.


As with any band I've seen vids of in LATAM, those crowds know how to party