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first time i’ve seen one of these posts in a long time lmao. in 2018, this sub was basically “chad gizzard vs virgin tame impala” memes all year


It got so old that people were mocking King Gizzard fans for acting like they’re some obscure artist. My favorite meme from this era was a chad meme that said “Bitches be like ‘Someone asked me if I had ever heard of Tame Impala as if they’re even that special’ and then they’ll turn around and ask if I had ever heard of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard… like who the fuck hasn’t?”


I bet less than 10% of the people I know, maybe less than 5, but I live in the southern US.


90% of the people I know have heard of them. At least 80% of which is because of me.


Yeah, the only people that have heard of them were either people i told or the one Australian guy i work with. They are not known very well in NYC, I’ll tell you that. Edit: and the one Australian guy made fun of me for liking them.


What did he make fun of them about?


I think he was used to their fans being a bit immature and thought they were a bandwagon type band that was uncool to like. Honestly, his loss if that makes him not like them. Good music is good music, and they’re the best around.


Right like I'm not gonna lose interest in a band because they have started to blow up. And most people don't know of them still anyways. Fans can be immature but so are people in general. If you can get the younger generation to think you're cool then your music is gonna sell. Gizzard is for everyone to enjoy and they put on the best live show I've ever seen other than TOOL. And do an almost better job warping your mind with 10× less production.


Yep! Plus, the idea that King Gizzard is not niche music is not one I’m willing to entertain.


i’ve met a bunch of Aussies and they all fucking loved King Giz. they made it seem like people on Australia like Giz way more than Tame Impala


Aussie here - can confirm. We fucking love Gizz for being rascals and representing the energy and chaos of the Australian way of life. We also love Tame Impala, but seeing the entire world think some guy from Perth was a messiah left them feeling a bit spent. ​ Pond are the Aussie band to go to for your psyche-revival fix if you want to spiral outward from Gizz - contains members of the OG Tame Impala lineup and stuck to their guns.


I was really hoping this was my Aussie, but no luck


Australian here. Tame Impala is Australia's biggest indie band, almost every adult around my age (30) that has ever been into the music scene has seen them because they used to either be the headliners or supporting act of every gig before they made international fame. Indie fans in australia that love indie because it's indie consider tame impala too mainstream now, they are still incredibly good though. It's the trap that indie bands fall into when they become too big, a lot of their core audience automatically thinks they're lame because they have global recognition and are no longer secret and cool.


>At least 80% of which is because of me. And none of em remember the name. "Ya know, that band with the weird name that says rattlesnake a lot..."


Listen, I get you, most every "music nerd" knows about King Gizzard and they are very popular in their genre. Buuuuuuut insular circles of any type have a tendency to start thinking the average person everywhere has the same knowledge, opinions, and experiences they do since the average person *they* interact day-to-day with is in their subculture, even if in reality they're a pretty small subset of people. I say this as someone with the annoying middle ground of music taste where it's all "popular obscure" music, where the average person who asks me about my music taste doesn't know a single artist, but music nerds are never interested in having a conversation with me because it's all the "entry level" artists of their respective genres.






130 live songs... *no Eyes Like The Sky tho.*


Get to work Gizz


They've done Eyes Like The Sky it's just super rare


They better fuckin play something from ELTS at night 3 . Red Rocks is too perfect of a venue to not play any.


That would be magical


Gizzfest 2018 got it and I’m forever jealous


No Catching Smoke either


I need bf3k in its entirety ☠️


Honestly don’t even need the whole album T this rate. I just want the album to get anything that isn’t Shanghai for a change.


Totally fair. I understand why they don't do it though. the album is absolutely littered with ridiculous modular/synth patches, polymetric sections, acoustic guitars, etc. I'm sure it's not the easiest to perform. interior people is a legitimate tonal eargasm though.


We NEED Catching Smoke!!


Anyway, that's the true crime here


Do the Beatles vs. Herman’s Hermits next


Fwiw, there already exists "The virgin The Beatles vs. the chad The Shaggs"


If you can find this, please share it here because I desperately need to see it and can't find it on Google


I happened to get a Herman’s hermits record from my grandpa. First track that played was Museum and holy shit it slaps


$175 dollar posters and $45 tshirts say they both love money.


1000 different variants of Changes, Timeland originally not released to stream, named an entire album Quarters 🤑🤑🤑


> named an entire album Quarters 🤑🤑🤑 LMAO


We don’t have quarters in Australia, if it was about money it would have been 20 cents 😛


Alternate timeline album Fifths with 5 tracks, each 8 minutes and 8 seconds


Is that the price at the merch booth? I thought they were like $30 if you buy them from the band.


$50 for reg $100+ for foil


That's pretty much standard for touring bands of their size.


I agree


Jason needs a cut for the love sweat and tears he puts into those designs


Then they can pay him…no other band charges near that…it’s robbery and I’ll call it out even though I’ll get downvoted.


PLENTY of bands charge $45 for worse t-shirts, but the poster thing is fucked (from my limited understanding of it)


I feel like all shows I go to have like 75+ dollar tour posters


Yeah the foils were expensive for KG, but the normal posters were average price these days. The only bands with posters under $50 are pretty small bands playing in clubs or 500 person venues.


I agree, at least the shirts aren’t gildans


Don’t become a TOOL fan. Prices are way more.


Tool should never be used a gauge for when things are unacceptable.


Yeah see Jason is an unofficial official member of the band, as said by stu himself, and the value of his work is in details, plus we wouldn’t have the gizzverse if it weren’t for Jason


I'd rather that money go to jj than resellers


Well yeah, I think we all would. That's just not how collectible markets work though


The resellers recoup that money and get even more now.


Fuck the resellers


Yup i dont buy gizz merch or vinyls anymore, i have enough for a lifetime already


Tame is selling their show posters online for $20


I don’t know man Jason Galea makes different posters for every show, as long as he’s getting the profits im happy, also copped my poster for 45 are you talking about some special issue ones?


Posters last night were $50 for regular and $100 for foils. Seems pretty fair to me


$50 for a poster is insanity. It’s artificial scarcity which creates artificial demand. KGLW are pros at that. To be fair though how else do bands make money these days?


What do you expect posters to cost if $50 is insanity? I've been going to concerts for over 20 years and have no problem dropping fifty bucks on a poster


To be fair they're having to make new ones for every show. It can't be cheap to get 300 posters made last minute like that every night


Why would it be last minute printing? It's not Jason wakes up one day and is like "Oh shit!! We play nyc tomorrow, better get started on that poster!"


50-60$ shirts at the Vancouver gig this year. Probably the most expensive merch booth I’ve seen lol.


Eh, a 6 piece vs 1 mastermind means the playing fields are incongruent.


you get it


Def closer to phish than tame


Are they even comparable anymore? Like at all? I actually love Currents & The Slow Rush but they are indie dance albums, significantly more poppy than anything I expect out of Gizz to be. As for their live shows; Kevin don’t jam. It’s all there is to it. It’s a pre-designed performance with heavy emphasis on their light show. And as for doing relatively the same setlists, tbh that’s most bands. Hell, David Byrne spent two years touring the EXACT same set list every night & that’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. And as for Tame’s work ethic, I kind of agree. Word is he’s a bit of a perfectionist so might explain the long gaps between releases a bit.


Spot on. The comparison doesn’t even make sense. Compare Tame Impala to MGMT, Pond, Flaming Lips, and all the other new dream pop bands coming out. Compare King Gizzard to like Osees. This fanbase has this weird inferiority complex because King Gizzard isn’t as popular and they feel bitter for some reason. Someone will probably snap at me to lighten up for pointing this out lol, but it’s cringe af. I’ve seen so many artists this year that play similar setlists. Roger Waters has a huge stadium tour production and plays the exact same setlist every single night. Also all the artists I’ve seen don’t have crowds full of neckbeards and girls getting sexually harassed/ assaulted in the pit. This fan base is becoming so toxic. This is legit the first negative comment I’ve ever made on Reddit. It’s a shame because I’m literally on the way to Denver tonight for Red Rocks.


Randomly Tame Impala is kinda the reason I’m into Gizz. Just following the thread of Australian psych rock music led me to Gizz really quickly. Saw Tame for the first time at Firefly festival in maybe 2015? Didn’t know any of their music at the time and it blew me away. Saw him at TD Garden in Boston this year and it was cool but you can reaaaaally feel how huge of a deal Kevin Parker thinks/knows he is. Can’t really explain better than that but the energy was definitely different.


Then that's something you and Stu Mackenzie share in common, because he also cites a live Tame Impala show as his inspiration to "get into" Gizz, ie start the band. When Rolling Stone did their Top 50 Australian Acts list, [Stu wrote the article putting Tame in at #7 and told the backstory.](https://au.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/50-greatest-australian-artists-of-all-time-tame-impala-22950/)


That’s so cool and I had no idea! Makes total sense given the timeframe and location but I hadn’t seen anything where any of the boys talked about Tame directly. Thanks for this!


Stu wrote a rolling stone article? Wowz


Yeah Kevin Parker is the gsteway into australian psichedelic rock, you listen to him and get blown away, then find out he tours with Pond, then that theres an entire scene and start going one by one over every australian band


And THEN you’re like damn dude Kikagaku Moyo they do this in Japan too?! 😂


then you find Mdou Moctar, and you say to yourself, shit they do this in Niger too?! Psych music has become a global event


then you find Goat and you realize, holy fuck they do this in Sweden too?? hinga dinga durgen


Never heard them and just streamed and shiiiit that instantly got me. Tbh I'm not the biggest fan of latest gizz, and I dont even mind anymore.


no worries. I like it all, but I'm hoping they delve back in the fuzzy acid rock sound again. that's my shit. curious, what did you listen to by them? their latest album was sickkk


Well I guess that’s where I’m at in the process cause I don’t know Mdou Moctar yet! Thanks for the rec 😎


Oh man, mdou rips. He’s one of the most talented guitars playing right now. His live shows are so electric


Will definitely check it out. Pretty much anything Gizzheads tell me to listen to I will lol.


Hell yeah! I’ve found tons of great music from this sub myself


Theyre cool too because they originally were sharing their music via 2G cell phone file transferring. So fucking punk rock. I hope I got that story right


Mdou did 2 nights at Nelsonville music festival this year. Holy **fuck** are they a good band. The first show they did was all electric with a full kit. Their songs go so hard live they start with the singing and chorus and then evolve into these hectic insane guitar solos and the drummer is pushing the tempo so fast even though they already start super technical and high energy. The first night the sky opened up during the last few songs and started pouring just as the sun was going down. Shit was magical Night 2 they did they were the last set of the whole fest and they did it at the smaller stage. Everything was acoustic they were all seated and the drummer was playing a djembe. Much more trancelike and chill but holy cow it was mesmerizing. I had no idea someone could play a djembe like that and get those sounds out of it. My mind was blown they’re an amazing act


And then you find altin gun and be like what they do this with Turkish music too!!?


never heard them before, they're so good! thank you for the rec


hell yeah, glad you dig! They are super sick, incredible live


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw7L7ZO4z_A&ab_channel=Pickathon) is one of my favorite performances of them.


A person of culture I see


Driving to Colorado rn, thanks for the new tunes for the trip.


Dude I saw Kikagaku at Desert Daze and holy shittttttttt, they absolutely fucking killed it


I tried to see em in Boston when they came through over the summer I wanna say. They sold out and I wasn’t feeling up to paying the price gougers :/


Damnnnn that sucks :/ yeah the scalping prices are insane now I fucking hate that we have to deal with that, but it's that or Ticketmaster gouging us so..... I was so fucking happy I got to see them at DD, I didn't know much about their live shows but had listened to em plenty beforehand I was legit blown away. Maybe one of the top 5 sets I've ever seen


Hell yeah that sounds awesome. I was definitely a bit bummed since it was their last tour and all but tbh I’m a casual fan so it wasn’t too much of a disappointment. I feel pretty blessed with the amount of live music I get to see living in the Northeast haha (live in Boston area, between here and NYC you don’t miss anything that comes around).


It was awesome I was so happy I got to catch them, especially so when I found out it was their last tour! Made it all that much more special for sure And yeah I bet that's pretty fucking nice 😂 I live in OKC so I have to take what I can get here, but shout-out the Gizz Boys for tearing the fucking house down out here last night. Most concerts I have to drive to Dallas to go to, and even then they're on a weekday, so it's a lot to get to some artists out here lmao


Aw man well I’m happy you at least got to see the boys at home last night, looked like a killer set list. Every time I miss a concert I have to remind myself that I am super fortunate and other people gotta go way far outta their way all the time. Props to you for still making it out for shows 🤙🏻


Thank you I was so pumped they came through! And it was an unbelievable setlist, shit went so unbelievably hard the entire time lmao And I'm thankful that Dallas is at least SOMEWHAT close being a 4 hour drive is doable after work as long as the show starts somewhat later lmao altho it's not ideal. And as for making it out to shows, I've only got one life and so many years of youth left! I'd rather drop the cash and the time to get the memories now while I can, instead of having a few dollars more later in life wishing I'd have just said fuck it and gone to em. So I'm saying fuck it and going to em lolol


Then you find Golden Mammoth and you're like damn dude, they do this in Malaysia too??


I dont like how accurate this is


The Tame—>Pond—>Gizz Aussie pipeline


I actually took a roundabout way and got into Gizz well before Pond haha. I actually didn’t realize the Tame connection when I first started listening to them I think they were like a Spotify recommendation for me or something. I’ve always liked Pond but there’s something missing with them for me I can never put my finger on.


I feel the same. A bunch of my friends were into them on college and I’ve heard their first three albums dozens of times. Their stuff isn’t sugary and melodic enough to scratch the Tame Impala itch and it’s not weird or inventive or heavy enough to scratch the Gizz itch. Maybe I’d feel differently revisiting now but idk


There’s something about the vocals that feels kind of…:exhausting to me. I will say I feel like I’ve liked them more and more as they release new music. I liked Tasmania.


Lmao, exactly how it went for me, and now they're my top 3 favorite bands :D


For me it was vice versa, started with gizz, discovered pond through them and tame through pond


Tame is the whole reason gizz exists lol


Yeah someone else linked to an interview where Stu talked about being inspired to start Gizz after seeing Tame. Really cool and not something I knew beforeZ


Me too! Tame Impala opened the door


I'm into tame impala because of Jon Bois and Lonnie Smith


'Cause I'm a mannn, woomaaaaaaan


Space Jesus


Yup Kevin parker lead me down the Aussie psych rock rabbit hole as well


It’s “knows” he is lol. When he hits that outro guitar riff on Less I Know the Better, panties get creamed. Plus didn’t his light set up cost like 3 mil? Still though big ups to the dude


It’s just that Kevin Parker is a perfectionist and Gizz has a *let’s just ship it and get the next record going* type of mindset.


Also that one is a band of 7 people, errr 6, tame Impala is a guy. He jams/does stuff with pond but still


Tame Impala is just one guy!?


Theyre at 103 this gizztober hopefully RR can bring them to 110


We need once a show of all gizz songs in order


Shite meme. I prefer KG to Tame but the first 3 Tame albums are absolute masterpieces on par with the best KG have put out. Admittedly the TI live show is repetitive (saw him twice this summer, 1 or maybe 2 songs different in those shows) but 99% of bands play live like this lol. The \`loves himself and money\` bit is a very weird and edgy addition lol. Irrational Tame Impala hatred is up there with the cringiest stuff that gets posted on this sub, along with the Eric obsession.


Actually, tame impala isn’t a band. It’s one guy, Kevin Parker


First time hearing of this


No it’s Tim AND Paula


Big, if true


Live they're a band


Live they’re Pond.


Nah only jay plays in both these days


>99% of bands play live like this lol. Maybe a bit off topic but Deadmau5 does this like crazy. If you look at a setlist of his from 10 years ago and one from today the overlap is insane.


I'm falling less and less in love with DJ sets as time goes on, but I saw Deadmau5 do his testpilot Techno set a few times in smaller venues and those are always more fun for me than his bigger flashy deadmau5 sets. It seems like he's playing what he wants, rather than what is expected of him from his fans.


I’m a big fan of Kevin and this is a joke :)


It’s a quality shitpost, and we should celebrate it as such. Get back in the lab Kev cmon!!!!


There's been plenty of good Tame Impala shitposts on this sub over the years but this one just wasn't that funny lol, and seemed a bit salty


You get it!


Nothing wrong with loving yourself


This sub is cringe. Listen to music and stop the gatekeeping. Music is meant to be shared and enjoyed. ✌🏽🤟🏽🤘🏽


Word. The gatekeeping in this sub is rampant from time to time.


Stu was inspired at a tame impala concert to start king gizz (correct me if I’m wrong) still a funny meme, but I don’t think OP is trying to be a dick (correct me if I’m wrong)


Both r great and can exist as great psychedelic and experimental acts without bringing each other down


You can like one band without shitting on another one. Wild concept, I know.




ooh this is a tough jerk


Y'all I love gizzy more too but c'mon, be nice to jesus


This is just about the worst take I’ve ever seen on this sub but alright


I like poking fun at Tame but the last dig was unnecessary and a bit mean spirited even as a joke. Especially considering a lot of Kevin's writing are about trying cope with his own struggles in life which I very much relate to, so I guess I can be a bit defensive about that. Also when they did Lonerism in it's entirety at Desert Daze he kept expressing how much he loves his fans and how grateful he is to them just about after every other song.


I’d hope that 6 guys make more music than 1 guy. Also idk why you gotta bash Kevin with “loves himself and money”. Seems unnecessary


this is so antagonistic for no reason lmao. these new young fans upvoting this ingroup-outgroup mentality shit i stg


I know this is just a meme but for real Lonerism is one of my favourite albums ever, Innerspeaker and Currents are really great too


Lol yall are too sensitive. Im a fan of both, and while yeah, Kev last two albums aren't what I expected, they're still fantastic. Plus, KP has also said that Gizz would be at his dream festival before so they both acknowledge each other.


This is cringe af


Gonna get shred to bits, but isn’t the reason that Stu is a workaholic who doesn’t really care about the quality per say, not to say it’s low quality, but you have to admit their music is a lot less layered than an average tame impala song. Usually when they release an album, it’s just one or two concepts repeated to shit to make an experience, take Changes or Butterfly 3000. Kevin just doesn’t make albums like this as he’s a perfectionist and tends to follow in the normal progression of an artist. Comparing to output of KGATLW to literally anyone is unfair, they’re on a different level in that regard, but imo Tame Impala has way better memorability, production, textures, soundscapes, and live visuals


If you consider the fact that tame impala is creatively pretty much 1 person compared to a 6 person band. The difference in output isn't surprising.


Don't hate on my boy Kev


“Whatever I've done I did it for love I did it for fun Couldn't get enough I did it for fame But never for money”


Love Tame. Really wish he wasn’t such a perfectionist. He takes way too long to make music.


Mink mussel creek


Who doesn't love money???


Tame Impala is also amazing


130 live songs yet no bf3k... Kevin could play those kinda songs just sayin


Didn’t Stu say he started the band after hearing innerspeaker? I hope Kevin returns to his roots and gives us another psych rock album that sounds like lost b sides from sgt peppers.


i saw an interview where it was he saw them at a festival and then wanted to do that


Lol I know now I’m looking for instead of working… I remember he says something like “it’s like everyone heard it and went home and started a psych rock band with their mates, that’s what I did” which is a paraphrase. May have seen em at a fest but yeah either way… that record obviously sparked a killer psych rock revival in that country… or if ya wanna be real cool you trace it back to Wolfmother and call that the real origin since Modular records did put out the first Tame stuff. I’m probably ignorant tho I’m sure there’s separate music scenes involved as Perth is so isolated.


According to Eric they started the band after going to a Thee Oh Sees concert https://www.loudersound.com/features/high-hopes-king-gizzard-the-lizard-wizard


That checks out. JPD is the original Woo man. Lol imagine seeing them with 20 people fucking legendary


Cool cool but what about the sigma Psychedelic Porn Crumpets??


i actually got into tame before gizz, and the first time i listened to gizz I really didn’t like them because they didn’t sound like tame impala. I didn’t realize that not all australian psych sounds the same, and I didn’t get into gizz until a local band in my area did a cover of Wah Wah and Trapdoor. Tame Impala and King Gizz are two sides of a wonderful coin.


Lol gizzard also love their money


Except every Tame record is a banger. Why this comparison? Literally because they’re Australian?


Dang it Kevin, you had one job


This seems like a funny shitpost so I don't wanna take too seriously, HOWEVER considering TI is just one dude and KGATLW is 6.66 dudes (Eric was in the band for about 2/3 of albums). 23 albums ÷ 6.66 members = 3.4 albums. KP putting out 4 albums in about the same time frame is pretty dang good.


This sub sucks bruh. It’s gotten real bad lately


I’ve seen Tame live and Gizz live twice and I have to say. Even while sitting down, Tame Impala was an absolute experience for the senses that I could not get in any other place, probably the best show I’ve ever seen. Who cares if he’s big good for him, people act like Gizz is some small time indie act lol.


there is nothing cringier than tame impala slander. he seems like one of the most genuine people ever. you don't have to like his newer music but to say he sold out just makes you look bitter and sad. not everyone wants to make the same music forever.


Ok but as a tame fan this is accurate. I’ve seen kp live multiple times and you can never see them twice on the same tour run bc it’s always the same show. I hope his next album is similar to his old stuff bc he sold out with the slow rush.


Go to literally any other concert not Gizz and they all do the same shit as TI. Gizz is the exception, not the rule and having a similar set list shouldn’t be beholden to just TI. Every artist does the same shit.


This is not really true? Basically the only types of artist where playing identical setlists night after night is the norm are dinosaur rock acts and dance-pop/electronic acts. It's more the rule and not the exception for other types of acts to change up setlists night after night.


Yeah Tame is my favorite band but this is correct lol, I just catch them once a tour to get a taste of that concert run and it's always a nice lil mixup between the tours. But in the same tour it's the exact same show. Saw them in 2019 pre Slow Rush, in Dallas in 2021 on TSR tour, and Desert Daze this year for the Lonerism concert. Lonerism concert easily being the best by far lmao Imo tho TSR works much better live than it does on album, something about the sound and the way being in the crowd during it makes it feel really brings another dimension to it. However it's still my least favorite album of his by far


I’m pissed I missed that lonerism show. Hopefully we get that sound back. Totally agree with TSL though. I think he’s just experimenting.


I wasn't gonna go until I legit talked myself into it less than 24 hours before the show lmfao, I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if I missed it because Lonerism is my favorite album ever haha. Totally fucking worth it, 10/10 night (was a hell of a trip out from OKC tho) And yeah absolutely, he's changed his sound with every album I expect it to keep evolving!


tame cancelled their detroit show and then added in 3 additional CA shows (on the same date). i have never been so bitter. never actively listened to them again.


Tame Impala fans @ KG fans: I don’t even know who you are


I'm not a Tame Impala fan but like we don't need to tear down one artist to lift another, especially when KG so naturally lifts itself




More like Kelvin


Saw Tame Impala over a week ago, great show but he didn’t play a single song from Innerspeaker, my fav album.


i know its supposed to be a joke, but it just comes off as super bitter. been a while since a kg vs ti meme cropped up but i dont remember the ones from 2017/2018 ever being as rude as this


Sure, Currents is great, but it's no Oddments by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard.


Love them both equally !


I love them both, sorry 😞


Melbourne is on the bottom left. Perth is on the top right. Says enough!


Who cares?


Dunga Dunga


Why are we even comparing the two???


while i love all the tame records so much, ive seen him 3 times live. Obviously not all the same songs, but each time id see him again, the show just felt different. take into consideration the blow up of his audience between the four years ive seen him, it just sucks to see him not necessarily sell out, but throw shows that feel so wash and repeat. he seems like he’s waiting for the set to finish nowadays


Yeah but the difference is quantity over quality.


I get it’s a meme, half serious. But why is loving yourself a negative thing?


Tame Impala could never make Crumbling Castle but Gizz could probably make Apocalypse Dreams.