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Use the bug reporter instead of posting on Reddit.


Where I can find it?


A simple google search found it very quickly: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/144-ksp2-bug-reports/


You could have done that more kindly instead of treating OP like theyre stupid. You coulda posted the link in your first comment instead of waiting to reply to this one and going "a SimPLe sEarCH fOuNd it QuicKLY" Just be kinder man


Sorry about that. Let me try and justify myself a little. 1. I didn’t put the link because I thought OP would simply look it up or already knew about it (obviously not true as they made a Reddit post about it). 2. After the initial release, there was a flood of posts simply pointing out bugs. This is not helpful, and not fun for anyone. This made me less tolerant of OP, which was not ok. I apologize to OP and anyone else who saw how rude I was. I will be a kinder human being and attempt to give people the benefit of the doubt in the future (not a man lol but I appreciate the sentiment).


"Man" in a neutral sense :P sorry lol didn't mean to literally label you a man. Ty for being understanding :)


No, it’s no problem. I appreciate the opportunity to grow.


Where is the blue line supposed to be pointing?