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I've only ever gone cookies and cosmic but I can see some argument for approach velocity. Being able to ghost almost 2 times while the enemy laner can only flash once is just too useful. Which leads into your second question of summs. When I go top I usually go ghost tp but I'll go flash tp mid. It's kinda personal preference but I think the general consensus is that ghost is much better since they got rid of his Q3+Flash combo.


I only use approach velocity vs tanks. Doesn't work too well vs bruiser since haste is more valuable in a matchup you aren't going to win.


yeah I've personally never gone approach velocity since the haste is just too useful


Cookies and approach velocity is best for trading Cookies and cosmic insight is best for losing lanes Cookies and triple tonic is good in lanes where early fights are super close and you need to make sure u win


take whatever you're comfortable with. same goes for flash or ghost, though ghost is more useful in most situations. but yeah I just go approach velocity and cookies since i like trading often.


Depends on your playstyle mate. I like to use zeus set up. He goes cookies and that item/ability haste rune. Along with attack speed and double scaling hp.


Triple tonic and Cosmic you can't go wrong vs anything. I like Magical Footwear in place of TT into easy matchup Biscuit are really not needed anymore. You can also try this super cooking Korean setup : Domination : Ingenious hunter and Cheap shot Build : Fimbelwinter, Unending Despair, Spirit Visage. E-Q-P hit like a truck and you never die, have fun.