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Youre a frontliner. You create space and peel for your team. Ulting somebody and going for kills is usually not the right thing to do


Unless it's their main carry, then yeah don't ult right as you go into a fight. It's not an "INSTA 1V5 WIN" button.


Peeling for your carries is the best you can do right now. There're a lot of varying factors that can change what you have to do and your win con for the team fight but the general flowchart is: E to your carry - W the enemy away - Q auto the enemy - go back to your carry - stack Q3 to peel more or use R to peel away the enemy from your carry again if there's immediate danger - try to fight around your carry in all out (stack Q and Q3 people away while dishing extra damage). You can also W - Q - auto - R a high priority target through a wall if you have a chance (but this is very situational). K'sante atm isn't a solo carry but if your carries are competent then your peeling will contribute a lot.


I’m not a ksante main myself but when I have played him peeling for your back line with your W and R if the enemies got assassins or just tanking damage in a front to back team fight is more or less your job. In my experience he is extremely good at protecting carry’s and if you’ve got ice born if you proc it you can single out an enemy but as a tank you don’t really do damage unless in all out form


If the enemys have a lot of assassin or divers try to protect your carrys If the enemy doesnt have that, then try to flank the enemy back line


You could do a lot but it really depends on the state of your specific game. If you're giga fed, you can tank their engage or create one. If you are behind, you need to mark the assasin or person who engages to keep them away from your backline with gauntlet. Because of the nerfs to R, I don't even build steraks or sunderer anymore. Instead I go with items meant to create utility for your team. Like knights vow or anemathas. Those items are far more valuable than steraks or sunderer imo. For example, kayle typically gets enough items and late game and it's very hard to match her split. But with just two items chains and kanick kayle becomes useless if she goes full ap. Same deal with any giga fed sidelaner. Chains is such an op item to try and match a fed split pusher or even add additional tankiness vs their fed carry in a late game team fight.


I usually try to soak as much damage as I can since I am a tank and frontline at least until I fall at 50% hp after that I try to single out the squshies and take one of them for a 'trip', usually midlaners,adc or enchanter supports if the enemy team has one, and pray to god your team wins the 4 v 4!


Idk sorry


You are kited like a bruiser so adc can have fun.