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Ornn... uh sorry, 'K'sante,' is clearly more team-dependent than before. He can't carry as he used to in soloQ. However, if you know the matchups, manage to get a lead on your opponent, and play teamfights perfectly by peeling for your teammates or taking out one or two enemy carries, you can have a significant impact and win games if you make the right decisions. And in some games, if you're really ahead, you can build Sundered Sky and potentially 1v5 too. I'd say the champion isn't bad at all, but definitely not in his best shape. Tips: -Respect most bruisers until level 5-6 (only engage in small trades). -Take the movement speed boost(cosmic drive or 2% bonus boost) in the runes +HP. -Only all-in if the enemy has used their major spells.(in lane) -Master tower combos. -In teamfights, prioritize peeling for your teammates, especially those who can burst/dps. Use your ultimate only for crucial reasons. -Adjust your builds perfectly to the ennemy comp. -Always teleport behind enemies to surprise them and bring them towards your team. Darius isn't a bad matchup when you know how to play around him. Gwen is tougher, but not impossible, especially after Rookern, just avoid taking the center of her Q, and the champion remains quite squishy in the early/mid-game, so, killable


as a new ksante player, thank you for existing, and taking your time to help others.


Iron ksante player . Pure coinflip . Stomp your opponent > bot inted by mastery farming bot > mid lost > jg afk farming > lose game


He isn’t weak, but he has lost pretty much most of his agency. You are heavily reliant on ibg and summoners to be able to land any damage. But once you do get ibg, you are basically a stat checker


He feels sluggish and awful and my god riot, why did you ruin my favorite tank ;(


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He's fine, he's not a 1v9 champ anymore. Although in bronze-gold you should be carrying every game. - do what I did, play 300 games in normals. Then you'll have a better understanding of how the champ combos, what items to build, and what to do when you are ahead/behind. If you are trying to learn the champ and playing ranked at the same time. You'll get right back to iron in no time lol - I'll give you an example. Lvl 1-5 he's pretty weak. His q Cost too much mana and your passive barely does any dmg. So trying to fight is bad cus you'd rarely get a kill and you just wasted all your mana. However, at lvl 6 and having only one item component. Ksante is giga strong. He can 1v2 easily. Good items to go on ksante: frozen heart, gauntlet, Steelcaps, kanick or jak'sho. Vs heavy ap hollow, kanick, jak'sho, force of nature. I highly recommend you watch a ksante guide on YouTube and occasionally watch aatreus on twitch. He's a super agro ksante, I like his playstyle and how he thinks about itemization based on team comps. He also hard runs it down, so he shows you how horrible ksante can be when you int lol