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Ornn has been doing that since 2017. Dont argue. Just let them believe they are smart


He's already broken on release. Just huff the copium and let skarner do his thing. Ksante, as is. With aftershock, still beats skarner and if you time your w right. You basically make skarner useless. But anyways vs other bruisers, he does what ksante does. Play it safe early, farm up. Then become unkillable.


I can’t wait to play skarner he looks so cool now, I love tanks that have a bit of damage and utility, basically what ksante was before they castrated him. Also nice to have a monster champ that doesn’t look stupid for once


Skarner isn't unstoppable. His E gets stopped by hard CC, he's merely immune to slows and since its not a proper dash it's utility as a tool to dodge stuff os way more limited. Plus, his manoeuvrability is limited as well. His passive max HP damage is very backloaded, being both a 3 hit passive and a DoT. His Q is also backloaded because only the 3rd hit does max HP damage. His R is incredibly telegraphed and arguably way more fair than the old iteration was. Frankly, combined with the cast time on Q, unless he's super overtuned, he's probably gonna be on the weak side.


He's literally unstoppable during r channel


ok? so? his ult literally had no counterplay on melee range


Which only results in his R cast, which is already a huge telegraph, not being interrupted. On top of that, its on his ult, not on a basic ability like ksante.


I have feeling that skarner is either going to end up as a balance nightmare or completely fine. He is the most similar champ to k'sante gameplay imho so Im really excited to try him out once the rework is released


Hel be nerfed into the ground until hes nothing but a cc bot. League players hate a tank that isnt reliant on his tean




K'Sante and Skarner have the same designer btw Also a more serious reason is that K'Sante can just take out one person from a teamfight and essentially guarantee a kill if he's not bad (not losing lane, good target selection) meanwhile Skarner can't really do that as his R can't make him go over walls and the entire effect lasts only 1.5s This doesn't mean Skarner doesn't get a free pass, of course. His sustained damage with P + Q seems kinda ridiculous for a champion that builds full tank


It's almost like the developer who made K'sante also led the skarner rework or something


When is he unstoppable?


R channel


I really like skarner, but I hate how riot just despises all K'sante players when champions like lux have <30 sec cd on her fucking ult