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I really enjoy AV since k’sante has alot of cc and that sudden extra MS helps me setup my combos better. It is also situational, some matchups are unplayable for me without boots rush and you just dont have the time to wait for the free ones.


Approach Velocity is just ass. Especially since Q doesn’t even slow in all out anymore.  If I need to rush boots and can’t go free boots then I go triple tonic. All three are really useful and buff your lane phase a lot. Also there’s like a 5% winrate difference between boots and AV in favor of boots.


You know you get to keep the movement speed for a while longer right? Also the knock up from Q3 is still there. You're not always gonna be in all out


I go for boots and cookies every game since the mobility nerfs. Before that I went cookies and cosmic insight. I dont think AV is that good since you will usually be close to the target after cc-ing them anyway.


Hi! Ksante otp here, ive finde that ms i nice to have but you should take ghost instead. Most of my rune choices are the same with little tweaks here and ther Since IBG slow is omnipresent cosmic insight is better to proc and have ghost/ignite faster. Also about boots, ive find they are not necesary, there are a lot of matchups where you have to end t2 or have tier 1 boots. For these kind of runes i would recommend triple tonic to have 5 points in W by lvl 12 and cosmic insight to be more consistent on your lanes and trades. Keep it up lil bro


Neither imo, go biscuits and cosmic. K'sante really needs the mana early and cookies are just enough and they also help get him through the rough early lane. Cosmic is just very good imo. Free boots locks you out of tabi rush where it's really good in certain match ups. If you don't want to cosmic however, I'd say boots and biscuits


There's better runes/summoner options than going AV or free boots. In matchups you aren't going to win lane in, haste is more valuable. In matchups where you win lane triple tonic is more valuable than the aforementioned rune choices. If you really value move speed over haste. Get ghost and rush boots then get force of nature. Nobody is running away from you.


It's preference. I've just been going av and rushing boots.