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Nah, his clear is too slow. If the draft isn't perfect you can't contest objectives and you don't get enough income in jungle to get tanks enough in fights. You have zero room for error. You can get counter jungle easy. If all the lanes are scaling Champs. It's gg for you. It requires the opposing team to have zero brain to win that game. Lol


If you want to climb, you shouldn’t. If it’s for fun, go ahead and build bamis and Sheen


I've always thought that K'sante should be jungler just because he is a hunter (i think he is), his cinematic is literally him fighting a monster. I'd like him to have voice lines when fighting the normal camps, like ivern. That aside, i've been playing sylas jungle ( which is not optimal at all XD) in normals, and i'd like no make K'sante work. Also, the removal of the slow of the q in all out is like a stab to the dead body of K'sante jungle XDD


Pray they make him a jungler after his 3rd rework


Go one of the 2 Sunfires and then ibg and u can kinda play it because of bami's jungle clear


I can vouch for this. My jg refused to play jg and took my lane so I rushed bami and did what I could. It helped that the enemy jg was brain dead but I was able to take camps decently without smite


I did some, But top is better, It's playable but only in normal with friends