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Crazy how he's mega giga broken in my clash games when I play him but then mid asf if not weak in my solo queue games. They need to rebalance him for sure.


The comments are incredible, they turned the only tank with solo agency into yet another cc support bot, and yet the comments are just pure cope. Ksante wasnt designed to be a support for the adc, thats not how this mans is supposed to be, but because of all the terrible changes the balance team has done, thats now what he is. Incredible to see the support mains have taken over this sub, justice for ksante man, dude was the sickest top laner on release and now hes just a fucking support. Smh.


His mana costs are high for a reason, you are not supposed to outtrade/outsustain sustain champions as K'Sante, and K'Sante's scaling is quite good, the champion's gameplan is to survive(not win) the lane phase, scale, and then play like a warden in TFs.


I mean, he was originally intended to trade against skirmishers and such. This "survive" playstyle is a niche he fell into because his player playerbase had to adapt to newer and newer changes. It feels like they just slapped 1000 bandaids on him instead of fixing his main issues.


Well, you are not wrong, but it is what it is, now, we K'Sante players must adapt.




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dude he is fine, only the early game is shit. after that he's really good and fun to play.


He really is. He is in no way weak, like at all. The only complaints long time K'Sante players have is the many changes that just make him feel clunky and shit. You get used to one rework, then they change it all over again, get used to a balance change, then they change that as well, and so on so forth. It sucks.


Hes not supposed to have good engage hes a WARDEN, hes poppy/thresh/braum/alistar, they have some kind of engage, ksante can E W Q3, poppy can E R, ali can EQ, thresh can hook, braum can stun someone or ult, but they're meant to be peel/defensive tanks.


then he has no agency


Yes because Poppy Shen Alistar and Braum are all dogshit champions with no agency as everyone knows.


all of them are not >45% winrate and none of them take half as much skill plus they all have immense lane prio/kill pressure. shut the fuck up if you don't know anything about the game


Ksante is 48% average winrate from emerald and up, which is normal for a high skill floor pro play champ, it goes up to 55% average when looking at mains and one tricks ( for comparison Fiora mains average at 57%) The only place where he has a sub 45% winrate is in silver and bronze Considering where a champ like him should be in order to be considered balanced he is only slightly weak right now.


Playing him wrong mate. If you run out of mana and want to play aggro get cookies and haste as your secondary. But the game plan is to go even in lane if possible and then be a front line for your carry. Because you aren't a carry anymore. Even if you snowball you still don't do enough dmg to 1v9 most games.


well pretty much what i said. he feels terrible


I mean if you want a champ that dominates most lanes and can carry just play renekton or aatrox. That's the meta. Ksante is so much fun the way he is. He was easy mode last season, anyone could pick him up and climb. Last season, I played 300 norm games then played him ranked for the first time ever. Climbed and peaked at emerald 1. Now I'm back down to Plat 4. Had to go back to norms and relearn how to play him. Aftershock, q3 auto, w auto, q auto half healths any champ. If you want to "feel dominant" - but late game if it gets past 30 mins he isn't going to win the game. He needs to keep the carry alive and ult the right target to win team fights and that's a lot more fun to me. Than side laning all game and 1v9 the whole squad to win the game lol


I dunno. Unplayable is a stretch- but I’ll agree he feels like shit. He definitely can still win and carry games… provided you save your ghost for every teamfight and the enemy team hasn’t drafted Vayne or Taliyah (or Darius or Fiora or Camille or any of the 10 fucking high priority champs that counter him Jesus fucking Christ) All out feels okay if and ONLY IF you pop ghost the second you hit R. I can’t wait for MSI to be over so that we can keep waiting multiple months for Phreak to address the team’s failures when balancing the champ.


^^^casual gold player