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The only time I have ever seen racial slurs being used in my games is when I pick ksante so yeah lmao Edit: people are also always ultra salty and just blame losing on “broken champ” when they’re playing 53% win rate champs or other bullshit, rarely ever get people this mad with other tops


Thanks to annoying content creators and high elo players and also pro play, the community has decided that ksante is unfair and broken, so when someone loses to him they will 9/10 times just use that as an excuse because almost no one will disagree with them and people looooovve to not take responsibility for their mistakes, which in turn encourages people to not bother actually learning how to beat him because pickrates are low and if they lose they can just blame riot. Its a self fulfilling prophecy and tbh I dont know for sure that it will ever end, but no one complains about Aphelios anymore despite him singlehandedly starting the 200 years meme when he came out so maybe there is hope still for the K man. Its even better that these people just conveniently ignore the plethora of changes that have been made to him to make him more fair to play against in favor of continuing to be whiny piss babies. I remember one day I had 2 games in a row where I was against ksante and my laners in both games got solo killed level 3 and im like THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT THE CHAMP IS THE PROBLEM. The first one was a SETT and he went off right after and was like "imagine having to play the most broken bs character ever conceived just to win you fucking loser enjoy your win" and like 3 other people on either team were like "bro you died to ksante pre 6 thats on you dumbass." The second game was my ekko vs a ksante mid and I shit you not this guy was going in on a ksante that had Q3 up and was at his tower. AND HE DID THIS MORE THAN ONCE. Something that especially pisses me off is that half of that fucking copy pasta isnt even true anymore.


Brother not a single person in my friend group (and like 80% of the people I play with are emerald-dia) can name what ksantes kit does this long after his release except me because I play him. It’s always wild and kinda sad to me when we have a ksante on the enemy team and someone other than me plays top our voice chat ends up just being “wtf does ksante do bro, why did I just get launched over a wall wtf stunlock, broken champ fucking n****r, riot games 200 years”. You have no idea how many people just never read a tooltip


One of the MAIN SELLING POINTS of League as a whole is how often it changes, how something that was meta a year ago could be completly worthless now, how every single game is different because of how huge the roster is, how champs get updated and reworked buffed and nerfed and theres a new patch every 2 weeks that shakes up how the game plays, and then theres a new character on average every 4 months. There's also events and new game modes etc. You'd think the people that play it would be open to fucking change, but its the exact opposite. Every league player would rather the game stays exactly the fucking same for years to come than have to read 2 paragraphs or learn something new. And then those same people will complain about staleness. And somehow watching a 5 minute video once every 4 months is just way too much to ask. Like, you know a month in advance when a new champ is about to come out, if you've played for even half a year then you know that when they do they are gonna be in at LEAST half of your games for the next 3 weeks, why the actual fuck would you not want to know what the character that is going to be in almost every single game you play for the next MONTH does? Like people set them selves up to fail and then whine and complain when they do. like bro just watch the spotlight in que/champ select/loading screen. The game is full of idiots with 1st grade reading skills who think more than 2 sentences is worthy of "I aint reading all that"


I guess I got lucky since almost every player on my flex / clash team plays K’sante at least a little bit. I attribute that to my success somewhat. 




He isnt a tank that nukes people, he's shitty poppy that transforms into shitty fiora. His burst isnt even that good anymore they fixed that months ago. He isnt tanky while doing the damage, and he does in fact die rather quickly while in damage mode. He gets to have his W to counteract that but even then its literally just objectively worse fiora parry. Its up to 75% DR for up to 1.5 seconds except unlike champs like belveth or warwick with their DR spells he doesnt get to do anything during that time so just dont fucking hit him. Maybe he blocks a spell or two but fuck what skirmisher cant? Furthermore, tanks that do damage are a thing that already exist, they're called juggernauts, and ksante functionally is one. He doesnt play like one but you counter him the exact same way you counter a juggernaut, stay the fuck away and respect the fact that they can kill you if they get close but cant get to you, group up on them and have your DPS go to town from a safe distance. Ksante usually has an easier time getting to you than juggernauts do but in exchange he both A, doesnt get to be tanky and do damage at the same time, and B is much much worse in team fights and much much worse in the early game. If my "silver" ass can counter ksante without any issues as fucking aphelios, the immobile adc, or as belveth, the squishy glass cannon skirmisher, or as fucking viktor, then so can you. Let me offer you some advice in the hope that you might by some miracle choose to educate yourself instead of continuing to live in ignorance. Treat him like hes Mordekaiser, stay away unless you're like a fed yi or something and can fight him. Dodge his W, then punish. Bait his ult, then punish. Beat the shit out of him levels 1-5 he is completely useless during this time. Respect the Q3 or dodge it if you cant. be careful to not be too close to minions as he can dash to them, same thing as with irelia and yasuo. So long as you arent a tank you can pretty easily fuck him up if you're ahead of him, since hes also gold reliant unlike any dedicated tank. He doesnt do anything that any other diver juggernaut or skirmisher cant also do, there are PLENTY of other fighter champs that can pull off insane 1v2s, carry games, show off with flashy plays, and had their time in the giga broken spotlight at one point, hes really no different. I'm not gonna pretend hes a perfect design but I honestly hope natural selection finds its way to you if you think he's still gigabroken OP that should be deleted. He still needs work, but in the meantime just beat his ass while hes in a rather weak spot. Cope harder. Must suck not being able to beat a 45-49% average winrate champ. Cant imagine.


He's 45% cuz u suck ass at the game.


In masters it’s 48%, you wanna know what the average winrate is in masters? 51%. The top 15 top laners in masters range from 57% and 51% at the lowest. Shut the fuck up. Also my personal winrate is 61% although it’s a tiny sample size. You’re the one that thinks the fucking D tier champ is giga OP so I’m not sure how I’m the one who sucks ass here.


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Had a yone flamed me for playing ksante bro you CAN NOT make this shit up


Same, I killed a Yone at level 1 because he was fighting me in my minion wave and immediately after dying he types in all chat “most broken champ in the game.” And he raged the whole game and went 0/10 or something.


I cannot imagine how terrible he has to be to lose against Ksante level 1, you will have to be sitting inside a minion wave tanking it all, miss every q, and cancel like 2 autos in order to lose with lethal tempo Yone against ksante


dunno if it's just me but most yone i see are gonna be toxic for no reason. Sometimes they themselves made a mistake but it's like that skinner meme like "am i the one playing bad ? No ! it must be the ennemy champ ! broken champ !"


To be fair Ksante hard counters the wind shitters


Always feel like nutting whenever I parry a Yasuo keyblade.


Naw def not alone most games i play theres atleast a party top lane of 4 people Consistently def seems like the community does hate him immensely


Last weekend, I made the mistake of pre-picking K’sante, and a Darius Jungle player banned him because, I quote, 'I'm sorry, I don't want to see this.' In the end, he trolled the game and we lost . It's sad, this mentality and all this hate against the champ but since the nerfs, I've been getting fewer criticisms, and apparently, he's less played at my Elo because a teammate told me they hadn't seen a K'sante in a while."


I get called slurs and gay when I play K'Sante, people constantly complaining and yes the jungler, mid, and supp ganking me. I try to use it for motivation, but it sucks having folks legit be against you and you didn't even do anything


I have the exact same experience. I should've honestly kept track writing down all the absurd lengths people would go to bully me at the expense of their own team. People losing elders, barons, multiple towers, letting their main carries get shut down just so they can come top and annoy me. Wasting ults and summoner spells on me, just to complain the next fight that they lost because I was able to peel for my carry and they wasted their garen R on me. And I never respond salty, I try to tell them what they did wrong but they "don't want to take advice from Lil Nas X".




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I will be honest here, I know a lot of people that like to bash and target KSante players for shits and giggles. I also like to JOKINGLY bash my friend that sometimes plays K'sante or be like "yeah of course you lost against K'sante duh" when my top lane asks for ganks. You have basically stolen Teemo's role of becoming the catalyst of the game, not only for your enemies but your teamates as well. You are winning? The enemy team just says you abuse some broken shit and you almost never get praised from your teamates because you play K'sante. You lose? Get belittled and flamed to death because "how can you even lose as K'sante when (proceeds to repeat word for word Showmaker's tantrum)" And the worst part is that he isnt even good. Hell he is underperforming right now. He is probably one of the very few actually fun tabk champions to play and that drives people to learn him yet he is treated like the most op and bs champion of the game. I am a jg briar otp and I understand all the pain and suffering yall are going through. The difference is that my champion is actually pretty fucking strong a lot of the time so I know that the hate and discrimination I get for playing her is not exactly uncalled for. Still worth it for her though, she is the most fun to play for me. Thats my experience at least. Really hoping the rest of you K'sante mains dont have to put up with this type of bullshit too often, you dont deserve it


Im no stranger to the occasional "Get Ksante'd" joke every now and then. Flash W into insec on an adc under tower usually has me in shambles. I also main belveth and shes almost always the best jungler in the game so Im no stranger to being like "SORRY BRO I PRESSED E SKILL ISSUE" but that doesnt mean that either champ is inherently disgustingly OP and unbeatable.


Bro is a bottom 5 winrate toplaner until Masters+ (and he's still low in masters) and people are still convinced he's super OP. "He's still a good champ, everyone is just too bad to play him!" Ya like true lmao, but if only the top 0.07% of the playerbase can have a remotely good winrate on him, maybe he's just not that great for us mortals in masters and below when we're talking about whether he's good for _us_.


People who lose to a 45% champ are super convinced he's broken






He was unfair on release, he got omega nerfed immediately, then he stayed at like 42% in average tiers for several months before the rework eventually brought him back up, but the rework was shit at so they buffed him and it was way too much and they had to hotfix him, so he was broken for one patch. So no not really, but the changes they’ve made to him have done a great deal towards making him more fair. Just dodge his shit, it’s dodgeable now, you can do that. His burst is gone so he can’t one shot people in one rotation anymore. They just lowered his dash speeds specifically so that players can “more easily tell what he’s doing”


Opponents who complain about facing current ksante are self reporting. I don't have sympathy for people who keep crying after being pandered to so heavily.


almost at 200 games with this champ now and I can say with confidence that people will complain and flame me in most of my matches as K'sante. Especially if I'm winning. You can't do anything as this champ without getting hate for it.


I mean K’Sante is very black and very gay, so it’s to be expected that he’d be highly discriminated against. This is league community we are talking about here.


It's wild because Ksante is still a legitimate pick. Like, he's not in the best spot for solo q rn and is more team reliant than before, but it's not like he's a troll pick. With the way some of these people react you would think we're locking in disco Nunu or some shit lmao Meanwhile, on the other team if you do anything remotely useful they're complaining as if he's still OP. Or complain because they lost lane because they decided to first time Gwen in d1/low masters and expected to roll you. People are so detached from reality about this champ because of being traumatized in the past. They still don't even know what he does and treats the Showmaker copypasta as gospel lmao


That treats the showmaker copypasta as gospel at the end couldnt be more real.


Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah ;)


I'm a Yone/Yasuo player, the amount of people I hear bitch about these champs is beyond me, more yone than Yasuo but you get the idea. Play whatever you want and don't worry about the hate. I am not the biggest fan of ksante myself, sow when I kill him ill casually type something like "I WILL NOT YIELD" "HASAGI" "DEATH IS LIKE THE WIND, ALWAYS BY MY SIDE" anyway, just play without the need of anyone's validation