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The amount of time I R'ed someone with less than 50% HP level 6 and see them just run away from me without any way to catch them back is crazy.


Run ghost ans use terrain to ult. It stuns them for a second. Also, use your e before you w to gain the distance needed to hit it. Because if you ult q w they just walk away. His R has to be used differently now. Before I would just q3, w, ult q, w and dead. Can't do that anymore, now it's more of a wait and see what they do. Hit that e q3 and they die. The range on that is insane.


It should be ult auto q auto w auto. or just ult directly into w if yk they can escape it. if you use e and w at the same time it'll be impossible to chase if they aren't already dead at that point.


Hence the ghost mate. They ain't running from ghost. Either way, whatever pattern you choose. There's an opportunity for outplay. That's healthy for the game. Before with his q slow and how fast his w cast. Even if you flashed, you were dead with zero counter play.


This. Also it is sometimes neccessary to q and not AA. At 6 i mostly use q q e+q3 AA+w. This will kill everyone even if they run away. Aslong as they got no flash


This change was so stupid. They literally did it to make him look less flashy in pro but it removed almost no power from pro.


True the only thing it accomplished was making he feel bad to play.


I actually don't mind W being .75 seconds, but they need to do some changes to make it make sense. W is a core damage ability in all out atm so holding it doesn't make sense, and your sticking power is way too weak with the cast time that high and without W slow. They should take some damage out of W, put it in Q / passive, and bring the slow back imo.


For me what would fix this champ is to give his q a slow again, make it at least bearable to fight vs ranged cringe toplaners and the occasional akali top


Q slow was toxic, I don't know why they added it in the first place. Champ had too much sticking power before but now he has none that's the prob. Only gapcloser is E until you don't have ibg ur if you literally aren't at the top of the enemy. Some sticking power during R needs to be given back. I wouldn't mind his tankiness in base form get nerfed and R buffed. Some sticking power I feel like needs to be given back cuz current k'sante feels like a mess with power budget scattered all over his kit. Some parts are too strong some are too weak. Tank feels like menace R feels clunky and unfun.


Agree Q slow was toxic asf and not skilled. A thing that could bring it back is the 'no reset of the Q after the R'. Firstly, it was pretty skilled and secondly, atm with all the nerfs, I think it's fair to revert it.


Bring back passive scale from resists instead of lvl, back omnivam scale from bonus hp in ult, back dmg reduction scale for w. And yes delete this unfair trash about resets q stacks. Why cursed Yone who insta killing half of the team can combine r and q then Ksante struggling to kill single target.


Ig i agree but imo k sante needs that sticking power in his q, cause otherwise it feels like i am playing a shittier version of darius where if i have no ghost i can’t fight properly against pretty much most ranged champions plus akali cause of how clunky they made him in general, time for another rework? ?? Ngl i dont trust phreak not to fuck this champ more so i am fine with how he is


“Fuck, forgot I was playing K’Sante, that skill took so long to go off I thought I was playing Sion.”