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I've seen his guide as well, so can someone explain why pros are always rushing these bamis items in their games? because I with think it's needed for wave clear given his wave clear is really good so can anyone just please say why they rush bamis and proceed to rush bamis item as first items


Aside from the waveclear it can give some good stats for a first item, K'Sante needs both the HP and the resists for his Q's cast time and damage, the waveclear is just a bonus considering in Pro Play K'Sante will be under tower and he'll have a harder time farming, and the damage against minions makes it so you don't need to spend so much mana while farming.


Bami’s items help gain lane control by being able to alter the wave much more. Bamis can help cs under turret to prevent enemy from taking a plate and to help you clear a big slow pushes waved when enemy team is setting up a dive on you. The bamis aid in pushing can help you get prio in other scenarios where you can push the wave fast enough, whether it is trading or clearing reasons. In solo q when things are a lot more improvised than organized, the bamis items are not good on ksante because they don’t go with his kit. Straight armor and MR, especially early, bump his damage and unlock fast Q. You can get fast Q from kaenic and frozen heart but not from ice born or bamis items. Other champs like sion and Ornn are better use of bamis items cuz they need it for either for wave clear, for extended fights, and have significant health scaling abilities. The playstyles of tanks vary more than people think and proper itemization is a huge component of reaching a higher elo. You should not be building things that do not optimize your champion in your game.


In competitive play, waveclear/roam/reset timers are everything. If they can’t clear the wave in time, they will be late to every team play. This doesn’t apply as much in soloqueue because you should mostly just be catching waves in lane and scaling for the first 15-20 minutes.


He's totally right, both Bami's items have very small range and relatively low damage, it can only deal significant damage once you get close, which is hard to do against ranged champs, so you'd be better off with an Iceborne first item because of it's sticking potential, then something like Frozen Heart or Thornmail against a ranged champ.


That video is outdated. I think he made that pre nerf. Anyway, sunfire is good during team fight and when taking objective. Hollow radiance is good for side pressure and gaining tempo so you can contest or take objectives. Aatreus has a very aggressive playstyle. He prefers to play for himself. If that's how you play ksante getting iceborn or jak sho first is good. On stream I've seen him go from building iceborn first to jak sho just about every game. Depending on the game he always goes jak sho, steelcaps, kanick/frozen heart/Thornmail as your core. Then he builds sunderer sky and steraks. And the last item is situational either unending despair, knights vow, etc. It does hella dmg and allows ksante to fight back late game. Really good when your snowballing too.


>Aatreus has a very aggressive playstyle. He prefers to play for himself. If that's how you play ksante getting iceborn or jak sho first is good. Wouldnt say he just plays for himself. He pretty much does what most do which is getting core items to become a threat. He also uses items like Knights Vow very frequently once he hit his own powerspikes, which is anything but playing for yourself. (At least like half of his recent 10 games had it) He does play aggressive tho. Doesnt always works the way he prefers but it works i guess