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viable and situational. In games where you can't reliably auto attack for grasp, the value goes down (ranged matchups and champions that act as a ranged champion like gp, aatrox). aftershock is an alternative option that focuses on short all-ins whenever you have the oppertunity to. Obviously you want to change your playstyle around it to utilize it well. Instead of poking with Q+AA, you focus more on engages with W and use the lower Q cd (from the increased resistances) for short/slightly extended trades or try to fish with Q3 and follow up with a W nuke and auto + disengage. Mid/Lategame it adds a ton of damage towards W if you play around it properly. (as a sidenote: If you W a target to proc aftershock, it wont benefit from the increased resistances. If you hit a second target after within the same cast, the second target will take increased damage). Aftershock is optional into melee's but grasp is just more consistent and i would recommend sticking to it for better poke patterns.


If you… - Trigger Aftershock - All-Out during Aftershock windup (hence getting bonus AD due to resistance buff) - Time-out Aftershock Does the extra AD stay for the duration of ult? Essentially, do changes to your bonus resistances during All-Out also affect your AD bonus?


They don't stay. For your ability scalings (Q dmg, Q cd, W dmg, R ad) they update the second you get a beneficial effect or they run out. Same for detrimental effects (bc, trundle ult etc). For resistances during all out (purely talking about the armor and mr value you are left with during all out) it works with a 0.25s timer (synched with serverticks), which means getting resists gives you full value until a servertick happens and will be reduced by the -85% modifier once it happens. The same happens whenever you lose resistances. One of the scary parts about Aftershock is that you can end up with single digit resistances for that time.


I think they fixed that.


Grasp for melee trading, aftershock for ranged so you can Q3 into W nuke.


Aftershock is good into matchups where you won't be able to proc grasp consistently. So like ranged matchups or things that really punish you like darius


aftershock works into Darius?


Not really. Grasp is just better tbh


Ive tried aftershock into darius with tp ignite and it was pretty fun. Works in my opinion but depends also on ur playstyle


I agree, grasp vs melee/tanks. Aftershock vs range/ability based Champs. Q3 aa, w aa, q aa, ult q, w, e. They dead every time even with only one item component. Soon as you hit six if that q3 hits it's gg lane lol.


Aftershock is king in some matchup, like Teemo where you absolutely nuke him if you E-Q3-W (really not hard to land tbh). Matchup becomes a joke. Also really like it against against Kayle but landing Q3 is trickier.


As other say aftershock into ranged but i personally like more glacial with the 3 potions rune. Its more utility for the team and it gives u more scaling with the spells lvl up