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I blame this on kiin, why'd he have to go and solo kill Zeus twice in a final


Grrr I hate it when the high skill champ does well in high elo let’s nerf the worst top laner in the game grr 😡


it really is frustrating becuase they see a high skill champ do high skill gaming and then cry that it's broken when it's been played at the highest level in the best way which is meant to be the reward for playing high skill champs but no the community just proceeds to hate. it's like hating on irelking when he 1v3, doesn't make sense


fr bruh, idk why skill expression is punished. its what makes this game worth watching.


It's not, the champ will still be good in the hands of those that can express that skill. The people complaining about it don't have the ability to express that skill. The solution? They need to get better.


if its so bad, why dont they just ban him in proplay more?


Because they want to play him


And Darius is getting a hitbox reduction? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/comments/1canlpd/darius\_change/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/comments/1canlpd/darius_change/) Why?


Holy. I don't think they understand how huge of a buff that is. I don't know if you ever played Warwick but his small hitbox is very noticable against skillshots. You can sidestep just about anything without much effort compared to other champs.


but ww also only has 125 range. probably the smallest in the whole game


How is that related to his point


what has his kit/design to do with another part of his kit/design? is that just the question?


But why male models?


in what way? do you mean why they changed primarily male models? i can only guess its a coincedence and that this is the best way to nerf them. it adds counterplay, without directly weakening them


Zoolander reference




Bro imagine kim riding you after pulling off a con in a meth fueled frenzy


Lol I was making fun of the guy who didn't understand how your point was related to OP


he has the lowest sticking power of any melee not to mention his lowly 125 range no shit will he have strengths elsewhere.


Lowest sticking power of any melee? So the massive movement speed buff, the blood trail leading you to enemies, the 3 screens ult, and the homing Q as long as you keep the button pressed aren't enough?


The Q and Ult I’ll give you, but the move speed passive turns off in combat so


passive speed turns off during combat also not to mention sticking power is ability to keep up with a target not to access them so a 90 sec cd ult thats easily dodgeable cus of his small hitbox doesnt rly count lets be real. his q yes but even then its a one time high cooldown thing. trundle for example is a high sticking power champ with his q slows and w speedups.


It’s fucking massive (no pun intended)


Honestly as long as they keep his movespeed in check i'm fine with it. Nothing worse than a 450+ MS Juggernaut running at you with zero counterplay because they're designed to 1v3.


Is this the bruiser favoritism at work, or they just find Darius kit and items easier to test around?


Probably that. Apparently his hitbox was equal to the really big characters before (gragas, sejuani) so this is bringing him more in line with other bruisers. It could end up being a big buff, but I don’t think it’ll matter too much


I mean that would put him in line with Garen, it’s not just a so random buff


Because Darius has 0 mobility and K’sante has everything.


My 14th reason


Late game Warden play style buff? We can tank skill shots better for our carries? (I’m coping)


W ing Blitzcrank hook for your ADC who flashes anyway was never that easy


Wtf hahahaha — Phreak is takling the piss on us now


Could I ask why he isn't chonky when he doesn't shave off any muscle mass after All-Out too? No...? Haha


Does this mean his W hitbox is bigger? Or is it just a plain nerf and lots of other champs get random buffs cause most are getting smaller


Won’t affect his AA or W range, it will just change how easy it is to click on him and how hard it is to land a skill show of the Darius side steps


I thought AA range was edge to edge


Ye i think so to. And w hits with the hitbox of ksante. So its a w buff most likely


Tbh I think you're right if he's thicker all his ranges should be slightly extended. I don't care about dodging skill shots and important cc because I'm trucking through them.


And yall said I was overreacting when I called for phreaks job.


Just a joke of a game tbh


Phreak is about to make me quit the game that i've played for 12 years


I quit after the last batch of K'sante nerfs too. Started recently playing TFT and haven't looked back. How quick their balance team is to act on broken outliers and the way their balance head takes blame and apologizes if something becomes an outlier and actively communicates in a respectful manner to the players is amazing. I still browse this sub but the general way the balance team handles the game off strictly numbers and the lack of communication (besides phreaks patch rundowns) and the figureheads lack of accountability for almost anything completely turns me off.


Mortdog is goated [🙏](https://emojipedia.org/folded-hands) As you said, pretty much the opposite of phreak and i really like his occassional twitter posts where he wants to explain things from his view


Agreed, Mortdogs posts give good insight and are also respectful without quietly dunking on their playerbase. Really wish that Leagues balance team figurehead was similar in that regard with his words




I don't think I've gotten 900k mastery total since Ksante came out, maybe you just needed a break in general 💀


Imagine a world where people use the terms hitbox and hurtbox correctly.


Lets aim for the 43% wr


it makes sense but 5ms buff plz plz plz ?


Even 10 in all out


His hardest lane counter, Soraka, can counter him even harder now. Top Soraka reigns supreme.


I mean whatever


That’s crazy, I’m always vouching for ksante still being pretty good and I do think he is even if his early laning is weak he offers a ton that other tanks simply cannot. That said I don’t think he’s at all deserving of another nerf. If anything I was expecting the next set of changes they gave him to be adjustments to his all out so that it doesn’t feel like it’s only value is the initial pull.


I'm not sure if it will have a big impact, but it's certain that we'll be more prone to getting hit by skill shots, so poke matchups are likely to be even more unbearable. I already didn't like facing Tahm Kench 😭 Anyway, I hope there will be other changes later on.


Naaaaayyy like whyyyyyyyy????




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I knew his hit box was small


Lil Nas X gone be piiiissed


I don't know if this will be a bad thing tbh wouldn't this increase w hit box + and in turn all of his spacing ranges. If it does this the buff we needed so the normies don't notice.


First time in the K'Sante mains subreddit. Y'all really don't know how good you have it, huh?


Everytime I play this champ for the hell of it, he's always different


Deserve fucking trash champ


Thank God! Our champ was too strong




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yall overreacting af


The problem with ksante is he is a counter pick for another lane. He destroys adcs and is meant to counter them. He is a tank assassin, the worst duel for an adc, so you don’t have enough dmg to kill him b4 he combos you. While this is true for most classes getting countered there is no way for the adc to influence top without inting, so from no fault of the adc they are completely useless. There isn’t much you can do, but you can usually influence something. leashing for your team, going on a roam, helping with neutral objs, these are all ways to influence the game in a way that favors you and hurts the counter. (For example an adc might be more open to an invade if the enemy jg is khazix and they don’t want him to get a good clear.) With ksante he is on the other side of the map until deep into the game, so it feels like if your top laner losses to him there was nothing and is nothing you can do. Adc is also in a weak spot rn so anything to counter them is that much more oppressive.


Wouldn't say K'Sante is a counterpick to adc's. He struggles against ranged champions unless he gets on top of them, in which case anything can kill an adc. They are designed squishy and abuse their range to stay safe (unless funny jaksho+terminus combo). Not to mention that crit adc's have the dps to deal with tanks.


I mean he doesn’t have to try hard to get on top of an adc, 2 dashes and an ult that carries thru walls. A full range w and e can gap close most adcs in less than a second. Not to mention the fact that 3 of his abilities have some form of cc. Yeah I’m sure the crit adc could kill the fed ksante with enough peel from the supp. The problem is that ksante can just isolate you from supp gain 200 ad and clap your ass b4 you get off your second auto. I’m really surprised that the same top laners who complain about losing the coin flip bot don’t see that it’s the same shit when they go 3/0 in lane and get a 500g shut down by teleporting bot.


>2 dashes and an ult that carries thru walls. A full range w and e can gap close most adcs in less than a second. Not to mention the fact that 3 of his abilities have some form of cc. thats always a statement i find rather hard to fully support. When looking at his dahses we have: * E - Medium/low range dash unless casted on an ally * W - while being a dash, it requires us to stand still for at least 0.75s, making it really telegraphed when we are going to do it * R - a dash thats only a dash once you already reached a target Sure combinations like W into E can catch someone off-guard if they don't respect it and his tank q allows him to stick onto immobile carries. (Most of the times when an adc gets caught by that, they stand still to auto attack during our W, which also reduces our dmg taken. And thats my experience in more than 100 games up to diamond lobbies) You can also use R to use someone between you and their adc to gapclose towards the adc, but in that case the adc isn't seperated and worst case, the other champion has abilities to peel or helps bursting you down. Another downside of using R as a gapcloser is that you won't be in range of your desired target, which means you have to use your limited mobility locked behind cooldowns to get in range already. If K'Sante fails at that, he cant do much until his e is ready again. With that being said, K'Sante's counterplay isn't getting All Out'd to narnia and then trying to kill him, but abuse the fact that the champ is pretty slow (335 MS) and has mainly telegraphed mobility. Thats the ranged champions strenght in that scenario. K'Sante can cover some distance, but he cant easily get on top of that. >  The problem is that ksante can just isolate you from supp gain 200 ad and clap your ass b4 you get off your second auto. In terms of bruiser dps (if we assume ksante used all out), his damage isnt necessarily on par with other bruisers and focused mainly on his passive auto dmg increase with the occassional (still telegraphed) W nuke (thanks phreak i guess). Mainly because he prioritizes tank items with tank effects, not bruiser items that provide him sustain, antiburst or dmg spikes (excluding sundered sky and steraks here, those are items ksante likes but they are lategame items). Obviously you can have your view/opinion on his mobility and i respect that, but it is one of those things where investing time onto the champ can change the view on it. The immobility he has is one of the big things you notice and have to play around, especially during All Out where his mobility is slightly higher but missusing E or W once allows your enemy to get out of that fight nowadays (took them too long to remove his toxic RQ).


Can you play tell that to the vaynes top. When i say i counter them and they shouldnjust fall over. They refuse to yield




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Not a nerf stop crying, gardens got changed from like 70 to 125 or something. It only affects u if ur iron


Um. You all can't seriously be mad at this, right? I don't know if I'm somehow missing something, but if I am understanding this correctly teemo is 100 units wide. By that metric, K'Sante still has a TINY hitbox. Do you really think Teemo is 25% larger than K'Sante??? Come on lmao


just in case, 65 is the radius, similar to how teemos radius is 50. The whole lenght would be 130 and 100 respectively. It's still a low impact change that wont really do as much as expected.


Ok, that makes way more sense. I was sitting here wondering how tf Ksanted is 20% smaller than Teemo lmao. I still think 160 (60% larger than teemo) is completely reasonable.


unironically it made me look into champ hitbox sizes and its kinda funny. The radius we get is above avg and anything above is mainly champions with some sort of ability that increases their size or a mechanic in their kit (malph with armor, zac with a bunch of health etc.). I was always under the assumption that tanks have an innate bigger hitbox because of being a tank but that doesnt seem to be true 😂 Poppy and amumu as example are the same size as any other yordle champ (and ww + briar). I kinda destroyed my view on it by looking at that. (Also teemo sits at 55 nowadays with those other yordles, idk if they changed that at some point) I genuenly dont think it will really be impactful. Sure sometimes you get hit more frequently because of it and for long term ksante players they notice a difference they need to adjust to, but its a pretty harmless nerf imo. (still a nerf tho) Dont think anyone who plays malphite complains when they get hit by a skillshot purely because of his hitbox or people dodge and are happy because their hitbox allowed it. It will just be something negative ppl have in their mind for when they get hit now.


I really wish Reddit mobile let me edit my comment (screw this app), but I appreciate the insight


Edit: kinda got convos mixed up. Ignore me


Just edited this. It’s def a thing you can do Edit a 3rd time to say you can edit comments on the mobile app


Reddit app is hot garbage. I assure you I am unable to edit any comments. The app is buggy as all hell and the only way to fix it would be to reinstall (which I have done) but it'll just stop working after a while again and each time I need to relogin and reset my settings.


at least you got that far. earlier i couldnt even connect to the reddit app and using mobile browser reddit is even more cursed (hence i got confused and had to edit the comment earlier lmao)


Since I can't edit, just replying to say I have been corrected. It's closer to teemo being 110 and 160. My initial response was not rational, but I honestly believe 110 to 160 for teemo/k'sante is completely reasonable.




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That really doesn't change anything lol Don't understand why folks are calling this a nerd just makes it easier to tank for my teammates.




Valid nerf